Theme Statement

Theme Paragraph
What is a theme paragraph? It is a paragraph
about the theme of a short story!!!
There are 8 Steps to Writing a
Theme Statement
• There are 8 steps to follow when writing a
theme statement!!!
Theme Statement
Step 1: Write a theme statement.
Theme Statement: This is a one sentence general
statement about life or human nature which can be
derived by interpreting a story’s overall message. It
does not mention specifics from the story (i.e.,
specific names, settings, or events), but instead
generalizes accurately and comprehensively about
the story’s main meaning.
Rules for a Theme Statement
– The theme is usually not stated directly in the story at all; it is the author’s
underlying message.
– A theme must always be a statement; it must always be something that
can be expressed in at least one sentence.
– The theme reveals a truth about human behavior.
– A theme statement does not refer to a specific work; it is a general
statement about life.
– The second person pronoun “you”—or any of its forms: your, you’re—is
never used in a theme statement.
– A theme statement doesn’t jump off the page and talk directly to the
reader; it does NOT sound like a moral.
Subject + Author’s Message = Theme
More about your Theme Statement:
• The theme statement is your own original
statement about the main overall idea of the
• It should be worded as a generalization about
life or human nature.
• It does not directly refer to specific characters
or situations in the story.
More Sample “Theme Statements”
In James Hurst’s short story “The Scarlet Ibis,” the author’s
message is that a person’s pride in one’s own
accomplishments may cause him or her to treat others cruelly.
Hans Andersen’s short story “The Emperor’s New Clothes”
exposes the pretensions and pomposity of those in power OR
Hans Andersen’s short story “The Emperor’s New Clothes”
demonstrates the ability of the innocent eye to expose them.
Pls. note: This is not stated as a moral. It’s simply the
message of the short story!
For example …
Example of a Theme Statement:
Jillan Wine’s short story “Jillian Giggs, A Teenage
Perspective” portrays the positive effects that adversity has
on the human spirit.
* Pls. note: This is the theme statement that will be used for
the class exemplar that we will present in this Power Point.
Pls. note: Your theme statement must adopt a stance!!!
Remember, a theme statement is the message of the short
Developing Sentences, Example 1
Step 2: Write a few sentences that provide all
necessary background information about the
short story that relate to the theme.
Example of Step 2: Background information
that relates to theme.
The protagonist, Jillian Giggs, encounters
several problems throughout her first year in
grade 7, including failing a Math test, her best
friend moving to New York along with her
parents’ divorce.
Step 3: Support your theme statement with a
specific example from the short story. Include a
quotation from the short story.
Step 4: Write a sentence explaining HOW your
example proves your theme statement.
Example of Step 3: Example
When Jillian first learns of her parent’s divorce, she becomes
depressed. This obstacle seems too difficult for her to
overcome. She does, however, after speaking to her high
school guidance counsellor eventually come to terms with
her father and mother’s severed relationship and ultimately,
she learns to accept the fact that her family has changed. At
the end of the story, Jillian explains to her counsellor how
she understands her parents’ situation: “I understand them
now. I know where they are coming from. I am finally close
with them.”
Example of Step 4: Explanation of Example
She becomes a stronger, more compassionate and
empathetic person because of her parents’ divorce!!!
Developing Sentence: Example 2
Step 5: Support your theme statement with a
specific example from the short story. Include a
quotation from the short story.
Step 6: Write a sentence that explains HOW
your example proves your theme statement.
Step 5: Example Number 2
In respect to everyday life, Jillian confronts obstacles at
school on a daily basis and she thrives off the challenge
they presents her with. For example, after she fails her
math test and her teacher tells her that she will never
be able to score well enough to remain in the honors’
stream, Jillian rises to the challenge. Her teacher’s lack
of confidence in her gives her determination to prove
her teacher wrong. Indeed “she scores the top grade in
Grade 7 Math”!
Step 6: Explanation of Example.
Adversity drives her determination and her desire to
A Concluding Statement
Step 7: Write a sentence that sums up
everything in your paragraph.
• Example of Concluding statement:
The short story ultimately portrays adversity in
a positive light: it makes a man stronger, more
empathetic and compassionate.
Other Notes
Length: The length of your paragraph will vary.
Just remember that a paragraph should be a
minimum of 8 sentences.
Class Exemplar Paragraph
Jillan Wine’s short story “Jillian Giggs, a Teenage Perspective” portrays the positive effects that
adversity has on the human spirit. The protagonist, Jillian Giggs, encounters several problems
throughout her first year in grade 7, including her parents divorce, failing an important math test
and her best friend moving to New York. When Jillian first learns of her parents’ divorce, she
becomes depressed. This obstacle seems too difficult for her to overcome. She does, however,
after speaking to her high school guidance counsellor eventually come to terms with her father
and mother’s severed relationship and ultimately, she learns to accept the fact that her family has
changed. At the end of the story, Jillian explains to her counsellor how she understands her
parents situation: “I understand them now. I know where they are coming from. I am finally
close with them”. She becomes a stronger, more compassionate and empathetic person because
of her parents’ divorce!!! In respect to everyday life, Jillian confronts obstacles at school on a
daily basis and she thrives off the challenge they presents her with. For example, after she fails
her math test and her teacher tells her that she will never be able to score well enough to remain
in the honors’ stream, Jillian rises to the challenge. Her teacher’s lack of confidence in her gives
her determination to prove her teacher wrong. Indeed, “Jillian scores the top grade in 7th year
Math”! Adversity drives the determined man to succeed. It is portrayed in a positive light:
Adversity makes a man stronger, more empathetic and compassionate.