CCBC – 2011/1012 MIRA DJEKIĆ My name is Mira Djekić and I'm 19 years old. I live in Koper (quite a big town by the sea in Slovenia). I love learning new languages and that's why I have decided to study at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper. I love traveling, meeting new people, partying...In future I see myself working with people in some other country in Europe or on another continent. TIJANA KOSTADINOVA My name is Tijana Kostadinova and I am from Macedonia. This is my first year at the university and I am only 18 years old. Fun begins now! I like reading books with a cup of hot coffee, I like every kind of chocolate and I am addicted to shopping. Love watching good movies too, singing but only in the shower, and I am in a serious relationship with my bed. I can say that I am lazy but very happy and a smiling person. I have joined the CCBS because I want to explore the world, visit many places and meet other cultures and people. That is all from me. KATJA PREZELJ Hi, I'm Katja Prezelj, a second year student of Media studies in Koper, Slovenia. I have a lot of energy and I love making ever yone smile! =)) My hobbies are running marathons, swimming and travelling around the world. I love spending my spare time with my two cute dogs (Miša&Repko), who are ver y rougish and hiperactive, but they give me a lot of postive energy. =P My motto: There are NO PROBLEM S! NIKA TAVČAR Hi, my name is Nika, I'm 19 years old and I'm a student at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper. I have decided to study languages because I think that knowing dif ferent languges can get you far in life. As a person I am optimistic, very outgoing, funny and maybe just al little bit too complicated. I adore my crazy friends, music and pretty much everyting that makes me happy. Favorite quote: "Wanting to be someone you're not is a waste of the person you are." (Kurt Cobain) LUCIA ALLEGRA Hello! My name is Lucia Allegra and I come from Sežana. Now I am attending the 1st year at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper. I am a very positive and friendly person with a passion for languages. I like exploring new cultures and learning new languages. Especially I like travelling and spending my vacations riding on a motorcycle, because it is more interesting and you can see every corner of the world. I have joined the CCBC course because I would like to improve my English vocabular y. My motto in life is: »What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger«. MAJA HOMJAK Hi, my name is Maja Homjak and I am a student at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper. I am 18 years old. In my free time I like reading and watching movies with my friends. I also love traveling and I hope this year I will be able to find time to travel somewhere. I do not have any plans for the future yet, but I hope I will be able to study in Italy. I am a very positive person and I love making people smile. KIM MRĐA Hi, my name is Kim and I attend Media studies at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper. I am a positive per son who always looks for the best in people. In my spare time I like reading a good book or simply watching a movie. One day I would like to travel around the world, learning about ever y countr y and ever y culture that I meet on my way. I love learning new languages, and I always like to remember a quote that I heard a long time ago: „ One is wor th as many people as the languages one knows.“ JELENA LEKIĆ Hello. My name is Jelena, I'm a fir st year student at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper. I come from Serbia, but not long time ago, I have decided to move to Slovenia, because it is the countr y that impresses me. I am ver y optimistic, but sometimes it is not a good choice because it leads to disappointments. I like spending my spare time with a good book , I am a fan of detective stories. I am interested in studying languages, and I take ever y oppor tunity to learn something new. I like travelling and I am esspecialy interested in Indian culture. In the future I would like to become a bussiness woman, and since I attend Media studies, I would like to work with dif ferent people, taking advices from them and enhancing my knowledge ever y day. I have joined CCBC because that project is ver y interesting and I would be glad to take par t in it. MONIKA MIHOLIČ I am Monika and I'm 19 years old. I come from small village called Dokležovje. I live with parents, brother Damir and sister Silva. But now I study in Koper. I love listening to music, dancing, playing violin and hanging out with my friends. I'm a friendly, easy -going and optimistic person. In the future I want to finish school, get a good job and travel a lot. I have joined the 2CBC because I want to improve my English, get to know people from other cultures and of course have fun meeting students in class. "Life is full of surprises, but you have to open them hoping for the very best! " ANJA TRATNJEK Hi, my name is Anja and I'm from Slovenia. I live in a small town on the Slovenian coast. I'm studying languages at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper. My greatest passion in life is photography. It takes up a big part of my day to day life. I like to mix it up together with the thing that makes me the happiest, travelling. I'm always thinking about the places that I have not yet seen that I would like to visit. I am a very positive and cheerful person who likes meeting new people, which is also the reason why I have joined the ccbc. I'm looking forward to doing business with you! :) MATEJA BUŠAC Hello, my name is Mateja and I'm from Slovenia. I'm studying languages at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper. In my free time I enjoy watching movies, going for a walk or having a chat with my friends. In the future I'd like to be a translator. I see myself as a nice, spontaneous person who is always ready for a party. On the other hand I can also be very serious and centered. I have joined the 2cbc because I love interacting with foreign students and I wanted to gain some new experience. URŠKA DEBENJAK My name is Urška Debenjak . I'm a 22 years old student of Italian language at the Faculty of Humanities. I like studying different languages, meeting new people especially the ones from different countries from mine, so that I can get to know their culture, habits, food and so on. As a person I am a little shy but once “the ice is broken” I can be a very social and talkative person. That’s why meeting new people is a bit of a challenge for me but I love it. Liking languages was also one of the reasons why I’ve chosen to study Italian language, even though I would prefer to study more than one language, but I like to think that I have still time to do that. Once I get my mind set on something I won’t stop until I finish or achieve it. In my free time I like watching movies or reading books. My plan for the future is to travel to at least 3 different countries before I finish my studies (Ireland, Australia and Turkey) and go on an Erasmus exchange to Italy. And after getting my masters degrees maybe start working as a tourist guide. So being part of the CCBC project would bring me a lot of experiences for the future. UROŠ LUGONJIĆ M y n a m e i s U r o š Lu g o nj i ć a n d I a m s t u d y i ng l a n g u a g e s a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f P r i m o r s ka . I c h o s e t h i s s t u d y b e c a us e I h av e a l w ay s l i ke d l a n g u a g e s a n d w a s n ev e r g o o d a t m a t h s , c h e m i s t r y a n d o t h e r s i m i l a r s u b j ec t s . I a m 2 2 ye a r s o l d a n d I c o m e f r o m a s m a l l to w n c a l l e d B l e d l o c a te d i n t h e n o r t h w e s te r n p a r t o f S l o ve n i a . B l e d i s a p o p ul a r to u r is t r e s o r t s o k n o w i n g l a n g u a g e s i s q u i te a n a d v a n te g e t h e r e . I h av e q u i te a l o t o f d i f fe r e n t h o b b i e s s o i t i s n ev e r h a r d f o r m e to f i l l o u t my s p a r e t i m e . I a b s o l ute l y l o v e m u s i c , i t i s o n e o f t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t t h i n g s i n my l i f e . I h av e q u i te a n e c l e c t i c t a s te a l t h o ugh I s p e n d m o s t o f t h e t i m e l i s te ni n g to c l a s s i c r o c k m u s i c f r o m s i x t ie s a n d s ev e n t i e s . I a m a l s o a n av i d g u i t a r p l aye r, I ' v e b e e n p l ay i n g g u i t a r f o r a b o u t t h r e e ye a r s n o w. O n e r e a s o n m o r e f o r l i k i ng m u s i c i s t h a t yo u c a n ex p r e s s yo ur s e l f t h r o ug h i t , I h av e r e a d a r e a l l y g o o d q u o te s o m ew h e r e t h a t s a i d » M u s i c i s w h a t f e e l i n g s s o u n d l i ke « a n d I c o ul d n o t a g r e e m o r e . I a l s o l i ke s p o r t s e s p e c i a l ly b a s ket b a l l a n d s w i m m in g . I u s e d to t r a i n s w i m m i n g f o r s i x ye a r s b a c k i n t h e e l e m e n t a r y s c h o o l. M y b e s t a c h i eve m e n t w a s 4 t h p l a c e i n 2 0 0 m b u t ter fl y i n t h e n a t i o n a l c h a m p i o n s h i p . I a l s o l i ke w a t c h i n g f i l m s , f av o ur ite g e n r e s w o ul d b e d r a m a a n d c o m e d y e s p e c i al l y t h o s e o l d e n g l i s h s i t c o ms l i ke A l l o ' A l l o ' , B l a c k A d d e r, Fa t h e r Te d et c . T h e v a l u e s i n l i fe t h a t I f i n d m o s t i m p o r t a n t w o u l d b e l oyal t y, c o u r te sy, f r i e n dl in e s s a n d l o ve . A l s o o n e o f t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t t h i n g s i n l i fe w o ul d b e b e i n g s u r r o un d e d b y g o o d f r i e n d s w h i c h I a m l u c k y a n d g r a te f ul to h av e q u i te a f ew. S u p p o r t in g f a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s m a ke l i f e m u c h e a s i e r a n d e n j oya b le . MOJCA GRK Hi! I´m Mojca, a second year student of Media studies at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper. I like languages and exploring the world. In my free time I like listening to music, going out with friends, cycling and watching movies. I chose the CCBC project because I like learning new things about how to do business and because I want to improve my English. ANJA GERJEVIČ Hello! My name is Anja and I'm 19 years old. I'm studying languges in Koper because I find them interesting and useful. I like reading books, travelling, listening to the music, going to concerts, spending time with my friends and having fun. I'm open-minded, friendly and never afraid of meeting new people. TINA UMER My name is Tina and I’m from Slovenia. I’ m a 19 year s old student at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper . I’m positive, funny and sometimes crazy. I like traveling, languages, working with people, learning new things and doing things that i never did before. In my free time I like going out, listening to music, being with my friends. I hope that my work will be travelling around the world and learning new languages. ANA ČERNE Hi, my name is Ana. I am a 20 -years old student and come from Ljubljana, but am currently living in Koper where I study Intercultural language communication at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper. I would say I am a positive and kind person. Always trying to look at the bright side of life. :) I love travelling, getting to know different cultures and learning new languages. Besides that I am also interested in art and interior design. In the future I plan to finish my studies here in Koper and then maybe continune somewhere abroad. BLAŽ MAKOVEC My name is Blaž Makovec . I'm 20 year s old and I am from Ajdovščina , Slovenia. Currently I am working my way through the second year at FHŠ, attending the Media Studies. I like watching movies and going out with my friends. I occasi onall y read an interesting book . When I graduate, I am hoping to get work in a marketing or commercial agency. I tr y to see the world from an optimistic angle, since pessimism will get us nowhere. I tr y to make other people laugh, because then, I can laugh with them. I am also a half way per fectionist and hate if something isn’t the way it was supposed to be. I am a logical per son, if something isn’t logical, I either don’t under stand, or don’t want to under stand. If there is a problem, I tr y to find the best solution for it, even if I don’t always succeed. I have joined the CCBC, because I tr y to expand my English vocabular y and the CCBC is a place for that. ŠPELA HROVATIN Hi everyone! I don't really like writing personal profiles, so I will be short . I'm Špela Hrovatin (20), coming from Logatec, Slovenia. I'm a third year History student at the Faculty of Humanities. Travelling and getting to know dif ferent cultures and people is one of my biggest hobbies. I also like hanging out with my friends, reading, cooking and watching movies. I’m really looking forward to making some business with you guys. Have fun! DIANA HUDOURNIK Hi! My name is Diana and I'm a second year student of Geography. In my free time I like listening to music, watching movies, partying with my friends and hanging out with my family. I also like traveling and in the future I would love to see as many countries as possible. :) ALENA ŠVEPEŠOVÁ My name is Alena Švepešová. I ´m a student at Charles University in Prag, the Faculty of Education. My study fields are histor y and social science with the focus on education . I would like to graduate next year and I hope that I will continue studying for the master degree. At this moment I am in Slovenia as an Erasmus student. My experiences from the study abroad will be impor tant for my future professional life and the direct contact with people in a foreign countr y can help me understanding their culture and histor y. My hobbies are skying, traveling, swimming and adrenalin spor ts. I can not live without my family, friends, pets, chocolates, books and my job. I hate envious people, lies, gossip and human stupidity. Af ter university, I would like to be a teacher in a secondar y school or university. And my big dream is to travel the whole world. TOMI OKRETIČ Hi, my name is Tomi Okretič I'm 20 years old and I'm a student at the Faculty of Humanities Koper. I'm a very social person and I like meeting new people. In my spare time i love listening to music, especially the electronic genre, hanging out with friends and playing poker. I'm particularly interested in music production and Dj -ing. I'm also a very big fan of skateboarding and cylcling. After I graduate I'd like to move abroad and work as a language mediator. PATRIK BONIN Hello everyone, my name is Patrik and I'm a second year student of Intercultural linguistic mediation a t the Faculty of Humanities in Koper. I chose this study programme, because I love foreign languages and would one day like to work and live abroad. I'm studying German and Russian alongside English and French which are the two main classes I have to attend. I also speak fluent Italian and try to teach myself Greek. I spend most of my free time with my friends or at home chilling. I hope that the CCBC project is going to be an interesting way to learn new things about business. IRENEJA PODVRŠNIK Hi! My name is Ireneja and I’m a first year student at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper. Some of the things I love are dif ferent cultures, their languages, summer, animals and dance. My motto is to enjoy every given moment and seek happiness in the smallest and simplest things. EDVIN DOLENC My name is Edvin Dolenc and I am an 18 -years-old student at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper. I have an older brother and a younger sister and live in a village called Povir, which is about 40 kilometres away from Koper. In my free time I like watching movies, hanging out with my friends, playing computer games and shooting with my air gun. I am open-minded, optimistic, confident and happy, unless I am worried. My interests are languages because they are useful and very interesting to me. I want to expand my knowledge of languages even and learn new ones. That is also the reason that I have joined the CCBC. For me, this is an opportunity to further develop my social skills and to learn something new. In future, I plan to find a job, where I would be using my knowledge of languages, for instance in an international company, or as a translator. I am a Christian, so my worldview is a biblical Christian worldview. VERA ČIPEV I'm a student of Media Studies at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper, a mother, an athlete, a friend, a wife, a housewife, a classmate, etc. I am a cheer ful per son who enjoys creating, writing and talking with people. I am studying the Media precisely because of the need for a constant communication with people and because I am interested in media operation, the back ground and its impact on us – the society. In life I would like to travel, discover other cultures and views, inform people about the known and less -known subjects, of small and large problems, of what is right and what is wrong. I see our world as a huge labyrinth of continuous integration of people, cultures and races for sur vival. Because I believe in positive energy, I think you can be in life what you want to be and you can organize your self as you wish - no matter what other s think and say. So… DO NOT DREAM YOUR LIFE, LIVE YOUR DREAMS :) ANA PERIĆ Hello, my name is Ana and I am from Izola, Slovenia. I am 22 years old. I live with my mother and father in an apartment. I have finished the high school in Piran and now I am attending the 3rd year of Media Studies in Koper. I am looking forward to graduate next year. In my spare time I play handball and shop. I work at the Municipality of Koper in the field of public relations. ANDREJA SULIČ Hi, my name is Andreja Sulič. I'm a nineteen year-old student at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper. During the study I'm living in Koper, but my hometown is Vitovlje. I love languages. I'm studying English, French, Italian and Spanish. In my free time I watch movies, listen to music or go out with my friends. I also like going to concerts. On the other hand, I love motorbikes and the person who I admire is the biggest motocycle rider Valentino Rossi. Anyway, I love traveling and I would like to meet dif ferent kinds of people from all over the world. MAJA MIHAJLOVIĆ Hello! My name is Maja Mihajlović. I'm from Slovenia, I live near Koper. I'm 20 years old. I have decided to study different kinds of languages because I think that this is a good investment in myself. People are getting mixed so it's usefull to know different languages. I am a very optimistic person. I love to laugh and make jokes. In my free time I practice etno dances. I also sing etno songs. At least I try to. For now I don't know exactly where I see myself in the future. I'm just living my life, enjoying it, trying to get out the best of it. =)) SARA ŠIRNIK My name is Sara and I am twenty year s old. I grew up in Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia, but have recently moved to Koper, where I study Intercultural linguistic mediation. I am of ten reser ved and shy around unknown people, but in my comfor t zone I tend to be hyperactive, playful and... sometimes I bounce. :D I adore life and want to make the most out of it. Some people collect stamps; I collect experience and knowledge. I adore cooking, biking, hor se riding, sailing and diving; the last two are pretty much in my blood, as I am half -Dalmatian (= a seaside region in Croatia). My greatest achievements so far have been walking a 350km long par t of Camino de Santiago, a pilgrim route in Spain, and also - finding and accepting my own patchwork family, my home, which has become the most impor tant thing in this world to me. I also plan to take over the world one day. World domination is a reasonable goal, right? ANA BILANOVIČ My name is Ana Bilanovič . I‘m 21 year s old and I'm from Koper. In my free time I like reading comics and solving sudoku. I'm a ver y optimistic per son, I like to laugh a lot, when people need help I'm there to help them.I also like running, I used to train athletics, but not anymore and sometimes I miss it. My plans for the future are unknown, beacuse Im not quite sure where I'm going to be in 10 year s time, of cour se I see myself in some of fice doing nothing, but that‘s not really going to happen, but Im optimistic.:) REBEKA ZUBAC Hi. My name is Rebeka. I live in Ankaran, Slovenia. I am 23 year s old. I live with my parents and I've got one older sister. I am attending the 3rd year of Media Studes in Koper. I really like it here. Koper is a great city. I spend my whole time here, go to gym, I work here and even during the weekend when I go out with my friends, we come to Koper. As my mates I am looking for ward to graduate next year. In my free time I hang out with my friends and go to gym. I work in TOPSHOP, a U.K clothing store which I adore. My plans for the future is to graduate and move to Australia, so somehow this is the only thing going on in my mind right now. I joined the CCBC for many reasons, one of them is because I want to learn better how to use the English language. ALEKSANDRA ZAMAN Hi, I am a 21 years old student, a freshman of Media Studies at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper. I come from a small village Vrhnika, near our capital city, Ljubljana. I am an open-minded person, who likes meeting new, interesting people and I would like to see and get to know new things and because of this I also plan to take part in students exchanges in Europe. My dream job is to be a presenter on the television, but most of all I would like to be successful, to make full use of my capabilities and to be a good human being. And one of my biggest wishes is to travel all around the world and to get to know new cultures. I life my live be the qoute, that you have to live every day as if it was your last, so I enyoj and try to get as much as I can from my life, because you only can live it once. I am looking forward to working and making new friends with you. ŠPELA POHAR ME, MYSELF and I Quarter of century. This is my age. »Una chica loca«, who likes to speak foreign languages, especially Spanish, are words which describe me. I have already finished the Faculty of Administration and now I am studying MJP at the first Bologna level and also Management at the second Bologna level. I did Eramsus exchange in Barcelona and in Saint Etienne and I am really happy that I have experienced it. Sport is my life. I think that I could not live without it. I have trained volleyball and my favourite sport is beach volleyball. That is also connected with the summer, which is my favourite part of the year, because I get lots of presents every year for my birthday in August . If someone wants to know more about me, just ask! IVAN BUJAK Hello! My name is Ivan Bujak, I'm 21 years old. I live in a small middle-age town called Piran. I'm attending the first year of Intercultural linguistic mediation program at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper. I chose to study this because I love learning new languages. In my free time I enjoy playing basketball and other “ball” sports plus I love hanging out with my friends. I also like music and I listen to every kind of it, I also like watching comedies on T V and playing videogames when I’m really bored. BARBARA RUMPRET My name is Barbara Rumpret and I am a 20 years old student at the Faculty for Humanities in Koper. I am a talkative person who likes energetic people and everyone who thinks positively. I like meeting new people and even more I like being surrounded by my friends, especially those who I've known for years. I believe everybody needs to have a trustworthy and reliable friend. I also have a passion for helping others. Because of that I can see myself working in a company or institution where communication skills are needed for solving problems of people in need. I like order - in rooms, outdoors and in my mind, but the thing is I am a very dreamy person and I usually do everything in a dif ferent way from what I wanted in the beginning. The world is a place that needs more love and wisdom more than anything else from us. That's why I think we should all try to enjoy every minute of our lives and find love everywhere around us. NINA JELEN My name is Nina Jelen and I am 18 years old. I come from Šempeter, a small town near Nova Gorica. I am a student of Intercultural linguistic mediation at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper. My biggest passion is traveling, meeting people from diferent cultures, getting to know their habits and languages. In spare time I like hanging out with my friends and watching movies. The reason why I have chosen this study and the CCBC as well is because I want to learn new languages and improve those that I already know, so that someday I will be able to work abroad. REGINA BEDNAŘÍKOVÁ My name is Regina Bednaříková and I’m twenty. I’m from the Czech republic. Actually, I live in Ostrava near the border with Poland. I like travelling, some spor ts, music, my friends and my family. Sometimes also sleeping :). In the Czech republic I study Central European studies and here I study Geography. So that’s why I have subjects like comunication and policy, some languages and the CCBC here. I don’t know what I want to do in my future but I would like to work with people or maybe I would like to go travelling and writting about it. But probably it’s a dream almost ever y student has :) ANDREA KUBÍKOVÁ M y n a m e i s A n d r e a Ku b í kov á . I a m a 2 0 - ye a r s - o l d g i r l w h o l i v e s i n t h e n o r t h - e a s te r n p a r t o f t h e C z e c h Re p u bl ic . I a l s o l i ve o n t h e b o r d e r w i t h Po l a n d. I l i ke s p o r t s ( f o r ex a m p le s w i m mi n g , r o l l e r s ka t i n g , r u n n i n g , p l ay i n g g a m e s ) , m e et i n g w i t h my f r i e n d s , r e a d i n g t h e b o o k s a n d o f c o u r s e t r av e l l in g . I t r y to t r av el a s m u c h a s I c a n to s e e d i v e r s i t ie s o f d i f fe r e n t c o un t r i e s , c u l t ur e s , l a n g u a g e s a n d p e o p l e ’ s b e h av i o ur. I t i s v e r y ex c i t in g f o r m e . T h a t i s o n e o f t h e r e a s o n s w hy I d e c i d e d to j o i n t h e E r a s m us p r o g r am . I s t u d y a t t h e S l i e s i a n U n i v e r s i t y i n O p av a a n d my p r o g r a m h e r e i s t h e C e n t r a l E u r o p e a n s t u di e s . I l i ke i t , t h a t i s w hy I c a n i m a g in e my s e l f w o r k i n g a t s o m e e m b a s s y o r s o m et h i n g l i ke t h a t . C u r r e n t l y I s t u d y a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f P r i m o r s ka , a t t h e Fa c u l t y o f H u m a n i t i e s , a t te n d i n g t h e G e o g r a p hy p r o g r a m o f s t u d i e s . B u t t h e m o d ul e s h e r e a r e to t a l ly d i f fe r e n t f o r m t h e o n e s I h av e i n my h o m e u n i v e r s i t y, s o t h a t i s t h e r e a s o n w hy I c h o s e a n o t h e r s u b j e c t s f r o m a n o t h e r p r o g r a m s l i ke t h e CCBC. JAKUB BRONEC My name is Jakub Bronec and I am 21 years old. I have been attending the Erasmus program at the Faculty of Humanities since 28th September. My specialisation is History and Social Sciences with the focus on education. I chose the study in Koper because I love visiting new countries. Travelling is one of my favourite activities. I have spent a lot of time in Greece and I was lucky enough to learn about its rich history. Thanks to the Civil institute (Matyáš Zrno) I have found very interesting information about the Balkan states. I have never visited any states of the former of Yugoslavia and this is a good opportunity for me. My leisure time activities include sports, preparation of education in French for small children and researche for the Civil Institution at home where I worked as an assistant last year. I would like to study business English because I feel that I should improve my knowledge of vocabular y. PAVLÍNA GELNAROVÁ Please, let me introduce myself. My name is Pavlína Gelnarová and I am 21 year s old. I am from a small town named Hlučín near Ostrava in the nor th -east of the Czech Republic. I also studied there at the primar y and secondar y school. Since september 2010 I ´ve been studing the Public administration and regional policy at Silesian Univer sity of Opava. In my free time I love relaxing and reading interesting books, for example an historical novel. Then I like dancing and from spor ts I prefer swimming, riding bike and skiing. I ´m interested in music too, I used to play the piano, guitarre and flute. Unfor tunately, I don´t have enough time for it anymore. Maybe I should know it, but I ´ve got no idea, what I want to do in the future. I only know that I ´ll need a job. But, af ter I ´ll finish the univer sity, my dream is to travel as much as I ´ll be able to. I ´ve been thinking about New Zealand or west of USA a lot. That ´s why I want to improve my English and I look for ward to the lessons. :) ZUZANA TRÁVNÍČKOVÁ My name is Zuzana Trávníčková . I am 24 year s old and I am from the Czech Republic, from Pilsen – the town of beer. I study Social and Cultural Anthropol ogy and I am interested in gender studies. This year I will finish my master degree and af ter this I would like to continue as a postgraduate student. I would like to stay at the Faculty of Ar ts in Pilsen too (where I am studying) and maybe have some cour ses about gender, sexuality and relationships. My hobby is ever ything that is presently of interest to me – for now it is zumba, aerobic and cour ses of latino-dance. In the summer I like swimming, sunbathing and cycling. I love music in ever y form – especially singing, I was in the choir and I had some lessons of singing. I play guitar, violin, flute and piano. I like dancing too. Usually ever y year we go to balls or masquerade. In Pilsen I work as a manager of student ´s anthropol ogi cal organization AnthropoWeb . We, for example, prepare international student ´s conferences, lecture series of specialist in humanities or we have a webpage with materials for students. AGNIESZKA PAJOR Hi, I'm Agnieszka and I come from Poland, Katowice. I'm 21 years old. I'm on an Erasmus exchange in Koper and I attend the Slavic studies here. I like travelling (like everyone). I'm intrested in Croatian literature and life of the pirates. In my spare time I like to dance, swim and roller -skate. Besides, I like concerts and I'm addicted to music. My favourite kinds of music are power metal and rock and my favourite bands are Edguy, Avantasia, Iron Maiden and Kamelot. Although I am open to any other musical genres. Sometimes I listen to shanties or oriental music. I think it's all because I don't like to talk much about yourself. SYLWIA KACZMAREK I ' m S y l w ia a n d I ' m f r o m Po l a n d . I a m o n t h e E r a s m us s t u d e n t ex c h a n g e p r o g r a m me a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f P r i m o r s ka . I a m 21 ye a r s o l d a n d I h av e b e e n s t u d y i n g G e o g r a p hy f o r 4 ye a r s a t U n i v e r s i t y o f Ł ó d ź i n Po l a n d . I h av e c h o s e n S l ov e ni a f o r my E r a s m us d e s t i n a t i o n d u e to i t s a m a z i n g r e l i e f , b et te r w e a t h e r t h a n i n Po l a n d a n d c o u n t l e s s g e o m o rp h o l o g ic a l f o r m s o f t h e l a n d s c a p e . I t i s u n b e l i eva b l e f o r m e t h a t s u c h a s m a l l c o u n t r y h a s t h e A d r i a t i c S e a , t h e A l p s , l o t s o f c av e s a n d a n o t h e r ka r s t f o r m s , e m e r a l d l a ke s a n d r i v e r s a n d r i c h h e r i t a g e a l l i n o n e . M y m a s te r t h e s i s w i l l b e a b o u t a b o u t S l ov e ni a , n a m e l y t h e t i t l e i s ' T h e i n f l ue nc e o f h u m a n a c t i v i t i e s o n l a n d s c a p e o f t h e G u l f o f Tr i e s te a n d t h e I s t r i a p e n i n s ul a i n S l ov e ni a . ' T h e r e i s n o d e ny i n g my h o b by i s t r av e l l in g . I l o v e ex p o l o r i n g n ew p l a c e s . M y m a j o r d r e a m i s a t r i p a r o u n d t h e w o r l d . I w o u l d l i ke to v i s i t S o u t h A m e r i ca , A f r i ca , A s i a , e s p e c i al l y t h e P a c i fi c i s l e s . I n t h e f u t ur e I w o u l d l i ke to b e a m ete o ro l o gi s t . JANJA ZAJEC Hi there! My name is Janja and I come from a small town nearby the Italian border. I love poetry, long walks on the beach and languanges. I speak four foreign languanges and I`m currently trying to learn two new ones. In my free time I often do various sports, such as jogging, tennis and basketball. I also love photography, discovering new foreign cuisines and having a great time with my friends. PETRA TAMINDŽIJA My name is Petra Tamindžija, I'm 19 years old. I am a cheerful and bubbly person. I like dancing and drawing. I am also very sociable and communicative. I am good at group-work. I speak German, English, Italian and Croatian. ALEN STOJČEVSKI M y n a m e i s A l e n a n d I ' m 2 0 ye a r s o l d . I l i ve i n Ko p e r, S l ov e ni a . M y p a r e n t s a r e f r o m M a c e d o n i a a n d t h ey m o v e d h e r e i n S l o ve n i a 2 5 ye a r s a g o . M y f a t h e r u s e d to l i v e i n G e r m a ny f o r 2 ye a r s , l a te r t h ey b o u g h t a h o u s e i n Ko p e r. H e w o r k s a s a n a d m i n i s t r ato r, my m o t h e r i s a n u r s e . I h av e a yo u ng e r b r o t h e r, h e ' s 17 ye a r s o l d a n d h e ' s i n t h e l a s t g r a d e o f H i g h S c h o o l. I ' m i n t h e f i r s t ye a r o f g r a d ua te s t u d i e s a t t h e Fa c u l t y o f H u m a n i t i e s i n Ko p e r, s t u d y i n g g e o g r a p hy. I c h o s e t h i s s u b j ec t b e c a u s e I ' m i n te r e s te d i n s o c i a l g e o g r a p hy a n d I w o u l d l i ke to t r av e l a l l a r o u n d t h e w o r l d to d i s c ov e r i n te r e s t i n g c u l t ur e s a n d to m a ke n ew ex p e r i e n c e. S o f a r I ' v e v i s i te d m a ny c o u n t r i e s s u c h a s : U S A , M ex i c o , Ro m a n i a , B u l g a r ia , Fr a n c e , G e r m a ny, S p a i n , A u s t r i a , S w i t z e r l a n d , I t a l y, C r o a t i a , H u n g a r y, S e r b i a , M a c e d o ni a , C z e c h Re p u b l ic . I n my f r e e t i m e I p l ay te n n i s 4 t i m e s a w e e k a n d I h av e p a r t i c i p a te d a f ew te n n i s to u r n a m e n t s. I a l s o l o v e p l ay i n g f o o t b a l l, b a s ket b a l l, m o un t a i n - bi k i n g a n d w a l k i n g o n t h e b e a c h . I ' m a p o s i t iv e , f r i e n d l y a n d h e l p f ul p e r s o n . LEO FABIJANEC Hi there. My name is Leo Fabijanec. Currently I live in Koper in Slovenija, and i am currently studying languages at the University of Primorska. What should i say about myself? Well, first of all, I’m a ver y passionate fan of anime, since I really like to draw in »Japanese« style. My hobby is also handball . I have been practicing it for 10 years already, then there would be also swimming, football and other stuf f. Also if you gain my trust I am a ver y loyal friend and will never let you down. I dislike sweet food and basketball, but generally I’m ok with ever ything else. In near future, I would really like to visit Japan with my mates, since I like their culture and most of all they are the makers of the anime, ain’t it? Well this is all about me for now :P