The Church Sacrament of Salvation The Church Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Jesus Christ Instituted the Church Chapter Objectives The student will be able to understand: • The relationship between the Old and New Testaments • The Incarnation • The proclamation of the Kingdom of God in relation to the Church • The calling of the Twelve Apostles as it relates to the Church • Why Jesus died on the Cross • The Eucharist • God fulfilled the Old Testament covenants in the Church • The Church as the Mystical Body of Christ • The Church as the Bride of Christ • The Church as the Family of God • The Church as the People of God • The Kingdom of God and the Davidic Covenant Keys to Chapter 2 • The New Covenant brings to completion that which the Old Covenant promises. • The Kingdom of God refers variously to God himself, to God’s action in the world, and to the Church. • Christ’s primary desire is to restore humanity’s original communion with God by forgiving our sins and making us God’s own children. • Christ gave his Church her hierarchical structure. • The Church is Christ’s Mystical Body, his Bride, the children of his Father’s family, and the new people of God. For Discussion: • What is the significance of the Incarnation? • What are the two names of Christ? • What did Christ teach about the Kingdom of Heaven? • What is our source of salvation? • How is the Old Testament fulfilled in the Church? continued For Discussion: • What are some of the metaphorical images used to describe the Church? • How is the Church the Family of God? • How is the Church the People of God? • What does it mean to say that the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ? God Prepares His People: The Incarnation Lesson Objectives •The relationship between the Old and New Testaments •The Incarnation God Prepares His People: The Incarnation Basic Questions What is the relationship between the Old and New Testaments? The New Testament fulfills the Old Testament, which prefigures it, by bringing to completion that which the Old Testament promises through covenant and type. God Prepares His People: The Incarnation Basic Questions What is the Incarnation? The Incarnation is the coming into the world of Jesus Christ, true God and true man, in the fullness of time, so that we might receive adoption as sons and daughters. Guided Exercise Look over the nine questions this chapter will address (p. 37) and write on the one about which you currently know the most. Focus Question How did the covenants of the Old Testament develop “outwardly”? They expanded the boundaries of God’s family from two people (Adam and Eve) to include the entire kingdom of David. Focus Question Based on the paragraph beginning, “Each of these stages,” what is the relationship between the covenants of the Old Testament and Christ and his Church? Apart from her communion in Christ and her intimate sharing in the Divine Life of the Blessed Trinity, the Church has no life. Focus Question What are some ways that the New Testament presents Christ as the culmination and fulfillment of the Old? St. John opens his Gospel with the same words found in the opening verses of the Book of Genesis. St. Matthew begins his Gospel by identifying Jesus as “the son of David” and “the son of Abraham.” In the Sermon on the Mount, St. Matthew highlights Jesus’ role as a second Moses. Focus Question What is typology? Typology is the connection between the Old and New Testaments in which a character, event, or thing in the Old Testament allegorically foreshadows something in the New Testament. Focus Question What are some examples of Old Testament types? Moses as the giver of the Old Law was a type for Jesus, who was the giver of the New Law. Isaac, the sacrificial beloved son of Abraham, was a type for Jesus, the sacrificial beloved Son of God. The Passover meal is a type for the Mass. Focus Question Who was St. Augustine? St. Augustine was one of the most influential saints and theologians of the Church. Focus Question What was St. Augustine’s important contribution to the study of Scripture? St. Augustine contributed to the understanding of the inner unity of God’s plan for salvation, becoming a master of typology, which is the discernment of the Old Testament foreshadowing of New Testament realities. Focus Question What did St. Augustine mean when he said, “The New Testament is concealed in the Old, and the Old Testament is revealed in the New”? He was referring to the typology of the Scriptures in which New Testament realities could be discerned in the Old Testament. Focus Question How could St. Augustine be described as a “revert” to the Faith? He was raised by a devout Christian mother, became a heretic during his youth, then returned to the Faith at age thirty under the influence of St. Ambrose. Focus Question How did St. Augustine spend the rest of his life? He became a priest, then a bishop, devoting himself to the pastoral care of his diocese and fighting heresies within the Church. Graphic Organizer Complete the following table to examine in detail what St. Paul tells us about the Incarnation (Gal 4:4). St. Paul on the Incarnation When the time had fully come… God sent forth his Son… Born of a woman… So that we might receive adoption as sons and daughters Focus Question What does it mean that Christ was born in the “fullness of time”? It is the time that God chose to send his Son into the world to accomplish all that he promised. Focus Question What three promises of God are mentioned in the paragraph beginning “For generations…” (p. 40)? The three promises are those God promised in the Protoevangelium, the worldwide blessing promised to Abraham, and the coming of the everlasting kingdom promised to David. Focus Question How does Simeon reveal Jesus as the universal savior? In seeing the baby Jesus, Simeon says, “mine eyes have seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to thy people Israel.” In other words, God’s salvation is not just for the nation of Israel but also for the Gentiles, that is, for the whole world. Focus Question How does the beginning of the Gospel of St. Matthew relate that the message of salvation is also for the Gentiles? It is seen in the worship of the Christ child by the Magi, who were Gentiles. The magi “seek in Israel, in the messianic light of the star of David, the one who will be king of the nations.” Focus Question How does the angel Gabriel speak of Jesus as the fulfillment of God’s covenant with David? Gabriel says God will give Jesus the throne of his father David and he will reign over the house of Jacob in an everlasting kingdom. Extension: This is part of the promise made to David, that the kingdom given to David and his descendants will last forever. Focus Question How does the angel who speaks to the shepherds refer to Jesus? He says the baby just born is “Savior” and “Christ the Lord,” or Messiah. God Prepares His People: The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God and the Calling of the Twelve Lesson Objectives •The proclamation of the Kingdom of God in relation to the Church •The calling of the Twelve Apostles as it relates to the Church God Prepares His People: The Proclamation of the Kingdom and the Calling of the Twelve Basic Questions What is the relationship between the Kingdom of God and the Church? One of Christ’s central teachings, often communicated through parables, was on the Kingdom of God, which is that state of communion between God and man that was intended from the very beginning, and which was reinstituted on earth through the Incarnation of Christ and is embodied in the Church. God Prepares His People: The Proclamation of the Kingdom and the Calling of the Twelve Basic Questions What do we learn about the Church through Christ’s appointing of the Twelve Apostles? Christ gave his Church a hierarchical structure, appointing twelve of his disciples as Apostles, or leaders, with St. Peter as their head. They, in turn, appointed successors to their offices. Graphic Organizer Complete the following table to organize your knowledge on how the Kingdom of God is present visibly and invisibly. Visibly Invisibly Focus Question What is Christ’s public ministry and when did it begin? This was the period of preaching and healing of the sick beginning about the age of thirty. Focus Question What was the central theme of Christ’s preaching? The arrival of the Kingdom of God—what the Kingdom of Heaven is like, and how we are to live in it. Focus Question Why did Christ teach using parables? They were means of communicating his kingdom was heavenly, not earthly and political. Parables could help his listeners understand profound truths about himself and the Church using simple language and images. Focus Question What does the Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds reveal about the Church? It explains why God allows evil in the world and even among members of his Church—they are like the weeds sown by the devil, something God temporarily permits for the sake of the good “wheat,” or faithful followers of Christ. Focus Question What does the Parable of the Mustard Seed reveal about the Church during the time of Christ’s public ministry? The Church was already present in the Person of Christ and his followers, but its full meaning and potential was hidden until later. “The seed and beginning of the kingdom are the ‘little flock’ of those whom Jesus came to gather around him.” Guided Exercise Explain the meaning of one of the five parables of the Kingdom of Heaven listed in the sidebar (p. 42). Focus Question What is Christ’s hidden life? These are the years between Christ’s Birth and the beginning of his public ministry. Focus Question What can we assume about Christ’s Hidden Life? Christ lived a normal life with his parents in Nazareth—learning the trade of his father, enjoying his friends, and studying at the local synagogue. Focus Question How do the Synoptic Gospels support the assumption that Christ lived a normal life during his hidden years? When Christ preached in his hometown he was rejected by those who knew him. The assumption is that these persons knew Christ as an ordinary man and did not believe he could say or do anything extraordinary. Focus Question Who were Christ’s disciples? Those who were sincerely attracted to Christ’s message and who came to believe in him. Focus Question How many disciples did Christ have? There were hundreds of men and woman of all ages and backgrounds who followed Christ, traveling with him as he went from town to town. Focus Question When did the Apostles begin to exercise their responsibilities as shepherds of the Church? After Christ’s Resurrection. Focus Question How did the Apostles receive special training during Christ’s public ministry? Much of Christ’s teaching in the Gospels was given to the Apostles alone, including explanations of parables. Guided Exercise Perform a focused reading on the paragraph beginning, “In this passage…” (p. 45) using the following question: What does this paragraph reveal about the hierarchical nature of the Church? God Prepares His People: Salvation through the Cross and Made Known in the Breaking of the Bread Lesson Objectives •Why Christ died on the Cross •The Eucharist God Prepares His People: Salvation through the Cross and Made Known in the Breaking of the Bread Basic Questions Why did Christ die on the Cross? Christ, as Lamb of God and Good Shepherd, died on the Cross to save us from our sins and to make us children of God. God Prepares His People: Salvation through the Cross and Made Known in the Breaking of the Bread Basic Questions What does the Eucharist do for us? The risen Christ is really present in the Eucharist, restoring our communion with God. Focus Question How would those who heard St. John the Baptist call Christ the “Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” have understood this saying? They would have understood, at a minimum, a reference to the Passover lamb, which saved Israel from slavery and death. Focus Question What is the full meaning of the expression, “Lamb of God”? By his sacrificial offering on the Cross, Jesus Christ would deliver mankind from its slavery to sin and death. Focus Question What is the image of the Good Shepherd? Jesus called himself the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep. Guided Exercise Explain CCC 766 by making a bullet-point list of the ideas it contains. Focus Question What does it mean to be saved? It means to be forgiven of our sins and made sons and daughters of God. Focus Question What is divine filiation? When Christians receive Baptism, they become sons and daughters of God. Focus Question How is our filiation different from Christ’s? Christ is by nature the only begotten Son of God. Ours is participation by adoption in the Sonship of Christ. His is uncreated and eternal, whereas our filiation is real but created. Focus Question What did St. Paul mean when he said to us, “Everything belongs to you”? He meant that we are heirs of Christ, so whatever belongs to him–which is everything– also belongs to us. Focus Question When did Christ offer himself as a sacrifice to the Father for our salvation? Christ’s entire life was an offering, but the preeminent moment of offering was his sacrifice on the Cross. Focus Question Did the Apostles understand why Christ would suffer death? No. After his Resurrection, he explained that the Scriptures said he would suffer, rise from the dead, and repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name to all nations. Focus Question Whose task would it be to preach repentance and forgiveness of sins? The Apostles and their successors, the bishops. Focus Question How does the Church continue Christ’s ministry in regard to sins? By preaching conversion and forgiving sins, just as Christ did during his ministry. Graphic Organizer Complete the following table to see the relationship among the three meals which Luke speaks of in his Gospel. Meal The Feeding of the Five Thousand The Last Supper The Meal at Emmaus Description of Event Meaning/Relationship Focus Question What is the Real Presence? The Real Presence means that in the Eucharist, Christ is present in his Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. Focus Question What do we receive in Holy Communion? We receive Christ, the son of David, Son of God, and King of Heaven and earth. Focus Question What was the meaning of the feeding of the five thousand, beyond satisfying people’s hunger? Christ revealed that he was living bread that he would offer for the life of the world and that would give eternal life to those who ate it. Focus Question What does Christ offer at the Last Supper? He offered his own Flesh and Blood when he said of the bread and cup, “This is my body” and “This is my blood.” Focus Question Why did Christ institute the Sacrament of the Eucharist? So that he could be present sacramentally in his Church even after his Ascension into Heaven. God Prepares His People: Fulfillment of the Old Covenant and a New and Everlasting Temple Lesson Objectives •God fulfilled the Old Testament covenants in the Church God Prepares His People: Fulfillment of the Old Covenant and a New and Everlasting Temple Basic Questions How did God fulfill the Old Testament covenants in the Church? Christ fulfilled the covenant with Adam by becoming the new Adam, giving birth to the Church, the new mother of the living. continued God Prepares His People: Fulfillment of the Old Covenant and a New and Everlasting Temple Basic Questions How did God fulfill the Old Testament covenants in the Church? Christ fulfilled the covenant with Abraham by becoming the universal blessing in redeeming mankind and founding the Church, the new and perfect family of God. continued God Prepares His People: Fulfillment of the Old Covenant and a New and Everlasting Temple Basic Questions How did God fulfill the Old Testament covenants in the Church? Christ fulfilled the covenant with Moses by leading his new people, the Church, out of the bondage of sin and giving them the New Law, the commandment of love. continued God Prepares His People: Fulfillment of the Old Covenant and a New and Everlasting Temple Basic Questions How did God fulfill the Old Testament covenants in the Church? Christ also fulfilled the covenant with David by building a new Temple, his Body, the Church, in which God dwells on earth. continued Guided Exercise Conduct a focused reading of the paragraph beginning, “In reversing the sin of Adam…” (p. 48), using the following question: How is Christ the new Adam? Focus Question What did the Protoevangelium announce? It foretold the future victory of the Messiah over the serpent. Focus Question According to St. Paul, what was the role of obedience in the fall and the restoration? Adam’s disobedience made all men sinners. Christ’s obedience makes all men righteous. Focus Question How did God fulfill in Christ the promise he made through Abraham? God promised Abraham that through his descendants all people would be blessed. Jesus Christ, “the son of Abraham,” blessed the world by his sacrificial Death on the Cross and by instituting the Church, the Family of God. Focus Question How should the Christian faithful imitate Abraham? We should imitate the faith and obedience of Abraham. Focus Question What does the assembly of the Israelites on Mt. Sinai foreshadow? The assembly of the Church. Focus Question How did Christ fulfill God’s covenant promise with David? Christ, the son of David, established an everlasting kingdom. Focus Question What is the relationship between Christ’s kingdom and the world? Although it is ultimately “not of this world,” Christ’s kingdom was still established in this world. Therefore, it is a pilgrim Church journeying toward its final end in heaven. Focus Question How is Christ the new Moses? Just as Moses led God’s Chosen People out of slavery in the Exodus and gave them the Ten Commandments as their moral law, so too does Christ lead us, the new People of God, the Church, out of bondage to sin, giving us a new commandment—that we love one another as Christ has loved us. Focus Question What is the relationship between the Kingdom of Israel and the Church? The Church is the new Kingdom of Israel and Christ is her king. Focus Question Why is the Kingdom of the Church called “catholic”? Catholic, in Greek, means universal. The Church is meant to reach out to all nations and to include all people. Focus Question How did Solomon fulfill an essential component of God’s covenant with David? He built the Temple in Jerusalem. Focus Question What was the nature of Solomon’s Temple? It was a “house of prayer” for all the nations. Focus Question In the Old Testament, what did the Temple in Jerusalem signify? It signified God’s abiding presence with his people; it was his dwelling place in the world. Focus Question How is Christ the new Temple? With the coming of Christ, God’s presence among his people reaches perfection; “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” Christ’s bodily presence in the world is the new and everlasting temple, for Christ is Emmanuel, meaning “God with us.” Focus Question How did Christ identify his Body with the Temple? When the Jews asked Christ for a sign, he said, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” Christ was foretelling the raising of his physical body from the dead. He was also speaking of how he would raise up his Mystical Body, the Church, which is the continuation of his presence on earth. Focus Question What is the source of the life of the Church? The Holy Spirit, who has dwelled within the Church since Pentecost. Focus Question What are the living stones of Christ’s Temple? They are Christians, members of the Body of Christ. Guided Exercise Write and answer three focus questions based on the section “A New and Everlasting Covenant” (p. 51). Names and Images of the Church: Mystical Body and Bride of Christ Lesson Objectives •The Church as the Mystical Body of Christ •The Church as the Bride of Christ Names and Images of the Church: Mystical Body and Bride of Christ Basic Questions What is the meaning of the image of the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ? The Mystical Body of Christ is the faithful People of God, who in a supernatural way become one Body, with Christ as head. The Faithful are brought into communion with one another through their communion with Christ. Names and Images of the Church: Mystical Body and Bride of Christ Basic Questions What is the meaning of the image of the Church as the Bride of Christ? The Church as the Bride of Christ is an image which highlights the purity and holiness that Christ has bestowed upon the Church, analogous to the close relationship between Adam and Eve in marriage. Focus Question What does it mean to say that the Church is a mystery? It means that the reality of the Church is not incomprehensible but rather inexhaustible. Focus Question What are the sources of our understanding of the mystery of the Church? Our understanding of the Church depends upon God’s Revelation of her in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. Focus Question As reflected in the New Testament, how did the primitive Church come to an understanding of herself ? With the help of the Holy Spirit, the Apostles and evangelical writers interpreted the Old Testament in light of the Revelation of Christ. They reflected upon the persons, events, and institutions through which God had prepared the world for the Incarnation and Christ’s establishing of the Church, giving those Old Testament realities a new significance in her. Guided Exercise Choose one of the eight images of the Church listed under “Images of the Church” (p. 54) that you know the least about and write an interpretation of what that image may mean. Focus Question Where are most of the teachings regarding the Church as the Body of Christ found? In the letters of St. Paul. Focus Question How did Christ reveal the essence of the truth of the Church as the Body of Christ when he revealed himself to St. Paul on the road to Damascus? Christ asked St. Paul why he was persecuting him, whereas St. Paul thought he was persecuting Christ’s followers. This reveals the intimate relationship between Christ and the Church, where the two are spoken of as one. Focus Question What is an example of how Christ associates his own Body and our bodies? Jesus said, “He who eats my body and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.” Focus Question Is the Church simply a community of members gathered around Christ? No. The Church is united in Christ, as his Body. Focus Question How is the reception of the Eucharist related to the communion of the members of Christ’s Body? The Faithful are brought into communion with one another through communion with Christ. Guided Exercise Formulate and answer three of your own focus questions on the section “The Mystical Body of Christ” (p. 55). Focus Question Who is the head of the Mystical Body of Christ? Jesus Christ. Focus Question According to Pope Pius XII, where is the Mystical Body of Christ found on earth? It is found in the Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church. Focus Question What is the relationship between the diversity of the members of the Body of Christ and the unity of the Church? Just as in the natural human body the various parts play different functions, the different gifts that the Holy Spirit gives to the various members of the Body of Christ serve the welfare and unity of the Church. Focus Question How is the Holy Spirit to the Church like the soul is to the human body? Just as the soul gives the body life and unity, the Holy Spirit gives life, unity, and movement to the Church through grace. Focus Question How do the individual members of the Body of Christ receive life? Through the Seven Sacraments, especially through Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist, the three Sacraments of Initiation. Focus Question According to St. Paul, how is the relationship between Christ and the Church like the relationship between a husband and wife? St. Paul said that Christ is the head of his Body, the Church, in the same way that a husband is the “head” of his wife. Focus Question According to Genesis, how many bodies do a husband and wife form? Just one; they are “one flesh.” Extension: This is a metaphor which describes a real relationship, even though physically husband and wife have separate human bodies. Focus Question What three dimensions does CCC 789 note in regard to the Church as the Body of Christ? (1) The unity of all the members with each other as a result of their union with Christ; (2) Christ as head of the Body; and (3) the Church as Bride of Christ. Focus Question According to Genesis, what was Eve for Adam? Eve was both his bride and a part of himself. Focus Question How does the relationship between Eve and Adam relate to the Church and Christ? St. Paul recognizes that it is specifically as Christ’s Bride that the Church is made “one flesh” with him and is therefore truly his Body. Focus Question How long has the Church been referred to in the feminine? Since the time of the Apostles. Focus Question Why is the Church referred to as a “she”? Because of the Church’s relationship to Jesus Christ, which is described by St. Paul in terms of marriage—the Church is the Bride of Christ. Names and Images of the Church: Family of God Lesson Objectives •The Church as the Family of God Names and Images of the Church: Family of God Basic Questions What is the meaning of the image of the Church as the Family of God? Family of God is a name of the Church derived from the teachings of Christ, which highlight the intimate communion that the Father offers to man in the Person of Jesus Christ, in whom we are made sons and daughters. Focus Question Is the Fatherhood of God a metaphor? No. God is not just like a father. God is an eternal and perfect father. Focus Question What Aramaic term did Jesus use to refer to God the Father? Abba, meaning “Father” or, still closer, “Daddy.” Focus Question What is one of Christ’s favorite images for the Church? He spoke often of the Family of God. Focus Question Who are the members of the household of God? God is the Father of the family, Christ the Master of the house, and we are the children of the Father. Focus Question How does Matthew 12:49 describe the family of God? Christ said, “Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother.” Guided Exercise Conduct a think/pair/share using the following question: How does birth, covenant, and marriage relate to Christ’s desire to form a new family on earth? Focus Question What does the term “family” mean for most ancient cultures? Family meant the extended family that included all the descendants of one’s patriarch. Focus Question How does the lack of a word for “cousin” in most ancient Semitic languages relate to the notion of family? In such tribes, everyone was child of a common patriarch, so everyone was a brother or sister. Focus Question What was Christ’s family? The nation of Israel and the Tribe of Judah. Focus Question How did Christ see family differently from his peers? Christ spoke of God as not merely the “God of our fathers,” but as the universal Father of all human beings. Graphic Organizer Complete the following table to organize the ways we can know we are God’s children and members of his family. Way We live in his house. We are called by his name. We eat at his table. We share in his Flesh and Blood. His Bride is our Mother. We celebrate together. We receive instruction and discipline from him. Explanation Focus Question What is the nature of God’s Fatherhood? God the Father is the eternal Father, just as Christ is the eternal Son. Focus Question Is God’s Fatherhood created in the image of human fatherhood? No. St. Paul reminds us that God’s fatherhood is the origin and standard of human fatherhood. Extension: Some have theorized that we anthropomorphize God, projecting human fatherhood on him. However, this is a notion that St. Paul explicitly rejected. Focus Question How can we know God our Father in a personal way? Through his Son, for “no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.” Names and Images of the Church: People of God and Kingdom of God Lesson Objectives •The Church as the People of God •The Kingdom of God and the Davidic Covenant Names and Images of the Church: People of God and Kingdom of God Basic Questions What is the meaning of the image of the Church as the People of God? The image of the Church as the People of God comes from the assembly of the Israelite community on Mt. Sinai. Both assemblies reveal that God ordinarily wills to save people as a community rather than as individuals. Names and Images of the Church: People of God and Kingdom of God Basic Questions How does the Kingdom of God fulfill the Davidic Covenant? Christ’s kingdom fulfills the primary and secondary characteristic of the Davidic covenant. Focus Question To what is the image of the Church as the People of God most closely related? The assembly of Israel at Mt. Sinai. Focus Question What happened to the assembly of Israel at Mt. Sinai? God made his covenant with Moses and the Israelites, promising that if they kept the covenant, they would be his Chosen People, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Focus Question What does God’s decision to form a people, rather than saving men individually, reflect? This reflects the social nature of man. Focus Question What is the social nature of man? The human person always lives and functions in relation to others. We are made to live in communities. We have received all we have from someone else, whether it be the gift of life, our knowledge and skills, or even the truth of the Gospel. Focus Question Who were the first People of God? Israel. Focus Question What was Israel’s mission? Israel was chosen and commissioned by God to bring all the nations into the communion with him that he had desired from the beginning. Focus Question What was the outcome of this mission? Israel failed. Focus Question What did God promise, despite this failure? God promised a new covenant about which he said, “I will put my law within them, and I will write it upon their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people” (Jer 31:33). Guided Exercise Conduct a think/pair/share using the following question: How did St. Francis go about obeying Christ’s command that he “rebuild my Church”? Focus Question What is the most common image that Christ used to describe the Church? The Kingdom of God. Focus Question What does Christ’s lineage establish? That Christ is the Son of David. Focus Question How is Christ’s kingdom fundamentally different from David’s? Christ’s kingdom is not of this world, not a temporal kingdom. Graphic Organizer Complete the following table to show how the seven main features of God’s covenant with David take on new meaning of the kingdom established by Jesus Christ. Feature Royal Dynasty Son of God Messiah Jerusalem and Mt. Zion as Israel’s center Temple as visible covenant sign Worldwide rule Everlasting New Meaning Graphic Organizer Complete the following table to show how the three additional or secondary features of God’s covenant with David are fulfilled by Jesus Christ. Feature Queen Mother Prime minister Thank offering New Meaning