Building a Comprehensive Information Literacy Program in Higher Education 在高校建立全面发展的信息素质教育项目 李海鹏 香港浸会大学图书馆 2013年4月 中国. 长春 Context 环境 Mission of the institution 大学宗旨 ◦ Education 教育 ◦ Research 科研 ◦ Service 服务 Role of the Library 图书馆的作用 ◦ Support mission of university 支持大学 ◦ Provide quality service and collection 最佳服 务与馆藏 ◦ Be a partner in higher education 建立伙伴 Background 背景 Information explosion 信息爆炸 ◦ Google 谷歌 ◦ Scholarly 学术 Information complexity 信息复杂 Information organization 信息组织 ◦ Print 纸质 ◦ Electronic 电子 ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Full-text 全文 Abstracts 摘要 Indexes 索引 More 其他 How Students Learn 学生如何学习 Millennial/Net generation 千年/网上一代 Research findings 调研结果 ◦ Less motivation 动力减少 ◦ Less successful 成功减少 ◦ Education less effective 效率降低(教育) Various learning styles 不同学习方法 ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Collaborative learning 协作学习 Social learning社会学习 Individual learning 单独学习 Mobile devices 移动工具(设备) Life Long Learning 终生学习 Impact of information change 信息变化的影响 Student learning behavior change 学习方法的变化 How do we make sure students learn effectively 如何提高学生的学习效率 Incorporation of Information literacy programs into learning, teaching, and the curriculum 将信息教育融入教学之中 Building partnerships with faculty 建立伙伴 Enabling students to be life long learners 使学生成为终生学习之人 Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸会大学 Establishing an well defined Information literacy program 建立目的明确的信息素养项目 Mapping information literacy onto Institutional Goals 信息素养与学校目标相配合 ◦ How is student success defined by your institution? 学校如何評定学生的学习成果? ◦ How can information literacy support student success?信息素养如何支持学生取得成功? HKBU Graduate Attributes 香港浸会大学毕业生具有的特质 Knowledge of academic specialty, & broad knowledge Think critically and creatively 明辨性及创建性的思考 Trilingual and biliterate 多语能力 Information literacy, IT, numeracy, problem-solving Lifelong learners, inquiring spirit 终生学习者、探究精神 Responsible, ethical, global citizens Serve, lead and work in a team 专门学术知识和广义知识 信息素养、科技信息、 算术、解决问题 负责任、 合符道德、全球公民 服务、领导和在团队内工作 Information Literacy—Learning 信息素养之目的-学习 Incorporating information literacy into: 将信息素养融入: ◦ Curriculum 课程 Required 必修 Electives 选修 Other 其他 ◦ Learning spaces 学习空间 Learning Commons 共享空间 Elsewhere 无处不入 ◦ E-learning 网上学习 Moodle; Blackboard Learning objects 学习对象 Information Literacy—Learning 信息素养之目的-学习 • Institutionalizing information literacy efforts 使信息素养制度化 First Year (required): 一年级必修课 Second Year (required): 二年级必修课 Public Speaking 公共讲演 Intermediate info lit competency skills 中级信息素养技巧 Third Year (selected): 三年级课程 U-Life course:Values & Meaning of Life 入学教育课 Introduction to the Library 图书馆介绍 Research Readiness Self Assessment RRSA 科研能力自我评估 Information Management Technology (IMT) 信息管理技术 Basic information literacy competency skills信息素养基本技巧 English II 英语II Basic information literacy competency skills 信息素养基本技巧 Discipline specific courses 具体学科课 Research methods courses 科研方法课 Final year projects 毕业项目 Fourth Year (selected, 2012后): 四年级课程 Discipline specific courses具体学科课 Research methods courses科研方法课 Final year projects毕业项目 RRSA 科研能力自我评估 Information Literacy 信息素养教育 Personalized Research Consultations Year 3 Research Readiness Self Assessment (Pre-Final Year) Final Year Project Workshops Year 2 Disciplinary Workshops/Assignments Public Speaking (Reinforce + Multimedia, Statistics, etc.) Year 1 Disciplinary Workshops/Assignments Information Management Technology (Basic Search/Evaluation) Academic Integrity Online Tutorial (Citing Sources) uLife Library Workshop (Resources/Services Overview) Research Readiness Self Assessment (Baseline) Colour Key: Req’d by Curriculum / Req’d by Dept or Instructor / Voluntary L e a r n i n g Year 4 E v e n t s Curriculum Integrated Information Literacy Instruction Information Literacy—Goals 信息素养之目的 Establishing partnerships in teaching 教学中建立伙伴 Information literacy Incorporated in curriculum 信息素养融入教学 Information literacy embedded in learning environments 学习当中,无处不有 Support learning, teaching, and research 支 持学习,教学与科研 Support mission of institution 为大学教育 服务 Thank you! 谢谢! Questions? 问题?