I’m the 21st century learner • Video Agenda: • Why 21st century parenting is important and different? • The world is rapidly changing • meeting the 21st century learning challenges • A code for parents to bring up happier children. • So what next? Why 21st century parenting is important and different. Why parenting in 21st century is a challenge? The images of a mother • 4yrs : my mommy can do anything • 8 yrs : my mom knows a lot! A whole lot • 12 yrs: my mother doesn’t really know quiet everything • 14 yrs: naturally, mother doesn’t know that, either. • 16yrs: Mother? She’s hopelessly old fashioned. • 18yrs: That old woman? She’s way out of date. • 25 yrs: Well, She might know a little bit about it. • 35yrs:Before we decide let’s get Mom’s opinion. • 45yrs: wonder what mom would have thought about it? • 65 yrs: if mom was still alive; I could have talked it over with her! Technological revolution What do Thomas Edison An inventor, scientist and businessman, he invented the light bulb Muhammad Ali Three-time World Heavyweight Champion Alexander Graham Bell scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator who is credited with inventing the first practical telephone. Henry Ford The American founder of the Ford Motor Company Leonardo da vinci An Italian polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer. Painter of the world famous Mona Lisa Walt Disney An American film producer, director, screenwriter, voice actor, animator, entrepreneur, entertainer, international icon and philanthropist. co-founderof Walt Disney Productions Cher • An American pop singer-songwriter, actress, director and record producer. She has won an Academy Award, a Grammy Award, an Emmy Award, three Golden Globe Awards have in common? Dyslexia though one may think that they achieved success in spite of their disability, this book says that IT IS BECAUSE OF IT….. Developing your child’s Talent seeds may grow but buried talents neverRoger Babson John Powell says that every child sent into this world comes with a special message to deliver, with a special song to sing to others , with a special act of love to bestow. No one can speak his message or sing his song or offer his act of love. It is this responsibility of every parent to identify and nurture the talent of their children. Usually when people hear about Dyslexia they think only of reading, writing, spelling and math problem a child is having in school. In simpler words the letter reversal and slow learners. But the learning disability is only one face of the Dyslexia. It is important for them to know that having reading and writing problem, doesn’t make them dumb or stupid. The mental function that causes dyslexia is a gift in the true sense of the word, a natural ability, a talent. It is something special that enhances the individual. A bar of iron is worth $5. the same bar made into the horseshoes would cost around $50. and if made into balanced spring for Swiss watches it will cost $500,000. Raw material must be developed. God has blessed each of us with gifts and talents. It all depend on how we develop the raw material. Now its time for you to find out YOUR child’s talent?? Few tips to recognize your child’s talents:• • • • Do they exhibit an knack for something? What are they always recognized for? What do they amaze others by doing? What can they do that most people struggle with? • What do others tell them they are great at? When you get few answers, take them through the following questions:- • Do they get into a ‘flow’ when engaging in that particular activity? • Do they have a deep desire to become better at it? • Do they admire people who engage in that activity and do it well? Motivating your children What is motivation? Motivation is what makes your child do things. In another sense, it is something that makes them put real effort and energy into what they do. In short “getting children to do willingly and well those things which have to be done.” Story Here is a story about a young boy who attended regular soccer practices but always sat in reserve and never made it to playing eleven. Every day, during practice, his father would sit at the far end of the field, waiting for him to finish. The matches had started and for four days, he didn’t show up for practice or quarter or semifinals. All of the sudden he showed up for the finals, went to the coach and said, “coach, you’ve always kept me as a reserve and never let me play in finals….today, please let me play.” The coach said: “son, I'm sorry, I can’t let you. There are better players than you and besides, it IS the final, the reputation of the school is at stake and I cannot take such a big chance. The boy pleaded, “coach, I promise I will not let you down. I beg you, please; let me play.” the coach had never seen the boy plead like this before. He said “ok, son. Go, play. But remember I’m going against my better judgment and reputation of the school is at stake. Don’t let me down.” The game started and the boy played like a spirit possessed. Every time he got possession of the ball, he scored a goal. Needless to say he was the best player and the star of the game. His team secured a spectacular win! When the game finished, the coach went up to him and said, “ how could I have been wrong about you? I’ve never seen you play like that before! What happened?” the boy replied, “coach, my father is watching me today.” The coach turned around and looked at the place the boy’s father used to sit. There was no one there. He said, “son, your father used to sit there when you came for practice, but I didn’t see anyone today?” the boy replied. “coach there is something I never told you. My father was blind. Just four days ago he died. Today is the first day he is watching me from above! Using praise and appreciation effectively If you want your children to improve let them over hear the nice things you are saying about them to others. The first vital behavior shaper, of the child is praise and appreciation. Any behavior that is rewarded will invariably will be repeated while behavior that is frowned up or goes unrewarded is bound to decline. “What children seek the most is recognition credit for their efforts.” According to sir William James the deepest principle of human nature is the graving to be appreciated. Sam Walton goes on to say nothing else can quiet substitute for a few well –chosen, welltimed, sincere words of praise. There are absolutely free – and worth a fortune. Praise your child openly and reprehend them secretly. Factors that demand effective parenting Do you often ask yourself: • What kind of adult will S/he be? • Will s/he be kind? • Will s/he build or destroy? • Am I on the right track? • Will s/he bring smile on some one’s face? • When s/he is gone how will she be remembered? • etc Hold on!! Parents hold the answer to some of these question; for they are the sculptures who knead and mould the personalities of their children during their formative years, giving them shade and definition to curve a position for themselves in the community. Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than raising up the next generation C. Evertt Koop We have not inherited this world from our parents, we have been loaned it by our children As parents and educator, we need to help in preparation of our young children for changing employment opportunities they will face; which means the FUTURE. And for that what we need are:• Extension of OUR knowledge • Emotional Intelligence • Motivation and thinking skills This world is Loaned by our children is clearly one of the exponential change, whereby new technology is reshaping the global economy, the previous way of teaching and learning, it’s reshaping THE WORLD. Our children are growing up in an educational world, in which the key concepts/skills to be successful and a lifelong learners would be:• Effective communication • Problem solving • Team-building • And collaborative working And of course In this advanced century the real values of:• Care • Concern • Self-respect • Compassion Remain the key to human and social development Self-awareness and self-esteem can only help us to make a more valuable contribution LOCALLY, NATIONALLY AND INTERNATIONALLY as we all develop our learning skills. Therefore, the 21st century learners self-awareness and lifelong learning skills can be developed through few strategies such as:• Relevance- which mean setting real life goals and missions and having goal oriented tasks • Enquiry- exploring and experimenting. Developing the natural curiousity. • Reinforcement- learning is reinforced through practicing of the skills, continues assessments followed by feedback. • Reflection- take time out to reflect upon your/your child’s learning ( don’t say its too early or too late) • Articulation- talking about learning, sharing it with others, showing your understanding and self-awareness • CREATIVITY- explore, explore and explore. Explore the new concepts and skills from different angles. You can lead your child lead the world But how??!! Words taken from the tomb of a Bishop buried in 1100 AD When I was young and free and imagination had no limits I dreamed of changing the world As I grew older and wiser I discovered the world would not change So I shortened my sight somewhat and decided To change only my country But it seemed too immovable As I grew into my twilight years In one last desperate attempt I settled for changing my family Those closest to me, but alas They would have none of it And now as lie on my death bed I suddenly realize If only had changed myself Then by example I might have changed my family From their inspiration and encouragement I would have been better to my country, and who knows I may have changed the world In nutshell Few moments of personal reflection? • How many different career paths have you followed? • At what age did you start working? • When you were around 12, how many TV channels did you have to choose from? • When did you use your first e-mail? • What was the predominant teaching method when you were in school? Today’s students think and process information fundamentall y differently from how we used to do it If we teach today as we thought yesterday, We rob the children’s tomorrow Don’t forget that, What God is to the world Parent are to their children Philo Just for laughs!!! Son to father: Dad, we are going to be rich very soon! Dad: wow! That’s great but how? Son: today in school our Maths teacher thoughts us how to convert paisa into Rupees. Just for laughs!!!! A Child to Love You can have your wealth and riches All the things so many seek, Position, power, and success, The fame you long to keep. You can earn as much as you wish, Reach a status high above, But none of these can equal Having one sweet child to love. 'This the greatest gift from heaven, Little arms that hold you tight, And a kiss so soft and gentle When you tuck them in at night. A million precious questions And each story often read, Two eyes so bright and smiling, And a darling tousled head. God has never matched the goodness Of a trusting little face, Or a heart so full of laughter Spreading sunshine every place. A child to hold and cuddle, 'This a gift from God above, And the world is so much brighter When you have a child to love. -- Unknown Kid Motivational Poem Author Parenting in the 21st century • Video A code for parents to bring up happier children. Some parents make it all look easy. They always seem to know the right things to do and say, however tricky the situation. They have seemingly instinctive ability to raise happy, confident, well-balanced children. Is there something they know that we don’t? Is it something that we could learn? The answer is YES. The code of parenting are the golden principles and behaviors that will guide you Smoothly through the challenges of raising happier children. They will help your children to handle themselves well, enjoy life, respect others, be thoughtful, and to stand up for what they believe in. you will get more out of being a parent and they will become all they can be. Good Parenting puts everything in perspective, you in control and your children on the path to becoming successful, dependent adults. There is no job more important than being a parent. How good could you be?? Parenting Rules Relax- All parents have one key thing in common. N to They’re relaxed about it. And all the worst ones are hung up on something. Really good parents expect their children to be noisy, messy, bouncy, squably, whingy and covered in mud. They take it all in their stride because they know that they have the next 18 years. No rush to get them acting like adults. Rule 3 It’s important to know what you’re good at and to have confidence in your strengths Rule 4 As you and I know, the only sensible rules choices is to let it go. Rule 5 You know all those ids whose life is one long round of lessons, practice and tuitions? Have you ever seen them what happens when you as them to fend for themselves for a few days. They’ve no idea how to enjoy themselves – they’ve never had time to learn. Rule 6 There’s only really one person you absolutely listen to: yourself Just because a particular approach works for someone else, it doesn’t mean it will work for you. Rule 9 Parents need to know when to switch off. If your kids are your entire life, that puts a huge amount of pressure on them. Your children need you to have a life apart from them, otherwise it’s extremely hard for them to have their own lives as they grow older. Attitude rules A big part of being rules parent is getting the attitude right. You need to see your children in the best light in order to enjoy them as much as possible and give them the upbringing they need. Rule 12 If you didn’t think about the shopping before you started you’d come back from the supermarket with an unhelpful assortment of things. Rule 13 If your child’s shoes are really muddy and filthy and you’ve just cleaned the kitchen floor, you can still use humour to stop them in their tracks and then give them hugs and kisses for cooperating. How hard can it be to give them a smile and maybe a hug? • Rule 14- If you love your children more than anyone else, then they deserve your respect more than anyone else. • Rule 19- Children get understandably stroppy when they think we’re ignoring them. Everyday rules • • • • • • • • Teach them to think for themselves Use praise wisely Bribery doesn’t have to be bad Moods are catchy You are setting their eating patterns for life Communicate Set clear targets Don’t be nag Discipline rules • • • • • • • • Present a united front Carrots beats sticks Be consistent Focus on the problem not the person Don’t paint yourself into a corner If you loose your temper, you are the loose Apologize if you get it wrong The right of expression • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Thoughts to Consider As You Raise Your Child Remember that a child is a gift from God, the richest of all blessings. Do not attempt to mold him in the image of yourself, your father, your brother or neighbor. Each child is an individual and should be permitted to be himself. Don't crush a child's spirit when he fails. Never compare him with others who have outshone him. Remember that anger and hostility are natural emotions. Help your child to find socially acceptable outlets for these normal feelings or they may turn inward and erupt in the form of physical or mental illness. Discipline your child with firmness and reason. Don't let your anger throw you off balance. If he knows you are fair you will not lose his respect or love. Always make sure the punishment fits the crime. Even the youngest child has a keen sense of justice. Remember that each child needs two parents. Present a united front. Never join with your child against your mate. This can create in your child emotional conflicts. It can also create feelings of guilt, confusion and insecurity. Do not hand your child everything his little heart desires. Permit him to know the trill of earning and the joy of achieving. Grant him the greatest of all satisfactions - the pleasure that comes with personal accomplishment. Do not set yourself up as the epitome of perfection. This is a difficult role to play 24 hours a day. You will find it easier to communicate with your child if you let him know that mom and dad err, too. Don't make threats in anger, or impossible promises when you are in a generous mood. Threaten or promise only that which you can live up to. To a child, a parent's word means everything. The child who has lost faith in his parents has difficulty believing in anything. Do not smother your child with superficial manifestation of "love". The purest and healthiest love expresses itself in day-in, day-out training which breeds self confidence and independence. Teach your child there is dignity in hard work, whether it is performed with callused hands that shovel coal or skilled fingers that manipulate surgical instruments. Let him know a useful life is a blessed one and a life of ease and pleasure-seeking is empty and meaningless. Do not try to protect your child against every small blow and disappointment. Adversity strengthens character and makes us compassionate. Trouble is the great equalizer. Let him learn it. Teach your child to love the Creator and to love all his fellow man. Don't send your child to a place of worship take him there. Children learn from example. Telling him something is not teaching him. If you give your child a deep and abiding faith in God, it can be his strength and his light when all else fails. If you are a single parent, surround yourself by loving and supportive friends, role models for your child. It takes a whole community to raise a child. -- Unknown Kid Motivational Poem 2 Arthor Overconfidence!!! It was the end of the school year, and a kindergarten teacher was receiving gifts from her pupils. The florist's son handed her a gift. She shook it, held it overhead, and said, "I bet I know what it is. Flowers." "That's right!" the boy said, "But, how did you know?" "Oh, just a wild guess," she said. The next pupil was the sweet shop owner's daughter. The teacher held her gift overhead, shook it, and said, "I bet I can guess what it is. A box of sweets." "That's right, but how did you know?" asked the girl. "Oh, just a wild guess," said the teacher. The next gift was from the son of the liquor storeowner. The teacher held the package overhead, but it was leaking. She touched a drop off the leakage with her finger and put it to her tongue. "Is it wine?" she asked. "No," the boy replied, with some excitement. The teacher repeated the process, tasting a larger drop of the leakage. "Is it champagne?" she asked. "No," the boy replied, with more excitement. The teacher took one more big taste before declaring, "I give up, what is it?" With great glee, the boy replied, "It's a puppy!" H+ Religion strategy by Edward de Bono appiness elp ope ealth umour Happiness being at peace with oneself and the world. It happens when your mind (intent), body (action) and spirit (conscience) vibrate in unison. A rare occurrence when you leave it to chance but can happen all the time if you consciously seek it. Help Ralph Waldo Emerson : It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself Hope To look forward to with confidence or expectation: Health Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not only merely the absence of disease. Humour Humor is just another defense against the universe. Mel Brooks Humor is mankind's greatest blessing. Mark Twain • Pledge of parents • Recipes of a good parenting