Re-Centering Teaching: 20+ Techniques for Promoting Active Learning Dr. Bonnie B. Mullinix Co-President & Senior Consultant Jacaranda Educational Development Senior Consultant, Faculty and Educational Development TLT Group Curriculum Coordinator, UYF-Title III slide 1 Re-Centering Teaching: 20+ Techniques for Promoting Active Learning Entry Activities Please do the following: 1. Introduce yourself (name, institution) in chat 2. Complete the posted polls: • Q1: What is your role in facilitating learning? • Q2: What is your disciplinary focus? 3. Next: Think and write (in chat): “A challenging concept or topic you teach that you would like to explore how to ‘recenter’ towards active learning.” slide 2 ‘Webshop’ Goal To explore over 20 active learning/instructional techniques; considering advantages of each and how they can be used to effectively support active engagement in learning. Bonnie Mullinix slide 3 ‘Webshop’ Objectives: By the end of the webshop session participants will have: 1. Identified at least one challenging concept or topic they teach they might ‘recenter’; 2. Reflected on multiple learning theories and frameworks; 3. Considered at least 4-5 different instructional techniques in depth; Bonnie Mullinix, slide 4 ‘Webshop’ Objectives (continued) : 4. Discussed how and when to most effectively utilize each technique to promote active engagement in learning; 5. Identified selected techniques to address their articulated challenge and facilitate active learning. Bonnie Mullinix, slide 5 Overview of the next 1 ½ hours Entry & Introductions [10-15 min] Challenges, Theories & Frameworks [15-20 min] Example: The Case of Jigsaw [5-10 min] Review Groups [15-20 min] Sharing/Discussion [25-30 min] Closure [5-10 min] slide 6 Selecting Techniques Start from what you need • • Target a challenging concept Consider and align your learning outcomes Build on/add to what you know • • Add to your repertoire of techniques Take risks by trying out increasingly active methods Pay attention to what works • Collect/monitor assessment data (formative/summative/SoTL) Bonnie Mullinix slide 7 How People Learn (Bransford et al, 1999) 1. Pre-Existing Knowledge: preconceptions & misconceptions about how the world works. 2. Foundational Knowledge and Organizational Frameworks: developing competence in an area of inquiry involves: a deep foundation of factual knowledge, situated in contextual understanding using conceptual framework(s) and organized to facilitate retrieval and application. 3. Metacognition: Increase student awareness and monitoring of and responsibility for learning. Bransford et al. (1999). How People Learn slide 8 How to Help People Learn 1. Engage, challenge and work with the preexisting understandings that students bring with them. 2. Teach some subject matter in depth, offering many examples involving the same concept and provide an organizing framework to aid retrieval & application. 3. Teach metacognitive skills and awareness across the curriculum. Bransford et al. (1999). How People Learn slide 9 Designing Learning Environments Learning environments have the following foci to balance in their design: 1. Learner-centered: Learners need connection with the content, and approaches that match their interest/needs. 2. Knowledge-centered: Attention should be given to what is taught (information, subject matter), why it is taught (understanding), and what competence or mastery looks like. 3. Assessment-centered: Formative assessments offer powerful insights into learning and help both teachers and students monitor progress; they let teachers view learner preconceptions and developmental stage and design/redesign instruction accordingly. 4. Community-centered: This requires the development of norms for the classroom and school, as well as connections to the outside world, that support core learning values. Bransford et al. (1999). How People Learn slide 10 Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle to Spiral Image from: neral/article1.cfm Bonnie Mullinix, slide 11 Bloom’s Taxonomy – Guide to Building Learning Outcomes Original Revised (Benjamin Bloom, 1984) (Anderson & Krathwohl 2001) Knowledge Remember Comprehension Understand Application Apply Analysis Analyze Synthesis Evaluate Evaluation Create Bonnie Mullinix slide 12 SMART Learning Objectives/Outcomes S M A R T Bonnie Mullinix Specific – objective clearly identifies what should be covered and accomplished by participants. Measurable - objective can be assessed. Achievable (or Realistic) – objective can be accomplished within the session/training contact period. Relevant (or Appropriate) - objective is closely related to the session and addresses a learning need of the participants. Time Bound - objective clearly indicates the time period by which the objective should be achieved. slide 13 Verb Wheel Based on Bloom's Taxonomy Domain Appropriate verbs Student products Bonnie Mullinix slide 14 Fleming’s VARK Learning Preferences Note: Learning Preferences differ from Learning Styles While Styles may indicate static categorization, Preferences indicate awareness of strengths and an ability to build towards a multimodal approach to learning Bonnie Mullinix VARK Image from: slide 15 Learning Theories & Frameworks More Similarities than Differences Importance of Theoretical Frameworks Which do you use? Which will you use as you review the • Guiding & challenging our thinking • Supporting reflective practice upcoming activities & techniques and consider how to integrate them into your practice? Bonnie Mullinix slide 16 20+ Activities & Techniques that Promote Learning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Brainstorming (Progressive Brainstorming – Think-Pair-Share) Case Study (Critical Incidents) Concept Maps (/Graphic Organizers) Creative Art Forms (Pictures, Song and Dance) Demonstration Drama Field Trips Film/Video Shows Fish Bowl Games slide 17 20+ Activities & Techniques that Promote Learning 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Icebreakers/Energizers Jigsaw Technique Small Groups: The Kitchen Concept • Buzz Session Lecturettes • Dyads/Triads Multimedia Presentations • Team-Based Role-plays Learning Panel Discussions Peer Teaching Simulations Social Barometer/“Taking a Stand” slide 18 Example: The Case of Jigsaw Jigsaw Technique for face-to-face workshop Color-coordinated cards with numbers and letters First: number-based “Expert” Groups explore ‘pieces’ Then: Letter-based “Sharing” Groups share & co-construct ‘whole picture’. Facilitator monitors and support groups Session concludes with plenary debriefing and discussion to clarify and consolidate observations and experience Bonnie Mullinix slide 19 ‘Webshop’ Activity Review Groups (modified) [10-15 min] 1. Locate/select Review Group at: 2. Read techniques as assigned to your group [5-10min] Group 1: 1-4 Group 2: 5-8 In Handout Group 3: 9-12 Group 4: 13-16 Group 5: 17-20 (Add/Alt: 20+ Small Groups) 3. Consider how you might use at least one of these techniques to ‘re-center’ your teaching (discuss and post in spreadsheet (or chat)) [5 - 10 min]. Bonnie Mullinix slide 20 ‘Webshop’ Activity Sharing Groups [25-30 min] Participants/Groups: share a summary of key observations, questions and ideas for how and where they might use the techniques reviewed Facilitator: • Answers questions about techniques and their application. • Highlights similarities and relationships between techniques • Discusses the value of varying techniques to enhance engagement. slide 21 Processing Discussion What questions or ideas emerged from your group regarding: • • The techniques? descriptions, similarities, differences, relationships between… Interesting uses / plans to use in your courses Remember: There’s no single/correct response; Rather, it is important to strategically select and vary techniques to enhance engagement while addressing varied learning preferences. slide 22 References Mullinix, B. B. (2002). Nurturing Participation: A Facilitator's Introduction to NonFormal Education and Participatory Training. Amherst, MA: Center for International Education, University of Massachusetts (pp 36-43). Anderson, L.W., & Krathwohl, D.R. (eds.) (2001). A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York: Longman Bloom, B. (1984). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA Bransford, J.D, A.L. Brown and R.R. Cocking (eds.). (1999). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school. National Academy of the Sciences. Accessed 3/20/08 at: Fleming, N. (2001). VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles. Accessed: 2 March 2008 Kolb, D. (1984). Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall (see handout for additional references) slide 23 Have more to Explore? Feel free to contact me : Dr. Bonnie B. Mullinix Co-President, Jacaranda Educational Development Greenville Technical College, Unlock Your Future (Title III) Curriculum Coordinator Thank you for your Participation! Bonnie Mullinix slide 24