Athena Innovation. Knowledge. Experience DRS-2-2014 Crisis management topic 2 Contribution as a partner Peretz Gurel +972-54-4734045 DRS-2-2014 Crisis management topic 2 Topic: Tools for detection, traceability, triage and individual monitoring of victims after a mass CBRN contamination and/or exposure Contribution of Athena • Monitor social media • Analysis and extraction of relevant entities • Indicate locations with high probability of CBRN symptoms Why Athena A leading global security solutions provider, with end-to-end services and products for the government sector, the public sector and private organizations worldwide. Relevant Products: • SAIP: Strategic Actionable Intelligence Platform • CY-HUMINT: Cyber Human Intelligence Relevant Experience Designed and developed • by Intelligence experts • for intelligence experts SAFEE FP6 Partner INFRA FP7 Coordinator SafeCity FP7 WP Leader ARGOS WP Leader FP7