PRIDE Olympic & Paralympic Values PERSONAL EXCELLENCE Respect & Friendship Inspiration Determination & courage Equality Guidance Notes HOW TO USE THIS PACK: HOW TO DOWNLOAD: To download from website: • Click on the link to the pack you want to download • From the dialogue box, choose to ‘open’ or ‘save’ the file then click OK • The pack will open as a slideshow: all links are live but you will need to left click to advance through the pack. • Choose PRINT from the drop down FILE menu to print all or some of the pages (see below) • Choose SAVE AS from the drop down FILE menu to save a copy to your hard drive HOW TO PRINT (NOTE – THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THE ENTIRE PACK, ONLY INDIVIDUAL SLIDES WITH ACTIVITIY SHEETS): • Before printing, delete ‘Index’ arrows by selecting and then pressing DELETE • Individual slides can be printed by selecting individual slide numbers or ranges in the PRINT menu • To print slides in black & white or grayscale, select the relevant option from the Colour/Grayscale drop down menu when you are about to print HOW TO VIEW LINKS/USE SLIDES • These slides may be used to form part of a presentation – press F5 to view as a slideshow • To delete individual slides, click on them to select then click on ‘cut’ in the Edit menu • To make links ‘live’ you will need to view the pack as a SLIDESHOW – go to the ‘View’ menu or press F5 If you have any comments regarding this pack, or need any additional help in using it, please contact: SUZANNAH YOUDE: or tel: 01622 221678 All information in this pack was correct and all links active at time of upload but may be subject to change The Olympic & Paralympic Values and Kent PRIDE The Olympic and Paralympic Games are about much more than sporting excellence. Underpinning the Games is the philosophy of Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the Modern Olympic Movement. He saw in the Games an ideal opportunity to develop a set of universal principles – or Values – that could be applied to education and to society as a whole, as well as to sport itself. The Olympic Values are: • respect – fair play; knowing one’s own limits; and taking care of one’s health and the environment • excellence – how to give the best of oneself, on the field of play or in life; taking part; and progressing according to one’s own objectives • friendship – how, through sport, to understand each other despite any differences The Paralympic Values are based on the history of the Paralympic Games and the tradition of fair play and honourable sports competition. The Paralympic Values are: • courage • determination • inspiration • equality. Kent has chosen these 7 Olympic & Paralympic Values as the basis for PRIDE – an amalgamation of the 7 values around 5 learning themes. To find out more visit How to use the PRIDE packs • • • • • 1. 2. 3. 4. Each of the PRIDE packs will examine the Olympic values of: Personal excellence Respect & friendship Inspiration Determination & courage Equality Each pack will explore the values through the following elements: Get to Know: this aims to ‘create the informed spectator’ and focuses on getting know the Games and the Olympic Values Cultural Challenge: this aims to build the ‘Creative Explorer’ by exploring the Olympics through creation, investigation and performance Sporting Challenge: this aims to ‘Create the Active Participant’ by focusing on sporting activities, leadership and healthy lifestyles Treasured Memories: creating a lasting record of young people’s memories and experiences in the build up to 2012 You can also use ideas from the Olympic International Pack or any of the other curriculum packs available at Each pack can be used to deliver a Youth Achievement Award 15 hour challenge, by using the Treasured Memories element to create a record of young people’s participation – you will need to sign and date all evidence included e.g. activity sheets from this pack, photographs, online resources etc and include a detailed time sheet that outlines each young person’s planning, participation and evaluation. If a young person completes 4 of the 5 elements in the PRIDE packs they can earn a Bronze Award. For more details download the YAA Information Pack 2010 Get to Know: Informed Spectator Introduction GET TO KNOW: CREATE THE INFORMED SPECTATOR The aim of this element is to ensure that: • Young people understand the Olympic and Paralympic values • You people know something about the history of the Olympic Games • Young people can identify their heroes and great Olympians and Paralympians • Young people know about the events surrounding the Games • Young people acknowledge different cultures EXAMPLE: Value chosen: Personal Excellence Activity & Aims: Research records set at the Olympic and Paralympic Games e.g. Bob Beamon’s long jump record set in 1968, Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson’s achievements. Get to know Olympic and Paralympic history, values and records. Use this information to start a discussion on how achieving personal excellence can help you to become a record breaker and world beater YAA Challenge: Online tasks and resources can be printed or stored electronically, group discussions can be recorded in both audio and transcription, photographic evidence, blogs, evaluation sheets etc. can all form part of the evidence for the challenge Learning Outcomes: Young people will be learning about the history and values of the Olympics and Paralympics, young people will be becoming informed spectators, young people will be encouraged to understand concepts like motivation, focus and personal excellence Online Resources ces A range of resources from the official Get Set website Olympic & Paralympic hopefuls & heroes to follow in 2012 The history of the Olympic & Paralympic Games ces/14-16/games-1-1-1-1 Excellent online games based around Olympic & Paralympic values ces/7-11/7-11-the-olympic-andparalympic-values The Olympic & Paralympic values that PRIDE is based on 30 quizzes testing your knowledge of the c_games/olympics_history.html Olympic Movement Online Resources pdf An extensive list of online Olympic resources, including history, heroes and the future for the games A comprehensive database of all Olympic medallists Find out all about your British sporting heroes here Find out all about Kent sport stars hoping uture.asp to become Olympic heroes The official website of the British Olympic Movement Colin Jackson aims to inspire you to achieve your goals Aims, Objective & Outcomes Aims • AIMS • Creating an informed spectator who knows about the Games and their values Objectives • OBJECTIVES • To consider the qualities that help make a Champion, understanding Olympic & Paralympic values and how they apply to our own lives Outcomes • OUTCOMES • self reflection, goal setting, awareness of values and how they help us achieve personal excellence, working individually and with a group, understanding the Olympic message and how it applies to your own life Icebreakers OLYMPIC NAME CHAIN: Introduce yourself to the group adding a word that describes you based upon the first letter of your name – try and choose something that reflects Olympic & Paralympic values and Olympic & Paralympic sports e.g Jumping Jack, Speedy/strong Sarah, Excellent Ed. Then Introduce yourself, and the person to your right. The person to your right repeats previous introductions, and introduces the person to their right. Continue with the next person to the right, until all names have been repeated. This activity will help students learn each other’s name and is a fun way to think about the Olympics & Paralympics and Olympic & Paralympic values. OLYMPIC INTRODUCTIONS: Introduce yourself to the group by saying ‘my name is ….. and if I was a famous Olympian (or Paraympian) I’d be …… because ………...’ Now ask the person on your right to introduce themselves. You can extend this icebreaker by asking young people in the group why they chose the Olympian or Paralympian they did and what qualities about that person they most admire. OLYMPIC TORCH RELAY: Pass your Olympic torch (an electric torch will do or you could use your imagination & a kitchen towel inner tube!) round the circle and encourage each young person to give their name and state the thing they think they’re best at. As with a talking stick evaluation, the person holding the torch is the only one who can speak! WHO AM I? OLYMPIC HEROES: Pin a name to each young person’s back – you can use your own or the ideas on the sheet. Young people need to find out ‘their’ identity by asking yes/no questions e.g. am I a man? Did I win a Gold medal? When everyone has found out their identity (or figured out the sport involved, or some clue to the identity if they can’t remember the name) bring the group back together and use the ice breaker to start a discussion about Olympic heroes – what qualities do they need? Do we all share those qualities? What makes an Olympic hero special? What sets them apart? How can we aspire to be more like our heroes? KELLY HOLMES - RUNNER OSCAR PISTORIUS - RUNNER CHRIS HOY - CYCLIST ELEANOR SIMMONDS SWIMMER Only woman to win the 800m & 1500m double at the Olympics Qualified for the 400m in both the Olympics & Paralympics – known as the ‘Blade Runner’ First GB man to win 4 Golds in a single Games in 100 years Double Paralympic swimming Gold medallist at 13! TOM DALEY - DIVER AMIR KAHN - BOXER TANNI GREY-THOMPSON – WHEELCHAIR RACER JONATHAN EDWARDS – TRIPLE JUMPER Olympic fianlist at 14 and youngest member of the Beijing Olympic team Silver medallist and now World Champion WINNER OF 16 Paralympic medals including 11 Golds! Gold medallist and world record holder STEVE REDGRAVE – ROWER EDDIE ‘THE EAGLE’ EDWARDS – SKI JUMPER AMY WILLIAMS –SKELETON DALEY THOMPSON – DECATHLETE England’s greatest Olympian – 5 Gold medals at 5 Olympic Games Came last in his event but embodied the Olympic Spirit of taking part First individual Gold at Winter Games in 30 years Gold medallist and multiple world record holder in sport’s hardest challenge NADIA COMANECI – GYMNAST REBECCA ADLINGTON – SWIMMER TORVILLE & DEAN – ICE DANCE USAIN BOLT – 100M RUNNER Gold medallist who scored the only perfect 10 at the Olympics Double Gold medallist in Beijing Won the Gold with the highest ever score – a row of perfect 6.0s Multiple Gold medallist and World record holder Discussion Themes How about printing off some of these discussion topics and putting them up around your centre? Good places might be the front door, notice boards, tables where young people sit or the toilets - you could even use one as a screensaver! • • • • • The Modern Olympic Games were founded by Baron Pierre de Coubertin. He said ““The quest for excellence is not the goal in itself but a means of aiming higher…The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part”. Do you agree that trying to do your best even if you don’t win is an achievement or do you believe that winning is everything and second place is first loser? Read the interview with David Brailsford, director of the British Cycling team that won 14 Golds in Beijing In it he says personal excellence comes from having support and encouragement in what you’re doing so that you can take control of y our own destiny. The British Cycling team have been very successful – is he right? What qualities do you think are needed to achieve personal excellence? The Olympic Motto is three Latin words: Citius – Altius – Fortius which translate to Faster – Higher – Stronger. How does the motto relate to personal excellence? Why isn’t the motto Fastest – Highest – Strongest? BRAINSTORM: What is personal excellence? Personal excellence is about trying to do our best. Even when we think that we can’t do any better there is always a way to make improvements. For Olympic athletes it is not only about winning but also about participating and making progress towards personal goals. Ask young people to brainstorm words associated with personal excellence and note these thoughts on a piece of flip chart paper. To get the activity started here are some words associated with excellence: Creative, Enterprising, Ambitious, Focused, Organised, Purposeful & Wise. Encourage young people to give their reasons why they use a particular word to describe excellence and whether they feel they possess that quality themselves Try playing the ‘Know Your Values’ game and use as a basis for discussion of the Olympic & Paralympic values, your understanding of them and how they can have an impact on our lives Session Ideas • WHAT IS EXCELLENCE? Becoming an Olympian takes a lot of hard work, discipline, sacrifice and disappointment – becoming a top athlete is a huge commitment. We can all try to be our best to help us achieve our goals and ambitions. Following on from the brainstorm activity, ask young people to complete the Excellence activity sheet with words that they associate with achieving personal excellence in their own lives. Leaders note: If you use the brainstorming activity, try and display the results in the centre throughout your sessions on the Values as a useful reference. To support young people with literacy issues, you could use this activity as a group and ask for suggestions for words that you then write up on flip chart paper or similar • PROFILE OF EXCELLENCE Every athlete who competes in the Summer or Winter Games has a story to tell about how they reached their level of personal excellence – they have their ups and downs, likes and dislikes, triumphs and defeats. Using the ‘Personal Profile’ sheet, ask young people to profile one of the 2012 heroes – encourage young people to profile both Olympians and Paralympians. Ask young people to share their views of these athletes – what have they learnt about what motivates these athletes strive for personal excellence? Leaders note: This activity needs computer access. If this is not available you could bring in newspaper articles about athletes. • WHAT MAKES YOU EXCELLENT? Cut out the personal excellence cards and ask young people to rank them – this is a good small group activity with each group discussing and agreeing the importance of each value. This could be extended to an activity ranking all 5 Olympic Values. When each group is happy with their ranking, ask them to share their thoughts with the other groups. Discuss which values (if any) are consistently high or low placed by each group. Leaders note: This activity would also be suitable for a whole group activity. You could also leave the cards on tables where young people congregate as a means of starting a discussion around the Olympic & Paralympic Values What is ‘Excellence’? Trying to be your best is the drive behind the desire to accomplish something. Striving for personal excellence helps Olympians train for as long and as hard as they do. Trying to be the best we can be can help us all achieve our goals and ambitions – write one word that starts with each letter that helps you keep motivated, keep achieving and aiming for personal excellence! E X C E L L E N C E Personal Profile Each of the more than 10,000 athletes that compete in the Olympic and Paralympic Games has their own story to tell about how they achieved their own level of excellence. Like all of us, they have good days and bad, triumphs and defeats, and likes and dislikes. Create a profile of one of the 2012 Olympic heroes You can collect information about the athlete from newspaper clippings, television coverage, magazine articles and websites. Complete the profile below and then use this information to create a poster to display about your athlete – then follow their progress in 2012! Athelte’s Name Sport Event (s) they compete in Birthday Occupation Hobbies & interests Their recipe for personal excellence Anything else! Excellence Values – cut out and place them in the order you think they’re most important POSITIVE OUTLOOK PERSEVERANCE WILLPOWER SELF DISCIPLINE PRIDE CONCERN FOR OTHERS BRAVERY FAIR PLAY GOOD ORGANISATION COMPETITIVENESS Session Ideas • MY BEST QUALITIES attach a sheet of paper to each young person’s back. Provide everyone with a pen and ask young people to write one thing on each other’s backs – the only rule is that you must write down what you think is that person’s best quality – no negativity! When everyone has had a chance to write something on everyone’s back, stop the activity and ask each young person to remove their sheet of paper and read it. Give the group a few minutes to review their sheets and then discuss with the group – was anyone surprised by the qualities on their sheet? Did they agree with other people’s views? Were there some qualities they hadn’t realised they had? How will this knowledge help them to achieve their goals in future? Leaders note: It’s important that this activity stays positive so you’ll need to think about ways that you can steer young people towards the positive and resolve any potential conflicts. If young people agree to share you could display the sheets and use them as a discussion starter with other young people who weren’t involved in the session – ask them to guess which young person is which, for example • EXCELLENCE EVALUATION ACTIVITY Explain that it can help young people to achieve personal excellence if they think about and evaluate their beliefs. Get each young person to complete the survey and then discuss the results with the group – what values do we demonstrate by the choices we’ve made in the survey? Why do we choose some values more than others? How can we change our values to strive for excellence? Leaders note: this could be a useful tool to get young people to start thinking about their personal values – why not print out a few copies and leave them lying around or stick them up around the centre to get young people thinking EXCELLENCE SURVEY It can really help you to evaluate your progress towards excellence to think about your beliefs. How much do you value: Winning Having fun, playing the game Friendship Exercise Fair play Competition, being the best Being part of a team Coaching, refereeing World Beaters Quiz Can you match the athlete to the record breaking achievement? Dame Tanni Grey Thompson Broke 3 world records at Beijing Dame Kelly Holmes Has won 5 gold medals in 5 Olympics Won 7 Golds with 7 world records Sir Steve Redgrave Runs in both Olympic & Paralympic events Usain Bolt Oscar Pistorius Only woman to do the 800m & 1500m Double Mark Spitz Won a record breaking 4 Golds at the Sydney Paralympics What Makes a Champion? Courage Motivation Creative Enterprising Ambitious Focused Organised Purposeful Wise Positive Willpower Discipline Pride Fairplay Confidence Competitiveness E N J P U R P O S E F U L T C C O U R A G E P I P D P E O F S E I T N M N K H X Q V M E A Q X D I W G T P I T I P N D I I K P I L Z E F J T E I E E R X W O M R X R X A T L E V S P Q R R J O P P E I P A C I U L V Z G D E T R T I W M N T C A Z M A O X C I C E V N E I O Y R R N T S V S V G H Q D S F E E S I W E I I R A L R I O Q Q J G S N D I N R G T S F P I Q O J E W K A G O P M I N L C S H S D P F C W I L L P O W E R S U O I T I B M A Y P C N J S Cultural Challenge: Creative Explorer Introduction CULTURAL CHALLENGE: CREATIVE EXPLORER The aim of this element is to ensure that: • Young people explore the world through a range of mediums e.g. art. technology • You people express themselves using a range of mediums e.g. visual art, written word, photography & video, blogging • Young people can identify their artistic and technological heroes • Young people are introduced to new cultures and develop their own cultural identity through exploration of the Olympic & Paralympic Games • Young people understand the contribution of different cultures to the Games EXAMPLE: Value chosen: Personal Excellence Activity & Aims: Building on research and discussion around personal excellence and the way it inspires athletes to record breaking achievements, young people will explore the idea of personal excellence and record breaking through a range of mediums e.g spoken word (poetry & rapping), visual art, video (recreating a record breaking achievement), online (setting up a web page to celebrate an athlete’s achievements). YAA Challenge: Online tasks and resources can be printed or stored electronically, art work, written word, video etc can all be recorded and form part of the evidence for the challenge Learning Outcomes: Young people will be exploring their feelings about personal excellence and what exactly they admire in a particular athlete or record breaking performance and expressing them through a creative medium of their choice Online Resources Resources from the official Get Set London 2012 website Official site of the 2012 Cultural Olympiad Find out more about taking part in the Inspire programme Kent Sport Cultural Olympiad pages Arts & crafts ideas and activities Make your own Olympics! Kent 2012 Schools Torch Project video Ideas for delivering the Olympic themes from the Kent 20in12 Learning Programme Explore visual art created by famous Olympian athletes like Bob Beamon Make your own Wenlock or Mandeville and display in the online gallery! Aims, Objective & Outcomes Aims • AIMS • Becoming a ‘creative explorer’ by exploring the Olympics through creation, investigation and performance • OBJECTIVES • Completing a cultural challenge that promotes creativity, investigation, Objectives innovation and performance around personal excellence • OUTCOMES • Gaining inspiration from others, using reflective thinking, applying the Outcomes Olympic message to your own life, developing creative skills Icebreakers OLYMPIC RINGS: A good icebreaker for individuals or pairs, particularly if they might be unwilling to talk about themselves. Give each pair a piece of paper (or use the sheet provided) and ask them to draw round each other’s hands then draw a number of rings between the pairs of hands. Young people write their name on one of the hands and where they live on the other. On each ring, they can write things they’re particularly good at. Around the rings, they can write the names of people who are particularly influential in their lives e.g. parents, brothers and sisters, friends and family. This can then form the basis for a discussion about our own areas of excellence. If you use the activity sheet, you’ll need to colour the rings blue, black, red, yellow & green. OLYMPIC COLOURS: Place several objects in a bowl that are coloured blue, black, red, yellow and green (the colours of the Olympic rings). Ask each young person to pick something from the bowl. Then ask all the young people with something blue to state one of their hopes & dreams, everyone holding something black to name one thing that keeps them grounded, everyone holding something red to name their best skill or talent, everyone holding something yellow to name one thing that makes them happy, everyone holding something green to state one wish for the future. You can repeat this by asking young people to replace the objects and choose again. WALK TALK ask the group to start walking round the room, using all the space not just in a circle. Now ask them to walk in the following ways: as if you’re on your way to an exam; as if you’ve just seen a brilliant film/heard an amazing piece of music/seen a beautiful painting; as if you’ve won a Gold medal; as if you’ve just been dumped by your girlfriend/boyfriend; as if you’re confident; as if you’re a superstar – if any young people don’t want to participate, ask them to help you think up some interesting instructions. Ask the group whether the different emotions made them move in a different way and why that might be? Do we hold our bodies differently if we feel differently? Does moving differently help us to feel differently? OLYMPIC MATCHES as young people enter the centre, give them a piece of paper with an Olympic themed word or name on it – this could be Olympic athletes, countries that take part, cities that have hosted the games or Olympic & Paralympic sports (all this information is available in this pack). Make sure there are at least 2 of everything and then ask young people to find their matches. This can be used as a way of determining pairs or groups for follow on activities. Discussion Themes How about printing off some of these discussion topics and putting them up around your centre? Good places might be the front door, notice boards, tables where young people sit or the toilets - you could even use one as a screensaver! • • • • • Nominations are under way for people to carry the Olympic torch on the relay to London 2012. Nominees include everyone from community heroes to a robot! Who would you nominate to carry the torch and why? And why do you find them inspirational in your own life? The 2012 Olympics will create a generation of sporting heroes. The Cultural Olympiad aims to engage everyone, especially young people, in an artistic and cultural celebration of 2012 If you were organising your own London 2012 Festival who would you choose to represent this country’s excellence in the arts, science and culture? Look at the website ‘Art of the Olympians’ (see online resources). Whose work do you like best? Who do you think best captures their sport in art? Olympian Tony Moore says “As in life, the prize is not in the winning (or the destination), but in the journey along the way.” How successful are these Olympians in achieving excellence in their art? ”Excellence is not doing extraordinary things, but it is doing ordinary things extraordinarily“ – think about great achievers in sport, arts and science (people like Usain Bolt, William Shakespeare and Albert Einstein) – do you agree or disagree with the statement? Every Olympics has its mascots and merchandising – they help to embody the Olympic spirit and values in accessible, visual ways. Session Ideas • INSPIRATION & EXCELLENCE either hand out the sheets featuring the two inspirational athletes or read out their stories. Most great Olympic athletes overcome discouragement and disappointment, injury and physical handicaps, to achieve their dreams. They show not only great ability but also great heart. Split the group into smaller groups and ask them to either choose one of the two life stories or use another athlete they know of and create a 10 minute presentation about them – this could be a PowerPoint, a short drama, a rap or poem , song or talk about their life. Ask them to highlight the way the athlete has overcome hardship to become the best they can be. Leaders note: you can also encourage young people to research their own Olympic & Paralympic hero by using the Internet and newspapers and magazines. Or why not encourage young people to ask their parents/carers to tell them their Olympic & Paralympic heroes? • YOU ARE A CHAMPION! Divide the group into pairs and ask them to decide which one is the champion and which one the TV interviewer. Now ask them to roleplay a TV interview after the 2012 Olympics with the athlete. Use the questions on the activity sheet to explore what makes the athlete a champion. Now come back together as a group and share some of the answers. Leaders note: young people who don’t want to be involved directly in the role play could take the parts of cameramen, boom operators (holding the big microphone) or floor manager (the person who directs what is happening in the studio). You could involved the whole group in the role play and have the interviewer and interviewee, studio crew, director and studio audience who can ask questions. If you encourage questions, lay some ground rules about appropriate content! • WHAT MAKES A CHAMPION? Divide the group into small groups and ask them to brainstorm the qualities that they feel make a champion. Now ask each group to design a ‘Champion Wanted’ ad and then make a display of them. You can use the template in the pack as a starting point. Leaders note: as an extension activity, this could form the basis of a role play performance, using the advert as a basis for a job interview with someone playing the would be champion and someone the would be employer/coach Excellent Athletes Ade Adepitan is a British basketball player and TV presenter. As a 6 month old baby, he contracted polio which led to the loss of the use of his left leg and stopped him from walking. But that didn’t stop Ade from becoming a successful Athlete. At school he saw the British wheelchair basketball team which inspired him to take up the sport and he has never looked back. Ade has competed on every continent and at every level, eventually scoring the crucial baskets against World Champions USA that would lead to the GB team winning a Bronze medal at the Athens Paralympics. Ade was awarded the MBE by the Queen in 2005 for services to disability sport and he has campaigned against disability discrimination and racism. Ade’s TV presenting career has seen him do everything from wheelchair dance to mountain climbing. He has spoken about the difficulties of overcoming the language barrier as a Londoner living in Spain but, like every other challenge in his life, Ade met the challenge, overcame it and came out stronger. Dame Kelly Holmes is a superstar of British athletics and the only woman ever to win Gold medals in the 800m and 1500m. She was voted Sports Personality of the Year and made a Dame for her achievements which she has said is amazing for "a girl brought up in a humble council house” But it was a long, hard road to success – her career was dogged with injuries and illness . It seemed that success would never come until she based herself in South Africa and trained with Maria Mutola a decision which turned her career around and provided the inspiration for her Golden Double. In 2005, Dame Kelly revealed that she had been so depressed at her lack of success that she had self harmed, cutting herself with scissors. However, she sought professional help and 2 months later won her historic Golds. She said later "Now I don't think I'll ever get to that stage again because I've achieved what I've always wanted. I strove to be the best and not give up on it." You Are The Champion! INTERVIEWER Start the interview by asking the ‘athlete’s’ name and what they’ve achieved. Then ask the following questions to ask during the roleplay: • • • • • • Will you please describe some of the skills involved in your activity? Will you please tell us what you had to do to reach your goal? Is there anyone you’d like to mention who helped you? How did they help? Your young fans would like to know what advice you would give to them so that they can do what you did. What does it feel like now that you have reached your goal? How has your life changed? How can you share your experience with friends and the community? ATHLETE You can make up everything about their character – name, sport, achievement e.g. ‘I’m a custard throwing world champion who has just won a Gold medal in the long distance throwing event at the custard throwing world championships’. Or you can use the name and identity and achievements of a recognised athlete e.g. ‘My name’s Chris Hoy and I won 4 Gold medals in track cycling in Beijing’. However, whichever you choose, you can make up any of your answers to the TV interviewers questions . CHAMPION WANTED! You must be (physical qualities) e.g. fit, healthy, strong You must have (mental qualities) e.g. determination, courage We need you to (what they must achieve) e.g. win medals, be a role model You’ll be rewarded with (what they’ll win – not just prizes!) e.g. medals, attention Session Ideas • OLYMPIC FLAG as a group, think about the Olympic symbols like the Rings and the Olympic motto and values. Now design a flag or banner that incorporates those elements (the rings are blue, black, red, yellow and green). Design your own Olympic logo and motto for your flag and think about how you can use your Olympic flag to inspire people to excel. As an extension activity, try designing some promotional items that incorporate and promote your motto and logo. Leaders note: this is a useful activity for focusing on discussions and activities you may already have done in earlier sessions around the value of personal excellence. • POSITIVE PRINTS give each young person a set of 5 index cards and ask them to write 5 inspirational and motivational statements on them that reflect their understanding of the Olympic values and how they can help them to do their best. These could be: a favourite quote or line from a song, something a parent or teacher has told them, a compliment a friend has given them, the story of someone they find inspiring etc. Ask young people to decorate their cards appropriately. These can be stored in a decorated small box or envelope and added to as part of the evidencing and evaluation of each session. Leaders note: this activity could be used to build self confidence and self esteem in young people by helping them to focus on the positive about themselves • INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC ask each young person to come up with a 3-5 song playlist that inspires them and reflects their values. Now ask them to design a CD cover for their playlist that includes liner notes on why each song inspires and motivates them. Now do the same thing as a group and pick 5 tracks to inspire your 2012 heroes! You can use the template in the pack as a starting point. Leaders note: if you have computer access you could also sign up for a free account with Spotify and encourage young people to put together their playlists and share them