2014-15 CELLA Test Chairperson Training Presentation

Comprehensive English
Language Learning
Test Chairperson Training Session
February 4 and 6, 2015
Assessment, Research, and Data
Felicia Mallory, Executive Director
Denetra Collins, Staff Specialist
Program Overview
Comprehensive English Language Learning
Assessment (CELLA) is designed to meet the
requirements of Title III of the NCLB.
 A four-skill language proficiency assessment in
• Speaking
• Listening
• Reading
• Writing
 Administered to all English Language Learners
(ELLs) in grades K-12.
TAM, p.6
Standards for Measuring English Language Learners (ELLs)
Meeting Annual Measureable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs)
AMAO 1 is based on progress in English language acquisition as
measured in each of the three CELLA areas. Making progress is defined
as either increasing a proficiency level or staying within the “Proficient”
level in a specific area.
AMAO 2 is based on achieving English proficiency as measured by
CELLA. Achieving proficiency is defined as scoring within the proficient
level in all three domains: Listening/Speaking, Writing, and Reading.
AMAO 2 is established separately for four grade clusters: K-2, 3-5, 6-8,
and 9-12.
AMAO 3 is based on demonstrating proficiency in reading and
mathematics on the state assessment.
Administration Features
 Kindergarten
• Individual administration required in all four modalities
 Grades 1-12
• Individually administered in Speaking (One-on-One)
• Group administered in Listening, Reading, and Writing
TAM, pp. 7-8
Training for Coordinators and
Administrators of CELLA
Speaking Administration
Training (One-On-One)
General training conducted by
the Division of Bilingual
Education and World
Languages and Charter
Training for Special Education
English Language Learners
conducted by the Division of
Special Education
• Group Administration Training
Conducted by Student
Assessment and Educational
Testing (SAET)
Schedule of Activities
One-on-One Test Administration Training
(Regional Trainings by the Division of Bilingual
Education and World Languages and Charter
Scheduled by Region
(See One-on-One Trainings)
One-on-One Test Administration Training for
Special Education
February 11, 2015
(See One-on-One Trainings for ESE)
Delivery of Training Kits, Test Materials, and
Pre-ID labels to Schools
February 2 – 6, 2015
Individual CELLA Administration
February 18 – April 2, 2015
Group CELLA Administration (including make-up)
February 23 – April 2, 2015
Return all “To Be Scored” and “Not to Be
(Schedule pick-up through K2 Logistics)
Schedule pick up by April 8, 2015
District Coordinator Envelope
Send to TDC via School Mail – Code 9038
By April 30, 2015
Score report delivery to schools
May – June 2015
Packet , p. 2
Students To Be Tested
 All ELLs in grades K through 12 in membership on
February 16, 2015
 Pre ID labels provided for all eligible students in
membership on January 9, 2015
TAM, p. 8
CELLA Levels of Testing Overview
 Booklet levels for the 2015 CELLA are as follows:
Grades K – 2
Level A
Grades 3 – 5
Level B
Grades 6 – 8
Level C
Grades 9 – 12
Level D
 Test Sections – Listening, Speaking/One-on-One, Reading, and
 Test Format:
Listening: All Multiple-Choice (MC)
Speaking: All Constructed-Response (CR)
Reading : All MC
Writing: MC and CR
 Students test “on grade level” in all modalities.
TAM, pp. 9 - 11
Test Materials: Level A
Grades K - 2
The following materials are needed to administer the Level A test:
Student Test Book
One-on-One Prompt Book
Listening CD Levels A2 & B2
Directions for Administration (DFA)
TAM, pp. 9 - 10
Test Materials: Level A
Grades K – 2 (Reading)
The Reading section contains:
 Core items (#1–15)
• for all students in grades K–2
• read aloud by the Test Administrator
• approximate testing time: 15 minutes
 Extension items (#16–25)
• for GRADE 2 ONLY
• completed by the student independently
• approximate testing time: 20 minutes
Test Materials: Level A
Grades K – 2 (Writing)
The Writing section contains:
 Core items (#1–7)
• for all students grades K–2
• read aloud by the Test Administrator
• approximate testing time: 15 minutes
 Extension items (#8–16)
• for GRADE 2 ONLY
• completed by the students independently
• approximate testing time: 15 minutes
Marking Answer Responses-Level A
The Stopping Rule
 The Stopping Rule is ONLY applicable to individually
administered sections.
 If a student cannot answer several questions in a row, you
should administer at least the first question of each type.
1. If the student is able to respond to the question even
minimally, continue to administer the questions of that
2. If the student cannot or does not respond to the first
question of the type, skip to the next type. Then fill in the
NR bubbles of the corresponding questions in the Oneon-One scoring area of the student’s test book.
DFA, pp. 7, 14, and 21
Test Materials: Level A
Grades K – 2 (One-on-One/Speaking)
 The One-on-One section is administered
individually using the One-on-One Prompt
 The student’s responses are scored by the Test
Administrator, who records the scores in the
student’s Level A test book.
 The Test Administrator must have completed the
CELLA training (either the Questar/FDOEdeveloped or district-developed training).
 Approximate testing time: 15 minutes per
Test Materials: Level A
Grades K – 2 (One-on-One/Speaking)
Test Administrators score the student’s responses and record the
scores in the One-on-One Scoring Section of the test book.
Page 39 of the Level A Test Book:
Grades 3 - 12
Level B (Grades 3 – 5):
Levels B2 Test Book
Levels A2 & B2 Listening CD
Level D(Grades 9 – 12):
Level D2 Test Book
Levels C2 & D2 Listening CD
Level C (Grades 6 – 8):
Level C2 Test Book
Levels C2 & D2 Listening CD
Levels B, C, and D:
Levels B, C, or D Answer Sheet
Directions for Administration
TAM, pp. 8, & 10-11
 The Reading section is divided into two parts:
Part One: The student answers discrete vocabulary questions.
- Assesses knowledge of English vocabulary through use
of synonyms, antonyms, idioms, roots, and affixes
Part Two: The student reads passages and answers 4–6
- Assesses reading comprehension
 Approximate testing time: 45 minutes
 All reading items are multiple-choice
 The Writing section is divided into four parts:
Parts One & Two: The student answers multiple-choice
• Grammar, Structure, Written Expression: tests knowledge
of grammar
• Paragraph Choices: tests elements of extended writing
such as use of transitions, and topic and concluding
• Recognizing Errors: tests editing skills
Parts Three & Four: The student writes sentences and
 Writing Sentences: The student writes a sentence based on a
 Writing Paragraphs: The student writes a paragraph based on
a prompt. Paragraph might be descriptive, persuasive,
comparative, etc., depending on grade level.
Approximate testing time: 70 minutes
The Listening section is paced by a script that can be delivered in
one of two ways:
• Recorded Delivery: playing the Listening CD
• Teacher Delivery: reading the script aloud (students with IEP
NOTE: To ensure students have optimal time to complete answers,
the CD may be paused. However, repeating an item is prohibited.
 The Speaking section is administered individually to ALL
 The student’s responses are scored by the Test Administrator,
who records the scores on the Answer Sheets for Levels B, C,
or D.
 The Test Administrator must have completed the CELLA
training (either the Questar/FDOE-developed or districtdeveloped training).
 Approximate testing time: 10–15 minutes per student
Recording Speaking Responses for
Levels B, C, and D
* Question 14 appears only in Level B.
CELLA Document Configuration by
Grade Level (Review)
Grade Level
Test Book(s)
Kindergarten (K) and Grades 1 & 2
Level A Student Test Book
Level A One-on-One Prompt Book
Grades 3, 4, and 5
Level B Listening, Speaking, Reading
and Writing Test Book
Level B Answer Sheet (Blue)
Grades 6, 7, and 8
Level C Listening, Speaking, Reading
and Writing Test Book
Level C Answer Sheet (Tan)
Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12
Level D Listening, Speaking, Reading
and Writing Test Book
Level D Answer Sheet (Green)
Materials shown in bold are answer documents.
TAM, pp. 9-10 and Packet, p. 6
CELLA Materials for Students’ Use
Large Print/Braille Materials
Levels A, B, C, and D
 Large-print version is based on the regular-print version.
Levels B, C, and D
 The Braille tests are provided in contracted and uncontracted Braille
 The Braille versions differ from the regular-print version of the test.
Note: The Test Administrator will also need a regular-print
version of the test booklet that matches the Braille level
being administered.
TAM, pp. 11 and 63 - 65
CELLA Materials for Students’ Use
Large Print/Braille Materials (cont.)
Level A
Level B, C, or D
TAM, p. 62
Preparing for Testing:
Receiving Materials
 Verify that all materials indicated on the packing list
were received.
 Notify the District Coordinator immediately if any of the
materials on the packing list are missing.
 Should you need to order additional materials, please
call TDC at 305-995-3743.
 Store materials in a secure access-restricted location.
 Retain ALL boxes in which materials were received for
return (except the ones which contained large print and
Braille documents).
TAM, pp. 34 - 35
School Packing List
TAM, p. 35
Shipment Summary List
TAM, p. 35
Box Content List
TAM, p. 35
Security Numbers
security number
TAM, p. 25
check number
TAM, pp. 21-22
Retrieving the Pre-populated Administration
Record/Security Checklist
“Click Here”
TAM, pp. 5 & 26
Retrieving the Pre-populated Administration
Record/Security Checklist
from the
from the
Click on Security Checklist
under School Files
TAM, pp. 5 & 26
Pre-populated version
TAM, p. 26
Preparing for Testing:
Scheduling Test Sessions
 Schedule grade K testing and the Speaking section
(grades 1 – 12) for individual administration
• Individually administered sections may be
administered at anytime during the testing window.
 It is recommended that CELLA group sections be
administered February 23 – April 2, 2015.
Parent Notification
Administration Times for Grades K-2
Level A
Approx. Time in
Grade K
Time in
Grade 1
Approx. Time
in Grade 2
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
15 min.
35 min.
15 min.
15 min.
30 min.
Sections shown in bold require more time because they contain additional,
“extension” items only for grade 2 students.
TAM, p. 7
Administration Times for Grades 3-12
Levels B, C, or D
Approx. Time
10-15 min.
25 min.
45 min.
70 min.
TAM, p. 8
Preparing for Testing:
Training Test Administrators
 Review the Test Administration Manual
 Review the relevant sections from the Directions for Administration
 Have test administrators familiarize themselves with the
Listening CDs and equipment for playing them
 Remind test administrators of the State’s and District’s security
policies and procedures (including those concerning electronic
 Important: Remind test administrators that test books, answer
sheets, Listening CDs, and the Directions for Administration should
never be left unsecured.
 After the training, collect signed 2015 CELLA Administration and
Security Agreement forms located in Appendix C
TAM, pp. 37 - 39
Preparing for Testing:
Accommodations for all ELLs
Review the list of accommodations in the DFA . The
following accommodations ARE permissible for all
 Flexible timing: CELLA is not a timed test,
sufficient time should be given to complete the
 Assistance in heritage language: Directions may
be translated into heritage language on an
individual basis, if requested.
TAM (Appendix A), pp. 56 - 65
Preparing for Testing:
Accommodations for all ELLs
The following accommodations ARE NOT permissible for
any student:
No English-to-heritage language translation dictionary or
heritage language-to-English translation dictionary.
No help in the ELLs’ heritage language on specific test
questions NOR translate any part of the test other than the
Test Administrators may NOT translate directions to entire
classes with multiple heritage languages, this may be done
ONLY if all ELLs in the classroom speak the same heritage
TAM (Appendix A), pp. 56 - 65
Preparing for Testing:
Accommodations for SPED Students
Students with a current IEP or 504 plans are eligible for
accommodations based on their individual needs.
 An accommodation for a student must be explicitly permitted
on the IEP or 504 plan.
• Presentation of Test Materials
• Responding to Questions
• Test Scheduling
• Test Setting
• Assistive Devices
 Refer to the Visually Impaired and Hearing Impaired section in
the DFA for allowable accommodations and/or exemptions.
TAM, pp. 57-65
Preparation of Testing Materials
 Pre-ID labels are provided.
 Only the Test Chairperson or the person designated by
the site administrator may open the packages and affix
 Pre-ID labels should be affixed only to answer
documents; only one answer document per student:
Level A Student Test Book, or
Level B, C, & D Answer Sheets
TAM, pp. 21 - 22
Preparation of Testing Materials
Level A Student Test Book
Levels B, C, D Answer Sheets
TAM, p. 13, 21 and 22
Preparation of Testing Materials (continued)
ALL of the following information MUST be correct for the
student label to be used:
Student’s Last Name
Student ID Number
District Number
School Number (code)
Grade Level
ELL Status
TAM, pp. 21 - 22
Pre-ID Label Used:
Information to be Completed
Box 1
Box 2
Box 3
Box 4
Box 5
Box 9
Box 21
Box 22
Box 23
Box 24
Student Name
Test Administrator Name
School Name
School Number
District Name (MDCPS) and Number (13)
Test Date
Do Not Score (DNS)/UNDO (if applicable)
Accommodations (if applicable)
Receives Special Services (if applicable)
Program Participation
TAM, pp. 16-20 (chart) and pp. 21 - 22 and/or Packet , pp. 4-5
Information to be Completed:
Box 2 Test Administrator Name
Level A Test Book – page 39
Level B, C, or D Answer Sheet - page 2
No Pre-ID Label Used:
Information to be Completed
If a student has no pre-identified label, the following
additional information MUST be gridded on all student
answer documents:
Students or school staff
 Boxes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, and 16
School staff only
 Boxes 2, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24
Student demographics provided on the student list provided by Student
Assessment are indicated in bold.
TAM, p.14; Packet pp. 4-5
Student List for Gridding
Packet, p. 7
Gridding Demographic Information
(No Pre ID Label)
Fill in the bubble for the following fields as indicated below using the student list
provided by SAET :
Box 16 - Home Language
Box 17 – Primary Exceptionality
Box 18 - Length of Time Enrolled in ESOL Program
Box 19 - Title III
Box 20 – Date of Home Language Survey
TAM, pp. 16-20 , Packet, p. 7
Preparation of Testing Materials
Non-Pre ID Label Used: Other Fields
Fill in the bubble for the following fields as indicated below:
Box 23 - Receives Special Services
 F/R Lunch if “Y” is indicated on the student list
Migrant if “Y”
Box 24 - Program Participation
 ESOL if “Y” (do not mark if student is former ELL)
 Dual Language Program – determined by school
Packet, p. 7
Test Security Policies and Procedures
 Florida Test Security Statute 1008.24 and Florida State
Board of Education – Test Security Rule 6A – 10.042
 M-DCPS: Standards, Guidelines, and Procedures for Test
Administration and Test Security
 The security of all test materials must be maintained before,
during, and after the test administration.
 Under no circumstances are students permitted to handle
secure materials before or after the test administration.
 Test administrators MUST NOT administer CELLA to their family
TAM, pp. 23 -24 and 68 - 72
Distribution and Tracking of Materials
 Distribute and collect all One-on-One test materials daily.
 Distribute all testing materials for group administration just
prior to test sessions, collect immediately afterwards, and
store in a secure location.
 Distribute copies of the 2015 CELLA Administration
Record/Security Checklist
TAM, p. 26 and pp. 34 – 39
Distribution and Tracking of Materials
Individually Administered Sessions
Administrators need:
Test Level/Grade
Student Material
Teacher Material
Level A / Kindergarten
(all four sections)
Level A Student Test
Directions for
Administration (DFA)
Test Administration Manual
One-on-One Prompt Book
Listening CD (Levels A & B)
CD Player/ computer with
Level A / Grades 1 – 2
Level A Student Test
One-on-One Prompt Book
Levels B-D / Grades 3 – 12 Level B, C, or D Test
Level B, C, or D –
Answer Sheet
TAM, pp. 9 - 12
Distribution and Tracking of Materials
Group Administration for Grades 1 – 12 (Listening)
Administrators need:
Test Level/Grade
Student Material
Teacher Material Needed
Level A / Grades 1 – 2
Level A Student Test
Directions for
Administration (DFA)
Test Administration
Manual (TAM)
Listening CD (Levels A &
CD Player/ Computer with
Level B / Grades 3 - 5
Level C/ Grades 6 - 8
Level D/ Grades 9 - 12
Level B, C, or D Test
Levels B, C, or D –
Answer Sheet
Listening CD (Appropriate
CD Player/ Computer with
TAM, pp. 9 - 11
Distribution and Tracking of Materials
Group Administration for Grades 1 – 12 (Reading and Writing)
Administrators need:
Test Level/Grade
Student Material
Teacher Material
Level A / Grades 1 – 2
Level A Student Test
Directions for
Administration (DFA)
Test Administration
Manual (TAM)
Level B / Grades 3 - 5
Level C/ Grades 6 - 8
Level D/ Grades 9 - 12
Level B, C, or D Test
Levels B, C, or D –
Answer Sheet
TAM, pp. 9-11
Administering the Test
 Rooms used for testing must:
 be free from distractions
 have comfortable seating
 have good lighting
 have adequate ventilation
 have sufficient workspace
 Remove or cover all visual aids in the testing rooms.
 Make sure that:
 test administrators have a copy of the TAM and DFA
 required administration information is collected for each student
 test scripts are read verbatim
 there is sufficient space between students so that students
cannot view other student’s answer sheets
 students and assessors record all answers using a #2 pencil
TAM, pp. 37 - 39
Administering the Test
 The Listening portion must be administered by playing the Listening CD.
 Test administrators are required to actively monitor students during a test
 Test administrators are required to record all required administration
information on the CELLA Administration Record/Security Checklist.
 Test administrators are required to maintain an accurate 2015 CELLA Security
 Test administrators and proctors must sign the 2015 CELLA Administration and
Security Agreement.
 Test administrators must transcribe/record students’ exact responses from the
large print or Braille version of the test to the standard version.
TAM, p. 37, DFA, pp. 4 - 7, Appendix C
Security Log
TAM, pp. 39 & Appendix C
Test Invalidation Procedures
Box #21
Contains DNS and
UNDO bubbles for each
test section
TAM, pp. 27 - 29
Test Invalidation Procedures
The appropriate DNS bubble MUST be gridded if:
1) The document is defective and USED.
2) Any of the following information on the PreID label is
INCORRECT and affixed to a USED document.
- Last Name
- Student ID Number
- District Number
- School Number
- Grade Level
- ELL Status
3) A student label has been placed over another PreID label on a
USED document.
4) A student has an electronic device during testing or during a
5) A student is caught cheating during the test.
6) A student is given an accommodation not allowed on CELLA.
TAM, pp. 27 - 30
Test Invalidation Procedures
The appropriate DNS bubble MAY be gridded if:
1) A student becomes ill and is unable to complete the session.
2) A student is not allowed the correct amount of time to finish.
3) A student is given an accommodation NOT indicated on the
student’s IEP, Section 504 plan, or ELL Plan.
4) A student was not provided an allowable accommodation
which was indicated on the student’s IEP, Section 504 plan, or
ELL Plan.
5) A student is disruptive during testing.
Used answer documents with gridded DNS or
UNDO bubbles should be submitted with TO BE
SCORED materials.
TAM, p. 29
Test Invalidation Procedures
Defective Materials
 If a defective test book is identified during testing, give the
student a replacement test book.
 If the defective book is a Level A , upon completion of the test,
the student must (under supervision of the test administrator)
transcribe the exact answers to the appropriate replacement
 If a defective Level B, C, or D test book is identified during
testing, the student will continue using the Levels B, C, or D
answer sheet.
If a test book is defective or becomes soiled, notify Student
Assessment and Educational Testing at 305-995-7520.
TAM, pp. 29 - 30
Reason Not Assessed Procedures
It is not necessary to complete on a USED answer document if:
 The preidentified document belongs to a student who has
responded to questions in a section.
 The preidentified document belongs to a student who has the
test section(s) invalidated.
 The preidentified document belongs to a student who has
completed all four test sections prior to withdrawing from the
 During an individual administration (Level A), the Test
Administrator implemented the Stopping Rule.
TAM, p. 30 - 31
Reason Not Assessed Procedures
It is not necessary to indicate on an UNUSED
document if:
1) The preidentified document belongs to a student
who has withdrawn prior to testing.
2) The preidentified document belongs to a student
who has been absent during the entire test
administration window.
3) The document is defective and UNUSED.
4) The preidentification information is incorrect and
the document is UNUSED.
TAM, pp. 30 - 31
Procedures for Moves/Transfers
For students that transfer from another M-DCPS school:
 The receiving school should contact the previous school to
determine whether the student has been assessed.
 Partially assessed – the receiving school should test
the student in the remaining test sections of CELLA. The
previous school should provide over the telephone, for
transcription, the responses for the section(s) completed.
 Not assessed – The receiving school should proceed
with testing the student in all test sections of the CELLA.
Preparing Materials for Return
All 2015 CELLA materials must be returned to Questar
as follows:
 PINK return label – TO BE SCORED answer documents
 YELLOW return label – NOT TO BE SCORED materials
TAM, pp. 42 - 50, Packet, p. 13
Preparing Materials for Return
Preparing TO BE SCORED Test Materials
 Verify that all distributed secure materials have been
returned by the test administrators.
TO BE SCORED (Pink label) materials include:
 Used Level A Test Books
 Used Levels B, C, and/or D Answer Sheets
 Documents with gridded DNS bubbles
(packed at the bottom of the stack)
TAM, pp. 43 - 46
Preparing Materials for Return
Preparing TO BE SCORED Test Materials
Complete the
Document Count Form
materials (PURPLE)
NOTE: Complete
one form per grade
level and be sure to
include documents
with gridded DNS
bubbles in your
TAM, pp. 44 - 46
Preparing Materials for Return
Preparing TO BE SCORED Test Materials
Complete the School
Return Summary for To
Be Scored materials
TAM, pp. 44 - 46
Preparing Materials for Return
TO BE SCORED Test Materials
 Place the School Return Summary on top of the
materials in Box 1.
 Affix the PINK label to the top of the box
 At the bottom of each PINK label, write
the number of the box and the total number of boxes of
TO BE SCORED materials that you are returning.
(Ex. 1 of X, 2 of X, 3 of X, etc.)
TAM, pp. 43– 46 & Packet, p. 13
Preparing Materials for
Virtual School Students
Preparing Test Materials for FLVS or Miami-Dade Online
Complete the district and school number on the answer document as
appropriate (see chart below).
District Name and Number
Florida Virtual School (71)
School Name and Number
Florida Virtual School Full-Time K-8
Florida Virtual School Full-Time 9-12
Miami-Dade (13)
Miami-Dade Online (7001)
TAM, p. 15 & 43
Preparing Materials for Return for
Virtual School Students
Preparing TO BE SCORED Test Materials for FLVS or
Miami-Dade Online for Return
Follow the materials return instructions that begin on page 43 of the TAM.
Use the header sheets sent via email
- Complete the Document Count Form(s) and School Return Summary forms sent
via email using the appropriate district and school number.
- Make copies for your records.
- Package the To Be Scored materials, Document Count Form(s), and School
Return Summary for the virtual school students in a large envelope and place
on top of your school’s materials in Box 1 of your PINK labeled TO BE
SCORED materials.
TAM, pp. 15 & 43
Preparing Materials for Return
Preparing NOT TO BE SCORED Test Materials
NOT TO BE SCORED materials include:
 Unused Level A Test Books (including used and
unused large print test books)
 Level A One-on-One Prompt Books
 Used and Unused Levels B, C, and D Test Books
(including large print and Braille)
 Unused Levels B, C, or D Answer Sheets
 Listening CD’s - Levels A2 & B2 and Levels C2 & D2
 Directions for Administration (Yellow)
 Training CD’s for Speaking
 Defective Materials (if applicable)
TAM, pp. 46 – 48, Packet, p. 13
Preparing Materials for Return
NOT TO BE SCORED Test Materials
 Place a copy of the CELLA Administration
Record/Security Checklist on top of the materials in Box 1.
 Affix the YELLOW label to the top of the box.
 At the bottom of each YELLOW label, write
the number of the box and the total number of boxes of
NOT TO BE SCORED materials that you are returning.
(Ex. 1 of X, 2 of X, 3 of X, etc.)
TAM, pp. 46 – 48, Packet, p. 13
Preparing Materials for Return
Destroy at School Site
 Test Administration Manuals*
 Unused Paper Bands
 Unused Document Count Forms and School Return
 Unused Questar Return Labels
 Remaining PreID Student Rosters and PreID Student
*Keep test administration manuals until results have been provided, then
destroy at the school site.
TAM, p. 48
Preparing Materials for Return
District Coordinator ONLY Envelope
Items to include:
 Original signed CELLA Administration Record/Security
 Original 2015 CELLA Security Logs
 Copy of School Return Summary for the To Be Scored
 Copy of Document Count Form for To Be Scored Materials
by Grade
 Seating charts
 School Procedural Checklist
 Bill of Lading
On the front of the envelope write
Signed Administration and Security Agreements should be kept on file at your
school site.
TAM, p. 48 & Packet, p. 13
Scheduling Pick-Up through K2 Logistics
 Schedule your CELLA pick-up 24 - 48 hours in advance
(last pickup date is April 8, 2015)
 Access the online booking site at www.k2assessments.com
 Follow instructions on page 53 of the Test Administration
 Check your email to ensure that a confirmation was issued
by K2 Logistics
 Ensure that you obtain the Bill of Lading/confirmation
provided by K2 Logistics or their contracted company
upon pick-up
TAM, p. 53
Review of the Return of
CELLA 2015 Test Materials
Materials should be returned
February 23, 2015 – April 8, 2015
K2 Logistics
To Be Scored Materials
Not To Be Scored Materials
School Mail: 9038 – Test Distribution Center
District Coordinator Envelope
TAM, pp. 43 – 50 & Packet, p. 13
Receiving 2015 CELLA
Student Score Reports
 Score reports will be delivered to schools in June
 Questar provides schools with only two copies of the
CELLA Student Report
Reports should be distributed in the following manner:
• File one copy in the student’s LEP folder
that goes in the cumulative records
• Send one copy home with the student
Sample Student Score Report
Contact Information
Felicia Mallory
Denetra Collins
Fax – 305-995-7522