Semper Paratus Niteo THE CHURCH LIFE CYCLE MATURITY STAGE 3.5 “If your church is in stage 3, remember that you still have many fruitful years ahead, but the process of death has already begun to creep into your congregation. The good news is that churches in stage 3 are much easier to turn around than those in stages 4 or 5. Mission is still fairly strong in the background of your church, so you must immediately begin to refocus on accomplishing your mission before the church moves further down the death track.” Waking the Dead, Burrill, 38-39 LIFE CYCLE RESET “…you must immediately begin to refocus on accomplishing your mission before the church moves further down the death track.” Waking the Dead, Burrill, 38-39 OUR PRESENT COURSE “If a plateaued or declining church cannot look down the road and see itself making disciples with increased intensity, it will be disobedient to Jesus’ great commission, an unacceptable position for a church that claims to follow the Master.” Waking the Dead, Burrill, 51 HIS PURPOSE, OUR PURPOSE “Remember, this is not really your church; it is the Lord’s church. We are His followers. His purpose for the church must be our purpose. To have any other purpose for the church than His is to fail to be a legitimate church of Jesus Christ.” Waking the Dead, Burrill, 50 GOD’S PURPOSE “The reason for the existence of the church was to go forth and make disciples among all people groups…Jesus declares that He possesses all authority…He is not asking us to go – He is telling us we must go. We have no choice. If we are His disciples, we will obey and go.” Waking the Dead, Burrill, 23 Matthew 28:18-20 18 And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Semper Paratus Niteo John 14:15 15 “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. I John 2:5b-6 5 …By this we know that we are in Him: 6 the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked. John 14:6 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” I John 5:11-12 11 And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12 He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. John 10:10 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. “People Need The Lord” Dave & Darlene Payne, Dick Baker TESTIMONY Ebony Jones Semper Paratus Niteo Matthew 9:35-36 35 Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness. 36 Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. Matthew 9:37-38 37 Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. 38 Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” “My House Is Full But My Field Is Empty” Dorothy Pettigrew Into my heart, Into my Heart Come into my heart, Lord Jesus Come in today, Come in to stay Come into my heart, Lord Jesus Out my heart, Out my Heart Shine out of my heart, Lord Jesus Shine out today, Shine out I pray Shine out of my heart, Lord Jesus Umpqua River Lighthouse & Museum John 1:4-5 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. 5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. John 1:6-9 6 There came a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness, to testify about the Light, so that all might believe through him. 8 He was not the Light, but he came to testify about the Light. 9 There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. John 9:5 5 “While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world.” John 8:12 12 Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” Matthew 5:14a 14 “You are the light of the world.” VISION Every member motivated, equipped and challenged to proactively shine brightly for Jesus Christ! 2 Year Campaign 2013 1st Quarter • Launch Campaign • 2/2 Russell Burrill • SPN Basic Training 2nd Quarter • Reclaiming Mission • Continued Emphasis • Testimonies, etc.. 3rd Quarter • Challenge each ministry to evaluate. • Establish new connecting ministry (1) 4th Quarter • Establish new connecting ministry (2) • Fall Repeat of SPN Training Event? 2 Year Campaign 2014 1st Quarter • Outreach Series (1) • Rodney Payne 2 • 12-14 Nights • Goal: Invite into further study 2nd Quarter • Follow up • Establish New Connecting Ministry (3) 3rd Quarter • Establish new connecting ministry (4) 4th Quarter • Elevate emphasis for final event. 2015 1st Quarter • Outreach Series (2) GOALS BASIC TRAINING MARCH 2013 3/01 Friday • Semper Paratus Niteo 3/02 Saturday • Talking To The True Light 3/03 Sunday • Listening To The True Light 3/08 Friday • Vibrant Health = Vibrant Witness 3/09 Saturday • Sharing What God HAS Done For You 3/10 Sunday • Sharing What God IS Doing For You 3/15 Friday • This Is Salvation I 3/16 Saturday • This Is Salvation II 3/17 Sunday • You Have Been Gifted 3/22 Friday • Opening The Bible With Others I 3/23 Saturday • Opening The Bible With Others II 3/24 Sunday • Opening The Bible With Others III 3/29 Friday • Opening The Bible With Others IV 3/30 Saturday • Graduation/Commissioning BASIC TRAINING Title: Semper Paratus Niteo Topic: Introduction: Purpose, Motivation & Overview Goal: To communicate the purpose and urgency of this course. BASIC TRAINING Title: Talking To The True Light Topic: Devotional Life: Prayer Goal: To give tools that will help you embrace a more active and fulfilling prayer life. BASIC TRAINING Title: Listening To The True Light Topic: Devotional Life: Bible Goal: To give tools that will help you to engage a more active and fulfilling experience with the Bible. BASIC TRAINING Title: Vibrant Health = Vibrant Witness Topic: N.E.W S.T.A.R.T: Wellness Goal: To help you understand the connection between you wellness and your witness. And give a simple paradigm that will promote personal wellness. BASIC TRAINING Title: Sharing What God HAS Done For You Topic: Sharing Your Personal Experience: Historical Goal: To equip you with the skills to articulate and share your faith stories in the right way and at the right time. BASIC TRAINING Title: Sharing What God IS Doing For You Topic: Sharing Your Personal Experience: Present Goal: To equip you with the skill of easily expressing to others your present journey with Jesus. BASIC TRAINING Title: This Is Salvation I Topic: Sharing the Good News of Salvation Part 1 Goal: To equip you with the skill of articulating and sharing the basic message of the gospel through a series of Bible texts. BASIC TRAINING Title: This Is Salvation II Topic: Sharing the Good News of Salvation Part 2 Goal: To give you an opportunity to practice presenting the gospel. BASIC TRAINING Title: You Have Been Gifted Topic: Personal Spiritual Gifts Goal: To help you recognize the gifts God has given you that can be used for the mission. BASIC TRAINING Title: Opening The Bible With Others I Topic: Motivation & Ability To Share The Bible. Goal: To motivate and encourage you that it is within your ability to share Bible lessons with others. BASIC TRAINING Title: Opening The Bible With Others II Topic: Inviting Others To A Bible Study Goal: To equip you with ideas of how to invite others into a Bible study and how to get started. BASIC TRAINING Title: Opening The Bible With Others III Topic: How To Effectively Share The Bible With Others. Goal: To train you how to be successful in leading others in Bible lessons. BASIC TRAINING Title: Opening The Bible With Others IV Topic: Role Playing A Bible Sharing Experience Goal: To give you an opportunity to practice giving a Bible lesson. BASIC TRAINING Title: Into The Harvest Topic: Graduation/Commissioning Goal: To affirm and consecrate those who have completed the basic training for mission.