1 1 Your starter for 6..... 1. What is the name of the Paranoid Android in Douglas Adams’ ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’? 2. In Monopoly, the green set consists of Bond Street, Regent Street and which other? 3. The Roman town of Concangis is better known as? 4. What does UNESCO stand for? 5. After how many years would you celebrate your crystal anniversary? 6. Which sign of the zodiac would you be if your birthday was on the 18th October? 2 Your starter for 6... 1. What is the name of the Paranoid Android in Douglas Adams’ ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’? – Marvin 2. In Monopoly, the green set consists of Bond Street, Regent Street and which other? - Oxford Street 3. The Roman town of Concangis is better known as? – Chester-le-Street 4. What does UNESCO stand for? - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation 5. After how many years would you celebrate your crystal anniversary? – 15 6. Which sign of the zodiac would you be if your birthday was on the 18th October? - Libra 3 4 Aim for morning session To ensure that all delegates are aware of the requirements of the 2013 Common Inspection Framework and understand what they need to do to be inspection ready. 5 5 Introduction Key changes to the Inspection framework 6 The phone call… If you received the phone call from Ofsted on Thursday morning: • What would be your initial reaction? • Your next steps? • How would you brief your teams in preparation? Discuss on your table and be prepared to give some open feedback to the wider group. 7 Sir Michael Wilshaw – Ofsted HMCI “Quite simply, we've said that good is the only form of acceptable provision, and anything less than that is not good enough and needs to improve as soon as possible.” Sir Michael Wilshaw HMCI (2012) 8 The Inspection Handbook 2012 To ensure consistency with Ofsted it’s advisable to refer to the Inspection Handbook: www.ofsted.gov.uk Part 2, Section A and Section B • Provides ‘Further Guidance’ on CIF themes • Provides grade characteristics 9 Common Inspection Framework for further education and skills 2012 Overall effectiveness Outcomes for learners Grade 1 Outstanding Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Grade 2 Good Grade 3 Requires improvement Effectiveness of Leadership and management Grade 4 Inadequate 10 Inspectors will make a judgement on the quality of teaching, learning and assessment by evaluating the extent to which: • learners benefit from high expectations, engagement, care, support and motivation from staff. • staff use their skills and expertise to plan and deliver teaching, learning and support to meet each learner’s needs. • staff initially assess learners’ starting points and monitor their progress, set challenging tasks, and build on and extend learning for all learners. • learners understand how to improve as a result of frequent, detailed and accurate feedback from staff following assessment of their learning. • teaching and learning develop English, mathematics and functional skills, and support the achievement of learning goals and career aims. • appropriate and timely information, advice and guidance support learning effectively. • equality and diversity are promoted through teaching and learning. 11 Action Planning You have been provided with a guide for evaluating teaching, learning and assessment. As an aid to action planning please note any aspects you need to follow up in preparation for inspection. You may wish to add these points to your main action plan. 12 Grade characteristics – explanatory handout 13 Exploring the language of the CIF Prepare a list of key words you could expect to use in staff feedback or that you may hear inspectors use that may indicate possible grades. To do this you need to use the Inspection Handbook. • Scan each of the four illustrative grade characteristics for Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and identify key words you would use in grading or your SAR? • Prepare a flip-chart table for presentation to the whole group. See image on next slide..... 14 Flip chart presentation – key words Outstanding Words only found under descriptor Good Descriptive words from CIF Requires improvement Descriptive words from CIF Inadequate Descriptive words from CIF Words that cross descriptors – lesser impact on reports and feedback Approx. 20 minutes 15 Preparing for Inspection 16 Being Inspection ready – Initial Planning meeting • • • • Inspection team members, the role of the nominee - inspector profiles. Scope of the inspection (areas to be inspected and graded) Informing users about the inspection, learner and employer views Has the BI-06 been completed by the provider? • • • • Schedules of planned assessment, reviews, lessons etc. during inspection. Timetables of classroom activity. Arrangements to examine learners’ work. Other planned learning activities/opportunities that may occur on inspection Inspection team meetings and meetings with members of staff/managers Pre inspection team briefing letter. Quality assurance visitors: Inspection service providers, Invited observers. Domestic arrangements. Feedback, quality assurance of the inspection. 17 The challenges • Think about the real challenges here, what actions will you need to put in place in order to be able to complete B1-06 accurately and quickly? • Have you updated your SAR and prepared a position statement setting out how you have improved since the SAR was written? • Make a note in your action plan. • Do you have any concerns on this key task? 18 How a typical inspection is organised • Dips or fluctuations in outcomes data can trigger an inspection visit particularly if the provider was previously performing well. Page 8 of the Handbook outlines how Providers are selected for inspection. • Typically inspection is on a four year cycle but can change according to reports from monitoring visits. • Refer to pages 29 and 30 in the Inspection Handbook for the typical inspection format. 19 Pre-inspection work for inspectors This task is assigned to inspectors prior to them arriving. From the provider’s self-assessment, the team briefing letter, the iCPR or other data provided complete your analysis on the following: • Achievement Gaps? significant variations in gender, ethnicity or disability. • Learners Progress? (where data are available and relevant). • Learner destinations? • Other outcomes evidence to inform hypothesis for teaching, learning and assessment? 20 CIF 2012 - What’s new…. • Firstly, short notice – 2 days and shorter period of time before re-inspection. • Satisfactory is no longer acceptable. • Greater emphasis on teaching, learning and assessment but outcomes still matter, impact of TLA. • No limiting grades for E&D and Safeguarding but emphasis on E&D observed in learning. • Support & guidance is included in teaching and learning. • Progress made by current learners is a key focus. • Destinations into employment and higher levels. 21 Comments in FE Week LeSoCo • The Ofsted report said: “Staff do not set learning targets for learners or track their progress effectively. Tutorials are often unproductive [and] many learners cannot recall when they last received a tutorial, when they were given individual targets relating to their qualification, or when they had a discussion about issues such as attendance.” • “The weighting on English and maths has overweighed the rest of the provision, and that is what we think is unfair.” 22 What’s topical from recent inspections Strong emphasis on teaching, learning and assessment, but success rates are still very important and impact on overall grade. • Planning learning, learners are stretched and challenged, impact. • Variety in learning and assessment and rigour of assessment. • Progress given their starting points, setting and monitoring of targets. • Progress is a key focus as is attendance and punctuality. • Embedding Employability, E&D, English and Mathematics. • How well are GLH managed (LR & ER). • Achievement gaps – what’s actually being done to narrow the gap? • Learners on right programme – link to IAG (bums on seats policy). • Miss-match in internal observation grades. • Weak self-assessment – insufficient analysis of TLA. 23 A typical day in the life of an Inspector • • • • • • • • • Begins with feedback to managers from previous day Carry out learning observations. Review learner files, learner work, attendance. Review WBL ILP's, progress reviews. Review learner progress tracking. Meetings with learners, staff, managers and possibly employers. May follow a learner (observation, ILP, tutorial/review, tracking). Feedback team meeting at 5pm. Checking and updating observation notes, triangulating judgements, next day plans. • Well earned glass of …..(usually red) 24 What inspectors look for during an observation • • • • • • • • • • • How well is the session planned to meet needs of learners. Attendance and punctuality. Class behaviour, control and motivation. Do learners know what they need to learn. Is there a link to previous learning. How effectively is assessment for learning used. Assessment approaches – questioning. Learner participation - not teacher led. Variety in learning activities. Embedding LLN, E&D and links to employability. Use of ILT if appropriate. 25 What inspectors look for during an observation Assessment & Progress Reviews: • Absolutely key – must be evidence of planning. • Impact of the assessment or review on learner progress. • Evidence that some learning takes place. • How well learners understand their progress and Provider has detailed up to date progress tracking shared with learners. • Checking learning – assessment/questioning approaches. • Clear link to previous targets and very clear smart target setting. Links to off-job training. • Planned inclusion of E&D and Safeguarding. • Employer involved (if app) and session has a clear wrap up. 26 What do inspectors expect in lesson planning Ofsted has no formal requirement for a lesson plan or style of lesson plan, however... • CIF states: Staff use their skills and expertise to plan teaching, learning and support to meet each learners’ needs. So... • We need a scheme of work a scheme of learning or a lesson plan, this will need to indicate GLH planned – the ILP will need to show how they are delivered. • Indication of what is planned for the session together with assessment. • See the sample ‘5 minute lesson plan’ over... 27 5 minute lesson plan 28 Things you need to know and have in place... • • • • • • • • Data, three year trends with explanation for dips, what's being done to improve success rates Withdrawals and transfers - compare to same point last year Learner numbers by ethnicity and gender, any achievement gaps and why Observation grade profile - how this is moderated, how accurate Timetables etc. Are they accurate Safeguarding CRB or DBS checks Learner surveys "You said, we did" IAG, it's impact, are learners on the right programme, how well are starting points considered, added value • • • • • • • • • • • Progression data Staff appraisal linked to CPD Risk assessment and COSHH up to date Management understand current learner progress, tracking etc. Targets - organisational, staff, learners Improvement strategies and impact How well PT staff are included Impact of quality assurance process Accuracy and impact of the SAR Plan learner and staff meetings Do learners arrive ready to learn 29 Learning can take place in diverse places 30 Aim for afternoon session To explore the key teaching, learning and assessment themes emerging from recent inspections, and identify best practice and effective strategies for improvement. 31 Characteristics of outstanding teaching, learning and Assessment 32 Outstanding Teaching, Learning and Assessment Working in your groups list the elements you would expect to find in an outstanding lesson. What is it about these elements that warrants the session being outstanding? • Classroom based learning • Practical learning session • Assessment or review in the workplace • Learner 1:1 tutorials 33 Done well, these aspects contribute to outstanding 1. Standards of work and skill development 2. Learners progress 3. Development of language, literacy, numeracy and ICT skills 4. Development of employability skills 5. Teacher effectiveness 6. Ability to work independently 7. Promotion of equality and diversity in learning 8. Learners attitudes 9. The impact of resources on learning 34 Attributes of a really effective learning session • It will be about learning rather than teaching. • Very good attendance and punctuality. • Introduction immediately engages learners in learning and explains outcomes for session. • Well planned with variety in activity, stretch and challenge and interesting for learners. • Routine assessment of learning – really effective questioning. Some assessment for learning. • Recap and plenary. • Includes relevant aspects of E&D, links to employability, English and mathematics 35 Including E&D, English and Mathematics • Mathematics is easy, but teachers need to provide clear evidence that something is reinforced or learned. • English – consider building a list of complex words, hard to spell words, include good grammar practice, this is easy to evidence in marked work and in feedback. • E&D – must link to the topic being covered. Get learners to prepare a set of diagrammatic drawings for someone who can’t speak English. Discussion on imperial measurement, how tasks are done in different cultures, also include basics such as learning preferences. 36 E&D in TLA Task for each group of 4… • Provide one good idea for embedding E&D in teaching, learning and assessment. • Briefly summarize your idea on a flip chart at the front. 37 Effective questioning of learners Developing consistency in judgements Working as a group, devise three really effective questions to ask learners that will determine whether they are learning. Present these to the whole group on a flip chart. 38 Activity – learner profiles Clearly there are cross-sector issues in the use of learner profiles (group or individual). There is also some confusion over what’s expected in planning learning. • How well do your profiles support improving outcomes for learners? • What do you expect to see by way of profiles during observations? • What initiatives do we need to take away today to improve overall planning for learning – if any? 39 Know your learner Name Student personality Ed McBear Learning style Learning support A pleasant student, lots of facial hair and can be growly especially before breaks. Likes to chat and socialise, works best in group with Paddington and Rupert. Easily led astray by Yogi. Visual learner, likes pictorial information, charts, pies (meat), diagrams etc. Very ready to answer in class. None currently arranged. Current literacy level: E3, has difficulty understanding complex words and terminology, additional support will be required to get him through the programme. Targeted Literacy level: Level 1- Arrangements made to attend basic skills sessions. Discuss progress at tutorial. Current numeracy level: L1, Will require additional support to cope with programme. Targeted numeracy L2, Needs to attend FS lessons. Level: 40 Grading Teaching, Learning and Assessment 41 Key points from a recent inspection report • Many students do not make the progress expected of them based on their starting points. • The standard of students’ work generally meets course requirements but rarely extends beyond that required to achieve a pass grade. Too many students are not sufficiently challenged to realise their full potential and the proportion achieving high grade passes on courses where they are able to do so is low. 42 Activity As an observer, you need to make a judgement about learner progress relative to their starting points. • How will you go about this? • What’s meant by starting point, how will you know. • What information will you require to help form your judgement and how will you get it? • What, if any other information will you require? 43 Assessing teacher documentation What paperwork does an inspector look for when observing a lesson – what could all this tell you? • Scheme of work • Lesson plan • Learner profiles • Links to initial assessment • Handouts – learner activities • Tracking and assessment • Register What if there isn’t any documentation? 44 Using the Inspection Handbook When grading observers should become familiar with the Inspection Handbook and use it each observation to ensure accuracy, consistency and fairness. • For example: How would you grade a really good lesson when attendance is low and well below the Providers target? 45 Actions to improve TLA The key weaknesses in TLA: • Lack of planning, no clarity in what learners need to do. No discussion on outcomes or targets. • No clear planned activities or weak timing with insufficient checks on learning. • Weak questioning approaches. • If appropriate, failure to include E&D, LLN and employability. • Weak observation fails to identify strategies for improvement. 46 Lesson observation What do you look for when you observe lessons. • How do you evaluate your judgements? • How do you know you’ve given the correct grade? • How do you plan feedback? 47 Effective lesson observation documentation Avoid complex forms, check boxes and opportunities for repetition. • Context of the lesson. • Summary reflecting the grade (comments on learner progress and the impact of TLA) • Strengths – why is it a strength • Areas for improvement – why does it need to improve, consider the impact on learners. • Actions required to improve – the level of detail here will generate the most improvement. Use the structure in the action planning worksheet as your observation structure. 48 Recent summary of key findings for learners • The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is not consistently high across the provider. • More able learners are not sufficiently challenged and, as a result, do not make enough progress. • Attendance is too low and below the college's target. • Not all learners acquire the English and mathematics skills that they need to progress successfully. • Target setting is not sufficiently specific to enable learners to know what they need to do to improve. • Self-assessment is insufficiently evaluative and does not give enough emphasis to improving the quality of teaching, learning and assessment. 49 Questions 50