HF Training Course Notes

D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
What we need to know
before using
Hydrofluoric acid (abbv,
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers..
Firstly, ask yourself‘DO I REALLY NEED
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
Risk phrase number: R-26/27/28-35 ie. Very toxic by inhalation,
in contact with skin, and if swallowed. Causes severe burns.
HF compatabiltiy/incompatabilites.
Detailed risk assessment of our proposed procedure.
Preparation of work area/Work practice/Warning signage
Personal Protective Equipment procedures-P.P.E.
Storage and containment of acid and its associated wastes.
Special first aid emergency procedures.
Spillage/Spillage containment procedures
The researcher must receive HF Training and sign off on same.
This presentation covers all of the above.
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
Materials Incompatabilities:
Avoid metals, alkali metals, strong bases, PVC,
glass,living tissue. Check literature if in doubt, or
Materials Compatabilities:
Teflon, H.D.Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Butyl
Rubber, etc. Check literature if in doubt, or internet
We need to consider every piece of equipment that
will come in contact with the HF during our process,
and containment of same should HF escape during
our process.
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
Risk Assessment
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
Detailed description of procedure in writing to be
Procedure should involve the minimum exposure of
operator to hydrofluoric acid as much as is
reasonably practical!!
Submit to School Safety Advisor/Assistant School
Safety advisor for risk assessment.
Final approval by Head of School (or University Safety
Officer where necessary).
All involved personnel to receive training and sign off
on training received.
All safety equipment provided and in place.
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
Preparation of work
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
In house warning signs at work area/fumehood*.
All work carried out in a fumehood.
Visual inspection of fumehood before use.
Warning signs on door to laboratory.
Inform all personnel of intention to work with HF.
Absolutely no lone working! Buddy system at all times!
Absolutely no working after normal university hours ie. 9- 5.15
All safety precautions and basic safety equipment/P.P.E. present
HF skin antidote Calcium gluconate gel(available from stores)
Emergency shower/running water wash facility present in work area,
essential where large volumes of acid are being used..
‘Dry run’ the proposed HF procedure using water.
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
Buttoned lab coat and safety glasses* must be
worn at all times.
Face shield* (Available from Farnell Part no.323902 or Part
no. 323903) must be worn at all times.
Protective apron* (Available from Radionics Part no.111295) must be worn at all times.
Gloves* (eg. ‘NITRA FINE PF Polyco Super Glove’-’MAXTER’
available from stores X1-61) must be worn prt. when in
contact with open containers of acid.
Work in secondary containment as much as
physically practical i.e. catch trays etc.
If HF comes in contact with any item of P.P.E.
during course of work, remove immediately!!
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
Keep need for wearing gloves to a minimum eg.
When working with open containers of acid!!
Use ‘NITRA FINE PF Polyco Super Glove’ or equivalent eg.
‘Maxter’ brand -available from Chemistry stores- Room X164- (Penetration time is 10 mins for a splash of 48% HF
Visually inspect glove for any visible tears/defects before
placing on hands.
Ensure correct size is selected to fit on hand.
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
If acid comes in contact with gloves during
work, get buddy to turn on tap/use barrier
before touching tap- rinse thoroughly under
running water, remove and place used gloves
in a labelled container*. Use fresh gloves if
work is to continue.
Demonstration of gloving/de-gloving*.
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
Storage of
Hydrofluoric acid
and its associated
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
During routine use, all HF acid/acid waste will be stored in
acids cabinet and/or secondary containment as applicable.
Storage area to carry warning notification
Containers to be used for acid and acid waste are typically
Hi-density polyethylene/Hi density polypropylene*. Empty
containers can be obtained from Chemical Stores Room
X1-61 (eg. Reagcon Part No. FB51442)
All HF acid/acid waste containers must be completely free
of external hydrofluoric acid contamination. If external
contamination is suspected (carry out simple check using
moist blue litmus paper-paper turns red in presence of
acid), subsequent decontamination will be carried out by
washing same externally,(with lid on) with copious
amounts of cold flowing water.
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
First aiders to wear gloves when treating
victim, particularly if using calcium gluconate
The single most effective thing you can do
where a splash of hydrofluoric acid to the
body has occurred, is to irrigate the affected
area with copious amounts of flowing water
and seek professional medical help
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
If acid is in contact with eyes- Rinse with
copious amounts of water. Seek first
aid/technical assistance immediately!
Hospitalisation will be necessary in
Beaumont A and E .
If acid is in contact with skin-Rinse with
copious amounts of water. Massage calcium
gluonate gel to affected area if in pain.
Hospitalisation will be necessary in
Beaumont A and E .
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
If acid is ingested, rinse out mouth with water. Seek
first aid/technical assistance immediately!
Hospitalisation will be necessary in Beaumont
A and E . Inform hospital that hydrofluoric acid
is involved!
If acid is inhaled, evacuate to fresh air. Seek first
aid/technical assistance immediately!
Hospitalisation will be necessary in Beaumont
A and E . Inform hospital that hydrofluoric acid
is involved!
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
In the event of spillage of acid or acid waste while being
stored or generated irrespective of volume..
Stop working immediately. Only use acid spill material
if safe to do so. Place spill material in spill area. (Spill-X-A
material from Lennox ltd. Cat No. 263/0920/14)
Remove gloves and other P.P.E. that may have potentially
in contact with spilled acid.
Evacuate all personnel from the laboratory and lock door.
Post Hydrofluoric Acid Spill-Do not Enter until
Further Notice-Date!’ on Lab door.
Inform technical staff/Damien McGuirk immediately,
detailing volume of spill, location, room number etc.
D.C.U. School of Chemical SciencesHydrofluoric acid Safety awareness
training programme for researchers.
This seminar has covered
basic training on
Hydrofluoric acid. Please
sign attendance record.
 Remember…IF IN ANY