Reformation in Malaysian Education

EDF 1001
Historical &
Philosophical Found. Of
Malaysian Education
TASK 10 :
Reforms in
Malaysian Educational
from 1990s to 2005
Education Act ,1961
Became the basis of the National Edu.
Policy (NEP).
 Contained in the Razak Report (1956)
and the Rahman Talib Report (1960)
constituted the National Edu. System
adopted today.
Education Act , 1996
In line with rapid ICT, the government decided to reexamine the Edu. Act, 1961.
 The formation of National Advisory Council.
 The National Edu. System was to encompass
pre school – tertiary level.
 The National lang. / BM be the main
medium of instruction.
 The Minister of Edu. Had the power to set up
technical edu. at any institution including
those at tertiary level & the setting up of teacher training ]
 Islamic religious teachers would be provided to all schools
with more than five Muslim pupils.
Why there are Changes in the
Educational System?
Edu. plays a vital role in preparing a trained and
highly competitive workforce for the nation.
 Aimed at achieving world class edu.
 Upgrading the efficiency of the public
universities in Malaysia.
 Government encouraged the formation of
private institutions of higher learning.
- encouraged to widen & inculcate research and
devlpmnt as a culture in order to develop
Malaysia into a centre of edu. excellence.
Vision 2020 &
The Edu. Approach
Malaysia is a fast developing country in the
middle of the International trade highway.
The economic change from
industry =drastic changes
including the nation’s edu. system.
In line with the aims outlined in Vision 2020:
“To build a progressive and scientific society,
a society which has a high capacity for
change and forward looking, not only as the
user of technology but also as a contributor
to the future of science and technology.
(6th Challenge Vision 2020)
Vision 2020 & The Edu. Approach
In 1991, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed
introduced Vision 2020 as the foundation and
direction in developing a progressive industrial
nation in its own mould.
The MAIN goal : produce outstanding
individuals who are PIES @ JERI balanced in
line with the National Philosophy of Edu.
Other aspects : curriculum, quality teachers,
present infrastructure & an efficient edu.
management system.
Structuring the Edu. Curriculum
Reviewed in line with the 1967 Higher Edu. Planning
Committee Statement.
 1996: - MOE formulated the Smart School concept.
- Upgrading the broadcasting of ETV.
- Fully equipped computer laboratories.
 The intro. Of the KBSR & KBSR (emphasis cocurriculum programmes; uniform bodies,
clubs/societies & sports.
-to develop & enhance relationships
-to spend time wisely
-to apply and reinforce knowledge gained in classroom
-to train them to be confident & independent
-to help students complete the academic achievement
Changes in Educational
- 1992: government initiated it in all national primary
schools esp. in rural areas under MOE.
- Cover all aspects in children’s mental, spiritual,
emotional, physical & social development.
 New Primary School Curriculum (NPSC)
- Introduced in 1982 in 305 schools on an exp.basis.
- The MAIN aim: produce students who are intellectual
only but also of high moral standards.
- Organised into 3 parts : comm., human & environment
and individual development.
- Each part divided to basic skills, spirituality, values &
attitudes; humanity & envrnmnt and arts &recreation.
- 1993: NPSC
IPSC (Integrated Primary
School Curriculum).
- Changes in subjects –Lang., Physical Edu.,
Islamic Edu. & Moral Edu.
 New Secondary School Curriculum (NSSC)
- Began in 1980, in line with the proposal in the
Cabinet Committee Report (1979).
- 1st implemented in 1988 in Form 1 and Remove
Classes (BM, English, Chinese & Tamil lang.)
- 1989:NSSC fully implemented in Form 1 - 5.
- Lower Sec. Level: subjects divided into core &
additional groups.
- Upper Sec. Level: elective subjects introduced.
The National Exam. System
Malaysian Examination Syndicate (MES) and
the Malaysian Examination Council (MEC).
Phases of Development
1) The Pre Independence Phase
-no attempt by the colonial government to
develop a national education policy or a
coherent system of education.
-based on individual school requirements or
that of external examining bodies such as
the Overseas School Certificate.
2)Implementation of the Razak Report
-led to the formulation of the National Edu.
-establishment of the Malaysian Examination
-apart from the administration of the
Cambridge Examination, it also conducted
on its own the Malayan Secondary School
Entrance Examination (MSSEE) and the \
Lower Certificate of Education (LCE).
3) The Implementation of the Rahman
Talib Report (1960)
-elective subjects were introduced into the
LCE and the ‘Sijil Rendah Pelajaran’ (SRP) ,
-the Standard Five Assessment Examination,
-the Malaysian Vocational Education
Certificate Exam. & the Year Three
Diagnostic Test.
4) Implementation of the Cabinet Report
-Implementation of the (UPSR)/Primary School
Achievement Test replaced the ‘Peperiksaan Penilaian
Darjah V’ (PPDL) or Standard Five Assessment Exam.,
and the (PMR)/Lower Certificate of Education Exam.
-Ensure that the (SPM)/Malaysian Certificate of Edu.
was in line with the NPE.
-Led to the formation of the Malaysian Exam. Council
(MEC) in 1980.
responsible of co-ordinating and administering the
(STPM)/Malaysian Higher School Certificate which
replaced the Higher School Certificate (HSC) Exam.
initially co-ordinated by the University of Cambridge
Local Examination Syndicate with the co-operation of
University of Malaya.
Teachers’ Education
 Pre-service
Training Programmes
1)MPIK Twinning Programme-UK/New
-1992: MPIK twinned with 13 institutions of
higher learning in the UK and New Zealand to
offer courses in (TESL).
2) Diploma in teacher Education Malaysia
-July 1996: the 6 Semester Diploma Course was
introduced to replace the Certificate in teaching
as an attempt to upgrade the Image of the
teaching profession
3) Privatised Teacher Training Programme
-Introduced in September 2000 and offered to
teachers at private teaching institutions, private
candidates and agencies outside the MOE
4) Bachelor Degree Teaching Programme/
-The first intake of 1,525 candidates, in June
2004, is attending this programme which will
gradually replace the Malaysian Teaching
Diploma Course (KDPM).
5)Special Programme
-The Ministry implemented a special
programme for People’s Religious School (SAR)
teachers for Islamic Studies and academic
6)Postgraduate Teaching Course (KPLI)
Full Time, Primary & Secondary School
-Primary: 3,954 candidates were trained in all
teachers’ training colleges in 11 primary school
subjects. Projection for the 2005 intake is 3,000.
-Secondary: 1,952 candidates were trained in
2004 and 1,940 are projected for the 2005 intake
7) TESL Edu. Bachelor Degree Course
& Outstanding Students for Overseas
IPTA/Overseas institutions
implemented in May 2002.
For 5 years, had its 1st intake (2002) and the 5th intake
in (2006).
Estimated that 2,500 graduates will be produced by the
end of 2011.
Overseas institutions: College of St. Mark & St. John
(UK), Queensland University of Tech. & Macquarie
University (Aus), Victoria University of Wellington &
University of Auckland (NZ).
 7 IPTAs are also involved in this programme.
- 2003: 300+ Cohort 2 TESL students in 7
different teachers’ training colleges including
50 students in MPPM.
-2004: 375 students in local universities’
twinning programmes, 125 TESL students in
overseas universities and 102 outstanding
students in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
and Biology were placed in well-known
overseas universities.
In-Service Training Programmes
1) Smart School Teacher Training Course
-Since 1998, it was organised to upgrade teacher skills
in order to fulfil the needs of smart schools especially
those concerning ICT.
2) Special Programme to produce Graduate
Teachers (SPGT)
-Carried out in 1999 through the MoU between the
teacher training colleges and institutions of higher
learning nationwide
3) Master and PhD Programmes (MPP)
-AIM: increase the number of highly qualified
lecturers to assist course participations who are
attending the twinning programmes with universities,
post Graduate Teaching Course and the in-service
4)Special Programme Enabling Non-Graduate
Teachers to Attain Degrees (PKPG)
-2004: to enable teachers to attain degree (PKPG)
involved 16 teachers’ training colleges and 11
institutions of higher learning (IPTA). \
5)Open University Malaysia (OUM) Distance
Education Programme (PJJ)
-BPG-OUM co-operation began on 22 March 2002
when the OUM was signed for a period of five years
(concluding by the end of 2005).
6)English for the Teaching of Mathematics and
Science Programme
- 2002: the Cabinet resolved that the Mathematics and
Science subjects would be taught I English
beginning from 2003 in Year 1, From 1 and Lower 6
7) National Reserve Teachers Group Pioneer
Project (KGSK)
-Those qualified to become members of KGSK are:
 Teachers on compulsory retirement
 Teachers on optional retirement
 Teaching professional qualification holders
 Teachers who have not been served disciplinary
 Teachers who are not more than 65 years of age.
-Play the role of replacement teachers (to fill vacancies
in schools due to teachers attending courses, on sick
leave, on pilgrimage leave, etc) and carry out teaching
and learning duties in the classroom, co-curricular
activities and preparation of teaching materials
Moral and Islamic Education
Placement and Transfer of Islamic Education
-2004:1054 Islamic Edu. Teachers posted o primary
and secondary schools throughout the country.
 Aid for Public religious Schools
-JAPIM has organised aid for Public Religious Schools
which follow the KAFA curriculum.
-A total of 1557 People’s Religious Schools that follow
the KAFA curriculum qualified t receive such aid.
J-QAF Programme
-to fulfil he aspiration of the honourable PM.
-objective: ensure that primary school students
complete their reading of Quran, master
reading and writing in jawi, improve and be
proficient in Fardu Ain and know basic
communication in Arabic.
The globalisation of information has
extended our accessibility to
knowledge. Hence, student being as
the nation most valuable asset
students must be exposed to the use
of ICT.
MOE implemented a range of activities and projects
based on E-learning, which has the capacity to develop
a culture of learning where students are able to:
• Self-direct own learning
• Engage in continuous learning
• Access courses from a variety of sources
•Communicate and discuss with almost anyone
regardless of distance and borders.
The Munsyi Web Pilot Project
It was implemented in 1996 involving 14 secondary
schools throughout Malaysia. It is a
co-ordinated effort of MOE and a private
telecommunication company.
The main purpose of the project is
to encourage teachers and students to share information
on the Internet and develop
an Electronic Resource Centre (ERC)
School Net Project
It is a broadband internet access infrastructure project
that aims to bridge the digital divide.
It involves network connection for schools throughout
Its is under the supervision of Ministry of Energy,
Water and Communication, Ministry of Education
and Ministry of Finance and it is funded by
the Communications and Multimedia Commission
from 2003-2008.
The School Net is developed to connect ten thousand
schools throughout Malaysia under one network.
Partners-in-Learning Programme
A MoU between MOE and Microsoft (M) Sdn.
Bhd. was signed in 2004 to establish
co-operation in order to make this
programme a success.
This programme is aimed to expose student
and teacher to the latest computer technologies
and the best ways to utilise them.
Web-Based Applications
MOE Bachelor in Education Programme
Jawi, Quran, Arab and Fardu Ain (j-QAF)
Malaysian Teacher Selection Test (MTeST)
Smart School
In July 1997, The Malaysian Smart School –
a Conceptual Blueprint was produced by a
project team, which consisted of industry
representatives, officials from the Multimedia
Development Corporation and the Ministry of
The joint venture partners were Telekom Multimedia Sdn Bhd,
Sapura Telecommunication Bhd, Educational Trend sdn Bhd,
DEMC Anzagain Sdn Bhd, digital Technologies Sdn Bhd,
Custommedia Sdn Bhd, Multi Media Synergy Corp Sdn Bhd,
BT Multimedia (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Electronic Data Systems IT
Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, NIIT Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
Pilot Project 1999 - Dec 2002
87 schools
By 2010
9000 schools
Current education system in Malaysia and will
continue in Sekolah Bestari.
Firstly: The National
Phylosophy of
Malaysian Education
will be the main
component of Sekolah
Bestari curriculum
Secondly: moral values
that have been stressed
in present curriculum
will go on into Bestari
These two foundations of Malaysian Education will not be
nagiotable in the Bestari Curriculum. This will make the
Sekolah Bestari different than the rest of Smart Schools.
How the curriculum is being carried out in Sekolah Bestari
may resemble to the existing Smart Schools.
People started imagining classrooms packed with
computers, internet, video conferencing
equipments and all the latest communication
technology can offer.
These misconceptions were due to the
association of Sekolah Bestari and MSC.
Sekolah Bestari is NOT ABOUT
TECHNOLOGY. If the technology is there
then it is wise to use it.
The most important idea about Sekolah Bestari
involves the teaching and learning process.
The Bestari curriculum will cater for all levels of learners.
This is where virtual express class concept comes in.
A fast learners will be able to proceed to the higher and more
complex contents of the syllabus while the slow learners will
continue with activities until they are ready to move on.
The teaching continuum will move from
teaching to facilitating as students in one
Bestari classroom will be doing different
activities according to their abilities. The
present Sage by the Stage approach will
move to Guide by the Side.
The implementation of sports
development programmes in schools
is under the ambit of the Sports and Physical
Education Department (SPED).
The function of this department are to formulate
sport policies, plan sports development and
manage sports programmes that involve various
governments schools, while the Malaysian
Schools Sports Council (MSSM) focuses on sport
Bukit Jalil Sports School
Established in 1996
Currently accommodating 600 students
In 2000, a Pre-University programme was developed as
a result of a joint effort between UPM and Malaysian
Sports Council
10 Gold medals, 17 Silver medals & 13 Bronze medals
at the 2003 SEA Games in Vietnam
Three divers; Leong Mun Yee, Gracie Junita and Bryan
Nickson represent Malaysia in 2004 Olympic Games in
Bryan Nickson – was placed 19th out of 33 in his
event, in Belem, Brazil (2005), he won the 3-metre
diving event.
2004 World Junior Badminton Championship in
Richmond, Vancouver; Hoon Thiew How and Tan
Boon Heong won the doubles.
Bandar Penawar Sports School
Established in 1998 in Kota Tinggi, Johore
second Sports School
for 600 students
Offers classes for students from Year 4 until
Sepak takraw runner-up in the 2004 ASEAN
Schools Championship
Won the gold (under 16) in the 7th Thailand Schools
Sports Championship
Qualified for the quarterfinal of the Hockey
Tournament (2004) in Jawaharlal Nehru, India.
The ability to master science and technology
appears to be a prerequisite to achieve the
status of developed nation by the year 2020
based on K-economy
The MOE, in line with this policy, has made
various changes to the education system with a
focus on science and technology to be
implemented between 2001 to 2010. Significantly,
more S & T classes have been increase in each
Science subject was formerly taught in Form 1
In 1995, it became a subject in Year 4, together
with Kajian Tempatan, replacing Alam &
In 2002, it was introduced to Standard 1 pupils in
50 primary schools as a pilot project, which is
extended to all primary schools in 2003.
Among other strategies implemented in enhancing
students’ interest and performance in S & T are :
The introduction of Science at Level 1 of primary
Introducing various programmes to upgrade the
teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics
Upgrading the professionalism of S & T teachers
Setting standards for Science and Mathematics
Designing more S & T based activities and programmes
Teaching and Learning of
Maths & Science in English
It has been implemented since January 1, 2003.
The first batch of Form Four students who sat for the
PMR in 2005 will be learning pure Science subjects in
This means that science stream students will now do
Physics, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Biology
and Chemistry in English.
In addition, science students are also required to take
English for Science and Technology (EST).
The Star
01 January 2006
Also to be introduced in 2006 is additional languages.
Chinese, Tamil and Arabic in selected national schools.
It was earlier reported that 89 schools in the country have
been identified for the pilot project.
International languages including Japanese, French, and
German will also be taught in 27 national secondary
Previously they were only available in fully residential
The Star
01 January 2006
Since achieving independence, Malaysia has
expanded tremendously in terms of its
economy, social, culture and education.
As a result, its educational system experienced
a change in technical and vocational education.
This expansion can be clearly seen in the
setting up of the Technical Education
Department through the restructuring of
The department was set up to ensure that the
implementation and development of technical
and vocational education is on going in this
Development of Technical and
Vocational Education
The upgrading of 69 vocational schools to
technical institutions
The increment of physical infrastructure
and facilities. Presently 85 vocational
/Technical institutions offer three streams
of study; namely, technical education,
vocational education and skills training.
Entered its 3rd year of implementation in 2004.
Introduced 8 new subjects, i.e. Food Processing,
Aquaculture and Recreational Animals, Domestic
Wiring, Automobile Servicing, Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning Servicing, Facial Care and Hair
Styling, Basic Interior Designing, and Early Child
The number of vocational subjects offered
increased to 18 or 82.0 per cent of the total subjects
offered under the VS Programme.
Entailed an additional 134 new schools and 163
Thus, the number of schools offering vocational
subjects from 2002 until this year increased to 341,
and the number of workshops increased to 530.
Out of the 341 schools, some schools offer one, two
or three vocational subjects.
The aim of the VS Programme was successfully
realised when vocational subjects recorded excellent
results in the 2003 Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)
examination which were announced in early 2004.
Three vocational subjects recorded 100 per cent
passes, while five other vocational subjects recorded
between 93.4 to 99.9 per cent passes.
Polytechnic Education
Polytechnic education has been upgraded and
strengthened as authorized by theCabinet(1979).
Subsequently, more courses and more new
polytechnics have been established.
As of April 2001, there are ten main polytechnics
and two city polytechnics in the country.
Polytechnics in this country offer a variety of
courses in the fields of engineering, commerce
and hospitality at certificate and Diploma levels.
Technical Secondary School
In line with the National Agriculture Policy, the
Technical Education Department has sent young
students abroad for exposure to various agricultural
In 1998, an agreement signing ceremony between the
Education Ministry through the Technical Education
Department and Gunma Prefecture, Japan, was held.
The agreement was to realise a programme called the
Asian Agricultural High School Student Overseas Study
Programme - fully funded by Gunma Prefecture, involves
the selection of three agricultural students from each
country in Southeast Asia such as Malaysia, the
Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and Mongolia.
After the completion of the programme, the
participants would have been exposed to a
modern agricultural education programme,
experienced the way of life of the Japanese
people and able to master the Japanese language.
The Special Education programme caters to
the needs of students with visual and
hearing impairment and those with learning
These students with special needs require
special attention to ensure equal access to
education and a quality of life enjoyed by
normal children.
The Development of Special
The Department of Special Education was
set up in 1995 to plan, administer and
monitor the implementation of the special
education programme in the primary
secondary schools, and at the polytechnics.
Today there are 31 special education schools
in the country at the primary and secondary
Dyslexia’s children need help through the
use of special approaches, strategies and
teaching and learning activities.
To that effect, the Department launched the
Dyslexia Pioneer Programme involving 178
pupils of seven to nine years in 30 primary
The launching ceremony was held on 16
June 2004 at the Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman
Tun Dr. Ismail in Kuala Lumpur.
In 2005, this school will admit students with
learning disabilities.
At present, 30 students with impaired hearing are
attending academic courses with MPV elective
subjects such as computer graphics, hair styling
and make-up.
5 students with impaired vision are attending the
MLVK course in reflexology.
Teachers placed in this school have undergone
special training in handling special education
Main mechanism in generating qualified and
competent personnel for the realisation of the
nation's vision.
Primarily intended to develop with quality the
individual's mind and society at large in the
face of a global competition.
Main agent in producing a just socioeconomic structure with a K-economy base, as
well as producing a dignified and a highly
ethical society with spiritually and physically
balanced individuals.
Public Institutions of Higher
Education (PIHE)
Currently there are 15 public institutions of
higher education.
The institutions of higher education are
currently offering a total of 217 academic
programmes at four levels; namely,
Certificate, Diploma, Degree and Post
The courses offered are those that fulfill the
needs of both the private and public sectors.
Distance Education Programme
The democratisation of education in the country has
led to the development of a Distance Education
To provide educational opportunities to the
It was first introduced by the Universiti Sains
Malaysia in 1971.
Currently, the programme is being conducted by 6
universities (UiTM, UKM, UPM, UTM, UM, and
In August, 2000 - 11 public universities collaborated to
form the Open University of Malaysia
(UNITEM/OUM) with the primary aim of
conducting Distance Education Programmes
PTPTN (1996)
“Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi
Nasional (PTPTN) adalah bukti
keprihatinan kerajaan ke arah memberi
kemudahan pinjaman kepada para pelajar
yang mendapat tawaran untuk melanjutkan
pelajaran ke peringkat institusi pengajian
tinggi awam dan swasta.”
`Pendidikan Teras Pembangunan Insan`
26 Ogos 2005
Meritocracy (2002)
“Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Pengurusan IPT, Kementerian
Pengajian Tinggi, Prof Datuk Dr Hassan Said, sebagai
berkata pemilihan calon memasuki IPTA bagi Program
Pengajian Lepasan Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan
Malaysia/Matrikulasi/Setaraf (Ijazah Pertama) bagi sesi
akademik 2006/2007 dibuat berasaskan meritokrasi
dengan mengambil kira semula 10 peratus markah
Bagi pengiraan markah kokurikulum 10 peratus, markah
purata dikira dua daripada empat bidang terbaik, iaitu
sukan/permainan, pasukan beruniform, kelab/persatuan
serta Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN).”
Berita Harian
07 July 2006
MUET (2000)
MUET (Malaysian University English Test) is
required to pursue a degree course in any
institution of higher learning in Malaysia.
In addition to being a pre-requisite for a degree
programme, the MUET also helps you consolidate
and enhance your English language skills. These
skills will help you cope with the English language
encountered in your specific discipline in
institutions of higher learning, while at the time
develop your ability to think critically.
The Matriculation Division was established on 1
September 1998 with the main aim of streamlining all
Matriculation/Foundation Programmes that have been
conducted by public institutions of higher learning
(IPTA) for 25 years.
At present, only Universiti Malaya and Universiti Islam
Antarabangsa still conduct their own matriculation
The intake of students for the Matriculation Programme
conducted by the Division commenced in June 1999 with
the establishment of five matriculation colleges and
subsequently four (4) more colleges were built by 2003,
bringing the number of such colleges to nine. They can
accommodate 25,000 students for each academic session.
The programme offers two streams of study, i.e.
Science and Accounting.
Each student is required to take subjects that are
fixed for each stream besides compulsory subjects
such as English, Skill Dynamics, Islamic/Moral
Education and Science Informatics.
Students are also required to take one cocurricular subject.
Beginning from 2004, all Science subjects
including Mathematics and Science Informatics
are taught in English.
Teaching and Learning of Science and
Mathematics in English (TLSME)
- The Matriculation Programme
implemented the teaching and learning of
Science and Mathematics in English in
stages for several components of Science and
Mathematics subjects in 2003 with full
English usage in 2004.
- The TLSME is implemented with the help
of ICT equipment and trained lecturers.
Intake of 10 per cent Non-Bumiputera
Students into the Matriculation Programme
- Competition for places in the Matriculation
Programme has become intense since the
introduction of the intake of ten per cent nonbumiputera students for the 2003/2004 session.
- The Matriculation Programme practises and
applies the principle of meritocracy in the intake
and placement of students in its colleges.
 Currently,
students may take
either one or two years in
matriculation programme
depending on their SPM results.
More scholarships will be given for students to pursue critical
courses such as science, pharmacy, medicine and
engineering at graduate and post-graduate levels in both
local and foreign universities.
Top students who obtain 10 1As in the Sijil Pelajaran
Malaysia or its equivalent from families with a monthly
income of RM1,500 and below will be given scholarships to
pursue tertiary education.
Terengganu and Kelantan will get their own universities, to
be called Universiti Darul Iman Malaysia and Universiti
Darul Naim respectively.
The Malaysian Military Academy will be upgraded to
Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia.
Existing universities will get RM195mil to upgrade their
A sum of RM450mil has been allocated for the
construction and upgrading of polytechnics and
community colleges.
The Human Resources Ministry will be given
RM148mil to build two industrial training institutes and
four advanced technology training centres, while
RM214mil will be available for training programmes
under Mara.
In a move to create more marketable graduates,
production-based education programmes will be
introduced in the German-Malaysia Institute and
British-Malaysia Institute, and the Human Resources
Development Fund expanded to include internships
and training programmes for graduates.
The effective Capital Market Training Scheme for
Graduates implemented by the Securities
Commission will be expanded to train 1,000 a year
while the Multimedia Development Corporation
will start programmes to meet the requirements
of ICT-based companies.
Graduates in the bio-life sciences will be trained
under programmes set up by the Malaysian
Biotechnology Corporation.
To inculcate reading, the tax relief on book
purchases will be increased from RM700 to
RM1,000 a year.
 Education
has been allocated a
total of RM33.4bil under
Budget 2007, which accounts for
21% of the total Budget.
 Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (2001),
Educational Milestones in Malaysia.
 Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Annual
Report 2004.