Training Academy on the Black Sea Programme Funding opportunities for the Black Sea Region Bucharest, 2 October 2014 Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 1. Horizon 2020 What is it? - Horizon 2020 is the EU Research and Innovation Programme - 80 billion euros available for 2014-2020 What is the aim? - To remove the barriers to innovation - Produce world class science - Make it easier for public and private sectors to work together Eligible countries? - EU member states, Azerbaijan Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 1. Horizon 2020 - Programme topics Excellent Science Industrial Leadership Societal Challenges Helping researchers pursue innovative areas of science Supporting future and emerging technologies Promoting crossborder and cross sector mobility Developing research infrastructure Promoting leadership in enabling and industrial technologies Increasing access to risk finance Developing innovation in SMEs Health, demographic change and wellbeing Sustainable agriculture Europe in a changing world Energy efficiency and green transport Environment and resource efficiency Maritime research Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 1. Horizon 2020 - Call for proposals The European Union, Turkey & its wider neighbourhood: challenges and opportunities Topic To identify the challenges and opportunities for further integration of Turkey in the EU, research should also consider the impact on relations with other regions including the Caucasus Results expected A better understanding of the challenges facing the EU neighbourhood and enlargement policies Opening Date 10 December 2014 Deadline 28 May 2015 Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 1. Horizon 2020 - Call for proposals The European Union and the Eastern Partnership Topic Research to consider the bilateral relations between the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries as well as relations between these countries themselves. This call focuses in particular on Moldova and Ukraine. Results expected Identification of the progress and remaining problems with relations between the EU and partner countries. Develop a better understanding of EU partners and determine challenges to EU’s neighbourhood policies Opening date 10 December 2014 Deadline 28 May 2015 Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 1. Horizon 2020 - Call for proposals Encouraging the research and innovation cooperation between the Union and selected regional partners Topic Promote cooperation between researchers from the EU and the following targeted regions; Southern Mediterranean, Neighbourhood and Eastern Partnership Results expected Set up web-based information systems Awareness raising and information dissemination activities or the organisation of events, conferences and workshops Establish frameworks to facilitate international cooperation 10 December 2015 Opening date Deadline 12 May 2015 Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 2. European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) What is it? - One of the goals of Cohesion Policy, ETC provides resources for joint actions and policy exchanges. - 8,9 billion euros available for 2014-2020 - To further territorial integration cooperation in What is by thedeveloping aim? specific policy areas - INTERREG Europe Relevant ETC programmes - Danube Transnational Programme Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 2. INTERREG Europe What is it? - One of ETC’s interregional programmes, INTERREG Europe is the successor of INTERREG IVC - 359 million euros is available for 2014-2020 What is the aim? - To reinforce the effectiveness of cohesion policy - Promotes the exchange of experience through sharing of knowledge and transfer of best practices between regional Eligible countries and local authorities Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 3. INTERREG Europe - Thematic priorities - Selected number of priorities to create maximum impact - Priorities will contribute to the implementation of the programmes under the Investment for Growth and Jobs goal. - Thematic objectives are also in line with the smart and sustainable growth pillars of the Europe 2020 strategy Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 3. INTERREG Europe - 4 thematic priorities Strengthening research, technological development and innovation Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors Enhancing R&I infrastructures and centres of excellence Promoting business investments in R&I and synergies between stakeholders Promoting technology transfer, ecoinnovation, social innovation, clusters and networking Promoting low-carbon strategies in all areas in particular urban areas Promoting green growth, ecoinnovation and environmental performance management in the public and private sectors Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs Conserving, promoting, protecting and developing natural cultural heritage Supporting the capacity of SMEs to compete in regional, national and international markets Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 3. INTERREG Europe - Types of actions Interregional Cooperation Projects - Projects should improve the implementation of policies by supporting an exchange of practice - A co-financing rate of 85% Examples of actions - Elaboration of Action Plans - Studies and analyses of policies - Study visits - Capacity building events - Pilot actions Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 3. INTERREG Europe - Types of actions Policy Learning Platforms - Exploiting the results of the Interregional cooperation projects by making them available to a wider public - 100% financing rate Examples of actions - Publications of recommendations or an overview of successful examples - Peer reviews - Seminars Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 3. INTERREG Europe - Next steps 2 - 3 December 2014: Launch of INTERREG Europe Mid-February 2015: First call for proposals open Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 4. Danube Transnational Programme What is it? - A new transnational programme following on from the South-East Europe programme - 263 million euros is available for 2014-2020 What is the aim? - To support the development of the macro regional strategy for the Danube region - To reinforce territorial integration in the Danube region and to tackle common obstacles Eligible countries - Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 4. Danube Transnational Programme - 4 thematic priorities Innovative and socially responsible Danube region - Key themes include eco-innovation, knowledge transfer, cluster policy and social innovation Specific objectives - Develop innovation strategies that go beyond national borders - Improving research infrastructure including pan-European infrastructures - Increase skills and knowledge and promote entrepreneurship - Improve cooperation between all stakeholders - Better access to finance - Support innovative public procurement Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 4. Danube Transnational Programme - 4 thematic priorities Types of actions - Implementing joint strategies and action plans to strengthen human resources and knowledge development - Create new on build on existing transnational educational and training networks in higher education - Develop joint strategies to tackle common challenges such as demographic change and brain-drain - Jointly develop innovative related services and qualification offers Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 4. Danube Transnational Programme - 4 thematic priorities Environment and culture responsible Danube region Two key themes: Natural and cultural heritage valorisation and restoring and managing ecological corridors Specific objectives - Joint and integrated approached to preserve natural and cultural assets - Promoting cultural heritage and diversity - Creating and maintaining ecological corridors - Disaster prevention and disaster management Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 4. Danube Transnational Programme - 4 thematic priorities Types of actions - Developing clusters and networks to ensure the preservation of cultural heritage - Organise events to increase the visibility of joint actions - Support capacity building for public and private institutions -heritage Developatthe risk management plans for cultural and natural risk of climate change -environment Support activities that promote cultural exchanges and education -atDevelop joint strategies for risk prevention and management transnational level Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 4. Danube Transnational Programme - 4 thematic priorities Better connected and energy responsible Danube region Three main themes: Enhancing regional mobility, developing environmentally-friendly and low carbon transport systems and improving energy efficiency Specific objectives - Improving regional energy planning and coordination and developing smart distribution systems - Removing obstacles to regional mobility and developing capacity building and training. - Improving connectivity to Ten-T network - Promoting sustainable transport systems through coordinated strategies Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 4. Danube Transnational Programme - 4 thematic priorities Types of actions - Developing intermodel strategies for the Danube region to improve regional connectivity - Increasing the regional mobility of citizens and businesses -and Exchange of good practices to improve public transport links water infrastructure -friendly Platforms to help finance, plan and manage environmentally transport corridors -removing Improve obstacles the efficiency of cross-border movements by and harmonizing rules Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 4. Danube Transnational Programme - 4 thematic priorities Well governed Danube region Main themes: Multilevel and transnational governance and the governance of the EUSDR Specific objectives - Develop the capacities of public authorities to better tackle the challenges facing the region - Improve legal and policy frameworks - Improve regions’ ability to develop complex transnational projects - Improve the effectiveness of coordination and implementation of the EUSDR Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 4. Danube Transnational Programme - 4 thematic priorities Types of actions -- Exchange of best practices on labour market and social inclusion policies -and Increase the institutional capacity to implement education training programmes -and Develop networks to increase cooperation between urban rural areas -asEstablish a facility for direct support to EUSDR governance well as a project development fund facility -on Create a EUSDR focal point to provide general information EUSDR Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 4. Danube Transnational Programme - Next steps End 2014: Final programme to be submitted End 2015: First call for proposals to open Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 5. Eastern Partnership Territorial Cooperation Programme (EaPTC) What is it? - A cross-border cooperation programme financed by the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument - 3,3 million available for the Moldova-Ukraine programme - Maximum co-financing rate 90% What is the aim? - To develop cross border contacts between local authorities, communities and civil society organisations - Further territorial cooperation to improve social and economic development Eligible countries - Moldova and Ukraine (Odessa, Vinnytsya, Chernivtsi oblasts) Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 5. EaPTC - Moldova-Ukraine operational objectives Improving the living conditions of local communities - Promotion of closer business links across the border - Diversification of rural income sources and development of alternative employment opportunities in rural areas Types of actions - Exchange of good practices to enhance the competitiveness of regional economies - Promoting entrepreneurship among young people in rural areas - Education and training for employees Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 5. EaPTC - Moldova-Ukraine operational objectives Culture, Education and Sports - Promotion of multi-cultural diversity and social integrity of ethnical minorities across the border - Facilitation of people-to-people links between youth organisation in social issues, culture, education and sports Types of actions - Joint efforts to integrate ethnic minorities - Organising joint cultural and youth events - Cooperation between youth organisations in education, culture and sports - Developing cross-border exchange programmes between schools and other education an cultural institutions Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 5. EaPTC - Moldova-Ukraine operational objectives Addressing common challenges - Solving cross-border environmental problems Types of actions - Joint monitoring and management of water resources between Moldova and Ukraine - Working together to restore water supply systems and addressing relevant pollution issues - Developing joint approaches to waste collection, management and recycling - Raising awareness of cross-border environmental issues and their consequences Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 5. Eastern Partnership Territorial Support Programme What is it? - This programme focuses on empowering local and regional authorities to better manage and participate in the EaPTC - Based on public call for proposals, projects require participants from both Ukraine and Moldova What is the aim? - Institutional building - addressing obstacles and identifying key actors to improve the implementation of the EaPTC programme - Capacity building - addressing capacity gaps and raising awareness of territorial cooperation Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘ 5. EaPTC - Next steps 6 October 2014: Final meeting to finalise operational programme End 2014: Call for proposals expected to open Assembly of European Regions ❘ 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 Strasbourg ❘ 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Brussels ❘