The Key Vocabulary Routine Big Ideas PowerPoint By Joan Sedita, M.Ed. ©Joan Sedita, Big Idea #1 What is the Key Vocabulary Routine? ©Joan Sedita, What is The Key Vocabulary Routine? • Embedded in content instruction • Research-based • Foundational “routine” that provides consistency from grade to grade, and from class to class ©Joan Sedita, The Routine 1. Preview for difficult vocabulary 2. Use activities that connect vocabulary to background knowledge and related words 3. Select specific words to teach in-depth 4. Identify opportunities to teach word learning strategies 5. Promote word consciousness ©Joan Sedita, Gradual Release of Responsibility I Teacher-focused, modeling, direct/explicit instruction Guided practice We Whole-group, small-group, collaborative Students move through the stages at different rates, requiring scaffolding and Independent use by student differentiated instruction. ©Joan Sedita, You Step 1: Preview for difficult vocabulary ©Joan Sedita, Why Preview Vocabulary? • Activate prior knowledge • Clear up misconceptions about a word’s meaning • Clarify meaning of known words with multiple meanings • Provide some familiarity with unknown words Previewing is more of a comprehension strategy than it is direct teaching of specific words. ©Joan Sedita, Goal of Previewing • Goal: to offer temporary, basic familiarity with the meaning of the words in text to be read – Graves: “Introduce the word so that students won’t stumble over it when they see it in an upcoming passage.” • It is more about attaching some meaning to a new word than enabling deep learning of words ©Joan Sedita, What to Preview • Words or phrases critical to making meaning from the text • Words with multiple meanings - focus on the meaning used in the text • Figurative language Consider having students identify unfamiliar words to preview ©Joan Sedita, Ways to Preview • Provide a list of preview words with user friendly definitions or synonyms • Photocopy the text and write in synonyms or short definitions next to unfamiliar words • Provide a visual or illustration with labels of unfamiliar vocabulary • Have a quick class discussion about some of the preview words – make links to their background knowledge ©Joan Sedita, Student Knowledge Rating Checklists Word Know it well, can explain it, use it Know something about it, can relate it to a situation Have seen or heard the word Do not know the word Beck, McKeown, Kucan, 2002 ©Joan Sedita, Step 2: Use activities to connect vocabulary ©Joan Sedita, Why Teach Word Relationships? • Schema: mental structure that represents and organizes one’s understanding of a particular topic • Vocabulary words are used to represent that knowledge • Word learning is most efficient when a connection to existing schema and words can be made ©Joan Sedita, The Four Activities • Construct links to existing information and related words Activity Semantic mapping When Used Before, During, After Categorizing During, After Semantic feature analysis During, After Synonyms, opposites, and scaling Before, During, After ©Joan Sedita, Using the 4 Activities • Make connections between new and known words • Make connections between background knowledge and essential concept words • Offer opportunities for rich discussion about words • Push students to go beyond memorizing definitions ©Joan Sedita, 1. Semantic Mapping • When to use • Benefits • How it is done • Variations ©Joan Sedita, ©Joan Sedita, Semantic Mapping: Science eagle shark consumers fisherman mouse plants eat Food Chain fish seeds decomposers fungus grow compost mold rot producers decay ©Joan Sedita, 2. Categorizing • When to use • Benefits • How it is done • Variations Be ready to share your categories. ©Joan Sedita, ©Joan Sedita, Lines and Angles Line segment Ray Point Vertex Vertical Congruent Adjacent Complimentary Supplementary Parallel Perpendicular Intersecting Bisect Midpoint Endpoint Quadrilaterals Parallelogram Rectangle Rhombus Square Trapezoid Polygons Triangle Quadrilateral Pentagon Hexagon Heptagon Optagon Nonagon Decagon ©Joan Sedita, Circle Chord Radius Diameter Central angle Center Semicircle Triangles Acute Obtuse Right Isosceles Equilateral Scalene Outliers Absolute value Exponents Expanded form ©Joan Sedita, 3. Semantic Feature Analysis •When to use •Benefits •How it is done •Variations ©Joan Sedita, ©Joan Sedita, ©Joan Sedita, ©Joan Sedita, 4. Synonyms, Opposites and Scaling • When to use • Benefits • How it is done • Variations ©Joan Sedita, ©Joan Sedita, ©Joan Sedita, Step 3: Select specific words to teach in-depth ©Joan Sedita, Why Teach Some Words In-Depth? • Previewing vocabulary is different from directly teaching specific words • Essential content words must be taught in-depth • Children with weak vocabularies especially benefit from in-depth instruction for some words ©Joan Sedita, Selecting Words • Factors to consider: – Words essential to understanding major concepts of the content topic – Words that are practical to know – Words that students are likely to encounter again as they learn more about the content topic • Different selections for different groups of students ©Joan Sedita, Suggestions from The Key Vocabulary Routine • Words essential to instructional goal • Concept words to build schema • Words frequently encountered in other content • Words unlikely to be learned independently through context or word parts • Words that provide opportunities to practice use of context and word parts • Words that are unique and increase student curiosity ©Joan Sedita, 3-Tier Model: McKeown & Beck ©Joan Sedita, Teach Everything About A Word • Include: – – – – – – – – – spelling and phonemes syllables opposite/antonyms synonyms category/related words examples/non-examples multiple meanings illustration use in sentence or context ©Joan Sedita, Templates for Teaching a Word In-Depth • Graphic Organizers: –Frayer/four square (Frayer et al. 1969) –Concept Definition Map –Two-column notes ©Joan Sedita, (Schwartz, 1988) (Sedita, 1989) Frayer/Four Square Concept Word: ___________________ Define the word, include picture if possible List key characteristics and attributes Example Non-example Frayer, D.A., Frederick, W.D., & Klausmeier, H.J. (1969). A schema for testing the level of concept mastery (Technical Report No. 16). Madison: University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Center for Education Research. ©Joan Sedita, Concept Definition Map What is it? (category, comparisons) What is it like? Word What are some examples? Adapted from: Schwartz, R.M. (1988). Learning to learn vocabulary in content area textbooks. Journal of Reading, 32, 108-118. ©Joan Sedita, Two-Column Notes Lexicon • • • • • • • • • • Definition: a language user’s knowledge of words Part of speech: noun Synonym: dictionary Antonym: NA Category/related words: vocabulary; words; definitions Example: Glossary in a textbook Non-example: Multiplication tables; numbers Multiple Meanings: inventory or record; wordbook Sentence: Because the boy read every night, he developed a large lexicon and knew more words than most of his friends. Illustration: ©Joan Sedita, Dictionary Definitions • Conventional definitions are difficult to understand • Asking students to look up definitions and write them in sentences is NOT effective (Scott & Nagy, 1997; Miller & Gildea (1987) • What to teach about dictionary definitions – How to look up words – How to use different parts of an entry – The need to select appropriate meaning for the context • Alternative dictionaries ©Joan Sedita, Re-Writing a Definition in the Students’ Own Words • A good definition should have: 1. A linking verb 2. A superordinate or category for the word 3. Relative clauses that contain a critical attribute A ___ is (a) ___ that (is, does) ___. (Moats, 2005) ©Joan Sedita, Examples • An eagle is a large bird that soars in the sky, catches small prey, and has been named as the symbol of the United States. • To yell is to make a loud sound by using one’s voice, such as a scream. • To be wealthy is to have a lot of material possessions such as money or valuables. • Something magical is mysterious and related to supernatural forces, charms, or spells. • To do something curtly is to do it in a rude and abrupt way. ©Joan Sedita, Step 4: Identify opportunities to teach word learning strategies •Use of context to determine word meaning •Use of word parts to determine word meaning ©Joan Sedita, Teaching Use of Context • Provide direct instruction in how to use the context • Provide many examples from reading • Teach students that the context does not always work ©Joan Sedita, How to Teach Context • Graves’ 4 steps • Types of context clues – – – – – – Definition Description Synonym Comparison Contrast Example ©Joan Sedita, Teach Word Parts • Large percentage of words learned after grade 3 are derived from Greek or Latin roots (Carlisle, 2007) • 60% of unfamiliar words in middle school books are derived words that can be figured out by word parts and context (Nagy & Anderson, 1984) ©Joan Sedita, Word Parts BASE/ROOT WORDS + SUFFIXES/PREFIXES Undeniable (un - deny - able) Morphemes: the smallest units of language that convey or modulate meaning Bound morphemes: cannot stand alone (s, ed, ment) Free morphemes: can stand alone (cat, walk, govern) ©Joan Sedita, Word Family: port (L. to carry) portability portable portableness portably portage portapack portative ported porter porterage porting support supportable supportably supporter supporting supportive deport deportable deportation deported deportee deporting deportment export exportable exportation exported exporter exporting portfolio import importable importability importance important importantly importation imported importer Importing report reportable reportage reported reportedly reporter reporting ©Joan Sedita, transport transportable transportability transportation transporter transporting transportive What to Teach • Prefixes: directly teach 20 most used • Roots: teach how roots are used, but not a specific list • Suffixes: teach how suffixes work, but not a specific list ©Joan Sedita, Most Common Prefixes • • • • • • • • • • • un26% re14% in-, im-, il-, ir- 11% dis7% en-, em4% non4% in-, im- (in) 3% over3% mis3% sub3% pre3% • • • • • • • • • • interforedetranssupersemiantimidunderALL OTHERS p. 96-97 ©Joan Sedita, 3% 3% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 3% Numerical Prefixes Meaning Greek Latin one mono uni two three four di tri tetra bi, du, duo tri quad (quart) five six penta hexa quint sext eight ten octo deca octo deci hundred thousand kilo cent mille part, half many hemi poly semi multi ©Joan Sedita, Ebbers, 2006 Step 5: Identify opportunities to promote word consciousness ©Joan Sedita, Developing an Interest in Words “Teachers should encourage children to become WORD COLLECTORS, people who notice new words and scoop them up for their personal collections when they hear, see or read them.” National Center on Education and the Economy, 2001 ©Joan Sedita, WordConscious Schools • Principal’s “word of the week” • “New Words” boxes or jars in classrooms • Conscious use of specific words for multiple exposures ©Joan Sedita, Please use these words in our classroom: _________ _________ _________ Word Play “Words and phrases can simultaneously feel good on the tongue, sound good to the ear, and incite a riot of laughter in the belly. Verbal phenomena such as homophones and homographs; idioms, clichés, and puns; and onomastics (the story of names) offer myriad opportunities for investigating language.” (Graves, 2006) ©Joan Sedita, Word Play Homophones and homographs Word puns, jokes and riddles Word games (Scattergories, Outburst, Pictionary, Charades, Password, Scrabble, Boggle) Word manipulations (anagrams, palindromes) Word expressions (idioms, proverbs, slang) ©Joan Sedita, Vocabulary Word Walls • Choose words from content • Update frequently • Refer to them on a regular basis ©Joan Sedita, Classroom Reading Materials • Wide reading: a lot of reading and a lot of topics • Word conscious classrooms need a wide variety of books and material to read • Provide opportunities for students to take home books ©Joan Sedita, Coach: An Essential Component Training Components Initial training Admin Training Guided Practice Follow up Small Group Sharing ©Joan Sedita, On-site coaches Observe Coteach Professional development topics and instructional materials available: • • • • • The Key Comprehension Routine The Key Vocabulary Routine The ANSWER Key to Open Response Writing Keys to Learning Literacy Planning K-12 978-948-8511 ©Joan Sedita,