MOVING TOWARDS A STRONGER FUTURE Can we find the commitment and the energy to make a contribution? LINDA CAIRNS PAGC EMBRACE LIFE COORDINATOR RISK FACTORS What are “risk factors”? Risk factors are those things in a person’s life that might take them to thinking about suicide. The factors vary for every person. There are some common themes to look for and to listen for. RISK FACTOR INFORMATION Suicide rates amongst Canada’s Aboriginal people are higher than those of other Canadians. Health Canada (1996) data suggests suicide rates amongst First Nation males are 2.6 times and for women 4 times higher than for the Canadian population in general. Aboriginal youth are at 5 -6 times greater risk than their non Aboriginal peers SUICIDE RISK FACTORS The literature is clear that being a First Nation, Metis or Inuit person in and for itself does not pose a risk for suicide. As with all people, context and perception are critical in determining suicide risk in First Nations, Metis or Inuit youth. The document Choosing Life: Special repor t on Suicide Among Aboriginal People (1995) indicates that general risk factors for suicide such as mental illness, life history and life situations are common to all people. FIRST NATION, METIS AND INUIT FACE ADDITIONAL LIFE CIRCUMSTANCES THAT INCREASE THEIR RISK OF SUICIDE Psychobiological factors such as depression and grief, which are made worse for many by the sheer number of deaths in small close -knit communities. Life history factors including cultural discontinuity, disruption of families by outside intervention and prevalent substance use and abuse. ADDITIONAL LIFE CIRCUMSTANCES CONTINUED Socio-economic factors in which “living conditions are generally inferior to those of most Canadians. High rates of poverty, limited employment and education opportunities as well as deficiencies in sanitation and water quality are part of the context of the lives of many First Nation, Metis or Inuit. Cultural stress results when people go through a massive, imposed change. The loss of land, pervasive breakdown of cultural norms, customs and institutional racism, as well as loss of identity are some of the stressors experienced by Aboriginal people since their contact with dominant cultures. ADDITIONAL LIFE CIRCUMSTANCES CONTINUED Colonial relations have resulted in damage to all the elements of First Nation, Metis and Inuit culture, which define the essence of identity: language, customs, values, and beliefs. Kirmayer, Brass and Tait (2000) and Mussell (2002) report these factors are particular to Aboriginal people. The Health of Of f -Reserve Aboriginal Population (2002) reports similar findings with respect to overall health determinants. FINALLY Many First Nations, Metis and Inuit experienced exclusion from the dominant society and alienation from a traditional lifestyle. They have “the terrible emptiness of feeling strung between two cultures and psychologically home to neither.” (Choosing Life p. 30) EMERGING THEMES Loss Connected to dislocation; in care, separation Social and economic conditions Mental Health concerns Substance abuse Two-spirited Street involved Homelessness Exposure to violence Change Contact, conquest, residential schools PROTECTIVE FACTORS What are “protective factors”? Protective factors are those things that give troubled persons reasons for living. Protective factors can be active in the individual, family and community. CONCLUSIONS The purpose of the discussion was to listen to one another’s point of view and to understand there are many protective factors. The aboriginal youth Rod interviewed identified self-esteem, connection with others, changing thinking, and cultural community as the four most significant factors in their recovery from suicide ideation. PROTECTIVE FACTORS RESOURCES Aboriginal Youth: A Manual of Promising Suicide Prevention Strategies White and Jodoin (2003) Suicide Among Aboriginal People in Canada Aboriginal Healing Foundation Research Series -series What is Working, What is Hopeful … David Masecar CIRCLE OF COURAGE MARTIN BROKENLEG AND LARRY BENDTRO The Circle of Courage is based upon native values and the medicine wheel. The illustration incorporates the medicine wheel as well as the four spirits of the Circle of Courage. BELONGING: I MATTER Resources for basic needs: shelter, food, water, health care. Relationship needs: Connection with a variety of people who are supportive and demonstrate pro social competence. Connections with history, culture, customs. Belief in something greater than me; spirituality, faith, religion. MASTERY: I CAN Competence Creativity Creative Problem Solving Learn Things Persevere Optimistic Outlook Sense of Humour INDEPENDENCE: I MAKE A DIFFERENCE I am my own person I have initiative and leadership skills I do the right thing I have a sense of purpose I ask tough questions of myself and others I have self-discipline. I have the ability to stand away from the negative behaviours; to adapt to negative behaviours by separating myself from the high and unrealistic expectations of myself. I have influence; others listen to me. GENEROSIT Y: I CARE I care about other people I contribute to the well-being of others I am a role model I care about myself I do things to keep me healthy and safe MY ROLE Take risks; teambuilding Grief Recovery, Education & Counselling To listen To learn To question To educate To suppor t To work with communities To advocate for a youth voice. To encourage. To celebrate. To promote, protect and preser ve LIF E. NATIONAL ABORIGINAL YOUTH SUICIDE PREVENTION STRATEGY NAYSPS NAYSPS VISION Youth Identity and Empowerment Youth Engagement and Leadership Community Involvement and Traditional Teachings Integrated, Holistic and Comprehensive Program Crisis Response and Grief Recovery Education and Awareness YOUTH IDENTIT Y AND EMPOWERMENT Advocate and encourage youth involvement and input YAC (Youth Action Council) Elder Involvement MTSF Leadership from the Heart YOUTH ENGAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP Engage community at large Focu s on you ng ad u lts O p p or tu nities for sk ill b u ild ing for you th and ad u lts YAC form e d in 10 com m u nities Ad vocate for cre ation of m ore fu n and c halle nging volu nte er op p or tu nities for you th. Cre ation of PATH Lob by for le ad e r ship su p p or t for you th involve m ent in all com m u nity p rogram s. Viole nce is the nu m b e r 1 conce rn of you th. Goal to d e cre ase viole nce throu gh ACTIO N of all but YOUTH is par ticular. COMMUNIT Y INVOLVEMENT & TRADITIONAL TEACHINGS Establish strong youth/adult p ar tne r ships. Involve com m u nity c ham p ions. Foste r an e nvironm e nt for m e ntor ship; b u ild cap acity w ithin the com m u nities Introd u ce M T SF A holistic ap p roac h is involve d in cre ation and d e live r y of all p rogram s Incorp orate he aling Good Grief Camp for Youth Eld e r s active ly involve d . Exp lore histor y and id e ntity as F N in a re sp e ctfu l way. Sp iritu al jou rney invite s he aling And positive c hange. INTEGRATED HOLISTIC AND COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM Developed a network of se r vice s and p rogram s Inte grated holistic ap p roac h in p lanning and d e live r y HOT, Good Grie f Cam p , Grie f Outreac h, YAC Em b race Life p rogram m onitore d and evalu ated af te r eve r y eve nt and annu ally. Re m ove the stove p ip es (silos) to address c hange as a community not on b e half of a p rogram or age ncy Circle of Cou rage p hilosop hy CRISIS RESPONSE & GRIEF RECOVERY PAGC Crisis Response Te am; se ctor ap p roac h Local CRT’s initiate d; cap acity b u ild ing Te am me m b e r s traine d is CISD, ASIST, M HFA , He aling Circle s, and Grie f and Loss Re sou rce lists for 11 com m u nities com p lete d Ne e d of M e ntal Health Therapist at PAGC Full time therapists in e ac h com m u nity ne e d e d Grie f Re cove r y O u tre ac h ongoing at Holistic We llne ss All com m u nitie s have traine d facilitator s; m ore action re qu ire d EDUCATION & AWARENESS Strategy has been created Focuses on prevention, inter vention and postvention Goal to reduce stigma & lateral violence; and to increase understanding of confidentiality Exploring creative & innovative ways to communicate with youth Celebrate and build upon the strengths Increased access to training for all community members brings about positive change. Support is always needed. But action and change is up to the community members Training available :ASIST, safeTALK, suicideTALK, MHFA, MTSF, HOT, Grief and Loss, Youth Engagement, Youth Leadership, Building Strong Relationships, …. Counseling and treatment available for addictions, mental health issues and gambling. WHAT I KNOW FOR SURE…. Suicide is a community problem that needs community ACTION . WE NEED TO TALK WHAT I KNOW FOR SURE… We need to have a plan or vision otherwise we will get lost … The past needs to be acknowledged The present is here and now Plan to make a future better, different or more than present STOP DOING WHAT DOESN’T BRING THE DESIRED RESULTS. P.A.T.H. Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope Sustainable change takes patience, persistence and time. CHANGE IS NECESSARY Many are resistant and fear change; but a change in attitude and habits can promote, preserve and protect LIFE. ENERGY IS EVERY THING Energy is created through ACTION. Positive change cannot happen without action. A safe, vibrant, healthy community where everyone belongs. MOBILIZE THE COMMUNIT Y Break down the silos/barriers. To g et h e r e v e r yo n e a c h i ev e s m o r e . Yo ut h n e e d t o f e e l t h ey b e l o ng . W i t h v s . Fo r Vo l un te e r i s m g r ow s s e l f e s te e m . I n v o lv e m e n t r e d uc e s v i o l e nc e . COMMUNIT Y DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES Community Development Strategies must address the complex nature of suicide in Aboriginal communities by looking at the following four areas: Community Renewal Cultural Enhancement Traditional Healing Practices Interagency Communication and Support. WHAT ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF COMMUNITY RENEWAL? Community Education Training in ASIST Means Restriction Youth Leadership WHAT ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF COMMUNIT Y EDUCATION? School Training Policy Climate Improvement WHAT ARE SOME OF THE THINGS THAT COULD TAKE PLACE IN SCHOOLS? Family involvement Esteem building Life Skills Suicide awareness information WHAT ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF FAMILY FOCUSED STRATEGIES? Asset interview Refer page 56 of What is Working, What is Hopeful… . YOUTH NEED… To be engaged so that their voice can be heard. To be empowered. To feel they belong and have purpose within the community To be taught skills to help themselves and others. 40 Developmental Assets The opportunity to be responsible and accountable To learn generosity; serve others… Support from the leadership Several mentors.. To mentor others… A Youth Coordinator in each community Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE ASIST TRAINED IN SUICIDE works. FIRST-AID. CHANGE HAPPENS ONE PERSON AT A TIME Each person influences growth in a family and each family influences growth as a community. CHANGE IN ATTITUDE A strength based approach creates healthy outcomes CELEBRATE WHAT’S RIGHT WITH THE WORLD Are YOU ready to be the best FOR the world? “We live in a world of possibilities . . . when we believe it, we’ll see it.” KEY CONCEPTS: • Believe it and you’ll see it. • Recognize abundance. • Look for possibilities. • Unleash your energy to fix what’s wrong. CONTINUED . . . KEY CONCEPTS: • Ride the changes. • Take yourself to your edge. • Be your best for the world. BELIEVE IT AND YOU’LL SEE IT. • Commit to the results you’re looking for. • Find ways around obstacles. • Have high expectations. RECOGNIZE ABUNDANCE. • Acknowledge all that you have to work with. • Broaden your definition of winning. • Look for ways to work cooperatively with others. LOOK FOR POSSIBILITIES. • Focus on opportunity, rather than scarcity. • Find what’s working. • Keep looking for the next possible answer. UNLEASH YOUR ENERGY TO FIX WHAT’S WRONG. • Connect with a positive vision. • Believe that solutions exist. • Focus on what is right with the situation. RIDE THE CHANGES. • Realize that change is possibility. • Learn to live with uncertainty, yet act with confidence. • Challenge the order in your life. TAKE YOURSELF TO YOUR EDGE. • Trust yourself and create your own future. • Follow your edge wherever it goes. • Move beyond your best. BE YOUR BEST FOR THE WORLD. • Act with service and grace. • Make a contribution through action. • Talk about your successes to discover your dreams. LOOK FOR OPPORTUNITIES TO BUILD SUICIDE SAFER COMMUNITIES. Over the next two days … WHAT WILL YOU CONTRIBUTE? ACTION IS REQUIRED NOW THANK YOU FOR LISTENING Linda Cairns 3 0 6 - 76 5 - 5 3 0 5