
Company Contacts
SQE Manager – Tania Hood (0451 518 170)
Accounts Administrator (Payroll) – Rae Taylor (0488 300 058)
Human Resources – Rachael Carberry (0450 608 206)
Traffic Contacts
Operations Manager – Warren Ralph (0408 811 751)
Scheduler – Caz Baker (0451 518 149)
Scheduler – Wayne Hill (0457 084 073)
Mining Contacts
Operations Manager – Glen Avery (0488 657 752)
Electrical Manager – Phil Jay (0448 952 333)
Contract Admin - Nathan Di Camillo (0488 300 017)
SQE Management System
Contraflow have a Safety, Quality and Environmental Management
system certified against ISO9001: 2008 AS/NZSISO 14001: 2004 and
AS/NZS 4801: 2001
The presentation that follows will give you the knowledge and
information of Contraflow’s work systems, to enable you to
commence your employment.
A full detailed library is located in the Human Resources office.
Quality Policy
It is our policy that all employees accept their share of responsibility
for identifying customer needs and expectations and ensuring that the
delivered level of customer service and product quality meets or
exceeds these expectations
Senior management have created an awareness of the need to fulfil
customer expectations through the establishment of policies,
objectives, procedures and systems based on the requirements of
the international standard AS/NZS 9001: 2008.
Management will take effective action to ensure resolution of
problems and continual improvement in our operating practices.
This policy of continual improvement coupled with the provision
of adequate human resources and a clear understanding of
customer requirements will lead to strengthening consumer
confidence in our ability to provide excellent products and
OHS Policy
The Organisation is committed to establishing measurable objectives and targets wherever
reasonably practicable and to continually improve OH&S performance through the
implementation of the following
Identify and reduce, where practical, the risks of all types of work activities that
have the potential to produce personal injury or occupational illness
Provide instruction, training and supervision to improve individual
understanding of workplace hazards, including safe work practices and
emergency procedures
Involve individuals in occupational health and safety matters and consult with
them on ways to recognise, evaluate and control workplace hazards
Ensure that everyone (including visitors and contractors) comply with
appropriate standards and workplace directions to protect their own and others
health and safety at work
Provide adequate systems and resources to effectively manage rehabilitation
and return to work processes
By conducting regular inspections of the workplace aimed at preventing
accidents and incidents
Recording, analysing and reviewing all Incident Reports to provide a basis for
achieving the set target
Environmental Policy
Contraflow aims to achieve this through the implementation of the following
Assess and regularly re-assess the environmental effects of the Organisation’s activities
Continual and regular training of employees in environmental issues
Minimise the production of waste
Minimise energy wastage
Promote the use of recyclable and renewable materials
Reduce and/or limit the production of pollutants to water, land and air
Control noise emissions from operations
Minimise the risk to the general public and employees from operations and activities
undertaken by the Organisation
Drug and Alcohol Policy
Contraflow is committed to the Health and Safety of its employees, clients, the community and the
environment by ensuring a safe, healthy and productive workplace. Contraflow recognizes that the
use of illicit substances, alcohol and prescription drugs by its employees can have serious adverse
effects on the safety and well being of employees, other contractors, the public, client personnel,
their property and the environment.
No employee shall be permitted to consume or use alcohol or any illicit substance, during or immediately
prior to working hours, and/or while on Company property, or that of clients
No employee shall be permitted to be under the influence of alcohol, any illicit substances, medication, or
any other substance which may, during or immediately prior to working hours, and/or while on Company
property, or that of clients, adversely affect their performance
No employee shall use, distribute, possess, sell or solicit the use of alcohol, unprescribed drugs for which
a prescription is legally required in Australia, illicit substances or illicit drug paraphernalia during
working hours and/or while on Company or client property
No employee shall be permitted to work if considered unfit due to presence in the body or after-effects
of alcohol, illicit drugs, unprescribed drugs for which a prescription is legally required in Australia, or
the intentional misuse of medication
Any employee refusing to comply with these principles, the testing procedure or, as a result of
testing, is found to have substance levels in the body will be the subject of disciplinary action
with immediate and permanent removal from the company
Employee Duty of Care
Section 20 of the OHS Act 1984 identifies employee’s obligations to:
• Ensure his/her own safety at work
Avoid adversely affecting the health and safety of others
• Comply with instructions on health and safety given by the employer
• Use protective clothing that is provided by the employer
• Not to misuse equipment provided for health and safety
• Report all incidents
Penalties for Breaching Employee Duty of Care to a maximum of $25,000
Employer Duty of Care
Section 19 of the OHS Act 1984 identifies employers obligations to:
• Provide and maintain work places including plant and equipment so
not to expose employees to unnecessary hazards
• Provide training and instruction
• Consult and Co-operate with OHS Representatives
Maximum Penalties up to $250,000
Daily Standard Operation
Conduct vehicle pre-start checks before leaving depot.
Drive safely, obey all road rules, secure loads and maintain safe vehicle operation.
Conduct a Job risk Assessment/Toolbox Meeting prior to starting any work with all
members of the crew.
When completing the JRA, ensure all individuals understand and sign the JRA. Ensure
adequate risk controls are in place to manage hazards, traffic and the client and public.
Ensure all crew members have correct protective equipment and are in a neat and
clean state.
All crew members must have the knowledge and certificates to work, qualifications must
be carried on the individual and be available
Necessary permits must be signed by relevant individuals and kept on site
All necessary documents (JRA, Permits, Daily report sheets, etc.) are to be maintained in
good order, signed by relevant people and handed to administration.
Incidents are to be reported to the supervisor as soon as practical and an incident report
completed and handed to supervisor immediately or as soon as practical
Customer Site Rules
In addition to Contraflow procedures when on a customer’s site
you must abide by the customers site rules which will be
explained on site.
Hazard Identification
What to look for…
• Circumstances that have the POTENTIAL to give rise to an injury
or incident
• What activities you will be undertaking on site
• What could go wrong
• How the work is organised
• What equipment is on site
 Who is on site
Hazard Controls
How to reduce the risk…
Hierarchy of Control
• Elimination – Can the Hazard be eliminated entirely?
• Substitution – Are you able to substitute the Hazard?
• Engineering controls – Changing the hazard to reduce severity
• Administrative (procedural) controls – What procedures does
Contraflow have to assist in controlling the hazard?
• Personal protective equipment – Ensure all available PPE is being
JRA – Job Risk Assessment
• Used to record hazards on the job site specific to the
task being completed and control measures to reduce
the risk
• Must be completed daily for each job
• Entire job crew to identify hazards as a group
• Complete JRA in a group environment
Minimum PPE Requirements:
• Eye Wear
• High Visibility Clothing
• Hard Hat
• Gloves
• Steel Cap Boots
• Full Body Safety Harness when working at Heights
• Face Protection
Fatigue Management
Working Hours
• Maximum allowable working hours is 16 per day
• You must have a 10 hour break between shifts
• No more than 84 hours per week
• Maximum 13 day fortnight
Any breaches result in loss of hours
How to recognise Fatigue
• Feeling tired or sleepy, or not feeling refreshed after sleep
• Blurred vision
• Feeling drowsy/relaxed
• Increased irritability
• Finding it difficult to keep your eyes open
• Taking more frequent naps during leisure hours
• Excessive head nodding or yawning
• Finding it difficult to concentrate and/or making more mistakes
than usual
• Increased absenteeism
• Repeatedly moving off track while driving plant or vehicles
• Involved in near miss incidents
Emergency Procedures
An emergency may be classified as, but is not limited to:
• An accident causing injury that required urgent
medical treatment
• Any case of collapse, unconsciousness or heat
• An electrocution
• A major collision causing injury
• Contact by a machine with power lines
• Rescue of a worker suspended at height
• Rescue of worker/s trapped in a confined space
An emergency may be classified as, but is not limited to:
Discovery of a fire that cannot be controlled
A major subsidence of a trench or pit that places persons at risk
Natural Disasters
General Approach
Isolate evacuated area
If required, provide First Aid or reassurance to the injured personnel
Liaise with emergency services on resuming normal operations
Advise personnel and visitors/contractors of expected duration of disruption
Do not enter evacuated area or resume normal activities until cleared to do so
Initial Response…
The alert shall be raised by the person who has witnessed the emergency onsite. The
instructions evacuate to the Assembly Point will be given by the crew leader by Verbal
Instructions to all staff onsite.
Medical Emergency
• Assess the scene and identify the potential risks involved.
• Remove or isolate the risk or danger that surrounds the injured
personnel if safe to do so.
• Contact the Project Management Team and inform them of the
• Trained officer to render first aid if safe to do so
If unusual smoke is noticed anywhere in your workplace the
following measures should be obeyed:
• Raise the alarm in the form of yelling “FIRE” three times.
• Remain clam and do not leave the area, unless your safety is
• If fire can be extinguished without personal risk, use available
fire fighting equipment provided.
• All unnecessary personnel must follow the emergency evacuation
procedure and report to the muster point to be accounted for.
Environmental Spills
The crew leader shall follow the environmental spill procedure as
contained in the Environmental Management Plan.
Electric Shock
All electric shocks must be reported. In the event of an electric shock
of any kind, the following should occur:
If Contraflow personnel are injured contact the SQE Manager
The person is to be treated and not to return to work until a full medical
clearance is obtained for fitness to return to work
Complete an Incident Report in line with Contraflows procedures
Electrical Storm
• Take shelter in a building or hard top LV
• If no structure is available reach an open, low area and squat down. Do
not stand near lone trees or stand up in a flat open area.
• Avoid Structures like power lines, towers, tall trees, etc.
• Stay away from natural lightning rods (e.g. metal equipment).
• Stay away from bodies of water.
If you are on an isolated, level area and feel your hair stand on end and/or
a tingling feeling, bend down and put your hands on your knees. Do not
lay flat on the ground. When you feel this, it means lightning is about to
Training shall be carried out periodically and shall consist of:
• Training will be provided for Contraflow personnel to identify risks in
their designated work area.
• Emergency drills shall be carried out periodically.
Contraflow recycles all:
• Paper/Glass/Cans.
• Oil Filters.
• Mobile Phones.
• Ink Cartridges.
• Bins are provided at the rear of the workshop
• Hazardous Substances spill kits are also available
• Contraflow has a wash bay using recycled water. All vehicles
must be washed down weekly.
A copy of an Incident Report and Instructions
for completing are included in your Induction
This will cover this later in the induction.
All incidents are required to be reported as
soon as possible at least prior to the end of your
Driver Behaviour
All drivers of company vehicle’s must comply with the Western
Australian Road Rules
Breaches for penalties are:
5 to 10km/h Over
1st Breach: Verbal warning
2nd Breach: 1st Written Warning
3rd Breach: 2nd and final written Warning
4th Breach: Possible Termination
11 to 20km/h Over
1st Breach: 1st Written Warning
2nd Breach: 2nd and Final Written Warning
3rd Breach: Possible Termination
21 to 30km/h Over
1st Breach: 1st and final written warning and withdrawal of driving authority.
Mandatory Alcolizer test. Possible termination at discretion of Mining Manager/
Managing Director /General Manager.
2nd Breach: Termination
Above 30km/hr Termination or immediate removal from site.
Failure to Wear a Seatbelt
1st offence: Verbal warning/file note
2nd offence: First and final written warning
3rd offence: Termination or immediate removal from site
The driver of any vehicle remains the responsible person in control of the vehicle
and will be subject to the same disciplinary action as a passenger who fails to wear
a seat belt
Any person who is involved in a vehicle accident in which it is determined that
excessive speed is a factor will be subject to dismissal if it is clear that speed
and poor driver behaviour was a critical factor.
Continued breaches in excess of Second offences that occur over a time in
excess of 12 months shall result in termination.
Employees, subcontractors or visitors who are stopped for contravention of
speed limits, failing to stop or other inappropriate driving behaviour may
be subject to immediate Alcolizer testing whilst on sites.
Heat Stress
Types of heat stress
• Dehydration – dry skin and lips, thirst and a flushed face
• Heat Fatigue – decline in co-ordination, alertness and performance
• Heat Cramps – cramps in the legs, arms or stomach
• Heat Exhaustion – clammy skin, pale or flushed complexion and
high temperature
• Heat Stroke – Hot, dry and unusually red or spotted skin, chilled
Heat Stress
• Wearing loose fitting, Contraflow approved clothing
• Cover as much skin as possible
• Broad brimmed hat
• Regular application of sun screen
• Regular breaks
• Fluid loading (drink plenty of fluids before work)