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Slides 7 - Indicators and environmental controlling

Environmental controlling and the use of indicators

Slides 7 - Indicators and environmental controlling

Elements of environmental controlling

Environmental policy

Environmental targets






Mass and energy balances


Planning of measures

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Management review

Environmental policy

Continual improvement!


Corrective action

• Monitoring and measurement

• Nonconformance: corrective and preventive action

• Records

• EMS audits


• Structure and responsibility

• Training, awareness, competence

• Communication

• EMS documentation

• Document control

• Operational control

• Measures in case of emergencies


• Environmental aspects

• Legal/other requirements

• Objectives and targets

• Environmental management programme

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A feedback system combines planning, reporting, status analysis, deviation analysis and corrective measures

Planning Status

Corrective action Deviation analysis

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Input/output analysis

 Consistent data

 Illustrates efficiency

 Evaluation criteria:


Financial values

Environmental and toxicological properties

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Safe on the road?

Which indicators?

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Healthy or not?

Which indicators?

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Aims of indicators

 Comparison of the actual to the planned situation

 Comparison of companies

 Comparison of variations over a period of time

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Development of a set of indicators

Mass balances and costs


Set of indicators

Targets: reduction of material losses, substitution, cost reduction, environmental improvement, data compression, presentation, analysis, control, decision making.

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Types of indicators

 Absolute figures:

Basic data (annual consumption, turnover)

Totals (total consumption of halogenated solvents)

Differences (expenses minus earnings)

Average values (half hour averages)

 Related figures:

Relative figures (solvent use per product unit)

Normalized figures (use of halogenated solvents over total use of solvents)

Index figures (trends)

 Systematically derived indicators:

Complex methods for data aggregation

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Indicators – 1

 Non-dimensional indicators

Efficiency, yield (product per input)

Recycling quota

 Material-related indicators

Cross rate between different materials

 Production-related indicators

Material input per production unit

Waste per production unit

 Plant-related indicators

Energy consumption per hour

Energy consumption per m²

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Indicators – 2

 Time-based indicators

Waste per shift

Water consumption per year

 Employee-based indicators

Material consumption per employee (in offices)

Water consumption per employee

 Emission-based indicators

Actual emissions vs. threshold values

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Definition of indicators

 Which figures reflect the targets (of my department) best?

 Which figures are best suited to indicate that these targets are not being met?

 How are critical deviations best measured?

 What is the best way of showing who is responsible for a critical deviation?

 For which indicators is information easily and inexpensively available?

Slides 7 - Indicators and environmental controlling

Slides 7 - Indicators and environmental controlling

Example: “Chicken efficiency”

 Is the ratio of sold fried chicken to waste chicken

 Is the indicator for waste

 Is the most important indicator in the organization

 Does it make sense??

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Difficulties in defining indicators

 Two or more different products in changing quantities:

Weigh, choose a stable baseline

 Changes in products or processes:

Indicators are only one tool and have to be complemented by more information

 Comparability between different companies:

Be careful: you have to know the context

 Different data collection methods:

Standardize data collection

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Definition of targets

Targets could be:

 Legal compliance

 Best available practices and technology

 Minimization of costs

 Continuous improvement

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Targets should be

 S pecific

 M easurable

 A chievable

 R ealistic

 T ime framed

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 Frequency:

Standard reports

Reports on deviation

Reports on demand

 Strictly adapted to the receiver

 Use standardized structure

 Include reference values for comparisons

 Use graphics

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Template for a short report


Raw materials …



Absolute consumption


(Plan) (Actual) Deviation



Slides 7 - Indicators and environmental controlling

We go where we are looking!

Slides 7 - Indicators and environmental controlling

If we know where we want to go, we can take small steps!
