« Ordo Ab Chao : la modélisation pour gérer le chaos ? » Dispositifs d’enseignement/apprentissage en langues médiatiséset à distance Jean-Claude BERTIN UMR IDEES-CIRTAI, Le Havre Jean-Paul NARCY-COMBES, DILTEC, Sorbonne Nouvelle - UPMC Plan de l’intervention 1. Epistemological stance • • • A systemic approach to language learning environments Morin’s Complex Thinking Emergentist perspectives 2. Destructuring the system’s components • • • Destructuring language Destructuring learning paths Destructuring mediation 3. Organizing chaos through modeling ? • • • The didactic ergonomics model Evolving relationships within the model An emergentist perspective for the model An evolving epistemological stance… Complex systems theories refuted Theoretical level complexity Mathematical level Dynamic systems theories Focus on changes within the system Application level Emergentism : Specific properties of a complex system Reductionism : Specific properties of the system’s components Connexionism Focus on interactions within the system (adapted from Sockett 2010) Chaos : destructuring language • Syntax • The structural properties of sentences can be explained without reference to inborn grammatical principles. • Mac Whinney : grammar emerges from conversation as a way to facilitate accurate tracking and switching of perspective. • O'Grady : syntactic phenomena are best understood in terms of the operation of a linear, efficiency-driven processor that seeks to reduce the burden on working memory in the course of sentence formation and interpretation. • Morphology • Morphological structure emerges from statistical regularities in the form-meaning relationship between words. • Morphological structure exists but not in the categorical form commonly assumed and coming from frequency, semantic transparency, phonotactics. • Lexicon • The lexicon emerges from the way in which the brain responds to and stores experiences- by creating units whose strength and productivity is determined largely by frequency of occurrence. Some of these units corresponds to words, as in traditional lexicon, but many are phrases and other larger units of organization, including possibly abstract constructions. • Phonology • Donegan: Children begin with a set of processes (nasalization, devoicing) that emerge as responses to the physical limitations of the human vocal tract and the auditory apparatus. • A language's phonemic inventory and allophonic patterns then emerge as specific processes are suppresed in response to experience. • Discourse and pragmatics can be explained in similar terms => our model environment - teacher identity, personal characteristics and posture Learning environment = course design and development Pre-course getting to know the learner Adjusting the course as a result INTEGRATION CONTENT/DOMAIN and LANGUAGE TUTOR / LEARNER interaction and mediation Monitoring: yes Follow-up: yes Aids : yes / Helps : yes Feedback: yes Scaffolding: by teacher (teacher suggests macro-task) (3) L2 restructuring practice micro-tasks - with deep processing - pool of micro-tasks (2) (1) interaction macro-tasks selected according to curriculum (3) TUTOR / LEARNER interaction and mediation CRITICAL REFLECTION: FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT (Teacher provides feedback and advice) Objective: create needs Monitoring: yes Follow-up: yes Aids: yes / helps: no Feedback: if problems Scaffolding: by peers Chaos : destructuring learning paths • Non-linear • Cannot be pre-structured • Triggering interplay of complementary sets of processes in order to create connexions. • Complementarity of processes is largely unpredictable in its results, but can be safely anticipated. • Three questions remain problematic: (1) métareflection (Cummins: BICS et CALP). (2) Mediation. (3) Individual and cultural differences . The Learning Cycle model remains one dimensional => lacks temporality Chaos : destructuring mediation in CALL/distance learning « an individual’s knowledge is described as a personal construction mediated by teachers or peers. Distance [and technology] will not affect the individual’s construction of knowledge, but may make mediation and social interaction more complex » (Narcy-Combes 2010) Teacher Pedagogic mediation selection of input selection of input (language mediation) (language mediation) Language Language selection of input (language mediation) selection of Distance selection of tasks (macro/micro) tasks (macro/micro) selection of Technological mediation Language Te ch tasks (macro/micro) follow-up me nolo follow-up g d Disiatio ical follow-up t an n ce Distance mediation Teacher Teacher Te ch me nolo d i a gi c tio al n Learner Learner Learner The “analyser” concept (Lapassade 1971; Petit 1991) Distance : « nouvelles formes d’échanges pédagogiques non seulement grâce au dispositif technologique utilisé mais également grâce à des “… anything that causes truth to emerge of what is hidden; configurations socio-pédagogiques inédites. a » situation, (Dejean-Thricuir, & […]” anything may refer to a group, an individual, an event,Guichon a scandal Nicolaev V. (2010, 378). (Lapassade, 1971, p. 15) Pedagogic Pedagogic mediation Pedagogic mediation mediation Modeling : towards some kind of order? • Why refer to models? • • • • Emergentism considers real world macro-objects Finding one’s way in uncertainty Structuring what can be structured in chaos Construct functions (technology) and roles (human) from interactions • A heuristic model : • Guiding the construction of the various components of the system by the various actors • Identify interfaces (= « places ») for interactions • The model is neither rigid nor normative • The model guides the implementation of performances Simplified Didactic Ergonomics model context teacher Language/culture Tasks / learning cycle technology learner - A global vision of the macro-object (simplified here) - Deconstruction into specialised sub-systems : teaching act, learning act, follow-up and regulation) emergence of new actors (teacher/tutor) and new roles (including learners’ roles). Emergentisme et modèle d’ergonomie didactique (Adapted from Miras 2011) Deconstructing the model – teacher-centred sub-system Sub-system 1: teacher-centred - Process organization of materials and pedagogic mediation • Materials design • Environment design Macro-task Micro-tasks teacher interface computer • Computer literacy / team organizer •Follow-up • organization & planning • provision of monitoring devices learner teacher Monitoring • Task design (including technological constraints and potential) learning objectives constraints creativity • Course design constraints creativity Competence in: language Deconstructing the model – learner-centred sub-system teacher Sub-system 2: learner-centred • Process language learning • New dimensions / actors due to specificity of technological mediation + distance computer peers input language Asynchronous articulation between SS1 and SS2 learner • Teacher-centred system organization & planning (virtual, latent) • Learner-centred system only when learner interacts with materials interaction language tutor monitoring Deconstructing the model – regulation sub-system • SS1 and SS2 : 2 different perspectives • • Teacher pedagogy driven + representations of the computer Learner individual representations of language learning and of technology teacher designer Need for data on system’s operation monitoring computer Objectives of follow-up Individual level: learner evaluation, feedback and support Systemic level: system regulation Roles - Tutor contributes to raise learner’s awareness of the emerging steps in the task (Bygate) - Contributes to inform teacher about discontinuities . - Teacher in charge of reorganising system at T+1 - Modes of reorganisation are context specific. system regulation Potential gaps between didactic intention and practices Computer-mediated learning space learner tutor monitoring Conclusions • Modeling concerns the learning environment / not the processes • Functions og the learning environment Generate the emergence of conditions favorable to language acquisition Generate conditions for potential sequencing of language learning related operations • The didactic dimension of the learning environment is non linear and unpredictable. • Distance highlights discontinuities through the time gap between the teaching and the learning acts need for more information on learner activity (monitoring) for regulation purposes (task and learning environment levels) • The technological element cannot accept total unpredictability its function = stabilize the environment + flexilbility to adapt to different contexts. • The general model ensure designers take into account all the components + interactions within the system • Important : operating the model implies defining the respective responsibility of learner, teacher and/or tutor, according to specific contexts. Bibliographie Conference based on : • Bertin, J.-C., Gravé, P. & Narcy-Combes, J.-P. (2010). Second-language distance learning and teaching: theoretical perspectives and didactic ergonomics, IGI Global, USA • • Dejean-Thricuir, C., Guichon, N. & Nicolaev V. (2010). “Compétences interactionnelles des tuteurs dans des échanges vidéographiques synchrones”. Distance et Savoirs, 8/2010, 377-393. • Fischer, R. (2006), “How do we know what students are actually doing? Monitoring students’ behavior in CALL”. Conférence plénière : CALL Conference 2006, université d’Anvers. • Lapassade, G. (1971). L’analyseur et l’analyste. Paris: Gauthier-Villars. • Miras (2011). Mémoire de Master 2 recherche, Sorbonne-Nouvelle. • Morin, E., & Lemoigne, J.-L. (1999). Introduction à la pensée complexe. Paris: L’Harmattan • Narcy-Combes, Jean-Paul (2005). Didactique des langues et TIC: vers une recherche-action responsable. Gap Paris, Ophrys. • Petit, F. (1991). Introduction à la psychosociologie des organisations. Paris: Privat, Pratiques Sociales • Rabardel, P. (1995). Les Hommes et les Technologies – Approche cognitive des instruments contemporains, Armand colin, série Psychologie, Paris. • Sockett, G. (2010), « La complexité, l'émergence et la didactique des langues », Présentation à la journée d'étude « Permanences et évolutions en didactique des langues » à l'Université de Nantes, 25 juin 2010. http://prismelangues.u-strasbg.fr/uploads/media/Complexite__emergence_et_DDL_4GGL_02.pdf L’approche systémique Dynamic Interactionism systems : focus: focus on interactions on interactions + retroactions actor 1 actor 2 process actor 3 La Pensée Complexe (E. Morin) Holistic perspective Field A ? Field B Field C ?