Appropriating God`s Power In your Life Part 6 Baptism and the Holy

Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
“The Baptism of the
Holy Spirit”
Part 6 - Appropriating God's
Power In your Life Series
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
1 Corinthians 12:12–13 (NIV) Just as a
body, though one, has many parts, but
all its many parts form one body, so it
is with Christ. For we were all baptized
by one Spirit so as to form one body—
whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or
free—and we were all given the one
Spirit to drink.
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
What is the Baptism of the
Holy Spirit?
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is where
He, the Holy Spirit unites the believer
with Christ and therefore unites them,
the believers with other believers in the
Body of Christ.
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
Acts 1:5 (NIV) "For John baptized with
water, but in a few days you will be
baptized with the Holy Spirit."
Acts 11:15 (NIV) "As I began to speak, the
Holy Spirit came on them as he had
come on us at the beginning".
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
John the Baptist said…
Matthew 3:11 (NIV) “I baptize you with
water for repentance. But after me
comes one who is more powerful than
I, whose sandals I am not worthy to
carry. He will baptize you with the Holy
Spirit and fire.
All four Gospels carry this prediction,
though John and Mark leave out the
words “and fire” (Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16;
John 1:33).
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Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
Acts 11:18 (NIV) “So then, even to
Gentiles God has granted repentance
that leads to life.”
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
These first six references to Spiritbaptism all point to the fulfilment of the
promise of the gift of the Spirit (John
14:25–27; 15:26–27; 16:7–11), first to
the Jews in Jerusalem, then to the
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
Christian Jews and Gentiles are now one
not only because they have a common
Saviour but because they have the
same gift of the Spirit (Ephesians 2:11–
3:6; Galatians 3:28; Romans 2:9–29;
Colossians 1:26–27).
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
Over the last century Bible interpreters
have differed over the interpretation of
these texts in three specific ways.
First, the question has been asked, is
Spirit-baptism an experience
subsequent to conversion, or does it
happen at the same time as
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
Second, should the Spirit-baptized
person speak in tongues as “evidence”
of the experience?
Third, is Paul talking about the same
essential experience in 1 Corinthians
12:13 as John, Jesus, and Peter are
talking about in the other texts? The
questions do yield a fairly clear
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
It is clear that Paul is speaking about
essentially the same kind of experience
as did John, since he uses the same
construction in the Greek, with the only
difference being the addition of the
word “one” [Spirit] and the past tense.
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
If we conclude that Paul is speaking of
the same experience as the other texts,
then it should be clear that Spirit
baptism could not be subsequent to
conversion, since Paul says it is the
means by which believers are
incorporated into the body of Christ.
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
What of the matter of tongues as initial
evidence of Spirit baptism? At
Pentecost and at the house of
Cornelius, the Spirit-baptized believers
spoke in tongues.
This seems to clearly show that both
Jews and Gentiles alike had received
the promised gift of the Spirit.
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
Nowhere in Scripture are believers told
that tongues is the evidence of Spirit
baptism outside of these initial moments
in salvation history, and nowhere are
believers commanded to be baptized in
the Spirit or commanded to speak in
The initial promise of John the Baptist
about Spirit baptism is fulfilled in the Jew
and Gentile “Pentecosts” (Acts 2:10).
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
It's also worth noting that not everyone
that Paul was addressing had the gift of
tongues but they are referred to as
being baptised in the Spirit.
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
Since Paul tells the Corinthians that they
have been Spirit-baptized, the blessing
of the pentecostal gift is applied to all
disciples at the moment of conversion.
The seven texts assembled together
make clear that Jesus is the one who
baptizes believers by or with the Spirit
into Himself and His body the church.
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
Who is Baptised with the Holy
The emphasis that "all" are baptized by
the Holy Spirit is stated in several
In 1 Corinthians 12:13 (NIV) "For we were
all baptized by one Spirit so as to form
one body".
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
In Romans 6 all who were baptized (v. 3)
are those who have been united to
Christ (v. 5), that's all believers.
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Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
Galatians 3:27–28 (NIV) For all of you
who were baptized into Christ have
clothed yourselves with Christ. There is
neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave
nor free, nor is there male and female,
for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
How important is the Baptism of the
Holy Spirit?
If you want to become a Christ Follower it
is essential…
However, it is not commanded - it
occurs/happens when you receive and
believe in Christ…
The baptism of the Holy Spirit unites all
believers with Christ.
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
The baptism of the Holy Spirit unites
all believers with Christ.
As we have seen those who are "baptized
into Christ" (Romans 6:3) are also
"united with Him" (Romans 6:5).
Our water baptism symbolises our Spirit
This truth prohibits the baptism of the
Spirit from being a work subsequent to
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
The Holy Spirit is the agent of the
baptism under instruction from The
Father and Jesus as promised in John
14, 15 & 16.
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series
Application - Truth for Living…
We can't leave it at the beginning here the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - we must
move on to the Guarantee of the Holy
This leads us to seeking the continual
'Filling of the Holy Spirit', the fruit and
gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Appropriating the
Power of the Holy
Spirit Series