ORIENTATION GUIDE Guide d’orientation des formations de soins en néerlandais à Bruxelles DUTCH-LANGUAGE CARE TRAININGS IN BRUSSELS Oriëntatiegids Nederlandstalige zorgopleidingen in Brussel ORIENTATION GUIDE DUTCH-LANGUAGE CARE TRAININGS IN BRUSSELS ORIËNTATIEGIDS NEDERLANDSTALIGE ZORGOPLEIDINGEN IN BRUSSEL GUIDE D’ORIENTATION DES FORMATIONS DE SOINS EN NÉERLANDAIS À BRUXELLES VOORWOORD De Brusselse zorgsector biedt veel tewerkstellingsmogelijkheden. Mensen met een hart voor de zorgsector kunnen er terecht, of het nu gaat om werkzoekenden, mensen die van carrière willen switchen of laatbloeiers. In deze oriëntatiegids heeft het Huis voor Gezondheid in samenwerking met partners binnen de Brusselse social-profit inschakelingssector Nederlandstalige zorgopleidingen in Brussel en ondersteunende informatie samengebracht. Deze gids heeft de bedoeling om bovengenoemde doelgroepen te helpen in hun zoektocht naar een geschikte Nederlandstalige zorgopleiding. Desalniettemin willen wij met deze publicatie ook geïnteresseerden aanspreken die een andere moedertaal hebben dan het Nederlands. De aanwezigheid van meertalige zorgverleners wordt juist extra gewaardeerd vanwege de multiculturele populatie van de Brusselse patiënten. Deze gids richt zich in tweede instantie ook op consulenten, trajectbegeleiders en ondersteuners die persoonlijke begeleiding bieden bij het oriëntatieproces van hun cliënteel richting zorgopleidingen en zorgwerkveld. Digitale versies van deze oriëntatiegids zijn raadpleegbaar via de websites www.huisvoorgezondheid.be/student/2de-carriere en http://www.schakelsnaarwerk.be/nl/nog-meer-opleidingsinformatie. Deze oriëntatiegids zou niet tot stand zijn gekomen zonder de collegiale samenwerking met partners in de social-profit inschakelingssector. Onze dank gaat in het bijzonder uit naar Tracé Brussel, Vivo, VDAB Brussel, Groep Intro, RIC Foyer, Actiris, Huis van het Nederlands Brussel, Naric Vlaanderen, het Minderhedenforum en Brucovo. Naast deze Nederlandstalige versie is deze publicatie ook in het Frans en Engels uitgebracht. Brussel, februari 2014 Dr. Caroline Verlinde Directeur Team Zorg om Talent Huis voor Gezondheid 3 FOREWORD The health care sector in Brussels offers many employment openings. There are opportunities for anyone with a heart for the care sector, whether they are jobseekers, people looking to switch careers, or late bloomers. In this guide, Huis voor Gezondheid and partners in the Brussels social-profit training sector have listed all the types of Dutch-language care training available in Brussels. The purpose of this guide is to help those in the aforesaid groups in their search for a suitable Dutch-language care course. We are also keen to use this publication to address people who are interested but are not native speakers of Dutch. The presence of multilingual care providers is particularly valued, given the multicultural population of patients in Brussels. In the second place, this guide is intended for career or employment counsellors, advisors and case workers providing individual support to clients who might be interested in care courses and employment in a care profession. Digital versions of this guide can be consluted on the websites www.huisvoorgezondheid.be/student/2de-carriere and http://www.schakelsnaarwerk.be/ nl/nog-meer-opleidingsinformatie This brochure would not have been possible without the collegial cooperation of partners in the social-profit training sector. Particular thanks are due to Tracé Brussel, Vivo, VDAB Brussel, Groep Intro, RIC Foyer, Actiris, Dutch Language House Brussels, Naric Vlaanderen, the Minderhedenforum and Brucovo. The guide is available in Dutch, French and English. Brussels, February 2014 Dr. Caroline Verlinde Director 4 orientation guide Team Zorg om Talent Huis voor Gezondheid AVANT-PROPOS Le secteur bruxellois des soins propose une multitude de possibilités d’emploi. De What satisfaire tous ceux qui se sentent attirés par le secteur: les chercheurs d’emploi, mais aussi les personnes qui veulent se reconvertir/réorienter ou celles avec des ‘vocations tardives’. Grâce à la coopération des partenaires du secteur non marchand bruxellois de la réinsertion sociale, Huis voor Gezondheid a réuni ici toutes les organisations néerlandophones à Bruxelles qui organisent des formations dans le domaine des soins. L’objectif de ce guide est d’aider les groupes-cibles mentionnés ci-dessus dans leur recherche d’une formation de soins en néerlandais appropriée. Notre publication veut aussi sensibiliser les personnes intéressées, dont la langue maternelle n’est pas le néerlandais. Vu la population multiculturelle du groupe de patients bruxellois, la présence de prestataires de soins plurilingues y est même particulièrement appréciée. Ce guide s’adresse en seconde instance aux conseillers, accompagnateurs de parcours et autres soutiens qui offrent une assistance personnelle au cours du processus qui oriente leur clientèle vers les formations de soins et le travail sur le terrain. Les versions digitales de ce guide d’orientation peuvent être consultées via les sites www.huisvoorgezondheid.be/student/2de-carriere et http://www.schakelsnaarwerk.be/nl/nog-meer-opleidingsinformatie. Ce guide d’orientation n’aurait pas vu le jour sans la coopération collégiale des partenaires du secteur non marchand de la réinsertion sociale. Nous tenons à remercier ici tout spécialement Tracé Brussel, Vivo, VDAB Brussel, Groep Intro, RIC Foyer, Actiris, La Maison du Néerlandais Bruxelles, le Minderhedenforum, Brucovo et Naric Vlaanderen. Ce guide est disponible en néerlandais, français et anglais. Bruxelles, février 2014 Dr. Caroline Verlinde Directeur L’équipe Zorg om Talent Huis voor Gezondheid 5 SURF AS WELL TO THE WEBSITES schakels naarwerk.be huisvoor gezondheid.be/ student/ 2de-carriere INHOUD CONTENT 12 inleiding – INTRODUCTION 19 1 Onthaal, oriëntatie en begeleiding RECEPTION, ORIENTATION AND COUNSELLING 20 1.1. Actiris, de weg naar werk – Actiris, the way to work 21 1.2. Begeleiding Zoeken naar Werk – Seeking career couselling 23 1.3. Jobfocus en Self’Actiris – Jobfocus and Self’Actiris 24 1.4. Brusselse Werkwinkels – Brussels Werkwinkels 26 1.5.Loopbaanbegeleiding – Career counselling sessions 27 1.6. 27 1.7. 29 1.8. OCMW – Public centre for social welfare Brussels Onthaalbureau voor nieuwkomers Brussels reception agency for integration Inleefmomenten – opportunities for experience 33 2 Nederlands leren en oefenen LEARNING AND EXERCISING DUTCH 34 2.1. Huis van het van Nederlands Brussel The dutch language house in Brussels 35 2.2. CBE Brusselleer 35 2.3. Beroepsgericht Nederlands Vocational dutch 38 2.4. Nederlands bij de Centra voor volwassen­onderwijs Dutch in a centre for adult education 40 2.5. Taaloefenmomenten bij Bru-taal en via vrijwilligerswerk Opportunities to practise dutch with Bru-taal and volunteers 41 2.6. ‘Taalbad (Nederlands) en sollicitatie­vaardigheden’ bij Vokans ‘Language immersion (Dutch) and job application skills’ with vokans 45 3 Financiële ondersteuning bij het volgen van een opleiding FINANCIAL SUPPORT IN TAKING A COURSE 46 3.1. 48 3.2. Financiële ondersteuning bij het volgen van een vdab-erkende opleiding Financial support when taking a vdab-recognized course Tussenkomsten opleidingen die niet door de vdab erkend worden support for courses not recognized by the vdab 53 4 Kinderopvang – DAYCARE FOR CHILDREN 61 5 Werken en leren – WORKING AND STUDYING 54 4.1. Enkele tips vooraf bij het vinden van kinderopvang Some tips on finding daycare 55 4.2. Soorten kinderopvang – Types of daycare 62 5.1. Projecten voor werknemers die zich willen bijscholen Projects for people in work wanting to improve their skills 72 5.2. Andere ondersteuning – Other support 79 6 Diploma gelijkwaardigheid en Erkenning van Competenties (EVC) EQUIVALENCE OF QUALIFICATIONS AND RECOGNITION OF CURRENT COMPETENCE (EVC) 80 6.1. Diplomagelijkwaardigheid – Equivalence of qualifications 84 6.2. Erkenning van competenties (‘EVC’) Recognition of previously acquired competences 89 7 Overzicht zorgopleidingen – OVERVIEW OF CARE COURSES 95 7.1. 102 7.2. 104 7.3. 126 7.4. werkervaringsprojecten – Work experience projects Vooropleidingen – Preparatory programmes Beroepsopleidingen – Vocational courses Opleidingen in het Hoger Onderwijs toeleidend tot knelpuntberoepen in de zorgsector – Courses in higher education leading to qualifications in shortage occupations in the care sector 150 Contact 11 INLEIDING INTRODUCTION In the Brussels Capital Region there are many job opportunities in the care sector. Caregivers who can also speak Dutch are in high demand. There are a number of different Dutch-language training courses for the care sector in Brussels. However, not everyone knows just how much is on offer. The purpose of this publication is to inform those in Brussels who are interested and their career councillors about the variety of care training courses and their support networks. This publication is primarily intended for people who cannot move directly from secondary education into a care training course. We focus on people who opt for a future in care as adults. Our particular concern, given that Brussels is a multicultural society, is with multilingual people. Caregivers are in great demand, besides the many other reasons to choose a career in the care sector. For example, you can easily find work both in Belgium and abroad, you cooperate extensively with your co-workers, and customers and patients will appreciate your work. Often, you will have a flexible work schedule and opportunities for promotion. Finally, you earn a good salary and experience varied work. This publication is part of the Flemish campaign ‘A job in care: I’m going for it’. This campaign is to promote the care sector to everyone considering an education or career in care. More information about the campaign is available at www.ikgaervoor.be. The Website contains information about Flemish care training courses, informative clips and search engines to help you find the right career or training course. Caregivers, employers and consultants can download tools from the professional section of the site, www.ikgaervoor.be/pro to promote the campaign themselves. 12 Oriëntatiegids Chapter 1 presents information regarding personal guidance while looking for a care training programme. You can visit Brussels care training programmes to see if a career in care suits you. In chapter 2 we will present information regarding support while learning Dutch. In chapter 3 you will find information regarding financial support and scholarships. Chapter 4 covers childcare. The fifth chapter is about combining work and study. In chapter 6 you will find information regarding equivalence foreign qualifications and the recognition of current competence. In chapter 7 there is an overview of several Dutch-language care training programsme and work experience projects in Brussels. We also provide information about the course components, fees, exemptions policy and flexibility of each course. There is also a version of this brochure in French and Dutch. Happy reading! Huis voor Gezondheid February 2014 13 14 orientation guide ABBREVIATIONS AND EXPLANATIONS SYMBOLS Abbreviations of frequent occurrence BAZW/ARAE BON CBE CVO/CÉA VDAB EVC/RDC NARIC NT2 ONEM VOSPA Begeleiding Actief Zoeken naar Werk – Active Career Counselling Brussels reception agency for integration Centrum voor Basiseducatie – basic education centre Centrum Voor Volwassenonderwijs – adult education centre Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling – Flemish governmental service on employment intervention Recognition of previously acquired competences National Academic (and professional) Recognition and Information Centre Nederlands second language National Employment Office Social Profit preparatory route for Dutch as a second language Symbols of frequent occurrence tttt sttt sstt ssst ssss Logo of the Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling (Flemish governmental service on employment intervention). When the VDAB logo is shown in the course files of chapter 7 the VDAB regards the course as recognised by its own service. Courses which lead towards shortage occupations according to the VDAB, Actiris or the National Employment Office. No knowledge of the Dutch language 1.1 obtained 2.1 obtained 2.2 or 2.3 obtained 2.4 obtained or higher level 15 1 18 orientation guide ONTHAAL, ORIËNTATIE EN BEGELEIDING RECEPTION, ORIENTATION AND COUNSELLING Are you looking for a career or an education in Brussels? Professional organizations can help you find one. You will find information about these organizations in this chapter. First we will provide information about Actiris and the Werkwinkels. After that follows information about other organizations. We will also provide information about BON, the Brussels Reception Agency for Integration. They have a number of programmes for immigrants. Reception, orientation and counselling 19 1.1. ACTIRIS, DE WEG NA AR WERK ACTIRIS, THE WAY TO WORK Actiris is the foremost expert on de job market in the Brussels Capital Region. Actiris helps companies search for suitable personnel and helps jobseekers find work based on their competences. Services for jobseekers: • signing on with Actiris; • creating a plan of action to find work; • personal counselling and coaching; • evaluating language knowledge by a computer test; • dispensing of language vouchers; • improving ICT knowledge with ICT vouchers; • providing information regarding the jobs market; • job offers; • social consultation; • personal counselling for specific groups of people (the service of social consultation); • information, support and counselling in the event of discrimination during the hiring process; • temporary childcare for children under 3 years old. Contact www.actiris.be werkzoekenden@actiris.be Jobseeker call centre: T 02/800 42 42 Actiris Agencies Actiris agencies can be found in most communes of the Brussels Capital Region. For the correct address, contact details and opening hours visit www.actiris.be/ce/tabid/187/language/nl-BE/Contacten.aspx 20 orientation guide 1.2. BEGELEIDING ZOEKEN NA AR WERK SEEKING CAREER COUSELLING There are various types of career counselling available for jobseekers in Brussels. Below we explain the different possibilities. Begeleiding Actief Zoeken naar Werk (BAZW) Active Career Counselling (BAZW) The Active Career Counselling service by Actiris (BAZW) teaches you to use your qualities on the job market. BAZW organizes group sessions and individual sessions, during which you can ask your own questions about finding work, composing your CV and application letter, conducting a job interview etc. During an initial meeting, BAZW will try to find out which formula suits you best. Workshops An Active Job Seeking Workshop will give you help with: • looking for work while taking your profile and the current job market into account; • career (re)orientation; • composing a CV and application letter; • preparing for interviews and psycho-technical tests; • finding the proper channels to seek specific jobs and learning telephone techniques. Further information: For online planning ‘Actief zoeken naar werk – netwerk’ visit www.actiris.be/NL/Chercheur/Services/agenda/info_nl.mht Reception, orientation and counselling 21 Contact Actiris Begeleiding Actief Zoeken naar Werk (BAZW) Kiekenmarkt 7 (2de verdieping) 1000 Brussels T 02/505 77 50 begeleidingazw@actiris.be Public transport: Tram 3, 4 to Beurs Groep INTRO Brussel (Dienst gericht op Actief Zoeken naar Werk) Charles Parentéstraat 6, 1070 Anderlecht T 02/558 18 80 brussel@groepintro.be www.groepintro.be Public transport: Metro 2,6 to Zuidstation – Tram 3, 4, 31, 32, 51, 81, 82, 83 to Zuidstation – Bus 27, 49, 50, 78 to Zuidstation InBrussel Priemstraat 53, 1000 Brussels T 02/503 12 68 info@inbrussel.be www.inbrussel.be Public transport: Tram 3, 4 to Anneessens Kurasaw Tewerkstelling George Moreaustraat 36, 1070 Anderlecht T 02/520 78 46 kurasawcoach@skynet.be www.kurasaw.be Public transport: Metro 2, 6 to Clemenceau or Zuidstation Manpower Woluwe Gemeenschappenlaan 110, 1200 Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe T 02/778 30 27 projetactiris@manpower.be www.manpower.be Public transport: Metro 1 to Roodebeek – Bus 42, 29 to Marcel Thiry 22 orientation guide Further information about counselling for the development of a career project (BUBP): http://www.actiris.be/tabid/117/language/nl-BE/Wie-zijn-onze-partners-.aspx?t=vtp&idType=12 Further information about career orientation for jobseekers over the age of 45: www.inbrussel.be/45plusinbrussel/home/aspx Through Actiris: www.actiris.be/tabid/117/language/nl-BE/Wie-zijn-onze-partners-.aspx?=tvtp&idType=21 1.3. JOBFOCUS EN SELF’ACTIRIS JOBFOCUS AND SELF’ACTIRIS Jobfocus In the Jobfocus Search Area you will find: • computers with an internet connection on which you can search for job offers or write your CVs and application letters; • telephones and faxes, to contact employers; • newspapers and magazines with job offers. There is also a team of coaches and counsellors who can answer your questions. Contact and opening hours See: www.actiris.be/ce/tabid/102/language/nl-BE/De-Jobfocus-zoekruimte.aspx Selfactiris Self’ Actiris is digital space containing computers, printers, telephones, interactive columns and valuable information which you can make use of for free to search for work independently. In contrast to Jobfocus Search Areas there are coaches present to help you. Contact and opening hours Self’Actiris Anspachlaan 65 (1ste verdieping),1000 Brussels Reception, orientation and counselling 23 See: www.actiris.be/apropos/tabid/265/mctl/2/idProjet/35/language/nl-BE/ Projecten.aspx Open Monday to Friday: 8.30 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. and 1.30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Closed on Thursday mornings 1.4. BRUSSELSE WERKWINKELS BRUSSELS WERKWINKELS The Brussels Werkwinkels are a collaborative venture involving Actiris,1 VDAB,2 Tracé Brussel.3 There are Werkwinkel advisors from Tracé Brussel, VDAB and CAD De Werklijn. In the three Werkwinkels in Brussels, jobseekers can find counselling and advice in their search for training or employment. Tracé Brussel vzw manages the Werkwinkels. Besides the advisors of Tracé Brussel there are VDAB advisors in each Werkwinkel who can help jobseekers with information about the courses that the VDAB offers and how you can register for them. The advisors of CAD De Werklijn receive jobseekers that may have a disability by appointment every Thursday afternoon in Werkwinkel South (Werkwinkel Zuid). The Werkwinkels work with the network of Dutch-language support services, educational and work experience partners. The Brussels Werkwinkels direct themselves toward Brussels jobseekers registered with Actiris who already speak some Dutch or who want to learn to speak Dutch. Services for jobseekers: 1 Actiris is the Brussels Region labour-exchange service with service provision for jobseekers and employers. 2 VDAB is a service of the Flemish government that helps mediate between supply and demand on the Flemish job market. VDAB Brussels is only resonsible for organizing career training courses in Dutch within Brussels. 3 Tracé Brussel is a Brussels-based non-profit (vzw) with the purpose of improving the job market participation in Brussels, and organizes three werkwinkels in collaboration with the VDAB and Actiris 24 orientation guide Advice on training and employment • registering online with Actiris; • registering as a jobseeker with the VDAB; • discerning which job you would like to do; • writing a CV and motivational letter; • preparing and practising for job interviews; • applying for jobs online; • searching for job offers; • guidance toward vacancies in work experience programmes; • guidance toward vacancies in the surrounding Flemish communes; • information on the various training programmes; • choosing the correct education; • registering for a VDAB recognised training programme; • seeking information on childcare, public transport, job creation policies, etc. Espace Ressources Emploi • PCs with an internet connection; • telephone corner; • newspapers and brochures about training and work experience projects; • job offers through various channels: Actiris, VDAB, etc.; • examples of CVs and letters of application; • mobility information. Contact and opening hours: Werkwinkel Noord Jeruzalemstraat 46, 1030 Schaarbeek T 02/240 27 80 werkwinkelnoord@tracebrussel.be Public transport: Bus 59 to Ernest Laude – Tram 92 to Pogge opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, 1.30 to 4 p.m.by appointment Werkwinkel Centraal Rouppeplein 15, 1000 Brussels T 02/289 00 90 werkwinkelcentraal@tracebrussel.be Public transport: Tram 3, 4 to Anneessens Reception, orientation and counselling 25 opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon from 1.30 to 4 p.m. by appointment Werkwinkel Zuid Birminghamstraat 225, 1070 Brussels T 02/526 20 80 werkwinkelzuid@tracebrussel.be Public transport: Metro 2, 6 to Delacroix – Metro 5 to Jacques Brel – Bus 89 to Delacroix opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon 1.30 to 4 p.m. by appointment CAD De Werklijn (For persons with a possible disability): every Thursday afternoon in Werkwinkel Zuid Further information: www.schakelsnaarwerk.be/nl/werkwinkel-brussel 1.5. LOOPBA ANBEGELEIDING CAREER COUNSELLING SESSIONS Do you live or work in Flanders or the Brussels Capital Region? Then you are eligible for career counselling by means of career vouchers. A voucher costs 40 euros. Each voucher gets you four hours of career counselling. You can buy 2 vouchers every 6 years. Employees from vulnerable social backgrounds can receive additional counselling for free. Vouchers are available from VDAB-recognized career centres. In a career counselling session, you learn to recognise your strengths, weaknesses, interests and career ambitions. You will also learn which jobs suit you. Together with the career counsellor, you will make a personal development plan, which will show you how to achieve your ambitions. The career counsellor will help you to achieve and to adapt your ambitions. 26 orientation guide Further information on carreer counselling www.vdab.be/loopbaanbegeleiding or www.vdab.be/loopbaancheques/#recht Organizations that offer carreer counselling in Brussels • www.groepintro.be • www.loopbaaninzicht.be/ • www.vlaamsabvv.be/art/pid/25418/Loopbaanbegeleiding-iets-voor-jou-.htm • www.arabel.org/intro.php • www.ascento.be/nl/talent-management/loopbaanbegeleiding?gclid=CK_ Sh8PWzboCFUcV3godfl0AGg • www.lbb.ucare.be/?gclid=CJb_q87WzboCFYlV3godwD0AGA • www.itinera-loopbaanbegeleiding.be/index.php?id=16 • www.thefuturealliance.com/nl/loopbaanbegeleiding 1.6. OCMW – PUBLIC CENTRE FOR SOCIAL WELFARE The Public Centres for Social Welfare (known as OCMW in Dutch; CPAS in French) help their clients look for work. They do this in collaboration with Actiris. Contact your OCMW advisor for more information. For addresses for all the Brussels OCMW locations visit: http://www.ocmw-info-cpas.be/index.php/fiche_FV_nl/les_adresses_et_ heures_douverture_des_19_cpas_de_la_region_de_bruxelles_cap 1.7. BRUSSELS ONTHA ALBUREAU VOOR NIEUWKOMERS BRUSSELS RECEPTION AGENCY FOR INTEGRATION Bon vzw is the Brussels reception agency for integration. Bon receives immigrants to Brussels. Immigrants are people with a foreign background who have legally come to Belgium for an extended period. Reception, orientation and counselling 27 The purpose of bon Bon has an integration programme for people with a foreign background. It provides information on life, work and residence in Belgium and Brussels. It also provides information about learning and practising Dutch. As a participant you will receive a personal process counsellor. They can also help you with the diploma equivalence procedure. Module ‘career orientation’ In the ‘career orientation’ module, you will consider your future on the job market. This is achieved through individual conversations and group sessions. Bon organizes the conversations and sessions together with Tracé Brussel, Actiris and VDAB Brussels advisors. In the module special attention is given to diploma equivalence, possibilities for education and community participation. Bon tailors the module to the participants. Diploma equivalence Do you have a foreign diploma? Bon and Actiris offer a joint service to Brussels jobseekers registered with Actiris and people on an integration programme to identify the equivalent diploma in the Belgian system. Jobseekers that are not taking an integration programme can also come to Bon for advice on diploma equivalence. More information can be found in chapter 6, section 1, on Recognition of qualifications. Contact and opening hours T 02/501 66 80 info@bon.be www.bon.be You can find Bon at the following addresses: Bon Sint-Jans-Molenbeek Toekomststraat 35, 1080 Sint-Jans-Molenbeek Public transport: Metro 1, 5 to Graaf van Vlaanderen Bon Brussel Philippe de Champagnestraat 23, 1000 Brussels Public transport: Tram 3, 4 to Anneessens 28 orientation guide Bon Schaarbeek Colignonplein 10, 1030 Schaarbeek Public transport: Tram 55 to Paviljoen – Bus 58 to Paviljoen 1.8. INLEEFMOMENTEN – OPPORTUNITIES FOR EXPERIENCE Do you really want to know if a job in healthcare suits you? Register for one of our free opportunities for experience. What is an opportunity for experience? An opportunity for experience gives you the chance to experience for yourself what work in the care sector is like and to discover whether it suits you. We will discuss what kind of care facility you would like to work at, and whether your Dutch knowledge is sufficient for your preferred opportunity for experience. Some opportunities for experience require a specific level of Dutch knowledge. This depends on the workplace. When you know which care facility you want to work in, if your knowledge of Dutch is sufficient, we will make an appointment for your opportunity for experience. If none of the opportunities listed quite fits your criteria, you can email the House for Health (Huis voor Gezondheid) at this email address: info@huisvoorgezondheid.be. The House for Health will then make inquiries to see if a suitable opportunity for experience can be found. Visit www.ikgaervoor.be to see opportunities for experience-based lessons and school open days. Register for experience sessions at: www.ikgaervoor.be/nl/inleefmomenten Further information: www.ikgaervoor.be/nl/inleefmomenten Reception, orientation and counselling 29 2 32 orientation guide NEDERLANDS LEREN EN OEFENEN LEARNING AND EXERCISING DUTCH There are a number of different places to learn Dutch in Brussels. This chapter tells you where you can learn and practise Dutch. In section 2.1 we will explain what the Dutch Language House does to refer students to the appropriate Dutch course. In section 2.2 we provide information on courses in Dutch for anyone who wants to work in the care sector. In section 2.3 you will find information concerning Dutch language lessons provided by the VDAB. In section 2.4 you will find general lessons in Dutch provided by adult-education centres. Sections 2.5 and 2.6 explain the informal conversation tables and lessons in Dutch in the framework of job interview training. In chapter 7 you will find information on the various levels of fluency in the Dutch language. In chapter 7 you will also find information on the level of Dutch required for each course. Learning and exercising dutch 33 2.1. HUIS VAN HET VAN NEDERLANDS BRUSSEL THE DUTCH LANGUAGE HOUSE IN BRUSSELS The Dutch Language House (Het Huis van het Nederlands) will help you find Dutch courses. First, your level of Dutch will be tested. After that, the Dutch Language House will find an appropriate course for you. The Dutch Language House knows each school’s start date. That way you can quickly start in a course that suits your level of Dutch and your career objectives. Contact and opening hours Philippe de Champagnestraat 23 1000 Brussels T 02/501 66 60 info@huisnederlandsbrussel.be www.huisnederlandsbrussel.be Public transport: Tram 3, 4 to Anneessens Monday 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Friday closed Every Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. there is a contact service in Gemeenschapscentrum Essegem. Leopold I-straat 329 1090 Jette T 0496/29 67 69 On Tuesdays from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. there is a contact service in Gemeenschapscentrum Elzenhof Kroonlaan 12 – 14 1050 Elsene T 0498/57 39 45 34 orientation guide 2.2. CBE BRUSSELLEER The Centre for Basic Education (CBE) Brusselleer organizes courses for people who did not go to school for a long time. This includes Dutch courses are organised by them. These lessons are all free. There are numerous starting moments every year. The Dutch Language House will test your level of Dutch before enrolment. If your score is compatible with the level of Dutch given by the CBE you receive 240 hours of Dutch in which to reach level 1.1. Consult the website for the full range of courses offered by CBE Brusselleer. Contact and opening hours Marcqstraat 16 – 18 1000 Brussels T 02/223 20 45 info@brusselleer.be www.brusselleer.be Public transport: Metro 1, 5 to Sint-Katelijne 2.3. BEROEPSGERICHT NEDERLANDS VOCATIONAL DUTCH You can take a VDAB vocational course if you have already achieved a basic level of Dutch. If you have not yet achieved the Starting level of Dutch, the VDAB or one of its partners will organize an appropriate language course. The following programmes can function as a preparation for vocational training in the care sector: • Dutch as a Second Language Preparatory Course for Social Profit (with CBE Brusselleer); • ZorgkabiNED within the preparatory course VOSPA (the Social Profit preparatory route for Dutch as a second language); • Hogerop, for people with a tertiary education with a good grasp of Dutch. Learning and exercising dutch 35 Dutch as a Second Language Preparatory Course for Social Profit – CBE Brusselleer. This course is intended for jobseekers who need to learn more Dutch before they can start the Social Profit course with the VDAB. CBE Brusselleer supports the transition to the VDAB module: the students are offered the module ‘leren leren’ during the Social Profit course. For information on the VDAB Social Profit preparatory courses, see section 7.2. The course takes 18 weeks, with 3 hours per day. Further information and contact CBE Brusselleer – Marcqstraat 16-18 – 1000 Brussels info@brusselleer.be T 02/ 223 20 45 ZorgkabiNED ZorgkabiNED is a series of Dutch lessons for jobseekers with a basic knowledge of Dutch. The lessons are provided as part of the VOSPA preparatory course for non-native speakers in the social profit sector, but can also be taken independently, without following the full VOSPA course. VOSPA is directed towards employment in the social sector and consists of two parts: Social profit component: • concrete explanations about the various careers and courses in the social profit sector, emphasizing experience; • preparation of work placement; • lessons in communication and assertiveness; • 'Learning to learn': developing study skills; • intercultural skills: dealing with diversity. Dutch as a foreign language component, ZorgkabiNED: • intensive introduction to Dutch through group lessons and individual language tasks; • The Dutch component is attuned to the language requirements of the chosen course or job in the social profit sector. 36 orientation guide The VOSPA programme takes 5.5 months, 5 days a week (not on Wednesday afternoons). The lessons take place in the classrooms of the VDAB, Wetstraat 95, 1040 Etterbeek. The course is free. There is a Dutch language test before registration. The Vospa preparatory course starts twice a year (in August and in February). Further information and contact Rdb04@vdab.be See also: Chapter 7 section 2 of this publication and www.vdab.be/mijnvdab/ opleidingen/opleidingen.jsp?context=MAIL&entryPoint=OpleidingInhoud&opleidingid=13674&doelgroep=2 Dutch for those with higher education: ‘Hogerop’ The Hogerop course specifically provides Dutch for the occupation in which you are already qualified, and the sector in which you are looking for work. Content: • Professional Dutch. You will learn subject-specific words that you can use in your future career context. A few examples of tasks you will learn to perform: handling complaints, giving a presentation, speed-reading a text, taking part in a meeting, leading a meeting, negotiating, writing letters and emails. • Parallel with the Dutch lessons there is intensive, individually tailored training in applying for jobs. • Those with little work experience in Belgium can undertake a six-week work placement. The course lasts about 2 months, 4 days a week (not on Wednesdays). Classes take place in the VDAB offices, Wetstraat 95, 1040 Etterbeek. You will be given a language test before enrolment. Your prior education will also be considered. A new series of classes starts about 3 times per year. Contact VDAB-Klantenconsulent NT2 T 02/2351854 – RDB01@vdab.be Learning and exercising dutch 37 2.4. NEDERLANDS BIJ DE CENTRA VOOR VOLWASSEN­ ONDERWIJS – DUTCH IN A CENTRE FOR ADULT EDUCATION A number of centres for adult education (Centra Voor Volwassenonderwijs — CVO) organize Dutch classes. Each CVO will have a number of first classes per year for different levels of ability. CVO Brussel You can take a variety of Dutch modules at CVO Brussel (Centrum voor Volwassen Onderwijs Brussel), both as a beginner and at an advanced level. CVO Brussel organizes Dutch classes in a number of local authority areas within Brussels. You can obtain further information both from the school itself and from the Dutch Language House. The Dutch Language House in Brussels enrols students for these classes. Contact Materiaalstraat 67, 1070 Anderlecht T 02/528 09 50 info@cvobrussel.be – www.cvobrussel.be Public transport: Tram 81 Albert I – Bus 46 Albert I CVO Brussels Education Centre (CVO BEC) CVO Brussels Education Centre organizes Dutch classes at all levels. You can obtain further information both from the school itself and from the Dutch Language House. Contact VUB Gebouw D, Lokaal D 1.33 Pleinlaan 2 , 1050 Elsene T 02/629 39 08 – info@cvo-bec.be – www.cvo-bec.net/site/ Public transport: Metro 5 to Petillon CVO Lethas CVO Lethas also provides Dutch classes at all levels. You can obtain further information both from the school itself and from the Dutch Language House. 38 orientation guide The Dutch Language House Brussels enrols students for the CVO Lethas language classes. Contact Rouppeplein 16, 1000 Brussels T 02/514 25 00 – campusterranova@lethas.be – www.lethas.be Public transport: Tram 3, 4 to Anneessens Landsroemlaan 126, 1083 Ganshoren T 02/420 10 26 – info@lethas.be – www.lethas.be Public transport: Tram 19 to Basiliek CVO Meise-Jette CVO Meise-Jette also organizes Dutch courses in Brussels (Jette). You can obtain further information both from the school itself and from the Dutch Language House. Contact Stationsstraat 35, 1861 Meise (Wolvertem) T 02/269 55 46 – info@cvomj.be – www.cvomj.be CVO Strombeek CVO Strombeek also organizes Dutch classes in Brussels (Laken, Neder-overHeembeek and Jette). You can obtain further information both from the school itself and from the Dutch Language House. Contact Sint-Amandsplein 31, 1853 Strombeek-Bever T 02/267 35 15 – info@cvostrombeek.be – www.cvostrombeek.be Learning and exercising dutch 39 2.5. TA ALOEFENMOMENTEN BIJ BRU-TA AL EN VIA VRIJWILLIGERSWERK — OPPORTUNITIES TO PRACTISE DUTCH WITH BRU-TA AL AND VOLUNTEERS If you speak a bit of Dutch then you can practice it at Bru-taal’s conversation tables. There are Babbelut conversation tables, conversation groups, choirs & culture groups. Several times a week there are various opportunities and places to practise Dutch in Brussels (see website). You can improve your language skills with volunteers. The Dutch Language House Brussels, together with Muntpunt, Het Punt non-profit and the Sport service of the Flemish Community Commission, has launched the project Oefenkans NL. Volunteers improve their knowledge of Dutch at one of the sport centres of the Flemish Community Commission Sport Service or at the reception of Muntpunt or Het Punt. For further information see www. huisnederlandsbrussel.be/project/oefenkans-nl Contact Bru-taal Philippe De Champagnestraat 23 1000 Brussels T 02/501 66 90 info@bru-taal.be www.bru-taal.be Public transport: Tram 3, 4 to Anneessens Contact La Maison du Néerlandais Bruxelles Philippe de Champagnestraat 23 1000 Brussels T 02/501 66 60 info@huisnederlandsbrussel.be www.huisnederlandsbrussel.be Public transport: Tram 3, 4 to Anneessens 40 orientation guide 2.6. ‘TA ALBAD (NEDERLANDS) EN SOLLICITATIE­ VA ARDIGHEDEN’ BIJ VOKANS — ‘LANGUAGE IMMERSION (DUTCH) AND JOB APPLICATION SKILLS’ WITH VOKANS The organization Vokans provides a ‘Language Immersion (Dutch) and Job Application Skills’ course with which you can learn linguistic, communicative and social skills in Dutch. This will help you with job applications, and with functioning and fitting in in the workplace. You will be trained to speak, listen and understand Dutch. This initiative is organized together with Actiris and the VDAB. Contact and further information Pletinckxstraat 19 1000 Brussels T 02/557 88 15 brussel@vokans.be www.vokans.be Metro 1, 5 to Sint-Katelijne – Tram 3, 4 to Beurs Source chapter 2: Dutch Language House Brussels Schakels naar werk 2013 Beroepsopleiding en werkervaring in Brussel, Tracé Brussel Learning and exercising dutch 41 3 4 4 orientation guide FINANCIËLE ONDERSTEUNING BIJ HET VOLGEN VAN EEN OPLEIDING FINANCIAL SUPPORT IN TAKING A COURSE If you are taking a course, it may be possible to obtain financial support. The Flemish employment office VDAB (Vlaamse Dienst voor ArbeidsBemiddeling) helps provide financial support. Section 3.1 sets out the options and conditions for financial support from the VDAB. For some courses the VDAB gives no financial support. Section 3.2 provides information about alternative sources of support. Financial support in taking a course 45 3.1. FINANCIËLE ONDERSTEUNING BIJ HET VOLGEN VAN EEN VDAB-ERKENDE OPLEIDING FINANCIAL SUPPORT WHEN TAKING A VDAB-RECOGNIZED COURSE Conditions for financial support from the VDAB If you are enrolled for a VDAB-recognized course, you can obtain financial support from the VDAB. VDAB-recognized courses are courses provided by the VDAB itself, educational programmes for which the VDAB has signed a recognition agreement, courses that the VDAB has contracted out to third parties, and courses leading to educational qualifications (OKOT).4 In this database VDAB-recognized courses are marked with a blue VDAB logo: www.vdab.be/mijnvdab/opleidingen/opleidingen.jsp?action=ZOEKOPLEIDINGEN&entryPoint=UitgebreidZoeken Eligibility If you live in Brussels and want support, you should be registered as a jobseeker with Actiris and the VDAB. If you live in Flanders you only need to be registered with the VDAB. Financial advantages of VDAB-recognized courses If you meet the outlined requirements you are entitled to the following financial aid: Free courses • You pay no enrolment fee for the course; course materials are provided for free. Unemployment benefit and family allowance • If you are entitled to these benefits, you retain them. • Your unemployment benefit remains unaltered only for full-time courses (minimum 35 hours per week) lasting at least three months. • After your course you do have to look for a job that is suited to your qualification. 4 OKOT stands for “Onderwijskwalificerende opleidingstrajecten”. For further information and requirements see www.g-o.be/Net_Prikbord/Artikel.aspx?Id=6392 46 orientation guide Travel expenses • The VDAB will pay for your transport to and from the course provider. • If you travel by tram or bus, you can use a free travel card. Apply for this travel card through your course provider or your school counsellor. If you travel by a different means of transport, you will be reimbursed 0.15 euros per kilometre. Over-night allowance If you live at a distance from the training centre you can apply for an over-night allowance. This reimburses an overnight stay, your lunch and your dinner. Childcare allowance • During your course the VDAB will pay for childcare for children under the age of 12. • If your children are not yet in school, the VDAB will pay for full-time childcare. • If your children are in nursery school or primary school, the VDAB will pay for before-school and after-school care. • Do note that your child must go to the recognized care provider. You have to demonstrate your costs with an expense sheet. • You can find further information about childcare on the Kind en Gezin website: www.kindengezin.be/kinderopvang/ Incentive scheme You are eligible for an incentive payment of 1 euro per hour of the course if: • your course lasts at least 150 hours; • your course has at least 24 course hours per week. To be eligible you must also meet one of the following criteria as somebody with dependants: • You are entitled to unemployment benefit (werkloosheidsuitkering) and when the course starts you have been registered as an unemployed job seeker for more than 1 year. • You are entitled to income support (leefloon). • You are entitled to assistance (steunverlening). • You have an employment disability and receive income replacement support (inkomensvervangende ondersteuning) or incapacity benefit (invaliditeitsuitkering). Do take note that you will pay withholding tax (bedrijfsvoorheffing) on this incentive. Financial support in taking a course 47 RVA course completion bonus You will receive a course completion bonus (in 2013 this was €247.89) if: • you have been full-time unemployed for at least 12 months at the start of the course; • you have taken a full-time course for 6 months. The RVA pays the bonus on the basis of form C91. You receive that form at the end of your course. Sector incentive If you find employment in the sector for which you have trained, you may in some cases receive an incentive payment or benefit in kind. The incentive depends on the sector. Webcourse If you are taking an online course you are not eligible for incentives or expenses. The course itself is free. Further information is available from the course administrators at the training centre. The VDAB makes incentive payments several times a month. A payslip will be sent to your home address detailing your payments. You will also be sent a 'Bijblijven' newsflash with interesting information about applying for jobs, courses, employment opportunities, job fairs and other activities. Further information www.vdab.be/opleidingen/opleidingspremies.shtml 3.2. TUSSENKOMSTEN OPLEIDINGEN DIE NIET DOOR DE VDAB ERKEND WORDEN — SUPPORT FOR COURSES NOT RECOGNIZED BY THE VDAB The following financial support is possible for courses that are not recognized by the VDAB: Studying while retaining benefits You can obtain an exemption from loss of benefit if: • you are full-time unemployed; 48 orientation guide • you are entitled to benefit; • you have been out of school and past school-leaving age for at least 2 years; • you have no higher-education qualification; • you are taking a course for an RVA-recognized shortage occupation. Take note: as a job seeker you will only receive exemption if you submit the required application to the RVA. Exemption is not automatic. The courses that provide qualifications for shortage occupations recognized by the RVA are listed here: www.onem.be/D_Documentation/Publications/ Brochures/_Folders/Penurie/FolderNL.pdf If you obtain exemption, then: • you retain your unemployment benefit during your studies; • you are entitled to reject a job proposal; • you do not have to be available to work. Financial support for CVO (adult education) courses If you are taking an adult-education course you can get some of the registration fees, and in some cases all of the fees, paid for you. Up-to-date information is available here: www.vlaanderen.be/nl/onderwijs-en-wetenschap/op-school/schoolkosten/ vrijstelling-vermindering-van-inschrijvingsgeld-het-volwassenenonderwijs Training vouchers for those at work If you have a job and want to take a course to improve your future employment prospects you can apply for training vouchers (opleidingscheques). These will pay for half of your course. The conditions and the procedure are outlined here: www.vdab.be/opleidingscheques/werknemers.shtml Courses that can be paid for with training vouchers are listed here: www.vdab. be/opleidingscheques/lijstopleidingen.shtml If you are combining work with training in the health care sector then read chapter 5 below (Project 600, Project 360, Project 3030). Grants for Higher Education Studying can be expensive. The Flemish government wants everybody to have access to higher education. This is why it provides student grants Financial support in taking a course 49 (studietoelagen). To be eligible for a grant you have to meet certain requirements. These requirements relate to your nationality, your income, the institution where you want to study and the subject you choose. Nationality To obtain a student grant you must either be a Belgian or be in the process of becoming a Belgian. If you are not Belgian, your parents must have lived and worked in Belgium for some time. Income Whether you are eligible for a student grant also depends on your income. This includes wages, but also benefits, alimony, and other forms of income. The value of any property you own may also be taken into account. Type of institution and studies The school and the course that you choose also have a bearing on your eligibility for a grant. You must: • take a recognized course; • study at an institution affiliated to the Flemish Community; • take a course that leads to a qualification; • have sufficient student grant credit (studietoelagekrediet). For further information about eligibility for a student grant, phone the free number 1700 or visit this website: www.vlaanderen.be/nl/onderwijs-en-wetenschap/ school-en-studietoelagen/studietoelagen-voor-het-hoger-onderwijs More information • www.vdab.be/opleidingscheques/werknemers.shtml • www.vdab.be/opleidingscheques/lijstopleidingen.shtml • www.rva.be/D_Documentation/Publications/Brochures/_Folders/Penurie/ FolderNL.pdf • www.vlaanderen.be/nl/onderwijs-en-wetenschap/op-school/schoolkosten/ vrijstelling-vermindering-van-inschrijvingsgeld-het-volwassenenonderwijs • www.vlaanderen.be/nl/onderwijs-en-wetenschap/school-en-studietoelagen/ studietoelagen-voor-het-hoger-onderwijs • www.rva.be/home/MenuNL.htm Source chapter 3: Vlaamse Overheid 50 orientation guide 4 52 orientation guide KINDEROPVANG DAYCARE FOR CHILDREN If you are starting professional training and you have children you will need to make timely arrangements for child daycare. What should you be aware of when looking for daycare? What sorts of daycare are available? And what steps do you need to take to be able to access them? This chapter will answers these questions. A number of useful addresses are provided at the end. Daycare for children 53 4.1. ENKELE TIPS VOORAF BIJ HET VINDEN VAN KINDEROPVANG SOME TIPS ON FINDING DAYCARE Ask around • First find out what different types of daycare are available. • Ask questions and think about what is important for you and your child: Do I want my child to be in Dutch-speaking or French-speaking care? Do I want my child to be in a crèche or at a child-minder’s home? • Visit a social worker if you are in a difficult situation or urgently need daycare. • Visit the crèche or child minder you want to have care for your child. • Places are limited. Ask whether family, friends or neighbours can help. Start looking early If you are looking for Dutch-language daycare you would do well to sign up to the central register (see www.opgroeieninbrussel.be) or the crèche waiting list, even if you have not yet found work or started a course. Waiting lists will often take account of date of registration. Stick to administrative agreements • Follow the registration procedures. • Keep a list of all the places that have you on their waiting list. • Communicate changes to your circumstances (telephone number, address). • Ensure any administrative paperwork is up to date. Be flexible if necessary • Most daycare places open up at the times of school entry. Take this into account. • Look not only near your home, but also along the routes to your work or your studies. • Consider half-time care, even if you need a full-time place. If a full-time place opens up, you might be given priority. Abide by the rules of the daycare facility • Respect the internal rules regarding hours, required vaccinations, care days, and so forth. If you do not, you risk losing the place. • If any questions or problems arise, talk to the person in charge. 54 orientation guide What are the eligibility criteria for Dutch-language daycare? Your chances of access to Dutch-language daycare are higher if: • one or both parents speaks Dutch; • you are following an employment pathway (tewerkstellingstraject) or course of study in Dutch; • you already have children in Dutch-language education; • you intend to register your child for Dutch-language education. 4.2. SOORTEN KINDEROPVANG TYPES OF DAYCARE As a parent you can choose between group care and family care. In group care, children are cared for in groups of up to 14 children. A crèche is for children between the ages of 3 months and 3 years old. A pre-nursery (peutertuin) is for children aged between 18 months and 3 years old. Family care is provided at home by a child-minder. A child-minder can care for up to 8 children at once. A child-minder can take care of your child between the ages of 3 months and 3 years old. What if you need to go to a job interview, or an information session, and you urgently need temporary childcare? If you need to go to a job interview or an information session you can get temporary childcare in an Actiris daycare centre (maximum 4 hours per day and 3 days per week). This care is both Dutch and French-language. Dutch-language daycare centres might give priority to job seekers who are willing to apply for jobs, take occupational training, or suddenly find work. If you wish to use these services, get in touch with a daycare centre or sign up on the central register for Dutch-language childcare. If you need help with your search, get in touch with a social worker or employment advisor. What if you are starting a course or have found work and urgently need daycare for your child? Job seekers who are taking an occupational training course (beroepsopleiding) and urgently need daycare can be given priority. Sometimes only temporary places can be provided. If you wish to make use of this, contact a daycare facility Daycare for children 55 or sign up to the central register for Dutch-language daycare. The Actiris daycare centre can also provide urgent care if you are starting a course. You are in work or taking a course but have no daycare during school holidays Some schools work with an after-school care provider (initiatief voor buitenschoolse opvang: IBO). Enquire at your child’s school. During school holidays there are also activities provided for children over the age of 3 (playgrounds, sport camps, and suchlike). You can find the range of options in the sport guide (sportgids) and the holiday guide (vakantiegids) of the Flemish Community Commission (Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie – VGC) or on the website www.brusselbazaar.be You are in work or taking a course and your child falls sick Because it is not always possible to stay at home with a sick child, grandparents or other relatives will often be asked to mind the child. There are also formalized options for sick children. First enquire at your usual daycare provider. Some crèches and services for child-minders organize home care for sick children. An assistant will than come to the house to care for the child. Home daycare for sick children can also be provided by a mutual health-insurance scheme (mutualiteit) or by the local authorities (gemeente) and social welfare services (OCMW). For further information contact your ‘mutuality’. 56 orientation guide Further information This web link provides the addresses of all Dutch-language crèches in the Brussels Capital Region: www.opgroeieninBrussel.be Tip: if you do not speak or understand Dutch well, make an appointment. Kinderdagverblijf van Actiris – Brussel Stad Anspachlaan 65 1000 Brussels T 02/505 16 35 Kinderdagverblijf van Actiris – Sint-Jans-Molenbeek Ulensstraat 95 1080 Brussels T 02/563 21 90 For French-language daycare in Brussels, contact ONE: Boulevard Louis Schmidt 87 1040 Etterbeek T 02/511 47 51 asr.bruxelles@one.be www.one.be Steunpunt Jonge Kind (Stad Brussel) Sint-Katelijneplein 17 1000 Brussels T 0800/17071 Ballon Rouge asbl Koningsstraat 231 1210 Brussels T 02/219 64 09 Sources chapter 4: • 2013 Gids voor het vinden van kinderopvang in de Stad Brussel. Een initiatief van het Opleidings- en Jobhuis Brussel en Tracé Brussel • Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Algemene directie Welzijn, Gezondheid en Gezin – Entiteit Gezin Daycare for children 57 5 60 orientation guide WERKEN EN LEREN WORKING AND STUDYING vzw asbl FE.BI VORMING vzw asbl FE.BI This chapter will explain how to combine working with studying. This chapter is not meant for job seekers, but for those already in work who want to increase their skills and knowledge by taking a course. In such a situation no financial support can be expected from the VDAB. There are a number of possibilities for taking a course while working in the care or welfare sector. It is possible, for example, for a logistics support worker to become a healthcare assistant, and for a healthcare assistant or a nursing auxiliary to become a registered nurse. Projects such as Project 600, Project 360, Project 3030, VIA vorming hogerop! and Succes met je studies provide such opportunities. In section 5.1 you will find more information about this. In section 2 you will find other aids that will make it easier to combine working and studying. Topics covered include ‘paid educational leave’, ‘training vouchers for employees’, ‘time credit’, student grants, part-time studies and distance learning. Working and studying 61 5.1. PROJECTEN VOOR WERKNEMERS DIE ZICH WILLEN BIJSCHOLEN — PROJECTS FOR PEOPLE IN WORK WANTING TO IMPROVE THEIR SKILLS Nursing Training Project: Project 600 – word Verpleegkundige What is the purpose of the project? The nursing training project "project 600" is intended exclusively for people employed in Federal private health care institutions subject to the joint employment board for the health sector (paritaire comité 330). This project offers an employee an exceptional opportunity to study while retaining their basic pay (no overtime) for a period of up to 3 years. Thanks to this project hundreds of employees have already achieved a dream that would otherwise be hard to attain due to working conditions, loss of income, or family circumstances. What is the target group of this project? To take part you have to work in an institution in one of the following subsectors of the Federal private sector (PC 330): private hospitals, private residential care centres (RVT/ ROB), home nursing care, physical rehabilitation centres, Red Cross blood transfusion centres, sheltered accommodation and neighbourhood health centres. What are the conditions for participation? • You must meet the entry requirements for the course. • You must be employed at least half time. • Your contract must be for a period at least as long as the Standard duration of the course. • You may not be a replacement for another employee taking part in project 600. • You must have worked in the Federal private health care sector for at least three years. • You may not already have a nursing diploma. • Your highest educational qualification is at the higher secondary level. • You may not have previously started a course under the auspices of the project. • You must pass the selection test organized by the regional selection service. 62 orientation guide What course(s) can you take under the project? Depending on the employee’s prior training, the employee can choose between: • the higher vocational diploma in Nursing (HBO5, previously A2); • the Bachelor in Nursing (previously A1). If you would like to know more about the content of these courses and the places where they are organized, go to www.onderwijskiezer.be and click through to bachelor degrees or to higher vocational education. You can find out which schools offer Nursing in Brussels, and a lot more, on www.h-team.be. How long is the course? Your course will last no more than three years. What financial and practical advantages does the project offer? • The employee retains his or her basic salary. • The employee has the right to be absent from the workplace during the academic year (from the beginning of the academic year to 30 June). • The employee continues to build up seniority (anciënniteit) during the course of studies. Who organizes this project? FE.BI vzw organizes this project on behalf of the Intersectoraal Fonds voor de Gezondheidsdiensten (IFG) Where can I find more information online? www.fe-bi.org/nl/ifg/project-600 Employees interested in taking part in the next session (academic year 20142015) should contact christine.vandam@fe-bi.org. Contact FE.BI vzw Intersectoraal Fonds voor de Gezondheidsdiensten Christine Van Dam christine.vandam@fe-bi.org T 02/250 38 54 Working and studying 63 Nursing Training Project: Project 360 – Op stap naar Verpleegkunde What is the purpose of the project? The social foundations for private hospitals and for the care of the elderly (Sociaal Fonds voor de Privé-ziekenhuizen; Sociaal Fonds Ouderenzorg) regard the shortage of registered nurses in private hospitals and in the care of the elderly as a priority. Accordingly, both Foundations use some of their funds each year to encourage employees from their respective sectors to obtain a Nursing diploma. A testimonial about this project in the care of the elderly can be viewed at www. youtube.com/watch?v=GwKXlAm96eQ What is the project’s target group? This project is intended for: • employees in non-public residential care homes (whether in the charitable or the commercial sector) who wish to pursue studies that will lead to a Nursing diploma; • employees in private hospitals who, whatever their current position, wish to pursue or complete studies that will lead to a Nursing diploma. What are the requirements for taking part? • You must be at least half-time employed with a permanent contract. • You must have at least 9 months seniority in a PC 330 institution on 1 September 2013. Days worked as a substitute or on work placement do not count towards seniority. Holiday jobs as a working student and work undertaken in the framework of alternating study under an employee learning contract do count. • You must be entitled to educational leave (www.werk.belgie.be). • You may not make use of the IFG project (project 600). Supplementary requirements for those providing care to the elderly: • You may not hold a higher qualification (bachelor or master). What courses can be followed through this project? The Foundation provides support in taking the following courses: • One-year conversion course from Diploma in Nursing (previously A2) to Bachelor of Nursing (previously A1); • Two-year conversion course from Diploma in Nursing (previously A2) to Bachelor of Nursing (previously A1); 64 orientation guide • Higher Occupational Nursing: HBO5 (previously A2); • Bachelor in Nursing (previously A1). The course has to be taken at a recognized educational institution. The list of recognized educational institutions can be found on www.fe-bi.org/nl/node/821/ nieuws. If you would like to know more about the content of these courses and the institutions that provide them, take a look at bachelor degrees or higher occupational education on www.onderwijskiezer.be. How long does the course last? It is up to the employee to seek the information specific to the course followed and register with the educational institution of their choice. The Foundation will assign education hours on the basis of the modules or credits taken. The course itself can take from 1 to 3 years depending on prior qualifications. What are the financial and practical benefits of this project? • Registration fees will be reimbursed up to a maximum of €620 per academic year and per employee. • The Social Foundation will provide further training leave of up to 180 hours on top of paid educational leave, on the basis of the workload and type of study. The employer is granted a subvention of €21.65 per hour allotted. Who organizes this project? FE.BI vzw on behalf of Intersectoraal Fonds voor de Gezondheidsdiensten (IFG) • For employees caring for the elderly: Sociaal Fonds Ouderenzorg • For employees in private hospitals: Sociaal Fonds voor de Privé-ziekenhuizen Which website will provide additional information? • For employees caring for the elderly: www.fe-bi.org/nl/ouderenzorg/vorming/ opstap-naar-verpleegkunde • For employees in private hospitals: www.fe-bi.org/nl/prive-ziekenhuizen/ vorming/opstap-naar-verpleegkunde Working and studying 65 Contact For employees caring for the elderly: Tom van Oost Vormingouderenzorg@fe-bi.org T 02/229 20 35 For employees in private hospitals: Kaat Lisaerde vorming-sfpz@fe-bi.org T 02/227 61 50 Nursing Support Training Project: Project 3030 – word Verzorgende/Zorgkundige What is the purpose of the project? In the family care sector Project 3030 has been running successfully for 5 years. The purpose is to enable non-nursing staff employed in private-sector family care to retrain as care assistants or nursing auxiliaries. What is the project’s target group? You can take part in the project if you have at least a half-time permanent contract with an employer in private sector family care (Paritair Comité 318.02). What are the requirements to take part? You must meet all of the following criteria: • You have a minimum of 5 years seniority in your current home care service on or before 1 June of the year in which you apply. • You are employed on a permanent contract that provides at least half-time employment. • Up to the beginning of the course you are not involved in any procedure that can lead to dismissal. • You are not employed as a care assistant and do not hold a diploma that qualifies you as a care assistant. What course(s) can you take through the project? You undertake to engage in a full-time daytime course that will qualify you as a care assistant or nursing auxiliary. Once you have completed the course successfully you will be certified as a care assistant or nursing auxiliary. The VDAB provides this certification. The VDAB recognizes and subsidizes these courses. 66 orientation guide If you would like to know more about these courses and the institutions that provide them, go to www.vvdg.be (the website of the association of family care services Vereniging van diensten voor gezinszorg — VVDG) and click on ‘opleidingen’. How long does the course last? As a trainee care assistant you will do: • 2 blocks of theory (in total about 5 months); • 2 work placements (one in a residential care home, the other in your own home care service, in total another 5 months). You can then take a 4-week module in auxiliary nursing: • 70 hours theory; • 50 hours work placement. What financial and practical advantages does the project provide? • free training; • travel expenses to the work placement; • retention of salary; • continued accrual of seniority; • you keep your job with your current employer. Who organizes this project? This project is coordinated by VSPF-Vorming jointly with VIVO vzw on behalf of the Vormingsfonds voor de Diensten Gezinszorg van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap and financed by the Fonds Sociale Maribel 318.02. What website provides further information? www.vspf.org/31802/project_3030 Enrolment information The project runs per academic year. Enrolment has already closed for the academic year 2013-2014. A new call for enrolment will be issued in the course of March 2014. Contact VSPF vzw -Vorming project3030@vspf.be Working and studying 67 VIA vorming hogerop ! What is the purpose of the project? By means of this project, organizations representing both employees and employers in the social sector provide opportunities for almost 50 people who already work in the sector to take a supplementary occupational course. During the course you retain your salary as an employee and your course expenses are met. During the time that you are taking the course, you are exempt from work, because your employer receives funds to take on a temporary replacement. What is the project’s target group? You have been working for your current employer in the social sector for at least 5 years, you have completed secondary education and you meet the requirements set out below. For information: with a certificate of vocational secondary education you can only be considered if you did not complete the seventh year. What are the requirements to take part? • You must work at least half-time. • You can be available full-time for the course. • You have to pass the VDAB test. • You have a good command of Dutch (level 2 to 2.4). • You work in one of the following Flemish sectors: Family care, institutions for educational support and housing, sheltered or social work places, socio-cultural sector, daycare, Flemish healthcare institutions and services. What courses can you take through this project? This project is for supplementary vocational training that can be taken through an adult education centre (Centrum voor Volwassenenonderwijs — CVO). Preference will be given to courses providing entry-level qualifications for a shortage occupation, such as educational support worker, nursing auxiliary, daycare assistant, and so forth. There are a lot of employment opportunities in this sector. For a list of shortage occupations check www.vdab.be/jobs/ knelpuntberoepen.shtml On enrolment you indicate 2 CVOs of your choice. VIVO vzw will then see which CVO still has places for the course you have chosen. 68 orientation guide How long does the course take? You take the daytime course, which is the quickest way possible. The length of time will vary depending on the course taken. For the length of each course see the website www.ond.vlaanderen.be/ onderwijsaanbod/ What are the financial and practical advantages of the project? • You keep your basic pay. • You are exempt from work for the Standard duration of the course. • The course expenses are covered. Who organizes this project? VIVO vzw co-ordinates this project in co-operation with the social foundations of the following sectors: • PC 318.02 (family care); • PC 319.01 (remediation and housing institutions and services; of the Flemish Community) • PC 327 (Social and sheltered workplaces); • PC 329.01 (sociocultural sector); • and PC 331 (Flemish welfare and health sector). What website will provide additional information? www.vivosocialprofit.org/?var=150 Contact VIVO vzw Bart van Opstal bvo@vivosocialprofit.org T 02/250 37 77 Working and studying 69 Project Succes met je studies What is the purpose of the project? Three Flemish Social Foundations provide encouragement: they will reimburse up to 100 euros of registration fees paid and up to 25 euros of school fees (or course charges) for a number of courses. What is the project’s target group? • You are taking one of the courses listed below in an adult-education centre. • You have an employment contract, a volunteer contract or a work placement contract with a non-profit (vzw) that falls under one of the following joint employment boards (paritaire comités): • PC 319.01 for the Flemish Remediation and Housing sector (special youth care, care for those with a disability, CKG, CIG, general welfare work, etc.); • PC 329 for the Flemish sociocultural sector (sociocultural associations, etc.); • PC 331 for the Flemish welfare and health sector (daycare, mental health care, etc.). Take note: Public-sector organizations, schools, and so forth, are NOT eligible. So no OCMWs, no schools, and so on. What are the requirements to take part? • You are on work placement or you have a contract in one of the subsectors of PC 319.01, PC 329 or PC 331. • You are taking one of the following courses in an adult-education centre. What course(s) can you take under this project? You take one of the following courses in an adult-education centre. At secondary-level adult education to obtain a certificate At the higher vocational level to obtain a graduate diploma Out-of-school care provider Interpreting for the deaf Daycare provider Social work Educational child worker Remedial education (Orthopedagogy) Intercultural worker Human resources Care for the young and the disabled Old-age counselling training Multilingual general clerk Social-cultural work 70 orientation guide Full information about these courses can be found on www.ond.vlaanderen.be/ onderwijsaanbod/volwassen/richtingen.asp How long does the course last? This depends on just which course you take. What financial and practical advantages does the project offer? You will be reimbursed up to 100 euros of registration fees and up to 25 euros of school fees. Only the fees actually paid are reimbursed. If the fees are lower than 100 and/or 25 euros, you get no more than the actual cost. Who organizes this project? The project is co-ordinated by VSPF-Vorming jointly with VIVO vzw on behalf of the Social Foundations for the Flemish Remediation and Housing sector (PC 319.10) and the Social–Cultural work of the Flemish Community (PC 329). What website provides additional information? www.vivosocialprofit.org/?var=113 www.vspf.org/nieuws Registration information: The application form can be found on the website.Your application must be sent in by 31 March 2014 (date of postage). Contact Succes met je studies t.a.v. Mady Decorte VSPF vzw succesmetjestudies@vspf.org Further information about the projects: VIVO vzw – Vlaams Instituut voor Vorming en opleiding in de Social profit vzw www.vivosocialprofit.org VSPF vzw – Vlaamse Social-Profitfondsen vzw – www.vspf.org FE.BI vzw – Vereniging van de Federale en Bicommunautaire Sociale Fondsen van de Non-Profit Sector www.fe-bi.org Source paragraph 5.1 : Vivo Working and studying 71 5.2. ANDERE ONDERSTEUNING OTHER SUPPORT Paid educational leave In principle all employees in the private sector are entitled to paid educational leave to take a course while retaining their salary. You can obtain the requirements and regulations for paid educational leave from the following address: FOD Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Sociaal Overleg Dienst van het betaald educatief verlof T 02/233 47 02 or T 02/233 49 06 educatief.verlof@meta.fgov.be www.werk.belgie.be/defaultTab.aspx?id=536 Training vouchers for employees You can use these cheques to pay for a course, career advice, or assessment of competence. The employee has to pay half the price. It is advisable to check with the school offering the course whether they are a recognized educational provider that works with training vouchers. Check with the school what costs the vouchers cover before you order them. You can use them for courses taken while using time credit or during paid educational leave. You will find further information on the website www.vdab.be/opleidingscheques/ Time credit (tijdskrediet) If as an employee you are eligible to time credit then you can ask your employer to shorten your hours temporarily so that you can take an alternatively organized course (anders georganiseerde opleiding – AGO). The conditions and advantages of time credit can be seen on www.rva.be (click through to Loopbaanonderbreking – tijdskrediet). Contact your employer to see whether you are eligible for time credit within your organization. Further information: www.rva.be/frames/Frameset.aspx?Language=NL& Path=D_Opdracht_LBO/Regl/&Items=1/1 72 orientation guide Training credit (Opleidingskrediet) Over the full Standard duration of your occupational career you can take one training credit for a maximum Standard duration of 2 years. Employees with at least 20 years seniority (not necessarily in the social profit sector) get an additional half year. If your course takes longer, you can obtain credit for the full Standard duration of the course if: • you are enrolled in second-chance education, which is to say: • education in a centre for basic education and adult training; • education to enable somebody aged over 18 to obtain a (higher) secondary diploma; • an introductory course in Dutch for non-native speakers; • an introductory course in computer programming. • you are taking a course that qualifies you for a shortage occupation. The list of shortage occupations can be consulted on the RVA website (this provides a list in Dutch of the courses that provide entry-level qualifications for occupations in which there is a significant shortage of workers). To be eligible for the Flemish training credit you must: • have a permanent contract; • already have obtained your half-time or full-time time credit from the RVA; • submit your application for the premium within 6 months of the beginning of your career break; • take a course that meets one of the following requirements: • a course that is organized, subsidized or recognized by the sector training foundations; • a course that is organized, subsidized or recognized by the Flemish authorities, or a course recognized as equivalent (for instance at a foreign university). Such a course must comprise at least 120 hours or 30 credits per year. During your career break you may: • not do any other work; • not have any other money-making activities; • not receive unemployment benefit. For further information see: www.werk.be/online-diensten/aanmoedigings premies/social-profitsector/opleidingskrediet Working and studying 73 Study grant (studiebeurs) Sometimes a student can obtain financial support from the government. Adult students (for example a single parent with dependants) can also be eligible. Contact the social office at your educational institution for more information. Also check the website www.ond.vlaanderen.be/studietoelagen, or contact the Flemish Info Line (Vlaamse Infolijn – free number 1700). Part-time learning Almost all educational institutions will enable you to spread classes over a number of years. Often there will be lower academic fees per year if fewer classes are taken. Some schools even offer individually tailored programmes suited to your own tempo. Chapter 7 lists the educational institutions providing part-time learning. Distance learning If you are unable to study in the daytime, it is sometimes possible to take courses by distance learning. With the aid of the Internet you can study from home as much as possible. You will then have less class time. Consult the course overview in chapter 7 to see what courses can be taken by distance learning. Further information • www.ond.vlaanderen.be/studietoelagen • www.rva.be/frames/Frameset.aspx?Language=NL&Path=D_Opdracht_LBO/ Regl/&Items=1/1 • www.werk.belgie.be/defaultTab.aspx?id=536 • www.vdab.be/opleidingscheques/werknemers3.shtml • www.werk.be/online-diensten/aanmoedigingspremies/social-profitsector/ opleidingskrediet Source paragraph 5.2 Flemish authorities and VDAB 74 orientation guide Working and studying 75 6 78 orientation guide DIPLOMA GELIJKWAARDIGHEID EN ERKENNING VAN COMPETENTIES (EVC) EQUIVALENCE OF QUALIFICATIONS AND RECOGNITION OF CURRENT COMPETENCE (EVC) This chapter provides information about how to have the equivalence of an existing qualification or the level of current competence recognized. Section 6.1 explains how to have a foreign qualification recognized by the Flemish Community. The official agency that carries out the administrative work is NARICVlaanderen. Section 6.2 explains how you can have knowledge and skills acquired through work experience officially recognized. This will reduce time spent studying for a qualification. EQUIVALENCE OF QUALIFICATIONS AND RECOGNITION OF CURRENT COMPETENCE (EVC) 79 6.1. DIPLOMAGELIJKWA ARDIGHEID EQUIVALENCE OF QUALIFICATIONS What is Naric-Vlaanderen? NARIC is short for “National Academic (and professional) Recognition and Information Centre”. NARIC-Vlaanderen is responsible for recognizing the equivalence of: • foreign diplomas of higher education; • foreign diplomas of adult education; • foreign diplomas of secondary education. What is equivalence? Equivalence is official recognition that a qualification obtained in another country is of equal standing with a Flemish diploma. Official recognition of equivalence means that a foreign qualification has the same civil effect in Flanders as the equivalent Flemish qualification has. This gives you the same rights as a person who holds the equivalent Flemish qualification. If a Flemish diploma qualifies somebody to apply for a job with the Flemish government, an equivalent foreign diploma does too. How to apply? A step-by-step guide that provides simple and straightforward advice on choosing the right equivalence procedure can be found on the NARIC-Vlaanderen website. You can submit your application digitally through the NARIC-Vlaanderen website or you can print out the application form and add all the required documentation. If required documents are lacking your application will not be processed. You can find all the information about submitting an application on the NARIC-Vlaanderen website. How long does it take for an application to be processed? For full equivalence NARIC aims to process your application within four months. The application does have to be complete to be processed. No documentation can be missing. 80 orientation guide Did NARIC-Vlaanderen receive my application? If NARIC received your application, you will receive notification within 3 weeks. Contact NARIC-Vlaanderen if you have heard nothing about your application after three weeks. Who decides whether my qualifications are equivalent? NARIC–Vlaanderen presents your file to experts. They investigate whether the studies you have successfully completed in another country are equivalent to a similar studies provided by an educational institution of the Flemish Community. NARIC-Vlaanderen reaches a decision on the basis of the experts’ advice. Sometimes the experts meet in committees. Will my qualification necessarily be recognized as equivalent? No. Sometimes a foreign qualification is not the equivalent of a Flemish qualification. In some cases consideration can be given to equivalence at a different educational level (for example adult education rather than higher education). It is also possible that only ‘equivalence of level’ is recognized. Equivalence of level means that a foreign diploma is recognized as a qualification of the same level as a Flemish school leaving, 'higher vocational', 'bachelor', 'master' or 'doctoral' qualification and was issued by a centre for higher education or a university. This may be because the foreign course of study has no equivalent in Flanders, so that there is no diploma with which the foreign diploma can be declared equivalent. A recognition of equivalence of level is sometimes all that a potential employer will require. What are the conditions for submitting an equivalence application? NARIC-Vlaanderen is responsible for recognizing equivalence with Flemish qualifications. You can apply to NARIC-Vlaanderen if you live in Flanders or in the Brussels Capital Region. You can also submit a file if you live abroad but want to work in Flanders. You will be referred to the NARIC centre of the Communauté française if: • your official place of residence in Belgium is not in Flanders or in the Brussels Capital Region; • you are a pupil or a student at an educational institution subsidized by the French Community; • you want to use your qualifications to find work or to study in the French Community; • you are referred to NARIC-Vlaanderen by a French-language organization. EQUIVALENCE OF QUALIFICATIONS AND RECOGNITION OF CURRENT COMPETENCE (EVC) 81 Contact details for the NARIC centre of the French Community: • Foreign diplomas of secondary education: Direction générale de l'enseignement obligatoire Service des équivalences A. Lavalléestraat 1 1080 Brussels T 02/690 86 86 equi.oblig@cfwb.be www.equivalences.cfwb.be • Foreign diplomas of higher education: NARIC de la Communauté française de Belgique Service de la Reconnaissance académique et professionnelle des diplômes étrangers d'enseignement supérieur A. Lavalléestraat 1 1080 Brussels T 02/690 89 00 equi.sup@cfwb.be www.equivalences.cfwb.be Do I need to have official recognition of the equivalence of my foreign qualifications in order to study at a course provider within the Flemish Community? No. Within the Flemish Community the educational institutions themselves decide about admission of pupils and students. You can apply directly to the educational institution of your choice. You do not need to apply to NARIC -Vlaanderen. An overview of all the Flemish educational institutions in Brussels and Flanders, with contact details, is available here: www.ond.vlaanderen.be/onderwijsaanbod What are the options if you do not obtain recognition of equivalence? In that case you go to the educational institution that offers the course you wish to take. Educational institutions are free to decide what qualifications you need to obtain in order to pursue the course you have in mind. The course provider can look into whether your foreign qualification can entitle you to exemption from part(s) of the curriculum, shortening the programme of study. 82 orientation guide Which documents will you need to have translated when submitting an application for equivalence? If the original documents are NOT in French, English, German or Dutch, you will need to send certified translations of the following documents (depending on the procedure chosen): • proof of identity; • diploma or transcript; • diploma supplement. • Translations of summaries of the curriculum or dissertation need not be certified. You can do these yourself. Contact a translation agency or a certified translator for further information about the costs of translations. To be certain of just which documents you need to submit with your application, be sure to check the NARIC-Vlaanderen website. Can I get personal help with an equivalence application? Bon, the Brussels reception agency for integration, offers new and established immigrants registered with the integration programme help with the diploma equivalence procedure. Bon, in collaboration with ACTIRIS and CIRÉ, also provides information sessions for Brussels job seekers on the procedures for recognition of the equivalence of qualifications. These provide information about the procedures of NARIC-Vlaanderen and the procedures of the French Community. Further information: www.actiris.be/tabid/176/language/nl-BE/Default. aspx?idEvent=448. Bon also advises on the composition of an individual submission for job seekers. You can contact bon on dgs@bon.be or the telephone number 02/5016680. For this service you have to be registered with Actiris. NOTE: There is a special procedure for Nursing! Nursing is a regulated profession. A regulated or protected profession is a profession with legal requirements for entry. These professions require specific professional qualifications. If your nursing degree was obtained at a recognized educational institution in a European Union country or in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland or Norway and you are also a national of one of these countries then you need not apply to NARIC-Vlaanderen. You can make contact directly with the Federal Public Health Service (Federale Overheidsdienst Volksgezondheid). They will check whether you are allowed to practise professionally. EQUIVALENCE OF QUALIFICATIONS AND RECOGNITION OF CURRENT COMPETENCE (EVC) 83 Contact the Federal Public Service for Health, Food Chain Safety and the Environment: Federale Overheidsdienst Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en Leefmilieu / Directoraat-generaal Basisgezondheidszorg Eurostation II Victor Hortaplein, 40, bus 10, 2de verdieping 1060 Brussels T 02/524 97 97 E-mail: info@health.fgov.be Contact and opening hours of NARIC-Vlaanderen Further information and the step-by-step guide to the applicable procedure can be found on the website www.naric.be Phone the free number 1700, any working day from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. From abroad you can call the paying number +32 2 553 1700. You can also contact NARIC Vlaanderen by e-mail (naric@vlaanderen.be) or by letter. The postal address for NARIC-Vlaanderen is: NARIC-Vlaanderen Afdeling Dienstverlening EVC Agentschap voor Kwaliteitszorg in Onderwijs en Vorming Hendrik Consciencegebouw Koning Albert II-laan 15 1210 Brussels Contact details for guidance and advice on equivalence of qualifications provided by Brussels Onthaalbureau Bon and ACTIRIS: T 02/5016680 – E-mail dgs@bon.be www.actiris.be/tabid/176/language/nl-BE/Default.aspx?idEvent=448 http://bon.be/en/diploma-equivalency 6.2. ERKENNING VAN COMPETENTIES (‘EVC’) RECOGNITION OF PREVIOUSLY ACQUIRED COMPETENCES What is competence? Competence is a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes. You need competence to carry out a task. Do you want to be able to cycle safely on the public 84 orientation guide road (competence)? Then you need to know the highway code (knowledge), cycle well (skill) and take account of other road users (attitude). How do you acquire competence? Competence has to be acquired. You can do this in a number of ways. You can do it at work, at home, at school or in your free time. What is recognition of current competence? The EVC procedures give you an opportunity to have your current competence certified. It does not matter how you acquired that competence. The procedure consists of 4 steps: • Identification: naming the types of competence you possess; • Documentation: proving your competence through documentation; • Assessment: your competence is assessed against a relevant standard (for example occupational qualifications from the Vlaamse kwalificatiestructuur); • Certification: a certificate of qualification or a certificate of competence is issued. The EVC can also provide you with exemptions for course components or access to employment prospects. Contact your school for further information. What is the Certificate of Experience (Ervaringsbewijs)? Every job requires specific types of competence. You can prove this competence with a diploma or certificate. But you can also demonstrate your competence through the EVC procedure. You will do a practical test and be interviewed. If you pass, you receive a Certificate of Experience. This is official certification of your competence. You can use it within the Flemish Community to find work. Further information: www.evcvlaanderen.be/ To find out which occupations accept the Certificate of Experience and to understand the application procedure, see www.ervaringsbewijs.be Source chapter 6 EVC Vlaanderen www.ervaringsbewijs.be EQUIVALENCE OF QUALIFICATIONS AND RECOGNITION OF CURRENT COMPETENCE (EVC) 85 7 88 orientation guide OVERZICHT ZORGOPLEIDINGEN OVERVIEW OF CARE COURSES In this chapter you will find information about the various work experience projects, vocational courses, and healthcare courses in higher education that provide entry-level qualifications for shortage occupations. In the overview of courses provided below you will often see this VDAB logo in the course files. This means that the VDAB regards this as a ‘recognized course’. The VDAB organizes VDABrecognized courses in collaboration with an educational partner. These are preparatory programmes, vocational courses, and courses provided at university colleges (hogescholen). Overview of care courses 89 For the financial advantages of following a course organized or recognized by the VDAB, see chapter 3. If you live in Brussels you have to be registered as a job seeker with both the VDAB and Actiris in order to access the VDAB range. If you live in Flanders you only need to be registered with the VDAB. There are certain advantages to choosing a course that provides entry-level qualifications for a shortage occupation. To find out what these are, go to www.vdab.be/opleidingen/ knelpuntopleidingen.shtml. In the overview below, shortage occupations are indicated with a bell symbol. In section 7.1 you will find information about work experience projects. Work experience projects are intended to improve access to a new job for those out of work. In section 7.2 you will find information about preparatory courses that improve access to vocational courses. In these programmes you primarily learn to improve your Dutch. The vocational courses are listed in section 7.3. The higher-education courses are in section 7.4. The VDAB job-shop staff will inform you about all types of courses that are recognized by the VDAB. Further information: info@vdab.be www.vdab.be/opleidingen 90 orientation guide The level of Dutch required for each of the courses and work experience projects listed below is indicated with asterisks (stars). These asterisks indicate the ‘Starting level of Dutch’ that you have to have obtained to have a realistic chance of being accepted on to a course or a work experience project. The table on the next page provides a key to these asterisks. Overview of care courses 91 Language accessibility of the courses offered. No or very limited knowledge of Dutch tttt These projects require no or very limited knowledge of Dutch prior to enrolment. Some projects do require that the participant take Dutch classes during the work experience or training project (during working hours). The project is open to participants who have not yet learnt any Dutch or who have only just started learning Dutch and do not yet understand much. Basic knowledge of Dutch = level 1.1 obtained sttt A single asterisk indicates that a basic knowledge of Dutch is required. The project is open to participants who have already followed some Dutch classes and can understand simple Dutch sentences. Good basic knowledge of Dutch = level 1.2 or level 2.1 obtained sstt Two asterisks indicate that a substantial prior knowledge of Dutch is required. The project is open to participants who have been taking Dutch classes for a while, understand a lot and can explain something in Dutch. Good knowledge of Dutch = level 2.2 or level 2.3 obtained ssst Three asterisks indicate that extensive knowledge of Dutch if required. The project is open to participants who have studied Dutch at a reasonable level and intensively for at least a year. Participants speak and understand Dutch fluently. They can understand (simple) texts in Dutch and write a short text in Dutch. Advanced knowledge of Dutch = level 2.4 obtained ssss Four asterisks indicate that an advanced knowledge of Dutch is required. The project is open to participants who can produce coherent texts like personal or business letters and who can express and defend their opinions in a respectful manner. 92 orientation guide The table below gives you an overview of the asterisks and the corresponding NT2-level obtained. NT2 stands for ‘Nederlands tweede taal’ (Dutch as a second language). TABLE OF NT2 LEVEL OBTAINED STARS CENTRE BASIC EDUCATION (CBE) SLOWER LEARNERS CENTRE ADULT EDUCATION (CVO) sttt Breakthrough 1 Breakthrough 2 Breakthrough 3 Breakthrough 4 Module 1.1 Waystage 1 oral Waystage 1 writteWaystage 2 oral Waystage 2 written Module 1.2 sstt sstt Module 2.1 ssst Module 2.2 ssst Module 2.3 ssss Module 2.4 LEVELS EUROPEAN REFERENCE’ A1 (Breakthrough) A2 (Waystage) B1 (half Threshold) B1 (Threshold) or higher Overview of care courses 93 7.1. WERKERVARINGSPROJECTEN WORK EXPERIENCE PROJECTS DIENSTENCENTRUM EN AANVULLENDE THUISHULP SERVICE CENTRE AND SUPPLEMENTARY HOME HELP Aksent Gallaitstraat 86 bus 24, 1030 Schaarbeek T 02/240 71 90 – www.aksentvzw.vgc.be HOW TO GET THERE Tram 55 to Rubens, Tram 25, 55, 94 to Liedts PURPOSE Acquiring work experience in auxiliary home help and the service centre, in preparation for employment in the care sector. WHAT Working in the service centre and/or as a home help. Dutch course (care) for non-native speakers. Tailored training programme in the care sector. Individual tuition. CERTIFICATE No certificate REQUIREMENTS FOR TAKING PART DSP, art. 60 STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH No or very limited knowledge tttt INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION Max. 2 years, DSP: 32 hours per week, art. 60: 38 hours per week AFTERCARE Employment coaching up to 6 months after the end of the work experience contract CONTACT info@aksentvzw.be Overview of care courses 95 BUITENSCHOOLSE KINDEROPVANG OUT-OF-SCHOOL DAYCARE De Buiteling, Buitenschoolse kinderopvang Kogelstraat 29, 1000 Brussels T 02/2234822 – www.debuiteling.be HOW TO GET THERE Metro 1, 5 to Sint-Katelijne – Bus 86 to Dansaert – Tram 3, 4 to Beurs, 51 to Ninoofse Poort PURPOSE Acquiring work experience and types of competence for employment assisting with (out-of-school) daycare. WHAT Acquiring work experience in an out-of-school daycare project. Course in Dutch as a second language. Training to obtain attestation as an assistant in out-of-school childcare. Educational certificate (TKO), recognized by Kind en Gezin. Individual tuition. CERTIFICATE Educational certificate, educational diploma REQUIREMENTS FOR TAKING PART DSP STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 2.1 obtained sstt INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION Max. 2 years AFTERCARE Employment coaching up to 6 months after the end of the work experience contract. CONTACT info@debuiteling.be 96 orientation guide (VOORSCHOOLSE) KINDEROPVANG BEFORE-SCHOOL DAYCARE De Ketjes, Kinderdagverblijf Dambordstraat 25, 1000 Brussels T 02/2187288 – www.kdvdeketjes.com HOW TO GET THERE Métro 2, 6 Rogier PURPOSE Acquiring work experience in childcare in preparation for employment in the care sector. WHAT Acquiring work experience in daycare. Taking a course in ‘child daycare’ that leads to the certificate as assistant in (out-of-school) childcare. Individual tuition. CERTIFICATE Educational certificate, diploma REQUIREMENTS FOR TAKING PART DSP STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 2.1 obtained sstt INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION Max. 2 years AFTERCARE Employment guidance up to 6 months after the end of the work experience contract. CONTACT kdvdeketjes@hotmail.com Overview of care courses 97 (VOORSCHOOLSE) KINDEROPVANG BEFORE-SCHOOL DAYCARE Elmer, Kinderdagverblijf Vooruitgangstraat 317, 1030 Schaarbeek T 02/2742021 – www.elmer.be HOW TO GET THERE Tram 3, 55, 94 to Thomas • Elmer Noord: Vooruitgangsstraat 317, 1030 Schaarbeek – T 02/274 20 20 • Elmer Zuid Herzieningslaan 77, 1070 Anderlecht – T 02/523 89 56 • Elmer West F. Brunfautstraat 42, 1080 Sint-Jans-Molenbeek – T 02/415 94 27 • Elmer In de stad Nieuwland 15, 1000 Brussels – T 02/274 01 40 PURPOSE Acquiring work experience in daycare, in preparation for employment in the care sector. WHAT Acquiring work experience in a crèche. Training as a daycare assistant leading to certification as an assistant in (out-of-school) care. Individual tuition. CERTIFICATE Educational certificate, educational diploma REQUIREMENTS FOR TAKING PART DSP STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 2.1 obtained sstt INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION Max. 2 years, 30 hours per week AFTERCARE Employment coaching for up to 6 months after the end of the work experience contract. CONTACT info@elmer.be 98 orientation guide AANVULLENDE THUISHULP SUPPLEMENTARY HOME HELP Familiehulp Koningsstraat 306, 1210 Sint-Joost-ten-Node T 02/5437910 – www.familiehulp.be HOW TO GET THERE: Metro 2, 6 to Kruidtuin – Tram 92, 94 to Gillon or Sint-Maria PURPOSE Acquiring work experience as a home help / care assistant, in preparation for employment in the care sector. WHAT Acquiring work experience as a home help in a home care service. It may be possible to take some course modules in ‘care’, whether or not in combination with a Dutch course. CERTIFICATE No certificate REQUIREMENTS FOR TAKING PART DSP STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 1.1 obtained sttt INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION Max. 2 years AFTERCARE Accompagnement à l’emploi jusqu’à six months après la fin du contrat d’expérience professionnelle. CONTACT brussel@familiehulp.be Overview of care courses 99 VERZORGENDE, ZORGKUNDIGE GENERAL CARE ASSISTANT, NURSING AUXILIARY Solidariteit voor het Gezin Brussel Vrijheidslaan 34, 1081 Koekelberg T 02/2275040 – www.solidariteit.be HOW TO GET THERE Metro 2, 6 to Simonis – Tram 19 to Simonis PURPOSE Acquiring work experience as a home help / care assistant, in preparation for employment in the healthcare sector. WHAT Acquiring work experience as a home help in a home care service. It may be possible to take course modules in ‘care’, whether or not in combination with a Dutch course. CERTIFICATE No certificate REQUIREMENTS FOR TAKING PART DSP STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH No or very limited knowledge tttt STANDARD DURATION Max. 2 years INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes AFTERCARE Employment coaching for up to 6 months after the end of the work experience contract. CONTACT joke.dejonge@svhg.be 100 orientation guide 7.2. VOOROPLEIDINGEN PREPARATORY PROGRAMMES VOOROPLEIDING SOCIAL PROFIT VOOR ANDERSTALIGEN (VOSPA) PREPARATORY COURSE SOCIAL PROFIT FOR NON-NATIVE SPEAKERS VDAB Brussel and Groep INTRO Brussel Wetstraat 95, 1040 Etterbeek T 02/5581880 – www.vdab.be – www.groepintro.be HOW TO GET THERE Metro Maalbeek PURPOSE An introduction to courses or jobs in the care sector. WHAT This course combines sector-specific Dutch lessons with an introduction to the social sector. It is a way to get to know the courses and occupations in the sector. DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE VDAB certificate ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Physical fitness and good motivation STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 1.2 obtained sstt INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION 5 months VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes COURSE SCHEDULING Contact hours are in the daytime. WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS CAN YOU WORK IN? This training programme is a first step to a variety of courses in the care and welfare sector. AFTERCARE The tutor will help the participant identify the most suitable continuation course. CONTACT rdb04@vdab.be 102 orientation guide VOOROPLEIDING ZORG PREPARATORY COURSE IN CARE Groep INTRO Brussel Charles Parentéstraat 6, 1070 Anderlecht T 02/5581880 – www.groepintro.be HOW TO GET THERE Bus 27, 49, 50, 78 to Zuidstation – Metro 2, 6 to Zuidstation – Tram 3, 4, 31, 32, 51, 81, 82, 83 to Zuidstation PURPOSE Preparatory programme for vocational training as a care assistant – nursing auxiliary. WHAT During this preparatory programme you receive an introduction to the social sector and the occupation ‘Care assistant – Nursing auxiliary’: an introduction to course content in the continuation courses, communication skills and professional attitudes, testimonies, visits to courses, workplaces and an observational placement (1 week). DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE VDAB certificate ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Physical fitness STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 2.2 obtained ssst INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION 3 months VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes COURSE SCHEDULING Contact hours are during the daytime. WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? This preparatory programme gives access to training as a care assistant. AFTERCARE Up to 6 months after completion of the vocational course. Counselling on the most suitable continuation course. CONTACT Marlies.naeyaert@groepintro.be Overview of care courses 103 7.3. BEROEPSOPLEIDINGEN–VOCATIONAL COURSES BEROEPSOPLEIDING POETSMEDEWERKER IN DE SOCIAL PROFITSECTOR (ONDERHOUDSASSISTENT) VOCATIONAL TRAINING AS A CLEANER IN THE SOCIAL PROFIT SECTOR Groep INTRO Brussel Charles Parentéstraat 6, 1070 Anderlecht T 02/5581880 – www.groepintro.be HOW TO GET THERE Metro 2, 6 to Zuidstation – Tram 3, 4, 51, 81, 82 to Zuidstation – Bus 27, 49, 50, 78 to Zuidstation PURPOSE Acquiring types of competence for employment as a cleaner in the Social Profit sector. WHAT Practical knowledge of products and materials, cleaning of interiors and hygiene, dusting, mopping, spraying, polishing. General studies: communication, social skills, work attitudes, job application training. Work experience: 1 month. DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE VDAB certificate ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Registered with Actiris (and with VDAB if domiciled) in Flanders. Physical fitness. STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 1.1 obtained sttt INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION 4 months VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes COURSE SCHEDULING The contact hours are during the daytime. 104 orientation guide WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? Hospitals, home care, residential care AFTERCARE Training and employment coaching for up to 6 months after completion of the course. CONTACT Marlies.naeyaert@groepintro.be Overview of care courses 105 OPLEIDING VOLWASSENONDERWIJS LOGISTIEK ASSISTENT ADULT-EDUCATION COURSE AS LOGISTICS SUPPORT WORKER CVO Brussel Materiaalstraat 67, 1070 Anderlecht T 02/528 09 50 – www.cvobrussel.be HOW TO GET THERE Metro 2, 6 to Clemenceau or Delacroix – Tram 81 to Albert I –Bus 46 to Albert I – Train to Brussel Zuid PURPOSE Acquiring types of competence for employment as a logistics support worker in hospitals, residential care homes, day centres, etc. Job content: supporting tasks: housekeeping and limited administrative tasks, animation, internal transport of patients, maintenance of materials, hotel activities, etc. WHAT This vocational course leads to the certificate ‘Logistics Support Worker’. After the course you can go on to study to be a Care Assistant / Nursing auxiliary. Programme components: providing logistics support to other care providers, creating a good residential and living environment, methodical action, working in a team, etc. DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE Educational certificate ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Registered with Actiris (and the VDAB if domiciled in Flanders) Minimum age: 18 years old STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 2.2 obtained ssst INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION 1.5 semesters (the course runs from September to April) 1 day of class per week + 8 hours of work placement per week – 510 class periods VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes, for those working part time. COURSE SCHEDULING daytime education, part-time education WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? Hospitals, home care, residential care Overview of care courses 107 WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? Yes, participants who have taken equivalent courses or can demonstrate certain types of competence can apply for exemptions. Each application is considered on its own merits. AFTERCARE Training and employment coaching for up to 6 months after completion of the course. CONTACT info@cvobrussel.be 108 orientation guide BEROEPSOPLEIDING VERZORGENDE, ZORGKUNDIGE VOCATIONAL TRAINING CARE ASSISTANT, NURSING AUXILIARY Familiehulp – Opleidingscentrum Hollandstraat 64, 1060 Sint-Gillis T 02/5343834 – www.familiehulp.be HOW TO GET THERE Metro 2, 6 to Zuidstation / Hallepoort – Tram 3, 4 to Zuidstation, 81, 82 to Zweden – Bus 49, 50 to Zweden PURPOSE Acquiring types of competence for employment as a Care assistant / Nursing auxiliary. WHAT This vocational course trains the student to be a Care assistant or Nursing auxiliary. A Care assistant is a multiskilled aide working as part of a team. The care comprises personal care, household help, psychological support, and general educational support for the person requesting care. The Care assistant can work in the care of the elderly, home care, or care of those with a disabilities. A Nursing auxiliary is specifically trained to provide additional nursing support tasks. The Nursing auxiliary works under the direction of a Nurse and is part of a team. Besides these activities, the Nursing auxiliary also carries out the tasks of a Care assistant. The Nursing auxiliary is employed in care of the elderly, hospitals, home nursing and mental healthcare (psychiatric care homes). Course components are home economics, personal care, relational skills, the working world, nursing, nutrition, communication, social law and care of specific groups. There is a work placement in home care and in a residential care centre. DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE VDAB certificate ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Passing the selection tests / Criminal record check: Certificate of Good Conduct (Bewijs van Goed Gedrag en Zeden) / Physical fitness STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 2.2 obtained ssst STANDARD DURATION 11 months Overview of care courses 109 VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes COURSE SCHEDULING Contact hours are during the daytime WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? hospitals, home care, residential care homes AFTERCARE Training and employment guidance for up to 6 months after completion of the course. CONTACT opleiding.vlaamsbrabant@familiehulp.be 110 orientation guide BEROEPSOPLEIDING VERZORGENDE, ZORGKUNDIGE VOCATIONAL TRAINING AS CARE ASSISTANT, NURSING AUXILIARY Solidariteit voor het Gezin Brussel Vrijheidslaan 34, 1081 Koekelberg T 02/2275040 – www.solidariteit.be HOW TO GET THERE Metro 2, 6 to Simonis – Tram 19 to Simonis PURPOSE Acquiring competence for employment as Care assistant / Nursing auxiliary. WHAT This vocational course trains the student to be a Care assistant or Nursing auxiliary. A Care assistant is a multiskilled aide working as part of a team. The care comprises personal care, household help, psychological support, and general educational support for the person requesting care. The Care assistant can work in the care of the elderly, home care, or care of those with disabilities. A Nursing auxiliary is specifically trained to provide additional nursing support tasks. The Nursing auxiliary works under the direction of a Nurse and is part of a team. Besides these activities, the Nursing auxiliary also carries out the tasks of a Care assistant. The Nursing auxiliary is employed in care of the elderly, hospitals, home nursing and mental healthcare (psychiatric care homes). Course components are home economics, personal care, relational skills, the working world, nursing, nutrition, communication, social law and care of specific groups. There is a work placement in home care and in a residential care centre. DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE VDAB certificate ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Passing the selection tests/ Criminal record check: Certificate of Good Conduct (Bewijs van Goed Gedrag en Zeden) / Physical fitness STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 1.2 obtained sstt Overview of care courses 111 STANDARD DURATION 11 months VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes COURSE SCHEDULING Contact hours are during the daytime WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? hospitals , home care, residential care homes AFTERCARE Training and employment guidance for up to 6 months after completion of the course. CONTACT dirk.debacker@svhg.be 112 orientation guide OPLEIDING VOLWASSENENONDERWIJS VERZORGENDE ADULT-EDUCATION COURSE CARE ASSISTANT CVO Brussel Materiaalstraat 67, 1070 Anderlecht T 02/528 09 50 – www.cvobrussel.be HOW TO GET THERE Metro 2, 6 to Clemenceau or Delacroix – Tram 81 to Albert I – Bus 46 to Albert I – Train to Brussel Zuid PURPOSE Acquiring competence for employment as a Care assistant in home care services. What the job entails: help for families and the elderly: care tasks, household tasks and psychosocial support. WHAT This vocational course leads to the ‘Care assistant’ certificate. After the course you can study further for Auxiliary nursing. Course components: nursing, nutrition, general housekeeping, basic principles of psychology, clients with dementia, etc. DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE Certificat d’enseignement ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Minimum age: 18 years old STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 2.2 obtained ssst INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION 3.5 semesters / 1 day of class per week + 8 hourse work placement per week / 1240 class periods VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes, for those working part time COURSE SCHEDULING daytime education / part-time education WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? home care services Overview of care courses 113 WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? Yes, participants who have taken equivalent courses or can demonstrate that they already possess certain types of competence can apply for exemptions. Each application is considered on its own merits. AFTERCARE Training and employment coaching for up to 6 months after completion of the course. CONTACT info@cvobrussel.be 114 orientation guide OPLEIDING VOLWASSENENONDERWIJS ZORGKUNDIGE ADULT-EDUCATION COURSE NURSING AUXILIARY CVO Brussel Materiaalstraat 67, 1070 Anderlecht T 02/528 09 50 – www.cvobrussel.be HOW TO GET THERE Metro 2, 6 to Clemenceau or Delacroix – Tram 81 to Albert I – Bus 46 to Albert I – Train to Brussel Zuid PURPOSE Acquiring competence for employment as a Nursing auxiliary. What the job entails: working in a structured care team under the direction of a Nurse. WHAT This vocational course leads to the ‘Nursing auxiliary’ certificate. This certificate, combined with the certificate ‘Supplementary General Studies’, leads to a secondary-school diploma. Course components: home economics, personal care, relational skills, working environment, nursing, nutrition, communication, social law and care for specific groups. NOTE: CVO Brussel also provides retraining as a Nursing auxiliary for multiskilled Care assistants and for those working in the care sector who already have provisional registration. This course looks in greater depth at total care and care in complex situations. The Standard duration is 3 months (1 day of lessons per week + 8 hours work placement per week). This course leads to a certificate in Auxiliary nursing, recognized by the VDAB. DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE Educational certificate, educational diploma ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Minimum age: 18 years old STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 2.2 obtained ssst INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes Overview of care courses 115 STANDARD DURATION 4.5 semesters / 1 day of class per week + 8 hours work placement per week / 1450 class periods VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes, for those working part time. COURSE SCHEDULING daytime education, part-time education WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? hospitals, home care, residential care homes, day centres, family care WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? Yes, participants who have taken equivalent courses or can demonstrate that they already possess certain types of competence can apply for exemptions. Each application is considered on its own merits. AFTERCARE Training and employment coaching for up to 6 months after completion of the course. CONTACT info@cvobrussel.be 116 orientation guide OPLEIDING VOLWASSENENONDERWIJS OPVOEDER JEUGD- EN GEHANDICAPTENZORG ADULT-EDUCATION COURSE EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT WORKER FOR YOUTH AND DISABILITIES CARE CVO Brussel Materiaalstraat 67 , 1070 Anderlecht T 02/528 09 50 – www.cvobrussel.be HOW TO GET THERE Metro 2, 6 to Clemenceau or Delacroix – Tram 81 to Albert I – Bus 46 to Albert I – Train to Brussel Zuid PURPOSE Acquiring the types of competence needed for employment as a support worker. Job description: you support a range of clients, such as children, young adults, adults or the elderly, with or without special needs. Usually these clients will be in a difficult educational or welfare situation and need support. The support can be provided in a residential, semi-residential or ambulant setting. WHAT This vocational training leads to a certificate in Care of the Young and the Disabled. This certificate combined with the certificate ‘Aanvullende Algemene Vorming’ (Supplementary General Studies) meets the requirements for a school-leaving certificate. Course components: range of psychological, educational and creative modules: supporting a group, personal support of a client, creating a good living environment, dealing with information, etc. DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE Educational certificate, educational diploma ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Minimum age: 18 years old. STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 2.3 obtained ssst INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes Overview of care courses 117 STANDARD DURATION 3 academic years / 1 day of class per week + 20 hours work placement per week / 1560 class hours VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes COURSE SCHEDULING daytime education, part-time education WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? • • • • • • • • • • • disability centres residential care centres crèches and out-of-school daycare before- and after-school daycare services for child-minders reception class in a nursery school boarding schools centres for childcare and family support reception initiatives for ill children home support services psychiatric institutions WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? Yes, participants who have taken equivalent courses or can demonstrate that they already possess certain types of competence can apply for exemptions. Each application is considered on its own merits. AFTERCARE Training and employment coaching for up to 6 months after completion of the course. CONTACT info@cvobrussel.be 118 orientation guide OPLEIDING VOLWASSENENONDERWIJS BEGELEIDER IN DE KINDEROPVANG ADULT-EDUCATION COURSE DAYCARE ASSISTANT CVO Brussel Materiaalstraat 67, 1070 Anderlecht T 02/528 09 50 – www.cvobrussel.be HOW TO GET THERE Metro 2, 6 to Clemenceau or Delacroix – Tram 81 to Albert I – Bus 46 to Albert I – Train to Brussel Zuid PURPOSE Acquiring competence for employment as a daycare assistant. Content of the job: day-to-day care for babies, infants, nursery-age children and school children (0-12 years old). WHAT These course leads to certification as a ‘Daycare assistant’. This certificate in combination with the certificate ‘Aanvullende Algemene Vorming’ (Supplementary General Studies) qualifies as a diploma of secondary education. Curriculum: child development, assisting children, developing activities, working with colleagues, care, healthy eating, hygiene, etc. DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE Educational certificate, educational diploma ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Minimum age: 18 years old. STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 2.2 obtained ssst INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION 2 academic years / Half day to one-and-a-half days of class per week + 1 to 3 days work placement per week / 1280 class hours. VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes COURSE SCHEDULING daytime education, part-time education Overview of care courses 119 WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? • • • • out-of-school care initiatives (IBO) crèches home care for ill children nursery schools (assisting the nursery teacher) WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? Yes, participants who have taken equivalent courses or can demonstrate that they already possess certain types of competence can apply for exemptions. Each application is considered on its own merits. AFTERCARE Training and employment coaching for up to 6 months after completion of the course. CONTACT info@cvobrussel.be 120 orientation guide OPLEIDING VOLWASSENENONDERWIJS BEGELEIDER IN DE BUITENSCHOOLSE KINDEROPVANG ADULT-EDUCATION COURSE AS OUT-OF-SCHOOL DAYCARE ASSISTANT CVO Brussel Materiaalstraat 67, 1070 Anderlecht T 02/528 09 50 – www.cvobrussel.be HOW TO GET THERE Metro 2, 6 to Clemenceau or Delacroix – Tram 81 to Albert I – Bus 46 to Albert I – Train to Brussel Zuid PURPOSE Acquiring competence for employment as an out-of-school daycare assistant. Content of the job: day-to-day care for groups of nursery and primary schoolchildren (2.5 – 12 years old). WHAT This course leads to the certificate ‘Out-of-school daycare assistant’. This certificate in combination with ‘Aanvullende Algemene Vorming’ (Supplementary General Studies) qualifies as a diploma of secondary education. By taking 7 additional modules about the care of young children, you can obtain the complete certificate ‘Daycare assistant’ which also qualifies you to care for children below the age of 2.5 years old, thus being employable in nursery reception classes and crèches. Course components: development of school-aged children, designing and implemented various activities and forms of play. NOTE: CVO Brussel also organizes the Preparatory course Out-of-school daycare assistant. This course lasts 1 semester (2 half days of class per week + 10 hours work placement per week) and leads to a certificate recognized by Kind en Gezin. This certificate qualifies you to work in an out-of-school daycare initiative. DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE Educational certificate, educational diploma ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Minimum age: 18 years old. Overview of care courses 121 STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 2.2 obtained ssst INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION The basic program takes 6 months. A testimony is issued, but no education certificate VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes COURSE SCHEDULING daytime education, part-time education WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? out-of-school daycare initiatives (initiatieven voor buitenschoolse opvang – IBO) WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? Yes, participants who have taken equivalent courses or can demonstrate that they already possess certain types of competence can apply for exemptions. Each application is considered on its own merits. AFTERCARE Training and employment coaching for up to 6 months after completion of the course. CONTACT info@cvobrussel.be 122 orientation guide OPLEIDING VOLWASSENENONDERWIJS FARMACEUTISCH TECHNISCH ASSISTENT ADULT-EDUCATION TRAINING AS A PHARMACY TECHNICIAN CVO COOVI Emile Grysonlaan 1, 1070 Anderlecht T 02/5265100 www.coovi.be – www.elishout.be – adult education CVO HOW TO GET THERE Metro 5 to CERIA-COOVI PURPOSE Acquiring types of competence for employment as a pharmacy technician in a general pharmacy or hospital dispensary. WHAT Pharmacology, pharmaceutical formulation, anatomy and physiology, pharmaceutical care, medical care, cosmetology, toxicology, applied chemistry, applied biology. DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE Educational certificate, diploma / VDAB certificate ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Entry through the VDAB: secondary school-leaving diploma and passing the selection tests. STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH Day course: 2.4 obtained / Evening course: 2.2 obtained ssss INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION 1 school year, 1040 course hours, of which 300 hours work placement. Without the VDAB: at your own pace – minimum one year VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes COURSE SCHEDULING For VDAB participants the contact hours are in the daytime. Students taking part outside the VDAB programme are free to choose the number of modules they wish to enrol for and take them either in the daytime or in evening classes (or combining daytime and evening). These participants Overview of care courses 123 can also choose the complete daytime programme, enabling them to graduate in one academic year, including the obligatory work placement. WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? pharmacies, hospitals WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? At the request of participants it is possible to take account of current competence, diplomas and partial certificates. Each application is judged on its own merits and exemptions can be given for individual course modules. For the VDAB group: exemptions are only possible for modules already obtained from the course provider. AFTERCARE After graduation the school advises the participant in gaining the recognition required to practise the occupation of Pharmacy Technician. The school also has good contacts with working pharmacists and is regularly informed of vacancies for which graduates can apply. CONTACT cvo@elishout.be / annick.johannes@skynet.be FURTHER INFORMATION: www.schakelsnaarwerk.be Source 7.3 Schakels naar werk, Tracé Brussel 124 orientation guide 7.4. OPLEIDINGEN IN HET HOGER ONDERWIJS TOELEIDEND TOT KNELPUNTBEROEPEN IN DE ZORGSECTOR COURSES IN HIGHER EDUCATION LEADING TO QUALIFICATIONS IN SHORTAGE OCCUPATIONS IN THE CARE SECTOR HOGER BEROEPSONDERWIJS (HBO5)5 GEGRADUEERD VERPLEEGKUNDIGE HIGHER EDUCATION COURSE HBO5 NURSING GRADUATE Sint-Guido-Instituut Sainte Adresseplein 12, 1070 Anderlecht T 02/5208630 – www.sintguido.be HOW TO GET THERE Metro line 5 (to station Sint-Guido) – Tram 81 – City bus 46, 49, 75, 89 – Lijnbus 116, 117, 118, 126, 127, 128, 134, 137, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 170, 171, 172 PURPOSE HBO5 certification as a Nurse WHAT The programme comprises theoretical and clinical teaching. The clinical element involves practical exercises, study visits, project weeks and work placement. Attention is given to learning and working in groups, and to the individual tuition of the student. DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE Higher education diploma HBO5 recognized by the Flemish Community ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Certificate of the 6th year of vocational secondary education (BSO); aged 18 years or over; If no school-leaving diploma: passing an entrance test (= motivation test, language test and numeracy test). STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 2.4 ssss 5 For further information about the HBO5 qualification level see www.onderwijskiezer.be/hbo/index. php (Source: onderwijskiezer.be). 126 orientation guide STANDARD DURATION 3 years VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes REGISTRATION FEES On average €200 per module / no registration fee only costs of books and course material. Jobseekers taking the course as VDAB training do not pay registration fees, and qualify for the financial support outlined in chapter 3. COURSE SCHEDULING daytime education, evening course WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? • • • • • • • • • • • • hospitals polyclinics neighbourhood health centres home care day centres service centres social care old people’s homes and care homes education commercial representative for medical or pharmaceutical firms centres for mental health care /psychiatric hospitals fire brigade – emergency services WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? Candidates who have already obtained a diploma within the healthcare sector can go through a procedure to apply for a shortened programme and/or for exemptions from specific course components. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • It is possible to move through to a bachelor degree with a conversion programme • Additional training: postgraduate Nursing, teacher training, nursing management training, etc CONTACT info@sgi-anderlecht.be Overview of care courses 127 ZORGPORTAAL (SPECIAAL TRAJECT MODULE 1 HBO5 VERPLEEGKUNDE) CARE PORTAL SPECIAL PATH MODULE 1 HBO5 NURSING Sint-Guido-Instituut Sainte Adresseplein 12, 1070 Anderlecht T 02/520 86 30 – www.sintguido.be HOW TO GET THERE Metro line 5 (to station Sint-Guido) – Tram 81 – City bus 46, 49, 75, 89 – Lijnbus 116, 117, 118, 126, 127, 128, 134, 137, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 170, 171, 172 PURPOSE Providing support to students and offering them the best chances of passing module 1 of the HBO5 course in Nursing. By extending the course to 1 year instead of 6 months and providing supporting subjects such as numeracy, language, study methods and coaching, the candidate’s chances of passing are maximized. Training for module 1 HBO5 Nursing WHAT Besides the regular components of the Nursing course, this curriculum includes the following subjects: • Dutch • communication skills • numeracy skills • study methods, coaching and support • ICT skills • additional support, repetition, depth study • additional practical exercises DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE Partial certificate introductory module Nursing ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Selection through VDAB STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 2.4 obtained ssss INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION 1 year 128 orientation guide VDAB RECOGNIZED? Course provided in collaboration with the VDAB. Jobseekers taking the course as VDAB training do not pay registration fees, and qualify for the financial support outlined in chapter 3. COURSE SCHEDULING Daytime education WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? • • • • • • • • • • • • hospitals polyclinics neighbourhood health centres home care day centres service centres social care retirement and nursing homes education sales representative for medical or pharmaceutical firms centres for mental healthcare /psychiatric hospitals fire brigade – emergency services WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? There is differentiation within the care portal so that the candidate can work on their individual needs, and there is room for personal development and support. CONTACT info@sgi-anderlecht.be Overview of care courses 129 HOGER BEROEPSONDERWIJS VERPLEEGKUNDE HIGHER VOCATIONAL EDUCATION NURSING Paramedisch Instituut Mechelen – Campus Jette Laarbeeklaan 121, 1090 Jette T 02/4725200 – www.paramedin.be HOW TO GET THERE Tram 13, 84, 53, BW; Bus 245 and 820 PURPOSE Training students as graduate nurses WHAT Vocational course with a programme comprising 5 modules, work placement in hospitals and care institutions DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE HBO5 diploma recognized by the Flemish Community ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS You must meet one of the following requirements: • registered jobseeker • in employment • 6-year vocational secondary-school (BSO) with year 7 specialization and entrance test. STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 2.4 obtained ssss STANDARD DURATION 3 years VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes REGISTRATION FEES See: www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/studeren/studiegelden/ Jobseekers taking the course as VDAB training do not pay registration fees, and qualify for the financial support outlined in chapter 3. COURSE SCHEDULING daytime education 130 orientation guide WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? • • • • • • • • • • • • hospitals polyclinics neighbourhood health centres home care day centres service centres social care rest homes and care homes education sales representative for medical or pharmaceutical firms centres for mental healthcare / psychiatric hospitals fire brigade, emergency services 100 WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? Yes CONTACT hbo.jette@paramedin.be Overview of care courses 131 BACHELOR VERPLEEGKUNDE BACHELOR OF NURSING Erasmushogeschool Brussel Laarbeeklaan 121, 1090 Jette T 02/479 18 90 – www.erasmushogeschool.be/content/verpleegkunde-ba HOW TO GET THERE Metro station Simonis, then bus 13 or bus 14 Metro station Belgica, then bus 14 PURPOSE Training the student as a multiskilled professional who can take responsibility for the full Nursing process. WHAT The standard course is 180 credits comprising three constituent programmes spread over three years. The curriculum covers both practical and theoretical classes. Work placements are an obligatory part of the course. The EhB has close links with UZ Brussel and a number of other partner hospitals. Before you go on work placement, you practise social and technical skills in the skills lab. It is possible to take work placements abroad. DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE Bachelor diploma recognized by the Flemish Community ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Flemish diploma of secondary education STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 3.2 obtained ssss STANDARD DURATION 3 years VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes REGISTRATION FEES See: www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/studeren/studiegelden/ Jobseekers taking the course as VDAB training do not pay registration fees, and qualify for the financial support outlined in chapter 3. There is also provision for reimbursement of a fixed sum of study expenses. 132 orientation guide COURSE SCHEDULING • daytime education • distance learning • part-time education WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? • • • • • • • • • • • • polyclinics hospitals neighbourhood health centres home care day centres service centres social care residential care homes education sales representative for medical or pharmaceutical firms centres for mental healthcare /psychiatric hospitals fire brigade – emergency services 100 WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? Yes – exemptions (EVK) are possible with a diploma in Midwifery or a diploma 4th grade (A1) Nursing from secondary vocational education. Exemptions (EVC) through work experience are also possible (www.erasmushogeschool.be/opleidingen/evcevk). CONTACT merjem.ouelhadj@ehb.be Overview of care courses 133 BACHELOR VERPLEEGKUNDE BACHELOR OF NURSING Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel (HUB) Blekerijstraat 23, 1000 Bruxelles T 02/6081444 – www.hubkaho.be/HUB_KAHO/Hoofdmenu/Hoofdmenu-Professionele-opleidingen/Hoofdmenu-Professionele-opleidingen-Opleidingen/ Hoofdmenu-Professionele-opleidingen-Opleidingen-Gezondheidszorg/ verpleegkunde-opleiding.html HOW TO GET THERE Walking distance from Station Brussel Noord and Station Brussel Centraal. From Brussel Noord metro to Rogier. PURPOSE Education leading to a Bachelor of Nursing WHAT The curriculum of the standard programme consists of 3 years each for 60 credits. The programme consists of practical elements, projects, a work placement and experience abroad. There are well-equipped skills labs and placements are provided in nearby hospitals. DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE Bachelor degree recognized by the Flemish Community ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Possessing Belgian nationality (if not, equivalence must first be demonstrated) and a complete Flemish secondary school-leaving diploma (if lacking the candidate can take an admission assessment). STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 3.2 obtained ssss INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION 3 years VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes REGISTRATION FEES See: www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/studeren/studiegelden/ 134 orientation guide Jobseekers taking the course as VDAB training do not pay registration fees, and qualify for the financial support outlined in chapter 3. There is also provision for the reimbursement of a fixed amount of study expenses. COURSE SCHEDULING daytime education, distance learning WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? • • • • • • • • • • • • hospitals polyclinics neighbourhood health centres home care day centres service centres social care residential care homes education sales representative for medical or pharmaceutical firms centres for mental healthcare /psychiatric hospitals ofire brigade, emergency services 100 WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? Yes, exemptions can be granted on the basis of qualifications obtained in other institutions of higher education (EVK) or recognition of current competence (EVC). CONTACT kathy.pletinckx@hubkaho.be Overview of care courses 135 INTERNATIONALE OPLEIDING VERPLEEGKUNDE INTERNATIONAL NURSING COURSE Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel (HUB) Blekerijstraat 23, 1000 Bruxelles T 02/608 14 44 www.hubkaho.be/HUB_KAHO/Hoofdmenu/Hoofdmenu-Professionele-opleidingen/Hoofdmenu-Professionele-opleidingen-Opleidingen/Hoofdmenu-Professionele-opleidingen-Opleidingen-Gezondheidszorg/verpleegkunde-opleiding.html HOW TO GET THERE Walking distance from Station Brussel Noord and Station Brussel Centraal. From Brussel Noord metro to Rogier. PURPOSE Educating for the Bachelor of Nursing, with a focus on multilingual contexts. The course is taught in Dutch, English and French. WHAT The curriculum of the standard programme comprises 3 years, each for 60 credits. The programme covers practical exercises, projects, a work placement and experience abroad. There are well-equipped skills labs and placements are provided in nearby hospitals. DIPLÔME/ CERTIFICATE Bachelor degree recognized by the Flemish Community ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Possessing Belgian nationality (if not, equivalence must first be demonstrated) and a complete Flemish secondary school-leaving diploma (if lacking the candidate can take an admission assessment). STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 3.2 obtained ssss INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION 3 years VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes REGISTRATION FEES See: www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/studeren/studiegelden/ 136 orientation guide Jobseekers taking the course as VDAB training do not pay registration fees, and qualify for the financial support outlined in chapter 3. There is also provision for the reimbursement of a fixed amount of study expenses. COURSE SCHEDULING daytime education WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? • • • • • • • • • • • • • hospitals polyclinics neighbourhood health centres home care day centres service centres social care residential care homes education sales representative for medical or pharmaceutical firms centres for mental healthcare /psychiatric hospitals fire brigade, emergency services 100 employable in all other sectors of healthcare WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? Yes, exemptions can be granted on the basis of qualifications obtained in other institutions of higher education (EVK) or recognition of current competence (EVC). CONTACT kathy.pletinckx@hubkaho.be Overview of care courses 137 BACHELOR OPTIEK EN OPTOMETRIE BACHELOR IN OPTICS AND OPTOMETRY Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel (HUB) Blekerijstraat 23, 1000 Bruxelles T 02/6081444 – www.hubrussel.be HOW TO GET THERE Walking distance from Station Brussel Noord and Station Brussel Centraal. From Brussel Noord metro to Rogier. PURPOSE OF THE COURSE Education as bachelor in optics and optometry COURSE CONTENT The course comprises both theoretical and skill-based education and workplace experience across the 4 pillars optics, optometry, contact lenses and low vision. DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE Bachelor recognized by the Flemish Community ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Diploma Higher Secondary Education STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 3.2 obtained ssss INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION 3 years VDAB RECOGNIZED? Yes REGISTRATION FEES See: www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/studeren/studiegelden/ COURSE SCHEDULING daytime education WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? • • • • residential care homes hospitals industry optician and optometrist shops 138 orientation guide • low vision, contact lenses • functional optometry centres WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? Yes AFTERCARE Alumni site with employment offers CONTACT maria.dierickx@hubkaho.be Overview of care courses 139 BACHELOR PEDAGOGIE VAN HET JONGE KIND BACHELOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Erasmushogeschool Brussel Laarbeeklaan 121, 1090 Jette T 02/472 52 00 – www.erasmushogeschool.be/pedagogie-jonge-kind HOW TO GET THERE Metro station Simonis, then bus 13 or bus 14 Metro station Belgica, then bus 14 PURPOSE OF THE COURSE The three-year bachelor programme in early childhood education prepares young people to work in before-school, after-school and out-of-school daycare. WHAT The programme content comprises three sections: reception and assistance to young children and their families, coaching assistants, and educational management. The course is strongly practical in focus. During the first year of the course you already get a very good idea of the working field and the occupations you can later engage in. Soon after starting the course your placement will enable you to discover the diversity in before-, after- and outof-school care. Over the course of the whole learning path there are practical exercises, musical workshops, skills lab and especially a central focus on project learning. The coaching skills to be learnt are interwoven with various course components throughout the curriculum. CERTIFICATE/ DIPLOMA Bachelor recognized by the Flemish Community ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Diploma of secondary education STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 3.2 obtained ssss INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION 3 years REGISTRATION FEES See: www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/studeren/studiegelden/ 140 orientation guide COURSE SCHEDULING daytime education, distance learning, part-time education WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? • • • • • • • • care of those with disabilities special youth care (special needs) education social care daycare (crèche, out-of-school and after-school care up to the age of 12) services for child-minders reception classes at infant school care initiatives for ill children WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? Yes – exemptions (EVK) are possible for those with a higher-education diploma in a related field. Exemptions (EVC) are possible through work experience (www.erasmushogeschool.be/opleidingen/ evcevk). CONTACT geert.de.raedemaeker@ehb.be Overview of care courses 141 BIOMEDISCHE LABORATORIUMTECHNOLOGIE BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN Erasmushogeschool Brussel Laarbeeklaan 121, 1090 Jette T 02/4791890 www.erasmushogeschool.be/biomedische-laboratorium-technologie-opl HOW TO GET THERE Metro station Belgica, then bus 14 Metro station Simonis, then bus 13 or bus 14 PURPOSE OF THE COURSE Educating students as biomedical laboratory technicians in the fields of pharmacy, clinical biology, life sciences and microbiology. Specialization in pharmacy or clinical biology is possible through optional courses, work placement and final project. WHAT The course is composed of a number of constituent pathways. The first constituent pathway comprises an aspect of chemistry, an aspect of biology, and auxiliary subjects. These fields are developed in more detail in the second and third constituent pathways. It is possible to take up a work placement abroad. CERTIFICATE/ DIPLOMA Bachelor diploma recognized by the Flemish Community ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Diploma of secondary education STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 3.2 obtained ssss INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION 3 years REGISTRATION FEES See: www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/studeren/studiegelden/ COURSE SCHEDULING daytime education 142 orientation guide WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION CAN YOU WORK IN? • • • • hospital laboratories private laboratories of pharmaceutical companies blood banks sales representative in the branch WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? Yes – exemptions can be granted on the basis of qualifications obtained in other institutions of higher education (EVK) or recognition of current competence (EVC). See www.erasmushogeschool.be/ opleidingen/evcevk. CONTACT Els.Plas@ehb.be Overview of care courses 143 BACHELOR ERGOTHERAPIE BACHELOR IN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel Blekerijstraat 23, 1000 Bruxelles T 02/210121 www.hubkaho.be/HUB_KAHO/Hoofdmenu/Hoofdmenu-Professioneleopleidingen/Hoofdmenu-Professionele-opleidingen-Opleidingen/HoofdmenuProfessionele-opleidingen-Opleidingen-Gezondheidszorg/ergotherapieopleiding.html HOW TO GET THERE Walking distance from Station Brussel Noord and Station Brussel Centraal. Metro from Brussel Noord to Rogier. PURPOSE OF THE COURSE Education as an occupational therapist deployable in a wide range of healthcare settings. Occupational therapy is form of counselling and treatment for children, adults and the elderly with temporary or permanent disabilities or with other health problems. COURSE CONTENT A combination of practical and theoretical subjects. Furthermore practical placements are obligatory and there is a final examination. CERTIFICATE/ DIPLOMA Bachelor diploma recognized by the Flemish Community ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Secondary education delivered by an educational institution and recognized by the Flemish ministry of education. STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 4.2 obtained ssss INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT IN LEARNING DUTCH Yes STANDARD DURATION 3 years REGISTRATION FEES See: www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/studeren/studiegelden over €1000 (registration fee plus additional literature and projects) COURSE SCHEDULING daytime education 14 4 orientation guide WHAT SORT OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS CAN YOU WORK IN? • • • • • • • residential care homes hospitals mutual health insurance funds (mutualities) physical rehabilitation centres self-care shops home care special education WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? Yes AFTERCARE In the final year, alumni website CONTACT greet.deknop@hubkaho.be Overview of care courses 145 BACHELOR REVALIDATIEWETENSCHAPPEN EN KINESITHERAPIE BACHELOR OF PHYSICAL REHABILITATION SCIENCES AND PHYSIOTHERAPY Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Elsene Gebouw L, Lokalen L202 en L202B T 02/629 27 28 – www.vub.ac.be/LK HOW TO GET THERE By train to Etterbeek station, tram 7 and 23 to VUB, metro to Petillon PURPOSE OF THE COURSE Practising physiotherapy in the health care sector. This diploma is not a professional qualification. Professional practise requires the diploma 'Master Revalidatiewetenschappen en kinesitherapie'. WHAT Anatomy, chemistry, biomechanics, physiology, physiotherapy, research methods and statistics, mobility training DIPLOMA/ CERTIFICATE Bachelor of science diploma recognized by the Flemish Ministry of Education ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Diploma of Higher Secondary Education — general (ASO), technical (TSO), or artistic (KSO) STARTING LEVEL OF DUTCH 4.2 obtained ssss STANDARD DURATION 3 years REGISTRATION FEES See: www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/studeren/ studiegelden/studiegelden2013-2014.pdf COURSE SCHEDULING Daytime education WHAT SORT OF INSTITUTIONS CAN YOU WORK IN? • • • • • residential care homes hospitals private medical practices institutions for the disabled special needs education 146 orientation guide • physical rehabilitation centres • business life • advice bureaus for the disabled / sport WILL CURRENT COMPETENCE AND ALREADY OBTAINED DIPLOMAS OR (PARTIAL) CERTIFICATES BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? Exemptions are possible in accordance with the legal agreements with the Ministry of Education. AFTERCARE Continuing education courses through the professional association AXXON CONTACT faclk@vub.ac.be Overview of care courses 147 CONTACT WERKWINKELS The Werkwinkels provide further information about health care training. You can visit them to consult an employment advisor. Chapter 1, ‘Reception, orientation and counselling’, provides further information about the werkwinkels. An employment advisor can give you further guidance. Contact and opening hours Werkwinkel Noord Jeruzalemstraat 46, 1030 Schaarbeek T 02/240 27 80 werkwinkelnoord@tracebrussel.be Public transport: Bus 59 to Ernest Laude – Tram 92 to Pogge opening hours: Monday to Friday, van 9u – 12u 1.30 to 4 p.m.by appointment Werkwinkel Centraal Rouppeplein 15, 1000 Brussels T 02/289 00 90 werkwinkelcentraal@tracebrussel.be Public transport: Tram 3, 4 to Anneessens opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon 1.30 to 4 p.m.by appointment 150 orientation guide Werkwinkel Zuid Birminghamstraat 225, 1070 Anderlecht T 02/526 20 80 werkwinkelzuid@tracebrussel.be Public transport: Metro 2, 6 to Delacroix – Metro 5 to Jacques Brel – Bus 89 to Delacroix opening hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 12 noon. 1.30 to 4 p.m. by appointment CAD De Werklijn (For persons with a possible disability): every Thursday afternoon in Werkwinkel Zuid Further information: www.werkwinkel.be www.tracebrussel.be/upload/website_2011/werkwinkels/folder_WW_2010.pdf Chapter 2 “Reception, orientation and counselling” contains further information about organizations that can help with employment and training opportunities. Contact 151 DE WERKWINKEL HELPT JE WERK VINDEN BEGELEIDING EN BEROEPSOPLEIDINGEN NAAR WERK www.schakelsnaarwerk.be De Werkwinkel in Brussel is een samenwerking tussen Werkwinkel_Advertenties_A5.indd 2 22/01/14 18:02 156 orientation guide This publication is an initiative of Huis voor Gezondheid. If you would like to get in touch with the publisher of this brochure, contact Huis voor Gezondheid. Huis voor Gezondheid is a Dutch-language network organizations in the Brussels healthcare sector. It facilitates co-operation with regard to high quality and accessible healthcare. Contact Huis voor Gezondheid vzw Lakensestraat 76 bus 7, 1000 Brussels T 02/412 31 65 – f 02/412 31 69 info@huisvoorgezondheid.be www.huisvoorgezondheid.be Photos by Sigrid Spinnox, in the name of VIVO vzw. Contact 157 COLOPHON Title Orientation guide Dutch-language care trainings in Brussels 1st edition February 2014 Editing Maurice Pans, Huis voor Gezondheid Reviewers Nele Breuls Isis Bulté Els Deslé Luc De Witte Stijn Ecker Jenna Gailly Sophia Honggokoesoemo Eva Leens Marlies Naeyaert Merjem Ouelhadj Kathy Pletinckx dr. Ann Trappers Ilse Verbeke Tine Winnelinckx Steering committee Brucovo Erasmus Hogeschool Brussel Regionaal Integratiecentrum Foyer Brussel Groep Intro Huis voor Gezondheid Minderhedenforum Tracé Brussel VDAB VIVO Graphic design Cedric Verhelst Photos Sigrid Spinnox, in the name of Vivo vzw Translation Brussel Onthaal vzw – Sociaal Vertaalbureau Responsible publisher Dr. Caroline Verlinde, Huis voor Gezondheid vzw Questions, remarks? Contact us: maurice@huisvoorgezondheid.be eva@huisvoorgezondheid.be SURF AS WELL TO THE WEBSITES schakels naarwerk.be huisvoor gezondheid.be/ student/ 2de-carriere This guide is available in Dutch, French and English THIS PUBLICATION IS SUPPORTED BY vzw asbl FE.BI VORMING vzw asbl FE.BI THIS PUBLICATION IS AN INITIATIVE OF HUIS VOOR GEZONDHEID. HUIS VOOR GEZONDHEID IS FINANCIALLY SUPPORTED BY