Is Workplace `Skills for Life` Provision Sustainable in the UK?

The Challenge of Establishing Sustainable
Workplace ‘Basic Skills’ Provision:
Organizational ‘Strategies’ and Individual ‘Tactics’
Karen Evans, Edmund Waite and
Natasha Kersh
LLAKES Conference 2012, London
Outline of Presentation
• Workplace ‘Skills for Life’ provision: the policy context.
• Sustainable ‘Skills for Life’ workplace Provision:
theoretical perspectives.
• Organisational ‘strategies’ and individual ‘tactics’.
• Findings from case analysis of organisations that have
developed long-term ‘Skills for Life’ provision.
• Key barriers to sustainable workplace SFL provision.
Relationship to Bruhlin and Svensson’s framework for
sustainability of large –scale programmes of
competence development in EU.
UK Policy Context (1)
• The national ‘Skills for Life’ strategy launched in
2001: more than £5 billion allocated to the
development literacy, numeracy and ESOL provision.
• An important component of this strategy entailed
major investment in the funding of literacy,
numeracy and ESOL provision in the workplace
(including discrete SFL courses, literacy embedded in
IT courses, literacy embedded job-specific training as
well as ‘Skills for Life’ courses undertaken in online
learning centres funded via learndirect).
Policy Context (2)
• The rationale for investing in ‘Skills for Life’ provision has been
largely economic in nature: the development of literacy and
numeracy skills amongst lower-level employees deemed to be
a vital means of enhancing the UK’s economic productivity
and competitiveness ( cf Leitch Review 2006).
• These economic considerations are underpinned by
assumptions about the pervasive reach of the ‘knowledge
economy’ to all sectors and levels of the UK economy.
• Part of a wider European policy discourse which emphasises
‘The right for all workers to have a level of “basic skills”
necessary for employment and citizenship participation.’ (EU
memorandum 2001, ff.)
Wider European significance –
• Based on a new analysis of why many large-scale
publicly funded programmes prove unsustainable,
Bruhlin and Svensson (2012) make a compelling case
for projects for competence development to be
embedded in the dynamics of real workplaces, ‘with
all their uncertainties, risks and creative potential’.
• ….. concluding that active ownership of the learning
processes is an essential ingredient if innovation is to
be energised and development sustained.
• What can this UK project bring to the debate?
‘Adult Basic Skills and Workplace Learning’
LLAKES research
• ‘Adult Basic Skills and Workplace learning’ project: a five year
(2003-2008) study of the impact of workplace ‘Skills for Life’
provision on organisations and employees (564 learners in 53
organisations from a variety of sectors).
• LLAKES Strand 3 project 2 (2009-2011): key factors that
facilitate and inhibit sustainable workplace SFL provision,
spatial dimensions of SFL workplace provision, learner
The Rationale for Exploring the
Barriers to Sustainability
• Only 10 of the 53 sites were still running ‘Skills for Life’
provision at the time of the ‘Adult Basic Skills and Workplace
Learning’ Time 2 interviews.
• Follow up research undertaken during 2009 and 2010 as part
of the LLAKES Strand 3 research, involving follow up
interviews with the 53 sites, has established that only seven
sites may be described as having durable provision that has
been sustained during the time-scale of these research
Theoretical Perspectives
• The ‘social ecological’ analysis of educational interventions at
the macro, organizational and individual levels.
• de Certeau’s theoretical work (1984) on everyday social
practices is utilised in order to cast light on the diverse ways in
which Skills for Life provision has been put to use by learners
and organisations.
De Certeau’s Conceptual Distinction between
‘Strategy’ and ‘Tactics’
• De Certeau uses the category of ‘strategy’ very broadly to
includes all productive forces that seek to determine and
officially signify the rules and products of a culture (e.g.
commerce, urban planning, the media, education,
institutional strategies) .
• Although individuals lack a space of their own from which to
apply strategies, they remain active agents through ongoing
tactical practices which continuously re-signify and disrupt the
schematic ordering of reality produced through the strategic
practices of the powerful.
The Theoretical Application of de Certeau’s
Work (1)
• Tactical practices entail a form of production (a ‘making of’)
that is ‘secondary’ and therefore frequently invisible in
• Through his analysis of a variety of everyday practices,
(reading , cooking for example) de Certeau illustrates his claim
that everyday life works by a process of ‘poaching on the
territory of others’, recombining the rules and products that
already exist in culture through a process of ‘bricolage’ that is
influenced, but never wholly determined, by those rules and
Organisational strategies…
officially signifying the rules and products of
organisational culture….
• The majority of personnel managers interviewed cited the
importance of boosting the general development of
employees as the primary motivation for delivering ‘Skills for
Life’ courses ….. rather than the need to address deficiencies
in literacy and numeracy skills.
• Underpinning this goal lay a variety of motivations relating to
the need to boost staff morale, foster a positive company
ethos and enhance corporate solidarity as well as address
unequal access to training opportunities amongst lower-level
Individual ‘Tactics’
• While companies and public sector organisations
have utilized ‘Skills for Life’ provision to pursue a
variety of ‘strategic’ objectives- relating largely to the
need to develop the psychological contract between
employer and employee
• …learners have ‘tactically’ insinuated an even more
diverse array of goals and understandings into the
experience of undertaking a literacy, numeracy and
ESOL course in the workplace
Diverse goals and outcomes…
• For many learners, participation in workplace
‘Skills for Life’ courses yielded a range of
positive outcomes, (as reported in Wolf and Evans
• increased confidence, greater willingness to
engage in further learning, enhanced
awareness and appreciation of the English
• increased capacity to help children with their
homework and increased motivation to
pursue a range of hobbies and educational
Literacy and Numeracy Skills Utilisation
• During the course of in-depth interviews with a sub-sample of
64 employees from ten sites, the majority of learners selfreported that they coped adequately with their existing
literacy and numeracy skills in the workplace.
• Whereas some employees (e.g. care-workers in residential
care homes) remarked upon an increase in report-writing in
response to auditing demands and more onerous health and
safety regulations, the majority of employees were engaged in
occupations and routine work in which negligible use of
literacy and numeracy practices persisted.
• Such findings are compatible with a growing corpus of
research that has underlined the persistence of relatively
routine or manual employment in large swathes of the UK
economy (see Felstead et al 2007, Keep 1999, Keep and
Mayhew 1999, Lloyd et al 2008).
The Intersection between Organisational
‘Strategies’ and Individual ‘Tactics’
• Organisations’ promotion of ‘Skills for Life’ courses
for largely generic rather than job-specific
considerations has provided a broad domain for the
pursuit of individual ‘tactics’ which variously
intersect and diverge from company strategic
objectives according to the complex interrelationship between learner-specific considerations
and organisational imperatives
Analysis of Organisations that have Developed
Long-term ‘Skills for Life’ Provision
• The highlighted case study organisations have generally
managed to garner broader support for ‘Skills for Life’
provision throughout the organisation as whole
• Six out the seven highlighted sites managed to implement
provision that approximated the ‘whole organisation’
approaches advocated by ‘Skills for Life’ development
agencies (e.g. support of senior management, establishment
of Skills for Life Steering group, involvement of unions etc.)
• In embracing wide ranging motivations for learning (rather
than focusing exclusively on addressing literacy and numeracy
skills deficiencies), these organisations have provided a broad
institutional space for learners to tactically ‘make of’ their
learning in order to pursue an array of personal goals.
The Challenge of Adapting ‘Skills for Life’ Provision to
the Workplace
• In the space of just over two years (between Time 1 and Time 2 of the
‘Adult Basic Skills and Workplace Learning’ project) we found that in over
half of sites, there was no manager in post who had any recollection of or
knowledge about the courses which had taken place.
• Employees within companies were frequently subjected to pressure from
line managers to miss sessions or abandon the course altogether in order
to return to their work duties.
• Providers also face perennial challenges of adapting ‘Skills for Life’ courses
to complex shift patterns.
• ‘Skills for Life’ funding arrangements (both before and after the onset of
Train to Gain) made it very difficult to engage Small and Medium
• Of an approach that is based on a large
degree of institutional flexibility (on the part
of organisations and providers) which has in
turn facilitated the adaptive potential of the
courses for the personal and work
requirements of employees.
• (has been included in new Palgrave book on
Employee Driven innovation…2012)
• LEVA: shifted to model of 1 to 1 delivery overcomes
the difficulty of shift patterns;
• fulfilled literacy requirements for quality monitoring
and health and safety;
• responded to company expectations that workers
can and should take the initiative in innovating more
effective working practices on the production line.
• Such modes of delivery present innovative
attempts to circumvent the range of
challenges in adapting provision to the
workplace that have, in combination with
funding constraints, posed major barriers to
sustainable workplace ‘Skills for Life’
• The ‘Skills for Life’ national strategy generated a complex
‘ecology of learning’ at policy level; unprecedented resources
were devoted via multiple and shifting funding channels.
The byzantine and shifting funding landscape militated
against long-term sustainability at organisational level.
• The narrowly focussed economic agenda underpinning the
‘Skills for Life’ national strategy was at variance with the
widely ranging motivations underpinning organisational and
individual engagement with literacy provision.
• Government declarations of a ‘skills crisis’ based on
assumptions about the existence of large-scale deficiencies in
literacy and numeracy skills amongst lower-level employees
have taken insufficient account of the utilization of skills and
their complex constitution in workplace settings.
Rather than explicitly subverting or rejecting dimensions of ‘Skills for Life’
provision, learners have ‘made of’ the opportunities afforded by ‘Skills for
Life’ provision by using them for ends and references that extend beyond
the workplace and relate to diverse and shifting life-styles; often
compensates for previously negative educational experiences.
• Those organisations that have managed to sustain provision have
generally succeeded in integrating ‘Skills for Life’ courses within a broader
‘ecology of learning’ whereby there is both support and formal recognition
for such provision within the organisation as a whole.
• Although the ‘whole organisation’ recommendations of Skills for Life
development agencies are optimal for developing the capacity of
organisations to deliver ‘Skills for Life’ types of provision, the ‘third-order’
significance of learning within the workplace means that it is in practice
difficult to establish sustainability in most organisations.
Wider Implications
• Findings are consistent with the Bruhlin and
Svensson view that ‘more open and learning-based
strategies for change must be used in order to deal
with the uncertainties and risks in complex projects.
Innovation and exploration cannot be steered from
above but only come about through an open
approach….in order to support and strengthen
creative actors.’
• The theoretical approach based on strategies and
tactics (after de Certeau) can complement and
expand those of Bruhlin and Svensson.
• By highlighting the acts of production that take place
in everyday social life but which are not always
formally recognized, remaining “invisible” or
• A further thought : in challenging the associations of
action and passivity that are implicit in the
producer/consumer binary, de Certeau’s work also
facilitates, in the context of workplace learning, a
scrutinizing of other binaries – e.g. teachers/learner
or knowledge worker/routine worker- that can all too
frequently depict the latter half of these distinctions
as the passive recipients.
• This paper is in press, Journal of Education and
Work, for 2013 issue.
• For background/additional analysis see:
• Wolf, A. and Evans, K. (2011) Improving Literacy at
Work (Routledge)
• Evans, K. and Waite, E. (2010) article in European
Review of Labour and Research, Vol. 16 (2).
• Wolf, A. et al (2010) article in Oxford Review of
Education, Vol. 36 (4).
• Waite, E. et al (2012) chapter in Employee –Driven
Innovation, Palgrave 2012.