Lexicology - kwary.net

Lexicology and Lexicography
Deny A. Kwary,
Main Topics
1. Overview of Lexicology and Lexicography.
2. Overview of the lectures for Weeks 2 – 16.
1. Overview of Lexicology
Lexicology is ‘the study of the lexicon or lexis (specified as
the vocabulary or total stock of words of a language)’ (Lipka,
1992: 1, An outline of English lexicology, 2nd edn, Tübingen:
Max Niemeyer).
German Textbook: Hansen et al., 1992, Englische Lexikologie,
with the subtitle Einfu¨ hrung in Wordbildung und
lexikalische Semantik (‘Introduction to word formation and
lexical semantics’).
British Textbooks: English word formation (Bauer, 1983) and
Lexical semantics (Cruse, 1986).
Topics to be discussed in Week #2
1. The Origins of English Words
2. Semantic Change
English Word Formation
Topics to be discussed in Week #3
1. Compounding
2. Prefixation
3. Suffixation
4. Conversion
5. Clipping
6. Blends
7. Backformation
8. Acronyms
9. Onomatopoeia
10. Eponyms
11. Toponyms
Lexical Semantics
Topics to be discussed in Weeks #4 and #5
homonimi, homofoni, homografi, homofonemi, polisemi,
sinonimi, antonimi, hiponimi, hipernimi, meronimi,
holonimi, endonimi, eksonimi, paronimi, metonimi, and
The Lecture for Week #4 will be conducted in
Indonesian Language
Overview of Lexicography
Lexicography is the art or craft of writing
dictionaries (Hanks, 2006: 113), cf. Landau (1984):
Dictionaries. The Art and Craft of Lexicography.
Lexicography is the professional activity and
academic field concerned with DICTIONARIES and
other REFERENCE WORKS. It has two basic divisions:
lexicographic practice, or DICTIONARY-MAKING, and
lexicographic theory, or DICTIONARY RESEARCH
(Hartmann and James, 1998: 85).
Topics for Weeks #6 and #7
Main Kinds of Dictionaries
The Internal Structure of Dictionary Entries
Lexicography: Overview
P. Hanks, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA; USA
and Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences,
Berlin, Germany
© 2006 Elsevier Ltd.
Weeks #8 and #9:
Mid-Term Exam
Topics of Week #10
History of English Lexicography
From the 16th Century until the 20th Century
 Johnson and Webster
 The Oxford English Dictionary
Reference: English Lexicography, P. Hanks, 2006
History of Indonesian Lexicography
Indonesian language dictionaries
 English-Indonesian dictionaries
Reference: KBBI, 4th Edition.
Topics of Week #11
Learners’ Dictionaries
 History of Monolingual Learners’ Dictionaries (MLD)
 Main Features of the MLD
 The Impact of Corpora
 Signs of Change of the MLD
Learners’ Dictionaries
M Rundell, Lexicography MasterClass, Canterbury, UK
© 2006 Elsevier
Topics of Week #12
Bilingual Lexicography
 History of Bilingual Lexicography
 Stages in Producing a Bilingual Dictionary
 Issues concerning translation process
Bilingual Lexicography
M-H Corréard, Grenoble, France
2006 Elsevier
Topics of Week #13
LSP Dictionaries
LSP Lexicography vs. Terminology
The Modern Theory of Lexicographical Functions
Subject-field components as integrated parts of LSP dictionaries
Henning Bergenholtz and Sandro Nielsen
Terminology 12:2 (2006), 281–303.
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Topics of Week #14
Weeks #15 and #16:
Final Exam
Week #1
Overview of the Course
Week #9
Mid-term exam
Week #2
Week #10
Week #3
English Word Formation
History of English and
Indonesian Lexicography
Week #11
Learners’ Dictionaries
Week #4
Week #5
Lexical Semantics
Week # 12 Bilingual Lexicography
Week # 13 LSP Dictionaries
Week #6
Kinds of Dictionaries
Week #7
Internal Structures of
Dictionary Entries
Week #8
Mid-term exam
Week # 14 Review
Week # 15 Final Exam
Week # 16 Final Exam