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Course Description
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Español II
Profesora Harris
Semester II, 2010
Shorewood High School
In Spanish II students continue their mastery of the Spanish language. Students will build vocabulary and
their understanding of grammar to communicate at an intermediate level. Students will participate and work
toward building proficiency in the five areas of language: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and culture.
Course Objectives
In order to successfully complete this class, the student will:
• Work in pairs and groups with her/his peers
• Communicate in Spanish
• Build vocabulary and understanding of Spanish grammar
• Learn about and appreciate different cultures
Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements
Read with Comprehension: the student uses different skills and strategies to read; the student understands
the meaning of what is read; the student sets goals and evaluates progress to improve reading.
Communicate Effectively and Responsibly: the student uses listening and observation skills to gain
understanding; the student communicates ideas clearly and effectively; the student uses communication
strategies and skills to work effectively with others; the student analyzes and evaluates the effectiveness of
Write with Skill: the student writes clearly and effectively; the student understand and uses the steps of the
writing process; the student analyzes and evaluates the effectiveness of written work.
Course Requirements
Students are expected to come to class daily and prepared with:
• Textbook
• Composition notebook for Spanish
• Pen or pencil
• Loose-leaf notebook paper
• Folder or small 3-ring binder for handouts
• Spanish dictionary (Larousse is a good brand)
• Laptop (if noted in advance to bring)
Participación/trabajo dentro de la clase
Participation and classwork are essential in learning language a because, for many students, class is
one of the only opportunities to listen and to practice speaking Spanish with other students who are at
the same language level. It is vital that students are engaged in class speaking, listening and learning
during class time. Students will be given a maximum of 10 participation points per week based on
the combination of oral participation and cooperation.
Examenes/Pruebas Test/Quizzes
Students will be frequently assessed through quizzes and tests. These will include both oral and
written assessments of language acquisition skills focusing on comprehension, fluency, grammar,
and use of vocabulary.
Cuadernos Notebooks
Each student must keep a composition notebook which they will bring to class daily to use for notes
and diarios (warm-ups). This class is designed to build on itself and it is imperative that students
keep their notebooks organized and take notes during class. Student notebooks will be periodically
collected for a grade.
Students should expect to have written homework assignments/packets daily. Work does not need to
be done perfectly, as errors are a normal part of the learning process. Nevertheless, all written work
should be done and done with care, practicing the grammar we are studying. Incomplete work is not
During the course of the semester we will work toward the completion of some projects. Projects and
presentations will give students the opportunity to practice spanish pronunciation and grammar while
also allowing them to express themselves creativity. Some projects will include group work.
Informes Culturales
Cultural Reports
Part of learning another language is learning about the cultures where that language is spoken. We
will be learning about the origins of Spanish, where it is spoken and about different cultures in the
Spanish-speaking world. For second semester we will focus on: Puerto Rico, Mexico, Spain, United
States, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic. Also, a variety of options will be discussed in class
including: visiting Spanish-speaking establishments, listening to Spanish radio, viewing Spanish
television, or cooking an authentic dish from a Spanish-speaking country.
In accordance with Shorewood High School policy and in order to complete graduation requirements
associated with the Culminating Exhibition, students will be required to put one assignment per
semester in their Portfolio in the Career Center. This may include projects, poems, cultural reports,
essays, tests or quizzes.
Deadlines/ Make-up Work
I do not accept late work. You may make up work only if your absence is excused! When returning from an
absence, it is the student’s responsibly to check the posted assignment calendar (on-line) for a description of
the missed work and hand-outs. Students must also remember to write “absente” and the date for the diario
and warm-up entry that was missed (do not have to make up dairo entries with excused absence).
Assignments with a long-standing due date such as scheduled presentations, culture credits and major
projects are due on the established day–no exceptions. Tests and quizzes must be made up within 2 days of
the student’s return to classes in order to receive credit! Make an appointment for STAR or after schoolclass time is not appropriate. Get notes/work from a reliable classmate but…if you have any questionsplease see la maestra immediately.
Plagiarism & Cheating
The World Language department expects students will abide by Shoreline District policy #3302 regarding
Ethics and Honesty and policy #3300 regarding Student Conduct and Corrective Actions for Misconduct.
Consequences for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd offenses are in the Student Handbook found on the Shorewood website.
Academic dishonesty includes forgery, plagiarism and cheating. The World Language department reminds
students that the use of translators (human or electronic) constitutes plagiarism.
Students are expected to be in their seats when the bell rings both at the beginning and at the end of class.
The first five to ten minutes of class is a silent time when the students will complete the warm-up activity.
These few minutes allow me to take roll and take care of any class business. I expect your complete
cooperation. If students choose to talk during this time, they will be marked tardy.
You can clear up to six unexcused tardies by coming in during a series of STAR periods or after school to
assist me with certain jobs. Thirty minutes will clear two tardies, sixty minutes four, etc. Making up tardies
either during STAR or before or after the school day must be arranged in advance with the teacher.
It is the student’s responsibility to excuse absences with the attendance office. Homework, participation
points, presentations, tests and quizzes cannot be made up from days a student had unexcused absences.
Class participation is essential in this class, therefore tardies and absences do impact grades. Participation
grades are lowered for tardies (see back page) and students who have unexcused absences will forfeit all of
their participation points for that day and will not be able to turn in any assignments or make up any work or
activities for the day of the unexcused absence. Absences will be recorded and by counted as excused or
unexcused according to the building and district policy.
Laptops Devices
Computers: When laptops are needed in class, I will let you now in ADVANCE that you will need to bring
them. This means, that they are NOT needed on a daily basis in the classroom. I have asked you to bring
your own Spanish dictionary to class so that google translation is not used during class time. If you are found
using your laptop in class, you will loose participation points for the week.
Cell Phones/Ipods: If I see OR hear these being used in class, I will take them away for the rest of the
period and you will loose participation points. If these happens consistently, parents and administration will
Notas Grades
I will post grades approximately every two weeks both in the classroom and online. Students and parents are
always welcome to ask for more frequent updates on their progress. Grades will be categorized using a point
basis based on the following scale:
A+ 100
B+ 87-89
C+ 77-79
D+ 67-69
A 93-99
B 83-86
C 73-76
D 60–66
A- 90–92
B- 80–82
C- 70- 2
To access a grade online, go to Profesora Harris’ website (listed below) and click on Grades. You will need
to know the student’s 4 or 5-digit ID number. The password is the student’s ID number preceded by enough
zeros to make an 8-digit code. Example: Student ID: 1234 Internet password: 00001234
Weekly Participation
Every week you will be given a grade of 10 points based upon the combination of oral participation and
cooperation. Listed below are the expectations in order to achieve a specific grade.
It is evident that this student is trying to learn and improve. Student is creative with the language, uses new vocabulary and
participates frequently. Student shows respect for the teacher and other students. Student arrives on time, is prepared for
class and behaves appropriately, giving 100% attention to learning. Electronic devices are shut off and put away during class
without any reminders and student understands and respects correct and on-task use of laptops in class.
Student participates daily and shows respect for the teacher and others. Student needs reminders to
say things in Spanish that hey know how to say in the language already. Student behaves appropriately, arrives on time, is
prepared with materials and pays attention. Student does not use electronic devices during class and is on-task when laptops
are used.
Student participates, but only when directly called upon. Often chooses to speak in English. Student behaves appropriately,
Student participates, but not voluntarily, and speaks English during oral activities. Talks to classmates during lesson or quiet
time, and needs to be reminded to stay on task. Student sometimes comes late and/or chooses to be off-task, and has to be
asked to turn off and put away electronic devices during class. Student violates the correct, on-task use of laptops in class.
but sometimes arrives late and unprepared for learning and without all materials. Student is occasionally off-task or working
on other assignments and may have to be reminded about the use of electronic devices during class.
Student is often off-task, behaves inappropriately and is somewhat inconsiderate and disrespectful to the teacher and/or other
students. Student makes very little effort to speak Spanish and does not participate voluntarily nor when called upon to do so.
Student arrives late, is unprepared and inattentive. Student works on other subjects or writes notes during class and appears to
be uninterested in improving. Student violates correct use of laptops and/or electronic devices.
This is a performance class. You must do your best to communicate in Spanish! I am committed to your
success. If you need extra help, I am always available during STAR and before and after school by prior
arrangement. I am available to help you but you must also do your part. Attend class, participate, do assigned
work and be sure to ask help if you need it. As young adults, I expect you to take care of yourselves. This
means knowing when to ask for help. You parents and/or guardians may also contact me with questions. http://learn.
Gracias :)
Ms. Harris