Mr. Jonathan KELLY (Guangzhou) – A re

A re - focus on teaching and learning, within the
International Middle School (within the Middle
Kingdom), through Pedagogic Leadership approaches.
This presentation aims to graphically support
position paper of the same Title to give a useful
overview of the issues presented, which in addition
is backed by current Leadership Theories.
The concept of trying to identifying measures, the
intention of seeking improvement through skillful
implication,I trust will be of interest to many other
organizations where ‘change’ is needed.
A re - focus on learning and teaching
within Middle School, through Pedagogic
Leadership approaches
Existing Situation (my insight):- School is in China and is
a Total Authorized IB School i.e with PYP, MYP &
Diploma. It’s been around 10+ years.
MYP programme, is often over-managed, some staff
undervalued in terms of forfilling their potentials.
Classically daily routines have been order of the day with
leaders over managing & staff feeling undervalued.
Bennis & Nanus (1985)
Existing Situation: needs
to be more effective
In terms of mastering routines &
efficiency no real issues , but in
terms of effectiveness: some
people having ‘timid incapacities’
Bennis & Nanus (1985)
Existing Situation:
The example of the Doctor causing illness &
side affects through inappropriate
interventions, similarly I see some
managers having been responsible for the
cause as well as the cure of the problem.
Bennis & Nanus (1985)
New Directions / Needed:
Instill pride, faith & respect,
as has gift for seeing what
is really important; in touch.
Avolio & Bass (1988)
Inspirational & Motivational
Increased & heightened motivational that
occurs from charismatic leadership if
Gronn (1995).
Holism & Mission
Sharing values, goals & beliefs to win
people over, requires skillful balance of
transformational & organization wide
Limerick, Cunnington & Crowther (1988)
Intellectual Stimulation
Leaders inspire a followers thinking &
Four ‘I’ of TF (Avolio et al., Bass & Avolio,1994b)
A) Inspirational leadership:- arousal & heightening of
Motivation among followers.
B) Individualised Consideration:- Subsequent treatment of
Individuals according to their needs.
C) Intellectual Stimulation:- Leaders influence on followers
thinking & imagination.
D) Idealized Influence:- Identifying with leaders mission &
Idealised Influence
This culminates from the leaders mission
& vision
Burns (1978 p.454)
Bass (1990a, p.22)
‘Vision orientated’
Leaders viewed themselves as leaders not
managers i.e. concerned themselves with
organizing the basic purpose & general
Bennis & Nanus (1985 )
Attention through vision
Vision grabs: creating a vision which
people are inspired to focus & commit
Transforms purpose into action.
Bennis & Nanus (1985)
Meaning through communication
Leaders get people aligned behind new
proposals, motivating & articulating clearly
through influencing & organizing meaning
for members of the organization.
Bennis & Nanus (1985)
Trust through positioning
Set up actions necessary to implement
vision of the leader.
Bennis & Nanus (1985)
Deployment of self through positive
self regard
Taoist story applicable: Change yourself,
so as not to be so vulnerable p.55.
“…arriving at a human contact without
enforcing authority” Carlo Maria Gulinip.55
Bennis & Nanus (1985)
Accepting peoples emotional
differences & orientations
5 key skills are mentioned by Bennis: a) accept
people as they are, not as you would like them
to be & further “enter the skin” of that person, so
that you have a better understanding.
b) Approach relationships & problems in terms of
the present, rather than the past.
c) Treat courteously, strangers & casual
acquaintances alike. d) Trust in people e) Be
concerned with quality of work that emerges
rather than whether or not you like them.
Bennis & Nanus (1985)
Making employees feel significant for their
organization & for common purpose. “that
occasional epiphany which occurs when
an exquisitely complicated effort is
coordinated & completed well.”
Bennis & Nanus (1985)
Theory Y
People will exercise self –control towards
an organization goal if he is committed to
Hodgkinson (1991).
Judging motivational leadership
“….change human nature, transform each individual, who by himself
is a perfect and solitary whole, into a part of a greater whole…”p.73
Hodgkinson (1991)
To lead effectively leaders must transform and have a dedicated
following amongst:- teachers, parents, children. The gains must set
forth a vision or plan, invested with commitment & with “moral
imagination”. Maxy & Caldas (1991)
Away from influencing towards goal
setting & achievement
Transformation of people from
“objects” in the world to active self
–determining “subjects”
“conscious of themselves as active
deciding beings, bearing responsibility for
their choices and able to explain them by
referring to their own purposes, ideals and
Smyth (1987)
Fay (1977)
Need to penetrate the hidden
Critical pedagogy of schooling in the
importance of construction and analysis of
meaning in everyday experiences.
Giroux (1983)
Helping people to change their lives
Fried (1980)
Leadership as an Act
It is an act that enables others and allows
them in turn to become enablers
Watkins (1985)
By reflecting upon action, individuals and
communities acquire knowledge, skills &
concepts that empower them to remake &
reorder if necessary, the world in which
they live.
Schon, (1984)
Cultural Conditioning?
Teachers need to make sense of what
they do through questioning their teaching
in the social & political contexts in which
they occur.
Shor and Friere (1987)
How they might work differently
As a consequence of going into depth with
above, coming to a conclusion of how they
might work differently.
Smyth (1987b)
Bonk and Zhang (2008) have
developed a model to help instructors
target different learning styles in their
course activities. The R2D2 model —
Read, Reflect, Display, and Do —
appeals to a wider variety of students
than text-only or lecture-only
instruction. It calls on instructors to
include elements in the framework of
their courses that focus on the following
Read — targets auditory and visual
learners / Reflect — targets reflective
and observational learners / Display —
targets visual learners / Do — targets
tactile and kinesthetic learners
Allowing them to connect in a real way
with lived experiences of students daily
lives amounts to a departure from
prescribed (or suggested) curriculum
Green (1978)
Thanks for considering…
Reflecting upon these ideals within Leadership
style I feel I need to adopt, instill, encourage and
foster, I’m conscious that these are ideal traits
that should be prevalent in terms of relationship
building between Leader and staff to enhance .
They are not in themselves seen as action
points or in particular order of importance of
Rather I see them as essential elements,
characteristics of Leader & follower ideals, in
terms of reflective motivated people, with
common desire to improve pedgagogies of
teaching & learning.
Avolio, B. J., & Bass, B. M. (1988). Transformational leadership charisma and beyond. In J. G.
Hunt (Ed.), Emerging leadership vistas (pp. 29-49). Lexington, MASS: Lexington Books.
Bass (1990a, p.22)
Four ‘I’ of TF (Avolio et al., Bass & Avolio,1994b)
Bennis, W. G., & Nanus, B. (1985). Leaders : the strategies for taking charge (pp. 19-86). New
York: Harper and Row.
Burns (1978 p.454)
Faye B (1977) How people change themselves: The relationship between critical theory and its
audience in T. Ball (Ed) Political Theory and Praxis: New Perspectives, Minneapolis, Minn,
University of Minnesota Press pp. 200 -33
Fried, R (1980) Empowerment vs Delivery of Services, Concord, N.H., New Hampshire
Department of Education.
Giroux, H (1983) Theory and Resistance in Education: A Pedagogy for the Opposition, South
Hadley, Mass., Bergin and Garvey.
Green (1978)
Gronn, P. (1995). Greatness re-visited : the current obsession with transformational leadership,
Leading and Managing : Journal of the Australian Council for Educational Administration, 1 (1),
Hodgkinson, C. (1991). Educational leadership : the moral art (pp. 67-85). Albany,
NEW YORK: State University of New York Press.
Limerick, Cunnington & Crowther (1988)
Maxcy, S. J., & Caldas, S. J. (1991). Moral imagination and the philosophy of school
leadership, The Journal of Educational Administration, 29 (3), 38-53.
Pondy, L. (1978) Leadership is a language game, in M.McCall and M.Lombardo
(Eds) ,Leadership :where else can we go? Durham, N.C, University Press
Schon, D (1984) Leadership as reflection – in –action, in Sergiovanni and J. Corbally
(Eds), Leadership and Organizational Culture: New Perspectives in Administration
Theory and Practice, Urbana, 111, University of Illinois Press, pp.36 - 63
Shor, I and Friere, p. (1987) A Pedagogy for Liberation: Dialogues on Transforming
Education, South Hadley, Mass, Bergin and Garvey
Smyth, J. (1989). A "pedagogical" and "educative" view of leadership. In J. Smyth
(Ed.), Critical perspectives on educational leadership (pp. 179-204). London, UK:
Falmer Press.
Watkins, R (1985) Alternatives to traditional views of organizational leadership:
Human agency and practice in the restructuring of education, the Australian
(All pictures photographs used with links, accessed between May 8th – 14th 2011)