One-stop-shop Online reports E.S.P Servicing & support Waste auditing Dry Mixed & Training Recyclables Cardboard Recycling Glass Recycling Supply of waste & recycling equip Wood & pallets Anaerobic Digestion (AD) and Composting General waste Compliance schemes Clinical Waste disposal Confidential Waste disposal Food (nonABP) Recycling Plastic Recycling Hazardous Waste disposal Metal recycling Effluent/Bulk Liquid disposal & recycling Oil recycling Office recycling Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Food & Animal By-products Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 WEEE A.B.P Dry Mixed Recyclables (DMR) Acceptable materials Paper, Cardboard, Plastic, Metal Benefits Multiple recyclable materials accepted making recycling easier Diversion from landfill and landfill tax Collection methods 660 / 1100 litre bins F.E.L.’s / R,E,L.’s Compacted via skip or RORO compactor Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Cardboard Recycling Acceptable materials Uncontaminated cardboard Benefits Potential rebate for large quantities of mill sized bales Diversion from landfill and landfill tax Collection methods Baled format small, medium and large (Mill sized) Full load 48 mill sized bales (24 tonnes) 660 / 1100 litre bins F.E.L.’s / R,E,L.’s Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Glass Recycling Acceptable materials Mixed Glass or segregated glass by colour Benefits Diversion from landfill Avoiding high tonnage charges on general waste Collection methods 240 litre bins Bottle banks Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Wood Pallet Recycling Acceptable materials Unbroken and broken pallets Benefits Potential rebate for unbroken pallets ideally full loads Diversion from landfill and landfill tax Avoiding high general waste tonnage Collection methods Full load 350 pallets Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 General Waste Acceptable materials All mixed waste provided it is non hazardous Benefits Little segregation required Can be sent waste to energy rather than landfill to improve environmental impact Collection methods 660 / 1100 litre bins F.E.L.’s / R,E,L.’s Compacted via skip or RORO compactor Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Compliance Schemes Benefits Our compliance schemes can be incorporated with our other services to ensure you are completely compliant. An audit is the first step to determine if you qualify for any of these schemes. Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Food & Drink Waste Recycling Acceptable materials Food / liquids only Food / liquids including primary packaging Benefits Diversion from landfill and landfill tax Avoiding the harmful release of methane into the atmosphere Collection methods 240 / 500 litre bin Bionova onsite aerobic digester (Food waste to energy) Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Plastic Recycling Acceptable materials Uncontaminated plastic Benefits Potential rebate for large quantities of mill sized bales Diversion from landfill and landfill tax Collection methods Baled format small, medium and large (Mill sized) Full load 48 mill sized bales (24 tonnes) 660 / 1100 litre bins F.E.L.’s / R,E,L.’s Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Effluent / Bulk Liquid Disposal & Recycling Acceptable materials Drainage interceptor Oil interceptor Grease traps Benefits Clearance of drainage to avoid overflows and blockages Collection methods Interceptor tanker lorry Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Food and ABP Acceptable materials Category 1, 2 and 3 animal by product Benefits Diversion from landfill and landfill tax Avoiding the harmful release of methane into the atmosphere Collection methods 240 / 500 litre bin Bionova onsite aerobic digester (Food waste to energy) Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 W.E.E.E. Acceptable materials All forms of waste electrical and electronic equipment; including florescent tubes and computer equipment. Benefits Ensures you are fully compliant and no hazardous material goes into the general waste. Allows forms of hazardous materials to be recycled. Collection methods WEEE coffins for florescent tubes and computer equipment WEEE equipment palletised and charged per item Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Office Recycling Acceptable materials Paper Benefits Diversion from landfill and landfill tax Collection methods 660 / 1100 litre bins Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Oil Recycling Acceptable materials Used vegetable oil Used engine oil Benefits Potential rebate for stored quantities of vegetable oil Potential free of charge collections for stored quantities of engine oil Collection methods 25 / 240 litre drums IBC Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Metal Recycling Acceptable materials All forms of non-hazardous metals Mixed and segregated Benefits Potential rebates for full skips of metal Collection methods Variety of skip sizes open and closed top Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Hazardous Waste Disposal Acceptable materials Specific collections for all types of hazardous material Benefits Divert hazardous waste from landfill Ensure compliant with legislation Collection methods From oily rag 240 litre bins to asbestos skips Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Confidential Waste Disposal Acceptable materials Paper Benefits Secure disposal of sensitive material diversion from landfill and landfill tax Collection methods Collection of bags Onsite shredding and collection Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Clinical Waste Disposal Acceptable materials There are specific services for specific materials including: blood contaminated materials, sharps and medicines Benefits Ensures health and safety compliance Disposes correctly of potentially harmful materials Collection methods Spillage kits Sharps bins Bagged waste Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Anaerobic Digestion & Composting Acceptable materials Food waste Garden / green waste Animal waste Benefits Diversion from landfill and landfill tax Avoiding the harmful release of methane into the atmosphere Collection methods Bionova onsite aerobic digester (Food waste to energy) 240 / 1100 litre bins Compacted via swept ram compactor Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Supply of Waste & Recycling Equipment Equipment Compactors/ balers Onsite food waste to energy Solar panels Internal and external bins Clear and black bags Benefits Best environmental option through reduced transport movement Maximum rebate from recyclables On site renewable energy from waste and sunlight Equipment to make segregation practical operationally Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Servicing & Support Service 24/7 service support for equipment Full breakdown coverage – fast response time within 48 hours Machine servicing Experienced engineers Benefits Reduced breakdowns Fast resolutions to problems 24/7 support for all business types Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Online Reports – E.S.P. Benefits Tracks all waste collections online Easy reporting of your collections Order services online Keep compliance documents online Keeps you up to date with legislation updates and news Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555 Waste Auditing & Training Benefits Full training on equipment Site audits for waste management improvements Operational recycling training and assistance Please call the office for a quote 08700 777 555