Chapter 3, Ancient India
1.Turn in any Ch 3 Terms to Know
2.Open text book to page 51
have any late work today?
4.After School Tutoring begins next week
Chapter 3, section 1: True or False?
Prior knowledge… what do you know?
1. The Northern boundary of the Indian subcontinent is the
2. The greatest influence on Indian climate is the seasonal
monsoon winds.
3. Our knowledge of early Indian cultures is based on artifacts.
4. Some houses in Mohenjo-Daro had upper stories and indoor
5. No one is sure why the Indus Valley Civilization disappeared.
Fire Drill
1. Remain calm
2. Proceed to the exit matching the number
above the classroom door
3. Stay with your teacher as you exit
4. Stay with your teacher – cross the street
5. Stay with your teacher – they need to take
6. Stay with your teacher – wait for the “all
7. Your teacher will escort you back into the
building – go directly to class.
South Asia
South Asia
1. Turn in homework – 3.1 FIB outline – highlighting is to
be done AS HOMEWORK at this point
2. Take out notebooks & open text book to 3.1
3. Write down & answer the following questions:
a. Name the northern boundary of the Indian
b. How do we know about early Indian cultures?
c. Name the TWO cities of the early Indus Valley
d. How do we know Indus Valley people traded?
e. How do we know Indus Valley people had religion?
Tornado Drill
1. Remain calm and quiet
2. Proceed to the area indicated
on Emergency poster
3. Sit with back to wall
 knees to chest
 face covered by knees
 hands with interlaced fingers protecting back of neck
4. Remain silent in this position until “all
II. Aryan Civilization
• Aryan People: nomads from Central Asia, invaded India
through Khyber Pass around 1500BC, skilled fighters in
chariots, few artifacts, no written language, brought Vedas
• Vedas: collection of hymns, prayers, & other religious
teachings, sacred writings of Hindu religion, orally presented for
thousands of years, Sanskrit language, c.1500BC Vedic Age
• Sanskrit: language of ancient India
• Upanishads: other sacred writing of Hindus; complex
explanation of the Vedas, hard to understand
• Caste system: social classes of India; limited contact between
Aryans and others; determined place in society and jobs;
divided into 4 varnas: Brahman (priests), Kshatriyas
(rulers/warriors), Vaisyas (merchants/artisans/farmers/traders),
and Sudras (laborers/servants); born into it, cannot get out of it,
could not marry another caste
Vaisyas (traders,
artisans, farmers,
Sudras (laborers)
II. Aryan Civilization
• Divinities: divine, or “god-like,” beings
• Ramayana: short epic poem in the Vedas; story of
Rama and bride Sita; symbolize the ideal husband
& wife
• Mahabharata: longer epic poem in the Vedas; like
the Old Testament of the Bible telling many stories
• Bhagavad-Gita: part of the Mahabharata; aka Gita;
tells story of conflict between cousins and Prince
Arjuna’s struggle to live up to his duty as a
Kshatriya and the advise from his charioteer
Krishna who is really the god Vishnu in disguise
1. Turn in homework – writing: why Aryans are a civilization
2. Take out notebooks & open text book to 3.2
3. Write down & answer the following questions:
a. What caused the descendants of the Aryans to
become rulers of India?
b. Name the method of social division developed by the
c. Name the epic poems of the Aryans that are a
collections of hymns, prayers, and religious teachings
d. Name two epic poems about the Vedas
e. To which river did the Aryans extend their territory?
Honors Vocabulary
vocabulary quiz with each chapter quiz.
World History is a reading and writing based course at all levels - the
Common Core standards as stated on the syllabus are reading and writing
– A large part of both reading an writing are a developed vocabulary.
evaluate the words based on the sections in which they appear.
with definition at the beginning of each section
biggest mistakes a student can make with studying vocabulary is to study it
"in a vacuum" without any context to place them in.
– therefore it is best to study the section's Terms to Know as we are
reading and studying that section
– Words often have a very simple base definition but then have more
subtle yet necessary particular definitions based on the context in which
is it used
– A well utilized vocabulary is not something commonly valued in today's
world, either, which makes learning vocabulary difficult for even the
most willing student
– This is why teachers of any subject encourage students to use
classroom vocabulary in everyday life as often as possible
Wednesday 9/11-2013
1. Turn in any FIBs – 3.2 officially due
Thursday (tomorrow)
2. Open notebooks to a NEW page
3. Take down these notes, it should take
about ½ a page:
No single founder (can be traced back to Aryan beliefs)
• Many sacred texts (including the Vedas), no one specific
• “polytheistic,” kind of (Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesh, etc are all part of
Brahman, the “great spirit”)
• Ultimate goal: for your soul to reach Enlightenment
• Reincarnation
• If you follow your DHARMA, or duty in life, you will have good
KARMA for your next life. If you have good KARMA, your next
life will be better with a higher CASTE. The higher you go in the
CASTE SYSTEM, the more likely it is your soul will break through
the top into ENLIGHTENMENT. This is achieved through
• No single founder (can be traced back to Aryan beliefs)
• Many sacred texts (including the Vedas), no one specific
• “polytheistic,” kind of (Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesh, etc are all
part of Brahman, the “great spirit”)
• Ultimate goal: for your soul to reach Enlightenment
• Reincarnation
• If you follow your DHARMA, or duty in life, you will
have good KARMA for your next life. If you have good
KARMA, your next life will be better with a higher
CASTE. The higher you go in the CASTE SYSTEM, the
more likely it is your soul will break through the top into
ENLIGHTENMENT. This is achieved through
Thursday 9-12-2013
Turn in any FIBs – 3.2 officially due today
Open notebooks to a NEW page
Write down & answer these questions:
3.2 Aryan Civilization reading Check
1. Name the “social order” of the
2. Was it easy for Aryans to change
their social class? Why?
3. Which epic poem gives advice on how
to be the best husband or wife?
Hindu gods
Brahma, the creator
Shiva, the destroyer
Vishnu, the preserver
Caste system may play key role
in fatal fire case
Associated Press - January 2, 2008 4:44 PM ET
OAK FOREST, Ill. (AP) - India's caste system will likely play a key role
in the prosecution of a suburban Chicago man charged with setting
a fire that killed three family members.
Authorities say Subhash Chander of Oak Forest said he was angry his
daughter -- Monika Rani -- had married Rajesh Kumar because
Kumar belonged to a lower caste in Chander's native India. Rani,
Kumar and the couple's 3-year-old son died in the fire.
The caste system was outlawed in India 60 years ago but it remains a
strong force in India and even among some recent immigrants to the
United States.
They say it can be humiliating for a father whose daughter has married
someone in a lower class.
Prosecutors say Chander claims he got into an argument Saturday
night with Kumar and then set the fire with a lighter.
Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material
may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
• Created as a reaction to the complicated
rituals of Hinduism
• Siddhartha Gautama is the Buddha, or
Enlightened One, not a god.
• Hindu gods are often worshiped in
• Belief in reincarnation
• 4 Noble Truths
• Eightfold Path to Enlightenment
• Ultimate goal: for your soul to reach
Friday the 13th 9-13-2013
Turn in any FIBs – 3.3 officially due today
Open notebooks to a NEW page
Write down & answer these questions:
3.3 Hinduism & Buddhism
1. What is the record of good or bad deeds
in a person’s life?
2. What is the major holy book of Hinduism?
3. What is the practice of “non violence”?
4. Name the 2 major beliefs of Buddhism:
5. How do the 2 items in #4 work together?
Complete this chart on the back of 2.4 FIB Outline or in
your notes – use information from 3.3
c. 2000bc
Abraham’s covenant
with God
c. 2000bc
Aryans enter
found in…
Israel, North
American, Europe
Sacred texts
Torah, Talmud,
Hebrew Bible
10 Commandments
writings of the
The Buddha
Venn Diagram
Hinduism & Buddhism
Comparing Religions
Monday 9-16-2013
Turn in any FIBs – 3.4 officially due tomorrow with Quiz
Open notebooks to a NEW page
Write down & answer these questions:
3.4 Indian Dynasty True/False
The Mauryan Empire was large, but it worked well because
it was a democracy.
2. Chandragupta was the most admired Mauryan ruler.
3. The use of the Sanskrit language, which became the official
language of the Mauryan Empire, became more widespread
during the Gupta period.
4. Hindu Gupta rulers allowed Jews to worship freely which
allowed people of the Gupta empire to concentrate on
developing art, music, and writing.
5.The Guptas established schools that taught only religion.
Subjugation of the Furious Elephant
Rulers of Ancient Indian Dynasties, 3.4
Chandragupta I
Chandragupta II
Rulers of Ancient Indian Dynasties, 3.4
Ruled with a bureaucracy; first ruler;
improved trade; overthrew kingdom of
Dug wells along road for travelers &
animals; Buddhist; rebuilt Hindu temple;
religiously tolerant;
Chandragupta I
Married the daughter of a powerful man
to get power himself; started the dynasty
Chandragupta II
Extended the empire; allowed culture to
Explain how the ancient Aryans are a civilization
even though they did not have a writing system.
Even though the Aryans did not have a writing system
they were still a civilization. Even without a writing
system, they still had literature with the Vedas. The
Vedas were a collection of hymns, prayers, and poetry
that documented their culture and religion. Religion is
another key factor for a civilization seen with the Aryans.
Though historians do not know much about their religion
they did leave behind many figures of gods and
goddesses. Aryans also had social classes. The caste
system is the Aryan class system that divided the people
and told them what jobs they had. This also shows the
Aryans had job specialization necessary to be a
civilization. Advanced technology can be seen in the
chariots the Aryans used and the weapons and figurines
they created. For all these reasons, the Aryans had
many characteristic that qualified their society as a
civilization even without a writing system.
Tuesday 9-17-2013
2. Take out all FIB’s and notes for Chapter 3 – QUIZ TODAY
(do not turn any in – keep them for use on the quiz!)
3. TURN IN Ch 3 Review History
4. Using your books or notes, list 4 ways
religion (Hinduism or Buddhism)
influenced & guided the lives of Indian
people – you should use key terms in
your list!
Part C Help:
A. The greatest Indian
leader was _________. He
ruled the ______ Dynasty
in [year(s)]. As a ruler,
he…[go on to list and
explain different things he
accomplished – separate
into individual
sentences]. For theses
and other reason, _______
was the greatest ruler of
ancient India.
B. Religion greatly influenced
the lives of ancient Indians.
The _________ and ________
religions were common to
ancient India and had many
beliefs. [go on to state
different beliefs and how they
changed the way people acted
– like we did at the beginning of
class]. For these and other
reasons, religion greatly
influenced peoples lives.
After Chapter 4 we will have the Unit 1 Exam.
……….Chapter 4 Quiz: Thurs 9/26
……….Unit Exam: Fri 9/27
Today you will receive the Cross Word Review – it covers chapters 1-4…
work on it now and over the next week and a half. It is due 9/26 If you
loose it, you can print one from my website at any time.
Part C Help:
After Chapter 4 we will have the Unit 1 Exam.
Chapter 4 Quiz: Thurs 9/26
Unit Exam: Fri 9/27
Today you will receive the Cross Word Review – it covers
chapters 1-4… work on it now and over the next week and
a half. It is due 9/26 If you loose it, you can print one from
my website at any time.