CONTENT LITERACY INSTRUCTIONAL SHIFTS FOR SOCIAL STUDIES Facilitator Auddie Mastroleo ҉ OCM BOCES Network Team COMMON CORE SHIFTS ELA & CONTENT LITERACY Balancing Informational & Literary Texts (Grades PK-5) Knowledge in the Disciplines (Grades 6-12) Staircase of Complexity Text-based Answers Writing from Sources Academic Vocabulary BALANCING INFORMATIONAL & LITERARY TEXTS Range of Text Types Literature = Stories, Dramas, Poetry SHIFT 1 Grades PK-5 Informational = Literary Nonfiction, Historical, Scientific, & Technical Texts 12th grade 8th grade 4th grade 50% fiction 50% nonfiction 40% fiction 60% nonfiction 20% fiction 80% nonfiction Increase in teaching and learning with nonfiction text KNOWLEDGE IN THE DISCIPLINES Reading & Writing Literacy Standards Depending on text rather than referring to it • Complement, not replace content standards •Read a president’s speech & write a response •Read scientific papers & write an analysis SHIFT 2 Grades 6-12 Think sophisticated non-fiction •Analyze and evaluate texts within disciplines •Gain knowledge from texts that convey complex information through diagrams, charts, evidence, & illustrations Expectation of rigorous domain specific literacy instruction outside of ELA PreCCLS Core Text SHIFT 1 Balancing Informational and Literary Texts SHIFT 2 Building Knowledge in the Disciplines PostCCLS Core Texts SHIFT 1 Balancing Informational and Literary Texts SHIFT 2 Building Knowledge in the Disciplines Paired Texts: Hero or Villain? SOCIAL STUDIES PRE AND POST SHIFT NOTES TURN AND TALK With a partner… Share your initial thinking and reactions STAIRCASE OF COMPLEXITY Increase in text complexity at each grade level Qualitative Levels of meaning Structure Clarity of language Knowledge demands Quantitative Word length Sentence length Text cohesion Reader & Task SHIFT 3 Motivation Knowledge Experience Expectation of proficiency and independence in reading grade level text Appendix B: Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks PRE-CCLS John Brown “When the state of Virginia hanged Brown for treason on December 2, 1859, church bells across the North tolled to mourn the man who many considered a hero. But, southerners were shocked. People in the North were praising a man who had tried to lead a slave revolt! More than ever, many southerners were convinced that the North was out to destroy their way of life.” SHIFT 3 Staircase of Complexity POST-CCLS Enquirer We rejoice that old BROWN has been hung. He was not only a murderer of innocent persons, but he attempted one of the greatest crimes against society -- the stirring up of a servile and civil war. He has paid the penalty for his crimes, and we hope his fate may be a warning to all who might have felt inclined to imitate his aggressive conduct.. Press and Tribune John Brown dies to-day! …The man's heroism which is as sublime as that of a martyr, his constancy to his convictions, his suffering, the disgraceful incidents of his trial, the poltroonery of those who will lead him forth to death, have excited throughout all the North strong feeling of sympathy in his behalf, but no where, within our knowledge, is the opinion entertained that he should not be held answerable, for the legal consequence of his act. SHIFT 3 Staircase of Complexity TEXT-BASED ANSWERS Questions tied directly to the text, but extend beyond the literal Students must cite text to support answers Personal opinions, experiences, and connections to the text are minimized in favor of what the text actually says or doesn’t say SHIFT 4 Questions are purposefully planned & direct students to closely examine the text PRE-CCLS John Brown “When the state of Virginia hanged Brown for treason on December 2, 1859, church bells across the North tolled to mourn the man who many considered a hero. But, southerners were shocked. People in the North were praising a man who had tried to lead a slave revolt! More than ever, many southerners were convinced that the North was out to destroy their way of life.” SHIFT 4 Text-based Answers Question: Describe how John Brown’s raid increased tensions between the North and the South. POST-CCLS SHIFT 4 Text-based Answer s Enquirer We rejoice that old BROWN has been hung. He was not only a murderer of innocent persons, but he attempted one of the greatest crimes against society -- the stirring up of a servile and civil war. He has paid the penalty for his crimes, and we hope his fate may be a warning to all who might have felt inclined to imitate his aggressive conduct.. Press and Tribune John Brown dies to-day! …The man's heroism which is as sublime as that of a martyr, his constancy to his convictions, his suffering, the disgraceful incidents of his trial, the poltroonery of those who will lead him forth to death, have excited throughout all the North strong feeling of sympathy in his behalf, but no where, within our knowledge, is the opinion entertained that he should not be held answerable, for the legal consequence of his act. Question: Compare and contrast the reaction of John Brown’s hanging by the two newspaper excerpts. How could these ar ticles contribute to the tensions between the Nor th and the South? Use specific examples from the text to suppor t your answer. SOCIAL STUDIES PRE AND POST SHIFT NOTES TURN AND TALK With a partner… Share your initial thinking and reactions WRITING FROM SOURCES Three Text Types Argument Informational/ Explanatory Writing Narrative Writing SHIFT 5 Supporting a claim with sound reasoning and relevant evidence Increase subject knowledge Explain a process Enhance comprehension Conveys experience i.e. fictional stories, memoirs, anecdotes, autobiographies Argumentative writing is especially prominent in the CCLS Appendix C: Samples of Student Writing Pre-CCLS Describe a time when you took action in support of something you strongly believed in. What were the consequences of your actions? SHIFT 5 Writing from Sources Post-CCLS Write a critical essay in which you discuss your understanding of John Brown from the perspective provided in the critical lens. Provide a valid interpretation of the statement. Agree or disagree with the statement as you’ve interpreted it. Support your opinion using specific references from the two works listed above. SHIFT 5 Writing from Sources Critical Lens Nothing is given to man on earth – struggle is built into the nature of life, and conflict is possible - the hero is the man who lets no obstacle prevent him from pursuing the values he has chosen. ACADEMIC VOCABULARY Tier One Words • Words of everyday speech Tier Two Words • Not specific to any one academic area • Generally not well-defined by context or explicitly defined within a text • Wide applicability to many types of reading Tier Three Words • Domain specific • Low-frequency • Often explicitly defined • Heavily scaffolded SHIFT 6 Ramp up instruction of Tier Two words Pre-CCLS abolition SHIFT 6 radical secede Martial Law Academic Vocabulary Post-CCLS Tier 3 Words Tier 2 Words abolition inclined radical aggressive secede sublime Martial law convictions SHIFT 6 Academic Vocabulary SOCIAL STUDIES PRE AND POST SHIFT NOTES TURN AND TALK With a partner… Share your initial thinking and reactions QUESTIONS? CONCERNS? NOTICES?