Youth Emmaus 1 & 2

Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
Youth Emmaus 1 is a course
designed to help young people
explore the Christian faith.
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
Who is it for?
 Young Christians who want to find out more
about their faith
 Those preparing for baptism and confirmation
 Schools and youth groups
primarily at
 Young people who are just beginningthose
to aged
11 – 16.
explore the question of faith.
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
The sessions
The resources combine:
 Play with prayer
 Exploration with instruction.
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
The sessions
There are 14 sessions in 3 sections:
You only
 What Christians believe
need one
 How Christians grow
 Living the Christian life.
 …and an additional session of "Hot Potatoes"
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
How does it work?
 Youth Emmaus works through befriending and
accompanying young people on their spiritual
 It is not a course to be imposed ‘top down’ or
to be run in the hope that young people will
somehow just come.
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
Youth Emmaus is about loving
young people and showing
them God’s love.
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
Ideas, help and guidelines
Leading a group
Child Protection legislation
Accompanying young people through the course
Services to mark growth in faith
Making sense of youth cultures.
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
About Youth Emmaus
 Emmaus resources are inspired by the story of Jesus
accompanying people on their journey to faith.
 Jesus …
Met people where they were
Listened to their questions
Opened up the Scriptures
Waited to be invited in
Was made known in a way that transformed lives.
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
Youth Emmaus is a resource for
churches to help young people
come to know Jesus.
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
What is it in a nutshell?
•What happens after Confirmation?
•How do we help young people live
the Christian life?
•How do we help young people be
active participants in worship?
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
What is it in a nutshell?
•A 14 session interactive discipleship
course for young people aged 12-17
•Helping to integrate their faith and
•Equipping them as worshippers and
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
What ground does it cover?
•A Book of Two Halves!
•Big Issues (Sessions1-7)
Tackles Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount – engaging
with issues like poverty and injustice,
forgiveness and reconciliation, dreams and
Engaging with some of the passions and
concerns that young people have, trying not to
say “you should believe this” but more helping
them to relate the bible to their lives and
wider global issues
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
What ground does it cover?
•A Book of Two Halves!
•Holy Spaces (Sessions 8-14)
Explores creative ways of worshipping together
– from protest to praise
Engaging with helping young people to move
from passive observers in worship to active
participants – “doing liturgy and worship”
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
How do young people want to
tackle big issues and holy spaces?
•“We want to express ourselves”
•“We want to take a lead”
•“We want to be empowered to make a
•“We want to be involved”
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
Sessions include
•Detailed leaders notes
•Theme-focussed activities
•Ideas for worship
•Check list for each session
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
CD-ROM includes:
•Handouts, resource sheets, PowerPoint, full
colour cartoons and graphics, posters and publicity
•Compatible with Windows, PCs and Macs
•Everything you need in one book
and one CD-ROM – all for just one
payment of £22.50!
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
How might Youth Emmaus 2 be
•As a discipleship course
•A post-confirmation resource
•One-off sessions in schools and colleges
•Youth residential themes
•Start of a youth congregation/worship service
•By adults too!!
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
Youth Emmaus 2
discipleship, worship
and belonging in young
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.
Copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2003.
Youth Emmaus is published by Church House Publishing.