SAUDI ARABIAN SCHOLARSHIP STUDENTS IN MELP’S IEP: GOALS, SUCCESSES, AND CHALLENGES Leah Kronick SAUDI ARABIAN SCHOLARSHIP STUDENTS IN MELP’S IEP: GOALS, SUCCESSES, AND CHALLENGES Context and background Research Questions Literature Review Methods Discussion and findings Limitations Implications for teachers and administrators Suggestions for Future Research Questions? CONTEXT: • • • • Minnesota English Language Program (MELP) Intensive English Program (IEP) 2013/2014 Academic Year Plan B Project for master’s degree in TESOL RESEARCH QUESTIONS: What are the goals of KASP students studying in an IEP in the U.S.? What do these students perceive as being the greatest challenges they face and successes they achieve, linguistically and otherwise? How does the programming at the IEP align with the goals of these students residing in the U.S. for the purpose of studying English? BACKGROUND: WHY THIS STUDY? WHY NOW? • • • • • 1 of the 3 largest populations at MELP Perceived differences in learning styles Assumptions about linguistic and cultural background Practical/relevant to teachers Personal involvement with the population LITERATURE: GENERAL BACKGROUND ON SAUDI ARABIA (KSA) • • • • • • “The starkest mix of medieval and modern of any country in the world” (Coleman, 2012). Islam/ Wahhabism/ Shari’ah Constitutional Monarchy/ no “modern” constitution Oil economy Extremely high unemployment Gender segregated society LITERATURE: OVERVIEW OF KING ABDULLAH SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (KASP) • • • • • • Administered by Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM) Began in 2005 Current total numbers somewhat unclear Projections for future totals Goals of the program, stated and perceived Continued expansion and extension LITERATURE: SAUDI STUDENTS STUDYING ABROAD • • • • • Cultural Differences Identity and Performativity Short-term and long-term effects Motivation Gender LITERATURE: SAUDI STUDENTS STUDYING IN IEPs Proficiency (writing vs. speaking) • Identity construction • Learning strategies • Perceptions • METHODS: PARTICIPANTS • • • • • • 11 participants, 6 male/ 5 female Ages 19-28 In U.S. 5-16 months MELP Levels 1-4 Wide range of previous education 5-15 years of English METHODS: DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS • • • • • Semi-structured individual interviews 10 standard questions Recorded and transcribed Codes from data Coded by theme and research question DISCUSSION: REASEARCH QUESTION 1 WHAT ARE THE GOALS OF KASP STUDENTS STUDYING IN AN IEP IN THE U.S.? Specificity • Educational vs. Career • “First language” Bayan: “I like English very much because I think it’s good for my education to learn about English and it’s very famous to learn English to complete my masters degree and maybe Ph.D.” • DISCUSSION: REASEARCH QUESTION 2 WHAT DO THESE STUDENTS PERCEIVE AS BEING THE GREATEST CHALLENGES THEY FACE AND SUCCESSES THEY ACHIEVE, LINGUISTICALLY AND OTHERWISE? • Language skills: student perceptions vs. commonly held assumptions • Classroom activities/ teaching style • Quality of self-evaluation • Abdullah: “Here I can talk. My country just I receive.” • Maryam: “Mmmm, I don’t know but, maybe...I recognize some of my weaknesses. I thought that I’m okay in something and now I know. I wasn’t aware about this.” DISCUSSION: REASEARCH QUESTION 2 WHAT DO THESE STUDENTS PERCEIVE AS BEING THE GREATEST CHALLENGES THEY FACE AND SUCCESSES THEY ACHIEVE, LINGUISTICALLY AND OTHERWISE? • Ahmed: “King Abdullah, when he give us the • • • • • • scholarship to come here to study, many Independent living people want to study, so they understand Cultural exchange and interaction many things, they understand other cultures and when they go back to KSA they will do something better.” Length of scholarship program Advancement policy/ summer program Confidence Successes and challenges DISCUSSION: REASEARCH QUESTION 3 HOW DOES THE PROGRAMMING AT THE IEP ALIGN WITH THE GOALS OF THESE STUDENTS RESIDING IN THE U.S. FOR THE PURPOSE OF STUDYING ENGLISH? Sense of community • Mixed-gender environment • Class schedule/ course catalog • Flexibility • • Malik: “I have to become comfortable. But also I have to preserve my culture.” LIMITATIONS: Small/ localized sample • Self-selection • Relationship with researcher • Gender of researcher • IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHING AND ADMINISTRATION: • • • • • • Individuality/ self-representation Avoiding stereotypes Awareness of challenges Explicit expectations Students as whole people Making personal connections SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH: • • • • • SLA focus Other IEPs Follow up beyond IEPs Results in KSA Other populations (Omani/ Chinese?) Questions? Thank you! Contact Leah at References Al Zayid, A. A. (2012). The role of motivation in the L2 acquisition of English by Saudi students: a dynamic perspective (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from Al-Abdulkareem, S. (n.d.). Education development in Saudi Arabia. Informally published manuscript, Retrieved from Al-Sheikhly, N. A. (2012). Saudi Arabian women pursuing higher education at Oregon State University (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from Al-Zaid, A. M. (1982). 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