NEW MEXICO PUBLIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 2015 Instructional Material Adoption: GRADES K – 8 ELA/Reading; CORE Reading Intervention; and, Modern, Classical and Native Languages Form F Citation and Scoring Rubric Informational Workshop for Publishers Thursday, January 15, 2015 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. MST AGENDA • Form F – Citation and Scoring Rubrics Posted on IMB Webpage • Form F is one of the Forms A – G; needed if submission as a core/basal title 2 Submissions and Scoring Grades K – 8 Submissions • English Language Arts/Reading; • CORE Reading Intervention; and, • Modern, Classical and Native Languages Scoring • Titles submitted for adoption as core/basal • Titles submitted for adoption as supplemental will not be reviewed. No format is required. 3 Instructional Material Definition/ Review You may submit, and Reviewers may review and score the following: • School textbooks • Educational digital media • Online direct instructional programs • Electronic books, and • Other technologies, media and formats that are used as the basis for instruction, including: – combinations of textbooks – learning kits – supplementary material – modular educational programs 4 Instructional Material Review Set •The review set is the instructional material submitted for review at the summer institute for inclusion as core/basal •The review set consists of the student edition and the teacher edition. The review set may include the student workbook, if the student workbook is relied upon to meet any of the citations demonstrating alignment with standards 5 OVERVIEW OF REVIEW PROCESS • Core/basal review for alignment with NM standards, benchmarks, and other relevant criteria (See NM standards in RfA p.9-60) • Reviewed by Level II and Level III teachers • Submissions scored against rubrics • 90 percent = adopted as core basal • 80 – 89 percent = second review • Below 90 percent (after second review) = supplemental 6 CORE READING INTERVENTION Question If we have an adaptive student text in the CORE Reading Intervention category, may we bid it as core/basal? If yes, would it have to score at 90% or higher? Yes, you may submit adaptive student texts as core/basal. Yes, to be considered core/basal, the material must meet the standards at 90 percent or higher. 7 FORM F: The Reviewer’s Point of View 1. Forms are reviewed by qualified and experienced teachers 2. Make it easy for the reviewer 3. Chief complaints from past reviewers: −Text cited did not support standards −Other parts of text were better suited −Citations did not point them to material 4. Please provide citations most on point 8 FORM F DOCUMENTS – DEADLINES • March 31, 2015 – This submission is to help us identify any potential problems with your Form F citations. We will notify you if there are items you should correct prior to the Summer Institute. We’ll need one copy of Form F. • Between March 31st and May 31st, publishers will have an opportunity to modify and correct citations to ensure clarity for teacher review at the Summer Institute. • May 31, 2015 – This is the first day of the Summer Institute, when all Form F Documents and materials are due for review. We’ll need six copies of Form F. 9 OVERVIEW OF FORM F DOCUMENTS New Mexico Administrative Code J. The review form shall be divided into two sections. K. Section I shall consist of citations showing alignment with New Mexico standards and benchmarks and shall include scorable performance indicators for all relevant standards and benchmarks consistent with Bloom’s taxonomy or other generally accepted taxonomies as determined by the content bureau. L. Section II shall consist of citations showing that the material under review meets other relevant criteria (effective pedagogy, instructional design, culturally responsive, differentiated instruction, etc.) 10 FORM F INITIAL DUE DATE • • • Submit to IMB on your initial Form F by 03/31/2015 IMB will review IMB will notify you on or before April 15 11 FORM F: Citation Rubric General Information • Use one of the twelve versions of Form F, as dictated by the subject of your material – F.1 – F.9: ELA/Reading Grades K-8 – F.10: CORE Reading Intervention Grades 1 through 5 – F.11: CORE Reading Intervention Grades 6 through 8 – F.12: Modern, Classical and Native Languages – Grades K – 8 12 FORM F: Citation Rubric • • • • • Final Form F documents submitted at the first day of the Summer Institute as part of the check-in process Submit six copies of the completed Form F with your material review set for each core/basal item Recommendation for Core Basal = 90+ percent Include citations for each criterion Please do not leave blanks 13 FORM F DOCUMENTS ON IMB WEB-PAGE 14 Citation Presentation at Summer Institute • On Sunday, 05/31 – Instructional Material Check In Review Set, six copies of Form F Documents, and Form C • On Sunday, 05/31 – Publisher Citation Presentation to Reviewers • Present a concise PowerPoint relevant to Form F Citations • Presentation should be informational, so Reviewers will know how to read your Citations 15 Citation Presentation – Page 2 • • • • • • IMB will provide presentation equipment Please bring your presentation on digital media Please provide links, passwords, I.D.’s for digital material If firewall is in place, please test to ensure Reviewer access IMB will make all efforts to have “digital-only” reviewed Monday, June 01, 2015 If submitting digital material, please be on site to answer questions June 01, 2015 16 FORM F: Fill in the Blanks 1. Citation format using Bloom’s Taxonomy: See Bloom’s Table on p. 61 of RfA Form F.1 through F.11, Section 1 for ELA/Reading and CORE Reading Intervention • Two citations per cell • Cite to the highest level the cited text supports • Reviewers look for “Citation Level 3” first • Citations scored at the highest level of Bloom’s • Reviewers may score a Level 3 as a Level 2 • Reviewers may score a Level 2 as a Level 3 17 FORM F: Fill in the Blanks – Page 1 18 FORM F: Fill in the Blanks – Page 2 19 FORM F: Fill in the Blanks – Bloom’s • • • • • Enter the highest level of citation for each criterion Enter the page number and the paragraph Citations meeting Level 3 of Bloom’s = 10 points Citations meeting Level 2 of Bloom’s = 6 points Preface your citation with SE, TE, or WB to specify 20 CITATION FORMAT FOR OCCURRENCES: • Form F.1 – F.11, Section 2 (ELA/Reading & CORE Reading Intervention • Form F.12 – All Sections (MCN) • Reviewers should determine if the material has at least three occurrences demonstrating compliance with the standard. • Please provide citations for all criteria on Form F, including “Other Relevant Criteria,” included as Section 2. A. 21 FORM F: Fill in the Blanks – Occurrences • All three citations show compliance = 5 pts • One + citations did not comply = 0 pts 22 FORM F: Fill in the Blanks 1. Criteria with multiple parts – cite to each lettered sub-item 2. Compound criteria –cite to the highest level of Bloom’s embedded in the criteria EXAMPLE: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place; how it sets a formal or informal tone). 23 FORM F: Avoid Common Errors When using Bloom’s Taxonomy • Cite to the concept not the question cue • Please do not use citations in the text/instructional material multiple times to demonstrate compliance with different criteria • Citations should give broad exposure to text • “Repeat citations” may be scored as zero • Citations should be targeted (do not cite an entire chapter or cite multiple pages) • Enter short, concise statements 24 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL BUREAU CONTACT Thank you for attending the Form F Citation and Scoring Rubric Workshop 25