Morning Meeting Presentation

The Morning
Cathy Wharmby
Molly Cunningham
Laura Cullman
Communities Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming lifelong learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and
O Each student receives a greeting
O Addresses listening and speaking common core
O Could be used to teach cultural norms/customs
O Allows for personal and positive interaction between
Greeting- Examples
O Beyond the handshake- butterfly greeting,
elbow greeting, pinky greeting, formal
Sentence structure greetings- use a
language concept that is being studied (e.g.
compliment greeting).
1 minute greeting/ 1 minute silent greeting
Category greeting
Puppet greeting
Morning Message
Communication standard 1.2: Students understand and
interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics
O Transferable skill for language arts and other
content areas
O Topics=punctuation, capital letters, accents,
synonyms/antonyms, prefixes/suffixes, and root
words, etc.
O Read the message together and add an activity for
the students to complete as a class (find the errors,
find the prefixes, etc.).
O It can remind students about important
events/assignments and set a positive tone for the
Sample Morning Message
Buenas días estudiantes,
Hoy vamos a hablar sobre los partes de un
reunión del mañana y vamos a hacer un actividad y una
saludo. Espero que esté listo para aprender mucho
información y disfrutar la día.
El profesora
¿ Qué es la error del carta?
Concordancia de género
Discussion of the Message
O After each student reads the letter at the
beginning of the day, each person will sign
his or her name under an answer.
O Read the letter as a group, discuss the
correct answer and errors, and make
corrections to the letter as a class.
~ This letter does not have correct gender agreement…
Communication Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts,
and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
O Whole group share
O Teacher directed
O Student to student
O I have.....Me, too.
O Partner share
O Mingle
O Double Lines (Traveling Lines)
O Concentric Circles
O Written response
O Where is the Porcupine?
Share Suggestions
O Use anchor charts to support students' use
of language.
O Encourage students to use whole sentences
rather than one word answers.
O Encourage students to look at each other,
not just the teacher.
O Use various verb tenses, not just present.
Connections Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their
knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language
O Fosters a sense of community.
O Develops conversational language skills.
O Can integrate skills from any content area.
O Often increases engagement for the
remainder of the class/day.
O Fun for the students!
O Juego de los animales-speaking, listening
O Mystery number-math, speaking
O Songs-reading, speaking, listening
O Snowball fight-writing, reading
O What is the object?-speaking, listening
O 20 questions-speaking, listening, language arts
O Pass the pluma-speaking
O Book resources- Doing Science in Morning Meeting by
Lars Webb and Margaret Berry Wilson and Doing Math
in Morning Meeting by Andy Dousis and Margaret Berry
Questions or Comments?
O All photo images are credited to: