Alternative Processors, Heterogeneous Multi

Alternative Processors, Heterogeneous
Multi-Core and GPGPU Computing in
Rob Farber, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Song Park, Army Research Laboratory
Nash Palaniswamy, Intel
Dave Wallace, Cray
Stan Posey, Nvidia
Guang Gao, ET International
Michael Houston, AMD
Questions for panel
1 Looking forward in the 2-5 year time frame will we continue to need
new languages, compiler directives, or language extensions to use
accelerators or will compiler technology advance sufficiently to
seamlessly use accelerators as when the 8087 was added to the
8086 in the early days of the x86 architecture or when instruction
sets were extended to include SSE or AltiVec and compilers
eventually generated code for them?
2 What is your vision of what a unified Heterogeneous HPC
ecosystem should encompass? What Languages, Libraries,
frameworks? Should debuggers and profiling tools be integrated
across heterogeneous architectures?
3 Will we need need a whole new computational execution model for
Exascale systems Eg. something like ParalleX ?
4 Questions from the floor