Observation as a learning tool in preservice teacher education Sanja Čurković Kalebić Faculty of Philosophy University of Split “There is no substitute for direct observation as a way of finding out about language classrooms” (Nunan, 1989:76) What is observation? Observation is a “non-judgmental description of classroom events that can be analyzed and given interpretation” (Gebhard & Oprandy, 1999:35) Why classroom observation? Classroom observation “opens up a range of experiences and processes which can become part of the raw material of a teacher’s professional growth?” (Wajnryb, 1992:1) Observing experienced second language teachers student teachers can develop an awareness of the principles and decision making that underlie effective teaching distinguish between effective and ineffective classroom practices identify techniques and practices they can apply to their own teaching (Day, 1990:43) refine the ability to observe, analyse, and interpret (Waynryb, 1992:7) How to observe? Approaches to observation (Day, 1990) - Qualitative approaches (include educational etnography, introduce student teachers to the complexity of the language classrooms and help them to see the multiple roles of the second language teacher) - Quantitative approaches (make use of observation techniques and instruments by means of which behaviours in the classroom are observed) Observation task It is a “focussed activity to work on while observing a lesson in progress”. (Wajnryb, 1992:7) Observation task “limits the scope of what one is observing and allows one to focus on one or two particular aspects”, “provides a convenient means of collecting dana that frees the observer from forming an opinion or making an on-thespot evaluation during the lesson. The judgmental and interpretative side comes later, after the lesson, and will be based on the complete data that has been collected.” (Wajnryb, 1992:8) Study Aim To gain an insight into the nature of student teachers’ learning about teaching through classroom observation Research questions To identify the elements of teaching that draw student teachers’ attention while they observe mentors teach To identify student teachers’ needs with respect to teaching strategies Database 40 observation sheets filled in by 40 student teachers of English language and literature at the University of Split. Observation task:“Lesson planning” (Wajnryb, 1992) Objective: to determine- through a set of focussed and guided questions-what decisions the teacher made in planning the lesson Procedure: Observe a lesson, make notes of observations, write down inferences concerning the teacher’s decisions, make a note of questions that you would like to ask the teacher about the various decisions taken about the lesson. Example (Waynryb, 1992:76) Observation Inference Discussion question T uses pictures and realia to explain meaning of words Evidence of planningThese words considered potentially difficult How were the difficult words chosen? Data analysis – Part I Inferences about the teacher’s decisons: Ss noted down 262 inferences for 225 observations Inferences were classified with respect to the guiding questions (Todd, 1997) Data analysis – Part II 213 discussion questions were noted down. Questions were analysed with regards to the type of teaching strategy they refer to. Classification of teaching strategies was made on the basis of the list of foreign language teaching strategies that may be found in literature (e.g.Todd, 1997). The following strategies were identified in the database: beginning lessons, presenting and explaining, motivational strategies, code-switching (use of mother tongue), questioning, classroom management, providing feedback, correcting, checking comprehension and learning, timing, aids and material use, ending lessons. For each question it was decided whether it refers to the choice, use or efficiency of a particular teaching strategy. Examples from the database: Choice of strategy (example from the database) Observation: The teacher asks learners about their pets. Inference: - Evidence of planning: The teacher wanted to set up an activity that promotes communication, to enable learners to improve their speaking skills. Question for discussion: Should learners’ errors be corrected in this type of activity? Use of strategy (example from the database) Observation: The learners read the text of the new lesson out loud. They have already heard the text from the cassette player. Some learners mispronounce new words. Inference: - Evidence of planning The teachers wants the learners to master pronuncation and intonation. Question for discussion: Should learners be corrected immediately or should errors be corrected when the learner finishes reading the text? Efficiency of strategy (example from the database) Observation: Learners are retelling the text using “there is” and “there are”. The teacher corrects errors in their talk. Inference: - Evidence of planning In this way the teacher wants to make learners use the new vocabulary. Question for discussion It is evident that the learners do not understand the use of “there is” and “there are”. Shouldn’t the teacher explain this structure again instead of correcting learner errors? Findings Inferences about teacher decisions-results of analysis The distribution of inferences concerning the teacher’s decisions 1. Checking for comprehension and learning 19.08% 2. Motivating the students to the lesson 11.83% 3. Providing safe context for practice 11.45% 4. setting up activities that promote communication 9.16% 5. Helping students to identify rules and organise 8.01% new knowledge 6.The aids to be used in various parts of the lesson 7.63% 7. Establishing a certain classroom atmosphere 6.10% The distribution of inferences concerning the teacher’s decisions- ctd 8.5 Involving the students and drawing out passive knowledge 4.58% 8.5 Lexis:how much to teach?What?When? 4.58% And how? 8.5 How information is to be organised and shared 4.48% 11.5 Establishing a framework in which students work without the teacher 3.81% 11.5 Ending the lesson and linking it to previous/future ones 3.81% 13 Realistically contextualising the language 2.67% 14. Integrating skills involved in the lesson 1.52% 15 Shifting the focus and patterns of interaction 1.14% Questions about teacher decisions- results of analysis Type of strategy Table 2. Frequency Frequency questions (%) of questions aboutofteaching strategies in the sample 1. Explaining 35 (16%) 2. Classroom management 31 (15%) 3. Questioning 25 (12%) 4.Timing 20 (9%) 5. Motivational strategies 19 (9%) 6.5 Correcting 16 (8%) 6.5 Aids and materials use 16 (8%) 8. Ending lessons 15 (7%) 9.5 Beginning lessons 14 (6%) 9.5 Checking comprehension and learning 14 (6%) 11.Code-switching (use of mother tongue) 4 (2%) 12. Providing feedback 4 (2%) TOTAL 213 (100%) Examples Choice: “What are other techniques for introducing new lexical items?” Use: “Should grammar be taught deductively (as is the case here) or inductively?” Efficency: “ Will comprehension be faciliated if learners are given an example?” Choice: “Should language practice be organised as a whole class activity?” Use: “Shall we try to invole all the learners to participate in discussion or only the strongest students?” Efficiency: “Is working in pairs efficient?” Choice: What are the criteria according to which questions are asked?” Use: How many questions are to be asked when revising the previous lesson?” Efficiency: Are pupils ready to answer the questions only after two reading of the text?” Choice: “How much time should be reserved for repetition?” Use: “Why did she give them homework in th emiddle of the lesson?” Efficiency: Does the teacher give them too much time (they finish early and get restless)?” Choice: “How to decide what kind of motivation to use before the lesson?” Use: “What to do if the learners are not interested in the topic of conversation?” Efficiency: “Is this kind of motivation a waste of time?” Choice:”Should the learners who memorised the words incorrectly be corrected?” Use: “Should we correct learners by interrupting them or wait till they finish reading?” Efficiency: “Should the teacher, instead of correcting learner errors, explain the structure again? It is evident that they have not understood)?” Choice:”What other aids could be used in the process of vocabulary acquisition?” Use: “Is it necessary to play the CD three times?” Efficiency: “Is the use of realia too childish for the learners of the 6th grade?” Choice: “How to decide how to end the lesson?” Use: “ What to repeat at the end of the lesson?” Efficiency: “Is this a good way to end the lesson?” Choice: “How to decide how to start a lesson?” Use: To what degree does informal discussion help in preparing learners for the lesson?” Efficiency: “Was there a better way to start a lesson?” Choice: “What is the best wayto organise comprehension practice?” Use: “How many questions to ask to check their comprehension of the text?” Efficiency: I”s this a good way to check their vocabulary knowledge?” Choice: “Should we introduce new vocabulary in the mother tongue or in a foreign language? Choice: “Should we always evaluate their (learners’)work?” Use: “How to grade their homework?” Distribution of student teachers’ interest for the types of knowledge about teaching strategies (first five strategies in ranking) Ranking Strategy Choice of strategy Use of strategy Efficiency of strategy 1. Explaining 6.57 6.10 3.75 2 Classroom management 4.69 4.69 5.16 3 Questioning 2.34 6.10 3.28 4 Timing 5.63 3.28 0.46 5 Motivational strategies 4.69 0.93 3.28 Main conclusions Findings from this study show that at the beginning of their teaching pratice student teachers possess high awareness about the necessity of gaining competence for making decisions about teaching strategies. The results of the analyses indicate that student teachers are aware not only of the need to acquire a repertoire of teaching strategies but also to develop criteria for choosing appropriate strategies. Implications for the teacher education and further research in the area A systematic acquisition of teaching strategies might promote more active student teacher’s role in observing mentors teach and in critical consideration of own attitudes. Further research in this domain could investigate the nature of developing competences with respect to student teachers’ decisions about teaching strategies.Such research should be based on student teacher written feedback about the factors that influence their decisions as well as the experiences upon which they make/change their decisions.