MAKING STANDARDS BASED GRADING WORK IN YOUR WORLD LANGUAGE CLASSROOM Jenni Highfill Kim Lackey Denise Pahl Eureka High School, Rockwood School District All presentation materials available at “NO MATTER HOW LOFTY OUR ESPOUSED EDUCATION GOALS, OUR GRADING PRACTICES REVEAL WHAT WE TRULY VALUE.” -Tony Winger “WHAT WE KNOW TODAY DOES NOT MAKE YESTERDAY WRONG. IT MAKES TOMORROW BETTER.” -Carol Commadore WHERE ARE WE COMING FROM? Rockwood School District / Eureka High School All Spanish teachers / PLCs incorporate the same standard-based grading practices. RSD has a grading and reporting policy that is a work in progress. Disconnect between grading and reporting system Our focus is on Standards Based Grading and Feedback – NOT Standards Based Reporting. We are not experts. We are learning everyday. Our practice is constantly evolving. WHAT POWER DOES A GRADE HAVE? Think Pair Share WHAT ARE THE 15 FIXES FOR BROKEN GRADES? Ken O'Connor, a.k.a. The Grade Doctor, is an independent consultant who specializes in issues related to the communication of student achievement, especially grading and reporting. Rockwood School District has used Ken O’Connor’s book as a starting point for book studies and common language about standards based grading. 1. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING ARE CURRENTLY REFLECTED IN GRADES IN MOST CLASSROOMS IN THE U.S.? A. how well students behave in class B. how well students can take tests C. if students are responsible and do their homework D. if students participate in class what students know and are able to do F. group work and projects that students do G. student attitudes towards the class H. extra credit I. if students bring their materials to class each day J. all of the above E. 2. WHAT DO YOU THINK GRADES SHOULD REFLECT? A. how well students behave in class? B. how well students can take tests? C. if students are responsible and do their homework? D. if students participate in class? what students know and are able to do? F. group work and projects that students do? G. student attitudes towards the class? H. all of the above? E. 3. WHAT DO WE THINK GRADES SHOULD REFLECT? We believe grades should reflect what students know and are able to do. What should count in a grade? Vocabulary Assessments Grammar Assessments Speaking Assessments Listening Assessments Reading Assessments Writing Assessments Work that is graded Work that shows what a student knows and is able to do What shouldn’t count in a grade? Participation Behavior Homework completion If you brought your book to class Extra credit for extra work Extra credit for bringing in a box of Kleenex, etc. Attendance Group work grades EHS SPANISH GRADEBOOK CATEGORIES AND WEIGHTS Interpersonal Communication • Speaking • Writing 20% Presentational Communication • Speaking • Writing 20% Interpretive Communication • Reading • Listening • Viewing 20% Linguistic and Cultural Competence • • • • Vocabulary Assessments Grammar Assessments Pronunciation Assessments Culture 40% WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT NON-ACADEMIC BEHAVIOR ISSUES? Failure to complete assignments Turning work in late Coming to class unprepared Attitude problems; lack of cooperation Not working up to potential Falling asleep in class WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT NON-ACADEMIC BEHAVIOR ISSUES? We deal with them as BEHAVIOR issues with behavioral consequences. Talk to the student Behavior modification tools (getting planner signed, reward system, physical proximity, seating chart adjustment, etc.) Phone call or e-mail home Mandatory academic tutoring Detention WHAT ABOUT LATE WORK? What about when they get to college and their professors don’t accept late work? Why not just take off a letter grade for every day that it’s late? What about teaching kids responsibility? What about the real world? HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATC H?V=FHEIJ2ZFIL4 RICK WORMELI ON LATE WORK WHAT ABOUT LATE WORK? What about when they get to college and their professors don’t accept late work? Why not just take off a letter grade for every day that it’s late? What about teaching kids responsibility? What about the real world? HOW IS IT FAIR TO MAKE THE ENTIRE GRADE BASED ON ASSESSMENTS ONLY? We believe that ALL students can learn, just not always at the same rate. Students need to be held accountable for learning the material. Students who do not demonstrate proficiency are given opportunities to learn the material and re-assess. OPPORTUNITIES FOR RE-ASSESSMENT Designed for students who do not demonstrate proficiency (not prepared to move forward in their learning) Same format with different prompts or words. Must be done outside class time – generally before or after school Students must complete additional practice prior to reassessment. 2nd grade counts – most recent evidence of what students know and are able to do Contract for Reassessment, Delayed or Make-up Assessment _ EHS WL Dept. Please complete and sign below and return to your teacher today before the end of class. DeNure ASL I Name: Durante French II Hause German III Highfill Class Period: Date of Contract: Due date: Latin IV Krinski Lackey Spanish AP - V Landrum Oberg Pahl Staszcuk Weitzel Whiteford You are receiving this notice regarding the _______________________________________________ quiz because you: have not demonstrated proficiency on this skill. chose not to take the quiz / test on the scheduled date. were unable to take the quiz / test on the scheduled date due to absence. To be eligible to re-take the assessment, you must complete the following activities and re-take the assessment. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I will complete the required activities above and come in to re-take my assessment on: ___________________, ________________________ at ______:________. Day Date Time REPORT TO: WL AcLab in Room 721 Room ___________ Please see posted schedule for days and time that the World Language AcLab is open. I understand if I do not come in for this reassessment, I may be assigned an Academic Detention. Signature: ____________________________________________________________ HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATC H?V=QJLE20GLZK0 I AM WORRIED ABOUT MY GRADE HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHAT TO TEACH? National Standards for Learning Languages Alignment of the National Standards for Learning Languages with the Common Core State Standards ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners and Proficiency Guidelines District Curriculum Professional Learning Community Decisions HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHAT TO ASSESS? Unit Plan (backward design / unpack standards) Based on district curriculum / national standards Consider all three modes of communication Consider cultural connections Consider what students need in order to successfully communicate in all three modes about the topic/prompt Use knowledge of your own students TAKING THE MYSTERY OUT OF ASSESSMENT Share unit goals with students at the beginning of the unit. Share rubrics with students before assessments. Provide practice and feedback before the assessment (practice quiz, skills practice, etc.) An example from The Cosby Show COSBY SHOW EXAMPLE MYSTERY TEST USE QUALITY ASSESSMENTS What should be assessed in a World Language classroom? Are the purposes for your assessments clear? Are they clear to the students? Do your assessments match the goals you have for your students? What do quality assessments look like? What are some of the problems with using assessments produced by textbook companies? TEXTBOOK ASSESSMENTS? Pros Cons Convenient, Time-saver Static – PDFs, difficult to modify or correct Creates consistency among teachers Aligned with other book resources Often include visuals, audio, and short readings Usually objectives are clearly stated mistakes Not tailored towards your students Generally do not include a scoring guide; Guidelines for scoring are questionable Poor quality feedback Don’t grow with current society (vocabulary, concepts, culture) Difficult to “save as” and make a practice quiz / retake quiz, Form A/B Test security becomes an issue Teacher has no control over the blueprint of the assessment TEACHER-CREATED ASSESSMENTS For each assessment…. Reflect on which specific skills should be tested. Discuss and create the criteria for the rubric. Create assessments on which students demonstrate those skills Create a rubric that communicates the differences between performance levels Use the rubric to evaluate students’ skills and give detailed feedback to students. Analyze and share results. What do we do if they got it? What do we do if they didn’t get it? SET THE BAR HIGH, BUT HELP THEM REACH IT Use clear standards/goals/performance expectations when creating, explaining, giving, grading assessments Frequent, intentional formative work Practice assessments, modeling, talking about the scoring guide – these are all key steps to encouraging student success. High quality feedback on formative and summative work INTRO TO SCORING GUIDES (SEE GOLD PACKET) PALs rubrics from Fairfax County (p. 2) This was our starting point for using descriptive standards-based rubrics department-wide Various levels, Speaking, Writing, Interactive Tasks Note: The lowest grade is a 50% (not a zero) PRESENTATIONAL WRITING RUBRIC Hora_______ Nombre__________________________________________________________________ Language Control: Preterite Basic Language Structures Vocabulary Comprehe nsibility Task Completion / Content Español III: Unidad 1: Vamos a acampar Presentational Writing (X 1): Nuestra excursión a la Reserva Rockwoods 50% 53.3% 5 6 56.7% 7 Minimal 60% 63.3% 8 9 Minimal completion of the task and/or content undeveloped. Inadequate, inaccurate, and/or irrelevant response. 66.7% 70% 73.3% 76.7% 12 13 10 11 Developing Partial completion of the task; ideas somewhat developed. Limited response. Some information in response may be incorrect or irrelevant. 1 Text barely comprehensible. Errors of grammar and/or spelling may be impossible to decipher. 1 Inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary from the Unidad 1 vocabulary list; vocabulary may be used inappropriately or out of context; repetitive; possible use of English. 1 Emerging use of adjective/article/noun agreement. Correct use about ½ of the time. 2 Text mostly comprehensible, requiring interpretation on the part of the reader. 80% 83.3% 86.7% 90% 16 17 14 15 Proficient Completion of the task; ideas adequately developed. Includes information about Rockwoods Reservation experience. Response includes all major activities and answers the prompt. 3 Text comprehensible, requiring minimal interpretation on the part of the reader. 2 Somewhat inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary from the Unidad 1 vocabulary list; few attempts to include previously learned or less commonly used vocabulary. 3 Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary from the Unidad 1 vocabulary list; some attempts to include previously learned and less commonly used vocabulary. 2 Emerging control of adjective/article/noun agreement. Correct use about ¾ of the time. 3 Correct use basic language structures: adjective/article/noun agreement. Correct use most, but not all of the time. 2 1 May have attempted to use preterite conjugations, but with many errors. Correct use about ½ of the time. 1 3 Used regular and irregular verbs in the preterite with some success. Correct use about ¾ of the time. Correctly used most regular and irregular verbs in the preterite. Correct use most, but not all of the time. 2 3 93.3% 96.7% 18 19 Advanced 100% 20 Superior completion of the task; ideas well developed and well organized. Creates original sentences about Rockwoods Reservation experience. Response includes all activities as well as elaboration and description. 4 Text readily comprehensible, requiring no interpretation on the part of the reader. 4 Rich use of vocabulary from within and beyond the Unidad 1 vocabulary list; frequent attempts to include previously learned and less commonly used vocabulary. 4 Correct use of basic language structures: adjective/article/noun agreement. Correct use most, but not necessarily all of the time. 4 Correctly used a variety of regular and irregular verbs in the preterite. May use infinitives after prepositions. Correct use most, but not necessarily all of the time. 4 WHY USE 50% AS THE LOWEST GRADE? A grade below 50% for work that was completed involves inappropriate mathematics. With the common grading scale where 59 and below is an F, there are A=11 points (90-100) B=10 points (80-89) C=10 points (70-79) D=10 points (60-69) F=60 points (0-59) A=11 points (90-100) B=10 points (80-89) C=10 points (70-79) D=10 points (60-69) F=10 points (50-59) The range for an F is six times greater than the other grades. Using 50% as the lowest grade “evens things out.” DO I HAVE TO DO MATH? (P. 1) COMMUNICATION RUBRICS PRESENTATIONAL COMMUNICATION WRITING SPEAKING INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION SPOKEN WRITTEN INTERPRETATIVE COMMUNICATION READING LISTENING PRESENTATIONAL COMMUNICATION Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. PRESENTATIONAL SPEAKING RUBRIC nombre ________________________________________________________________________ hora ________ Español IV, Unidad 2 – Mi minuto muy astuto (Presentational Speaking) 50% 5 53.4% 6 56.7% 7 60% 8 63.4% 9 Content / Task Completion Minimal 70% 11 73.4% 12 Does not include statement (introduction or persuasion) Speech is unorganized and ideas are unrelated Little to no support of ideas Presentatnional Skills Comprehensibility / Fluency Errors in pronunciation, make speech incomprehensible Inappropriate / inaccurate vocabulary greatly affects comprehensibility. Speech is halting and uneven with long pauses or incomplete thoughts Lacks persuasive statement Speech lacks organization and cohesiveness of ideas Points may not be defined clearly or supported by facts / opinions 1 Emerging use of basic language structures (correct ½ the time) Does not use targeted structures or uses them with virtually no accuracy 1 90% 17 2 Some ideas were difficult to understand due to pronunciation Inaccurate or inappropriate vocabulary makes it difficult for the audience to understand. Speech is choppy and/or slow with frequent pauses 2 Control of basic language structures (correct ¾ of the time) Attempt to use targeted structures but may lack accuracy (attempts using future conjugations, if clauses and/or direct object pronouns). 2 96.7% 19 100% 20 Advanced Ideas are logical and relevant Uses both facts and opinions to persuade the audience Speaks for approximately 1 minute Ideas are logical and relevant Integrates facts and opinions in a very convincing way to persuade the audience Speaks for approximately 1 minute Includes persuasive statement to convince audience of point of view Speech is well-organized and ideas cohesive Points are defined and supported 4 Includes strong persuasive statement to view Speech is very well-organized and cohesive Points are very well-defined and supported 3 Makes periodic eye contact with audience Speaks too quietly to be understood Rate of speech is difficult to understand Visual support (if used) does not enhance the presentation 93.3% 18 3 86.7% 16 2 1 Langauge Use 83.4% 15 2 Does not make eye contact with audience Speaks at a volume too low to be understood Rate of speech is difficult to understand Visuals detract from the presentation 80% 14 Proficient Ideas are somewhat illogical and/or lack relevance May use only facts or only opinions to attempt persuasion of the audience Speech is either too short or too long 1 76.7% 13 Developing Ideas are illogical and/or irrelevant to the topic Does not persuade the audience Speech is too short or too long 1 Topic Development 66.7% 10 4 Maintains eye contact with audience throughout most of the presentation Speaks at an appropriate volume to be understood by audience Speaks at a rate to be easily understood by audience Visual support (if used) enhances the presentation 3 Communicated ideas clearly Good pronunciation is easily understood Good vocabulary use, appropriate and understandable by audience Speech shows some hesitation but speaker manages to continue and complete thoughts Speaks with some pauses, but speech flows naturally most of the time 3 Correct use of most basic structures Evidence and control of some targeted structures (uses future tense in if clauses to make predictions and/or uses direct object pronouns to communicate concisely). 3 Maintains eye contact with audience throughout the presentation Speaks at an appropriate volume to be easily understood by audience Speaks at a rate to be easily understood by audience Visual support (if used) enhances the presentation 4 Communicated ideas very clearly Accurate pronunciation enhances speech Accurate vocabulary use, appropriate and easy for the audience to understand Speech shows few pauses or false starts Speaks with ease and comfort with the language 4 Correct use of basic structures Evidence and control of targeted structures (uses future tense in if clauses to make predictions and explain consequences, uses direct object pronouns to communicate concisely). 4 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions INTERPERSONAL WRITING RUBRIC nombre ________________________________________________________________________ hora ________ Español III, Examen Final Interpersonal Writing – Scoring Guide 50% 4 54.1% 5 58.3% 6 62.5% 7 Minimal Content Engagement Comprehensibility 66.7% 8 70.8% 9 Developing 75% 10 79.2% 11 83.3% 12 Proficient 87.5% 13 91.7% 14 95.8% 15 100% 16 Advanced Added basic information about the Contributions were logical and Contributions are logical and with questions being discussed without follow the stream of the relevant comments, questions, and moving the correspondence correspondence. facts. forward. Contributed relevant comments, Contributions advanced the questions, facts, and opinions that correspondence. Some information may have been inaccurate, off topic, or lacking in related to the topic. 1 support. 2 3 4 Little to no participation in the Participation in the Active participant throughout the Active participant throughout correspondence. correspondence was limited; did correspondence. entire correspondence. not respond appropriately to parts Did not respond appropriately to Answers partner’s questions and Answers partner’s questions, of the correspondence. questions or attempt to sustain the expresses opinions. reacts to partner’s statements, and correspondence. expresses opinions. Answered some of partner’s Statements / questions sustain the questions and expresses opinions. correspondence. Several statements / questions Does not sustain the advance the correspondence. 1 correspondence. 2 3 4 Text barely comprehensible. Numerous Text mostly comprehensible, but Text comprehensible, requiring Text readily comprehensible, errors of grammar, mechanics, and/or requires interpretation on the part minimal interpretation on the part requiring no interpretation on the spelling make correspondence very of the reader. of the reader. part of the reader. difficult to decipher. Errors in vocabulary and grammar Errors in vocabulary and grammar Use of advanced vocabulary and occasionally impede do not impede communication. grammatical structures enhances communication. communication. Generally includes correct spelling and mechanics. Errors in spelling and/or mechanics Includes correct spelling and 1 impede comprehensibility. 2 3 mechanics. 4 Emerging use of basic language Control of basic language Mostly accurate use of basic Precise use of basic language structures (correct use ½ of the structures (correct use ¾ of the language structures. structures. time). time). Occasional use of advanced Frequent use of advanced language language structures; use is structures; use is mostly correct. No correct use of advanced Minimal or incorrect use of language structures. advanced language structures. generally correct. 1 2 3 4 Basic Structures: subject / verb agreement; adjective/article/noun agreement; present tense conjugations, reflexive verbs Advanced Structures: imperfect, preterite, gustar, ser vs. estar vs. hay, infinitive constructions, reflexive verbs Contributed only random thoughts / non-relevant information. Language Control ¿Qué planes tienes para el descanso de invierno? INTERPERSONAL SPEAKING RUBRIC Nombre ______________________________________________________________ Hora ________ Español III: Mini-unit - GUSTAR Interpersonal Speaking: Scoring Guide 50% 3 55.6% 4 Below Basic 61.1% 5 Comprehensibility Content Contributed only random thoughts / non-relevant information. 1 Errors in pronunciation, vocabulary, and/or grammatical structures greatly affected comprehensibility. 72.2% 7 77.8% 8 Added basic information about the questions being discussed without moving the conversation forward. Some information may have been off- topic and/or obviously incorrect. 2 Some ideas were difficult to understand due to errors in pronunciation, vocabulary, and/or grammatical structures. 1 Spoke at least 3 times. Actively listened throughout the conversation. 1 2 94.4% 11 Advanced 100% 12 Contributions are logical and with insightful comments, questions, and relevant facts. Contributions advance the conversation. 4 Contributed ideas clearly with good pronunciation and good vocabulary use. Grammatical errors do not impede comprehensibility. Was understood throughout the conversation. 3 Spoke 2-3 times. Partially engaged throughout the entire conversation. 88.9% 10 Contributions are logical and follow the stream of the conversation. Contributes relevant comments, questions, and facts that related to the questions being discussed. 2 Limited participation in the conversation. Did not respond appropriately to questions. 83.3% 9 Proficient 3 Engagement 66.7% 6 Basic 3 Communicated ideas very clearly, with clear pronunciation, rich and accurate vocabulary use, and grammatical structures that enhanced comprehensibility. Was easily understood throughout conversation. 4 Spoke at least three times making significant contributions to the conversation. Active and enthusiastic listener and participant throughout entire conversation. Advanced the conversation and encouraged others to partipate. 4 INTERPERSONAL SPEAKING SCORING SHEET Profesora:__________________________________ Students Hora_______ 1 1 1 Content 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 4 4 Comprehensibility 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 Grupo _______ Engagement 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 1 2 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 2 3 4 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 2 3 4 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 2 3 4 INTERPRETIVE COMMUNICATION Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics Hora ______ Nombre _________________________________________ Español IV, Unidad 2, la tecnología Interpretative Communication: Reading Assessment 50% 56.3% 62.5% 68.8% 2 3 4 5 MINIMAL DEVELOPING INTERPRETATIVE READING RUBRIC I can identify the purpose and main idea. Unable to demonstrate accurate interpretation of the purpose or main idea of the reading selection. I can identify supporting details. Unable to accurately identify details from the reading selections. (5 or fewer correct) 1 Identifies accurate meaning for one or fewer words based on context of selection. 1 I understand the meaning of words in context. I. 75% 6 81.3% 87.5% 7 8 PROFICIENT Demonstrates accurate interpretation of either the purpose or the main idea of the reading selection, but not both. 0 Accurately identifies minor details from portions of the reading selections. (6-7 correct) Demonstrates accurate interpretation of both the purpose and main idea of the reading selection. 1 Accurately identifies minor details from the majority of the reading selections. (8 correct) 2 Identifies accurate meaning for some words (2-3) based on context of selection. 3 Identifies accurate meaning for most words (4-5) based on context of selection. 2 93.8% 100% 9 10 ADVANCED 2 Accurately identifies minor details from the all or almost all of reading selections. (910 correct) 4 Identifies accurate meaning for all words based on context of selection. 3 4 Supporting Information Identify the 8 details mentioned in the article. For each detail that is mentioned, write the line number(s) associated with that section of the article. For the 2 details not mentioned, leave the line blank. A. # ______ In many cases, the people that work in this way won’t even know the identity of others. B. # ______ In the future, perhaps you won’t even have an office. C. # ______ Many people are fearful of these new technologies and are fighting to keep face to face communication a part of the daily workplace. D. # ______ A panel of experts points out a dramatic change in the place of work as we know it. E. # ______ In the future, we are going to redesign surfaces without touching them, interact with documents, or create objects that then can be printed in 3D. F. # ______ The cell phone and, in time, glasses and contact lenses will be the entry way to virtual work spaces. G. # _______ In addition to revolutionizing the workplace, these new technologies will give us more opportunities to connect families, friends, and educators. H. # ______ In place of offices, multiple surfaces in the home or in shared work centers will be covered with digital smart paint that will project 3D avatars of colleagues. I. # ______Due to these changes, the workforce will be much more scattered in the future. En el 2025 no habrá que ir a la oficina READING TEXT Por Agencias / 1 2 3 La posibilidad de trabajar con gente con la que uno nunca va a encontrarse y comunicarse con colegas virtuales, son dos de los posibles escenarios identificados por importantes pensadores sobre cómo evolucionarán los lugares de trabajo para 2025 Lunes, 24 Septiembre 2012 19:39 4 5 6 7 Muestreos de un panel, en el que estaban representados el Imperial College London, el Instituto de Tecnología de Masschusetts (MIT, por sus siglas en inglés), la Universidad de Washington, otras academias internacionales y el gobierno británico, apuntan a un cambio dramático en el lugar de trabajo tal cual lo conocemos. 8 9 10 Olvídese de si es práctico o no traer sus dispositivos tecnológicos al trabajo. En el futuro, quizá usted ni tenga una oficina. Según el grupo de expertos, en 2025 la tecnología nos permitirá evocar los espacios de trabajo mediante el uso de superficies interactivas. 11 12 Teleconferencias holográficas y pruebas virtuales de los proyectos harán que los modelos de las actuales oficinas terminen en la papelera de reciclaje. 13 14 En su lugar, múltiples superficies en el hogar, o en los centros de trabajo compartido, serán revestidas con pintura digital "inteligente" que proyectará, con un solo toque, avatares en 3D de los colegas. 15 16 El proyecto "Recompose" del MIT ya está viendo cómo una superficie física puede cambiar en respuesta a comandos basados en gestos. 17 18 En el futuro vamos a remodelar superficies sin tocarlas, interactuar con documentos o crear objetos que luego pueden ser impresos en 3D. 19 Fuerza dispersa LISTENING RUBRIC Comprehension of Supporting Details INTERPRETIVE COMMUNICATION Interpretation of Main Ideas Español III—Lección Preliminar Interpretive Communication (Listening) Forma A 50% 58.3% 2 3 Minimal Unable to accurately identify main ideas in listening selections designed for Spanish learners. (3 or more errors) 1 Demonstrated accurate comprehension of specific details from 3 or fewer listening selections; some details are incorrect. 66.7% 75% 83.3% 91.7% 100% 4 5 6 7 8 Developing Proficient Advanced Accurately identified Accurately identified Accurately identified some main ideas in most main ideas in main ideas in listening selections listening selections listening selections designed for Spanish designed for Spanish designed for Spanish learners. learners. learners. (2 errors) 2 (1 error) 3 4 Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated accurate accurate accurate comprehension of at comprehension of at comprehension of at least one specific least one specific least one specific detail from at least 4 detail from each detail from each listening selections; listening selection listening selection may have incorrect and no incorrect plus at least 3 details. details. additional details, no incorrect details. 1 2 3 4 MODELO: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A. I like sports, art, and music. B. I like to go mountain biking. C. I like to play the guitar. D. I like to play soccer and tennis. E. I like to spend time with my family on the weekends. F. I love to travel and have lived in various Latin American countries. Modelo: _______ José G., México, Delicias, Chihuahua Detalle(s): ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ OTHER RUBRICS GRAMMAR PRETERITE AND IMPERFECT CONJUGATIONS INFORMAL COMMANDS VOCABULARY COMPREHENSION PRODUCTION PRONUNCIATION LIFE-LONG LEARNING PROJECTS (COMMUNITIES STANDARD) GRAMMAR RUBRIC Hora_______ Nombre________________________________________________________ #______ Español IV – Unidad 1, El Rey León Prueba de gramática – Los verbos en el pretérito y el imperfecto Minimal Developing 50% 54.2% 58.3% 4 5 6 Regular and –car, -gar, zar verbs 6 or more errors in the conjugation of regular and – car/-gar/-zar verbs, including accent marks.. i y and stem-changing verbs 5 or more errors in the conjugation of iy and stemchanging verbs, including accent marks. Irregular verbs 1 8 or more errors in the conjugation of irregular verbs. 1 Proficient 62.5% 66.7% 70.8% 75% 7 8 9 10 4-5 errors in the conjugation of regular and –car/-gar/-zar verbs, including accent marks. 1 5 or more errors in the conjugation of verbs in the imperfect, including irregulars and accent marks. 1 Imperfect Advanced 79.2% 83.3% 87.5% 91.7% 11 12 13 14 1-3 errors in the conjugation of regular and –car/-gar/-zar verbs, including accent marks. 2 3-4 errors in the conjugation of iy and stem-changing verbs, including accent marks. 2 15 16 All regular and –car/-gar/-zar verbs are correctly conjugated, including accent marks. 3 2 3 1-2 errors in the conjugation of verbs in the imperfect, including irregulars and accent marks. 2 4 All iy and stem-changing verbs are correctly conjugated, including accent marks. 2-4 errors in the conjugation of irregular verbs. 3-4 errors in the conjugation of verbs in the imperfect, including irregulars and accent marks. 100% 3 1-2 errors in the conjugation of iy and stem-changing verbs, including accent marks. 5-7 errors in the conjugation of irregular verbs. 95.8% 3 4 0-1 errors in the conjugation of irregular verbs are correctly conjugated. 4 0 errors in the conjugation of verbs in the imperfect, including irregulars and accent marks. 4 A. Escribe las conjugaciones de estos verbos en el imperfecto Infinitivo 1. cantar 2. comer 3. ir 4. ser 5. mentir yo tú él/ella/Ud. nosotros/as ellos/ellas GRAMMAR RUBRIC VOCABULARY COMPREHENSION QUIZ RUBRIC Hora_______ Nombre:_________________________________________________ Avancemos 2: Unidad 2, Lección 2 – Prueba de comprensión 50% 3 55.6% 4 61.1% 5 Minimal A. Comprehension of vocab in spoken context B. Comprehension of vocab in written context C. Recognition of vocab (matching) 66.7% 6 72.2% 7 Developing 77.8% 8 83.3% 9 88.9% 10 Proficient 94.4% 11 100% 12 Advanced Does not demonstrate an understanding of vocabulary when spoken in context. (0-3 correct activities) 1 Does not demonstrate an understanding vocabulary in written context. (0-5 correct choices ) Demonstrates a basic understanding of some vocabulary when spoken in context. (4 correct activities) Demonstrates an understanding of most vocabulary when spoken in context. (5-6 correct activities) Demonstrates a basic understanding of some vocabulary in written context. (6-7 correct choices) Demonstrates an understanding of most vocabulary in written context. (8 correct choices) Demonstrates advanced understanding of all or almost all vocabulary in written context. (9-10 correct choices) 1 Cannot match more than half of body parts words to pictures. (0-6 correct choices) 1 2 Matches some body parts words to pictures. (7 correct choices) 2 3 Matches most body parts words to pictures. (8-9 correct choices) 3 Matches all body parts words to pictures. (10 correct choices) 2 Demonstrates advanced understanding of all vocabulary when spoken in context. (7 correct activities) 3 4 4 4 A. Escuchar: Listen to Diego’s routine. Put the activities in the order that you hear them. Write the letter of the word that best completes each sentence in the blank. (TXT CD 3, Track 22) 1. Primero, _______ y _______. 2. Entonces _______. 3. Luego, _______ y _______. 4. Más tarde, _______. 5. Por fin, _______. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. se duerme apaga la luz se lava la cara lee un libro se acuesta se seca la cara se cepilla los dientes B. Leer: María and her brother Javier have different opinions about routines. Circle the letter of the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. ______3. Yo ____ antes de ir a una fiesta. ______1. Es importante ____ temprano para dormir a. me entreno ocho horas. b. me maquillo a. acostarse c. tengo sueño b. ponerse la ropa c. secarse ______4.Tengo ____ nuevo para lavarme el pelo. a. un champú ______2. Javier ____ muy tarde por la noche porque b. un cuello le gusta mirar la tele. c. un peine a. se despierta b. se duerme ______5. Javier prefiere ponerse la ropa primero y c. se levanta luego ____ . a. afeitarse VOCABULARY COMPREHENSION QUIZ RUBRIC Hora: ________ Nombre: _________________________________________ Avancemos 2: Comprensión de vocabulario 50% 3 A & B. Recognition of vocab (matching) C. Comp of vocab in written context D. Comp of vocab in spoken context 55.6% 61.1% 66.7% 72.2% 4 5 6 7 Minimal Developing Does not demonstrate Matches some an ability to match vocabulary to pictures vocabulary to pictures and words in English. and words in English. (15-19 correct ) (0-14 correct ) 1 2 Does not demonstrate Demonstrates a basic an understanding of understanding of vocabulary in written some vocabulary in context. written context. (0-6 correct choices) (7 correct choices) 1 2 Does not demonstrate Demonstrates a basic an understanding of understanding of vocabulary in spoken some vocabulary in context. spoken context. (0-3 correct (4-5 correct descriptions) descriptions) 1 2 77.8% 83.3% 88.9% 94.4% 100% 8 9 10 11 12 Proficient Advanced Matches most Matches all or almost vocabulary to pictures vocabulary to pictures and words in English. and words in English. (20-22 correct) (23-24 correct) 3 4 Demonstrates an Demonstrates understanding of most advanced vocabulary in written understanding of all or context. almost all vocabulary (8 correct choices) in written context. (9-10 correct choices) 3 4 Demonstrates an Demonstrates understanding of most advanced vocabulary in spoken understanding of all or context. almost all vocabulary (6 correct in spoken context. descriptions) (7-8 correct 3 descriptions) 4 A. Matching: Match the image to the Spanish word _____1.alto _____2.desorganizado _____3.dormir A B C D _____4.el centro comercial _____5.el estadio _____6.el jugador _____7.el pollo E F G H _____8.estar enfermo _____9.leer un libro _____10.comprar ropa _____11.el equipo I J K L _____12.tener miedo VOCABULARY PRODUCTION QUIZ RUBRIC Hora______ Nombre______________________________________________ #_______ Español III, Unidad 5: Mi Hogar – Prueba de aplicación dryer entrance garage rooms Linguistic Competence: Vocabulary Production Contesta la pregunta usando por lo menos 7 palabras o frases del recuadro. Minimal -1 Developing - 2 basement clean messed up Presentational: Writing stairs 50% 3 55.6% 4 61.1% 5 66.7% 6 72.2% 7 Proficient - 3 77.8% 83.3% 8 9 Vocabulary Production: Correct spelling (including diacritical marks) of 7 or more words from word box ≤3 / 4 / 5-6 / 7 Vocabulary Use: Appropriate use of 7 or more words from box: meaning, grammar (conjugations, agreement, word order) ≤3 / 4 / 5-6 / 7 Más Vocabulario: Correct spelling (including diacritical marks) of words from the “Más vocabulario” ≤7 / 8-10 / 11-13 / 14-15 50% 3 Minimal -1 55.6% 4 61.1% 5 Developing - 2 66.7% 72.2% 6 7 Content: Length, variety, & organization of ideas Language Use: Accuracy & complexity of grammar & vocabulary Comprehensibility: Ease of interpretation Proficient - 3 77.8% 83.3% 8 9 Advanced - 4 94.4% 100% 11 12 88.9% 10 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Advanced - 4 94.4% 100% 11 12 88.9% 10 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 A. Compara tu hogar con el piso español en la parte B. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VOCABULARY PRODUCTION QUIZ RUBRIC B. Más Vocabulario: Label at least 15 nouns in Spanish. Include definite articles (el, la, los, las). Rooms Furniture and other elements Furniture and other elements A. ______________________________ 1. ______________________________ 8. ______________________________ B. el pasillo ______________________ 2. ______________________________ 9. ______________________________ C. la lavandería / el patio___________ 3. ______________________________ 10. ______________________________ D. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________ 11. ______________________________ E. ______________________________ 5. ______________________________ 12. ______________________________ F. ______________________________ 6. ______________________________ 13. ______________________________ 7. ______________________________ 14. ______________________________ 3 2 A 6 4 1 5 B F 11 D 14 C 13 12 9 7 10 E 8 VOCABULARY PRODUCTION QUIZ RUBRIC Scoring Guide: Vocabulary Production Quizzes Vocabulary Production: Linguistic and Cultural Competence 50% 55.6% 61.1% 66.7% 72.2% 77.8% 83.3% 88.9% 94.4% 100% 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Minimal Unit Vocabulary (used in paragraph response) Spelling (including diacritical marks) Unit Vocabulary (used in paragraph response) Application – Meaning & Grammar (conjugations, agreement, word order) Más Vocabulario (Extra Word Bank) Developing Incorrect spelling of most targeted unit vocabulary 3 or fewer targeted word spelled correctly 1 Incorrect use of most targeted unit vocabulary 3 or fewer targeted word applied correctly in context with correct grammatical structures 1 Incorrect spelling of most unit vocabulary 7 or fewer targeted words spelled correctly 1 Proficiency Can correctly spell some targeted unit vocabulary 4 targeted words spelled correctly 2 Can correctly use some targeted unit vocabulary 4 targeted words applied correctly in context with correct grammatical structures 2 Can correctly spell some unit vocabulary 8 – 10 targeted words spelled correctly 2 Advanced Can correctly spell most targeted unit vocabulary 5 – 6 targeted words spelled correctly 3 Can correctly use most targeted unit vocabulary 5 – 6 targeted words applied correctly in context with correct grammatical structures 3 Can correctly spell most unit vocabulary 11 – 13 targeted words spelled correctly 3 Mastery of spelling of targeted unit vocabulary 7 – 8 targeted words spelled correctly, including all or almost all diacritical marks 4 Mastery of use of all or almost all targeted unit vocabulary 7 – 8 targeted words applied correctly in context with correct grammatical structures 4 Mastery of spelling of unit vocabulary 14 – 15 targeted words spelled correctly, including all or almost all diacritical marks 4 Presentational Writing: Presentational Communication 50% 55.6% 61.1% 66.7% 72.2% 77.8% 83.3% 88.9% 94.4% 100% 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Minimal Content (Length, Variety, and Organizational of Ideas) Developing Inadequate, inaccurate, and/or irrelevant response. Poorly organized. Proficiency Limited response. Some information in responses may be incorrect or irrelevant. Organization lacking Advanced Appropriate response to prompt that provides correct and relevant information. Organized response. 1 Language Use (Accuracy and complexity of grammar and vocabulary*) * Refers to untargeted vocabulary used in paragraph Comprehensibility (Ease of comprehensibility) Significant errors in basic grammatical structures and/or vocabulary, (including spelling) inhibit communication. 1 Large portions of responses are very difficult to understand and must be interpreted by the reader. 1 2 Errors in basic grammatical structures and/or vocabulary, (including spelling) somewhat inhibit communication. 2 3 Few errors in grammatical structures and/or vocabulary (including spelling) do not inhibit communication. Responses are understood with some interpretation by the reader. Responses are understood with minimal interpretation by the reader. 2 3 3 Substantial response to prompt that provides correct and relevant information with elaboration. Ideas are well organized and logical. Introduction and conclusion present if appropriate. 4 No or only minor errors in grammatical structures and/or vocabulary (including spelling). Incorporated advanced grammatical structures. 4 Responses are easily understood. Reader does not have to “interpret” meaning. 4 Hora_____ Nombre_________________________________________________________________ #______ 65% 7 70% 8 75% 9 DEVELOPING Dominated by native language; numerous errors occur in pronunciation of single vowel sounds and diphthongs affect comprehensibility. 1 Influenced by native language; Several errors in pronunciation of single vowel sounds and diphthongs. Dominated by native language; numerous errors occur in pronunciation of consonant sounds affect comprehensibility. 1 Influenced by native language; Several errors in pronunciation of consonant sounds. Many words with written accent marks said with incorrect stress. Rarely stresses the correct syllables. Some words with written accent marks said with incorrect stress. Occasionally stresses the correct syllables. Exactitud (accuracy) MINIMAL Pronunciación: vocales 60% 6 Pronunciación: consonantes 55% 5 Acentos 50% 4 Fluidez y enlaces PRONUNCIATION Español IV – Los latinos en los EE.UU. PRUEBA: Pronunciación de Vocabulario 80% 10 85% 11 90% 12 PROFICIENT Approximates native speech; Clearly pronounces all single vowel sounds and diphthongs correctly. 3 Mostly correct; Some minor errors in pronunciation of consonant sounds. 2 4 Approximates native speech; Clearly pronounces all consonant sounds correctly. 3 Most words said with proper stress. Usually stresses the correct syllables. 1 2 One or more words pronounced, although they may have been comprehensible, were not the words printed on the paper. 100% 14 ADVANCED Mostly correct; Some minor errors in pronunciation of single vowel sounds and diphthongs. 2 95% 13 4 All words said with proper stress. Always stresses the correct syllables. 3 All words pronounced were the words printed on the paper. 1 Most words are said in isolation and sentences are generally fragmented. 1 Many words are said in isolation and sentences are fragmented. 2 4 2 Most words connect in a logical way and most sentences flow with a natural rhythm. 3 Words connect in a logical way; sentences flow with a natural rhythm. 4 PRUEBA: 1. Mucha gente suele creer que la mayoría de latinos son indocumentados, pero la verdad es que la mayoría son ciudadanos estadounidenses nacidos en este país. 2. Algunos adolescentes de la segunda generación enfrentan desafíos como el abuso de alcohol o drogas, el suicidio, el embarazo adolescente, y la desesperanza. 3. A la vez, la buena noticia es que muchos jóvenes de la segunda generación se ajustan a la nueva cultura y mantienen lazos con su cultura de origen. 4. Hay muchos latinos que han obtenido logros y están orgullosos de sus raíces latinas. Hora_______ Nombre_____________________________________________________________ #_______ Lifelong Learning Project: Spanish II-AP CCO V: Communities – Lifelong Learning Percentage score will be weighted 50% (equivalent to 50 points) in the Linguistic and Cultural Competence category. LIFE-LONG LEARNING PROJECTS (COMMUNITIES STANDARD) 5 50% Project Topic and Activity Accuracy of information provided Evidence Personal Reflection / Life-Long Learning 6 7 8 53.6 57.2 60.7 Below Basic Topic and activity are inappropriate and/or insubstantial. Provides very limited opportunities for language and/or cultural learning. 1 Information provided may be inaccurate, irrelevant, and/or vague. 9 64.3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 67.9 71.4 75 78.6 82.2 85.7 89.3 92.9 96.4 100 Basic Proficient Advanced Topic and activity are Topic and activity are Topic and activity are somewhat appropriate and clearly appropriate and inappropriate and/or substantial. Provides substantial. Provides insubstantial. Provides adequate opportunities rich opportunities for limited opportunities for language and/or language and/or for language and/or cultural learning. cultural learning. cultural learning. 2 3 4 Some information Most information All information provided may be provided is accurate, provided is accurate, inaccurate, irrelevant, relevant, and specific. relevant, and specific. and/or vague. Research and written summary reflect an accurate understanding 1 2 3 of the topic. 4 Evidence weak or not provided. Evidence may be somewhat Clear and appropriate evidence Details in written summary do unclear or vague. May have provided with initial submission not provide convincing evidence been provided late or after of project. Details in written that project was completed as teacher reminder. Details in summary are substantial and stated. written summary suggest project make it clear that project was was completed as stated. completed as stated. 1 2 3 No personal reflection No or little personal Personal reflection In-depth personal about learning reflection about demonstrates what was reflection demonstrates demonstrated; limited learning demonstrated. learned through the what was learned summary of the Provides a statement of experience. through the experience experience. facts or a basic AND describes how the summary of the experience has experience. enriched your life, changed your life, or changed your way of 2 4 6 thinking. 8 Comentario: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ VIDEO PROJECT RUBRIC nombre ________________________________________________________________________ hora ________ Español III, Unidad 5: Mi Hogar Task Completion, Content, Vocabulary Awareness of Audience’s Culture 50% 4 54.1% 5 Presentational Speaking: Proyecto: Mi hogar – Scoring Guide 58.3% 6 62.5% 7 75% 10 79.2% 11 83.3% 12 87.5% 13 91.7% 14 95.8% 15 100% 16 Minimal Developing Proficient Advanced Demonstrates a partial awareness of audience’s culture by highlighting few cultural products and/or practices that differ between the Spanish-speaking country and the U.S. 2 Completes most task requirements to produce and narrate presentation. Describes rooms in home. Inadequate and/or inappropriate use of vocabulary from the list. Demonstrates an awareness of audience’s culture by highlighting some cultural products and practices that differ between the Spanish-speaking country and the U.S. 3 Completes task requirements to produce and narrate presentation. In addition to describing rooms in home, explained some basic activities that are done in most rooms. Adequate and appropriate use of vocabulary from the list. Demonstrates an advanced awareness of audience’s culture by highlighting a variety of cultural products and practices that differ between the Spanish-speaking country and the U.S. 1 Presentational Skills, Fluency , Voice Quality 70.8% 9 Does not demonstrate an awareness of audience’s culture. Highlights very few or no cultural products and/or practices that differ between the Spanish-speaking country and the U.S. 1 Does not complete task requirements. Inadequate description of rooms in home. Minimal use of vocabulary from the list. Comprehensibility 66.7% 8 Very poorly produced presentation. Speech is choppy; does not flow. Voice quality is unclear and poor. Narration sounds as if it’s being read. Poor use of technology (if used); audio may be very difficult or impossible to hear and may not match video / pictures. 1 Poor pronunciation often impedes communication. Significant errors in vocabulary and/or grammar use often impedes communication. 1 2 Inadequately produced presentation. Speech shows some hesitation or pauses with effect speech flow. Voice quality is sometimes unclear. Narration sometimes sounds as if it’s being read. Inadequate use of technology (if used); audio may be difficult to hear and may not match video / pictures well. 2 Pronunciation of some words impedes communication. Errors in vocabulary and/or grammar use somewhat impede communication. 2 3 Well produced presentation. Speech may show minor hesitation or pauses, but flows naturally most of the time. Voice quality is generally clear. Narration rarely sounds as if it’s being read. Adequate use of technology (if used); audio can be heard and usually matches video / pictures. 3 Good pronunciation is easily understood; minor errors do not impede communication. Good vocabulary and grammar use; appropriate and understandable by audience; minor errors do not impede communication. 3 4 Goes beyond minimum requirements to produce and narrate presentation. In addition to describing rooms in home, explained with elaboration what activities are done in each one. Rich and accurate use of vocabulary from within and beyond the vocabulary list. 4 Creative, engaging, and originally produced presentation. Speech flows naturally. Voice quality is clear and professional; speaks with ease and comfort. Narration does not sound as if it’s being read. Superior use of technology (if used); audio can be clearly heard and matches video / pictures. 4 Accurate pronunciation enhances communication. Accurate vocabulary and grammar use; appropriate and easy for the audience to understand. 4 Comments from our students… WHAT DO STUDENTS THINK OF STANDARD-BASED GRADING AND REPORTING? WHAT IS YOUR TAKE-AWAY? WHERE DO YOU GO FROM HERE? WITH WHOM WILL YOU DISCUSS THESE IDEAS? NEXT STEPS Three stations – you choose what you want to work on Create a scoring guide for a textbook assessment + write your own vocabulary production / grammar quiz with a scoring guide Explore technology tricks for creating tables and practice using the mathematical formula for scoring guides with a lowest grade of 50%. Use a blank Unit Plan to explore how you are meeting the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning in a unit you teach. MAKING STANDARDS BASED GRADING WORK IN YOUR WORLD LANGUAGE CLASSROOM Jenni Highfill Kim Lackey Denise Pahl Eureka High School, Rockwood School District All presentation materials available at