Daily Oral Language Week 12
M. Greene
Day 1
Correct the Sentences Below
has mother spoke to she
and kevin concerning an
article in the magazine
outdoor life about camping
in the catskill mountains
noone in my family has
never went to the art
museum in chicago and saw
picassos painting the blue
Types of Errors
Day 1
Correct the Sentences Below
has mother spoke to she
and kevin concerning an
article in the magazine
outdoor life about camping
in the catskill mountains
Types of Errors
Proper nouns, verb,
pronoun, underline,
question mark
Spelling, single vs. double
noone in my family has
negative, verbs, proper
never went to the art
museum in chicago and saw nouns, apostrophe, underline
picassos painting the blue
Day 1
Correct the Sentences Below
Types of Errors
Has Mother spoken to Kevin Proper nouns, verb,
and her concerning an
pronoun, underline,
article in the magazine
question mark
Outdoor Life about camping
in the Catskill Mountains?
No one in my family has
ever gone to the art
museum in Chicago and
seen Picasso’s painting The
Blue Guitarist.
Spelling, single vs. double
negative, verbs, proper
nouns, apostrophe, underline
Day 2
Correct the Sentences Below
sgt spriker is it alright to
assume that most of the
twenty seventh division
personnel is from oklahoma
after you have drew a map
showing the route from
colridge ave to highway 52
you may continue reading
the book rascal
Types of Errors
Day 2
Correct the Sentences Below
Types of Errors
sgt spriker is it alright to
assume that most of the
twenty seventh division
personnel is from oklahoma
Period, proper nouns,
comma, spelling, proper
adjective, hyphen, subjectverb agreement, question
after you have drew a map
showing the route from
colridge ave to highway 52
you may continue reading
the book rascal
Verb, proper nouns, period,
comma, underline
Day 2
Correct the Sentences Below
Sgt. Spriker, is it all right to
assume that most of the
Twenty-seventh Division
personnel are from
Types of Errors
Period, proper nouns,
comma, spelling, proper
adjective, hyphen, subjectverb agreement, question
After you have drawn a map Verb, proper nouns, period,
comma, underline
showing the route from
Colridge Ave. to Highway 52,
you may continue reading
the book Rascal.
Day 3
Correct the Sentences Below
the clerks at that there store
is the more helpful in town
for example one let me
examine all the ties inside of
the showcase
had he knew before the
collegiate all state swim
meet that conrad has swam
every day since february 2
Types of Errors
Day 3
Correct the Sentences Below
Types of Errors
the clerks at that there store
is the more helpful in town
for example one let me
examine all the ties inside of
the showcase
Determiner, subject-verb
agreement, superlative
degree, semicolon, comma,
double preposition
Verbs, proper nouns, hyphen,
had he knew before the
comma, question mark
collegiate all state swim
meet that conrad has swam
every day since february 2
Day 3
Correct the Sentences Below
Types of Errors
The clerks at that store are
the most helpful in town; for
example, one let me
examine all the ties inside
the showcase.
Determiner, subject-verb
agreement, superlative
degree, semicolon, comma,
double preposition
Verbs, proper nouns, hyphen,
Had he known before the
comma, question mark
Collegiate All-State Swim
Meet that Conrad has swum
every day since February 2,
Day 4
Correct the Sentences Below
mr cooper said that when
he teached at chapel hill the
students theirselves
choosed topics for there
research papers
they want to lay on the floor
and watch the world of
sports this program will be
on television at 900 pm in
the evening
Types of Errors
Day 4
Correct the Sentences Below
Types of Errors
mr cooper said that when
Period, proper nouns,
he teached at chapel hill the verbs, comma, pronoun,
students theirselves
choosed topics for there
research papers
they want to lay on the floor Wrong word, proper noun,
underline, reduction, colon,
and watch the world of
sports this program will be periods
on television at 900 pm in
the evening
Day 4
Correct the Sentences Below
Types of Errors
Mr. Cooper said that when Period, proper nouns,
he taught at Chapel Hill, the verbs, comma, pronoun,
students themselves chose homophone
topics for their research
They want to lie on the floor Wrong word, proper noun,
underline, reduction, colon,
and watch the World of
Sports at 9:00 P.M.