Listening Skills and the IEP for Deaf/HH Students

Listening Skills and the IEP
for Deaf/HH Students
Lori Fitzgerald, Ed. S
Program Specialist
Christina Delk,
Nationally Board Certified, Teacher of the Deaf
Jefferson County Public Schools
 Presenter Introductions
 Audience Introductions
Defining Listening…
 Listening is a sensory perception that is often intentional.
This perception is impacted by hearing loss with severity of
impact directly relating to the severity of the hearing loss.
 Listening is also a developmental skill. (Ex. Children with
new cochlear implants.) Children with hearing loss require
instruction, whereas most typically developing children
acquire complex auditory skills without effort.
 Auditory development is often an early intervention but few
children with hearing loss have attained all necessary listening
skills by Kindergarten. 83% of deaf and hard of hearing
children are mainstreamed in regular education classes.
(Anderson & Arnoldi)
Functional Listening Skills
 Defined as what a child should be hearing functionally across the
continuum of listening skills
 Because very few formal tests are available to assess functional
listening, it is critical to understand the developmental hierarchy
of auditory skills and obtain baseline information regarding
discrete auditory skills across that functional continuum.
 No one test can describe adequately the scope of a child's
functional auditory performance.
 Use a variety of protocols and tests to develop a comprehensive
assessment usually includes a variety of measures to assess a child's
overall auditory, speech, and language skills during a specific point
in time. However, these tests can provide valuable information
about the functional auditory skills of children as young as 2 years.
How do we assess functional listening?
Behavior Observation
Observation questions:
Did student understand main idea of the lesson?
Did the students understand the details of the lesson?
How much vocabulary and/or language concepts did the student understand?
Was the student engaged and an active participant during the lesson?
If learning breakdowns occur, what did the student do?
Did the student understand the directions that were given?
Did the student understand information presented orally by peers?
Did the student understand information presented orally by the teacher?
What compensatory strategies did the student utilize?
How did the student use visual cues available during the lesson?
What were the student’s social exchanges with peers?
What strategies did the student use to clarify directions/information/assignments?
Did the student independently initiate work after an assignment had been given?
Take data on any behaviors already noted. After lesson perform a comprehension check by asking
the student 5-20 questions about lesson to help answer questions.
(Anderson & Arnoldi)
Informal assessments
 The Functional Listening Evaluation
 Access to Curriculum Assessment Tool (ATCAT): TDHH, student, and regular
education versions
S.I.F.T.E.R. Screening Tool
C.H.I.L.D. Parent Questionnaire
Listening Inventory for Education-Revised (L.I.F.E.-R.) Student Questionnaire (Can
also be used as pre and post data for assistive listening devices)
Performance Checklist for Development of Complex Listening Skills
Formal assessments (standardized)
 Audiogram
 Test of Auditory Comprehension (TAC ) produces a profile of child’s performance
on continuum of auditory tasks. The ten subtests go from auditory discrimination
to complex stories with competing message background.
 Auditory Perception Test for the Hearing Impaired (APT/HI-R) measures discrete
auditory skills over the continuum of listening to open-set comprehension, the Test
of Auditory-Processing-3 (TAPS-3) can be used to determine success in regular
education and to monitor auditory progress, and the Auditory Processing Abilities
Test (APAT) assesses higher-level processing of typical language structures and can
be used to assess the child's functioning in a mainstream setting.
Where else do we look to gather
 Audiological Reports
 TAC, Speech Reception Thresholds, Speech Discrimination, Functional
Listening Tasks
 Speech/Language Assessments
 Receptive and Expressive Language, Articulation
 Listening Comprehension tests or subtests
Preparing for Success
•Persistence to
•Course & Assessment Alignment
•Unbridled Learning
Accountability Model
•Targeted Interventions
•Career Readiness Pathways
•Academic & Career Advising
•Priority Schools
•Best Practices Network
•Consolidated Planning and Use of
•Alternative Individual Learning
•Digital Learning
•Professional Development
•Progress Monitoring
College &
•Curriculum, Assessment &
•Unbridled Learning
Accountability Model
•Collection and Use of Data for
Program Improvement
•Literacy Initiative
•Math Initiative
•School Readiness and Early
•Professional Growth and
Effectiveness System
•Professional Learning and
•Collection and Use of Data: Tell
KY Survey
•Human Capital Management and
College and Career Readiness
 Increase the percentage of
 Persistence to
students who are college- and
career-ready from 34 percent
(16,320 students) to 67 percent
(32,160 students) by 2015.
 Increase the Averaged Freshman
Graduation Rate from 76
percent (36,480 students) to 90
percent (43,200 students) by
 Graduation Course &
Assessment Alignment
Unbridled Learning
Accountability Model
Targeted Interventions
Career Readiness Pathways
Academic & Career Advising
Priority Schools
Common Core Standards- Speaking
and Listening
College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards
 K-12
 Key Ideas include:
 Participate in Conversations
 Integrate oral information and information from diverse media formats
 Requires that students contribute accurate, relevant information
 Respond to and develop what others have said
 Analyze and Synthesize a multitude of ideas in various domains
Common Core Standards- Speaking
and Listening
 All grades address:
 Engaging effectively in Conversation which includes:
following conversational rules (Large or small group or 1:1
Asking and answering questions- about what a speaker says
Paraphrase/Summarize/Interpret/Analyze/Integrate purpose
of information presented through variety of media- including
Engaging in rich meaningful conversations/discussions
 responding to questions
 Propelling the discussion with comments
 Posing questions
 Acknowledge new information expressed by others
Speaking and Listening Grades K-5
Grades K-5 Continued
Speaking and Listening Grades6-12
Grades 6-12 Continued
Listening Goals and the Common Core
 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-one, in groups, and teacher
led) with diverse partners on Grade __ topics, texts and issues, building on others’ ideas
and expressing their own clearly.
Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented
orally or through other media (2)
Paraphrase (4), Summarize (5) a written text red aloud or information presented in
diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.
Interpret (6), Analyze (7) the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse
media and formats (e.g. visually, quantitatively, orally) an explain how the ideas clarify a
topic, text, or issue under study.
Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify comprehension,
gather additional information, or deepen understanding of a topic or issue
 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when
writing or speaking.
 Includes appropriate verb tense use, adjectives, idioms, prepositional phrases, complete sentences
Common Core and the Standards
• Increase the average combined
reading and math K-Prep scores for
elementary and middle school
• By 2015, increase the percentage of
distinguished programs in the arts,
PL/CS and writing as measured on
Program Reviews.
• Increase the number of students
that will be ready for kindergarten
by 50% in 2015-2016 based upon
2012-2013 baseline results.
• 90% of 3rd graders will be
proficient in math and reading by
 Curriculum, Assessment &
Unbridled Learning
Accountability Model
Collection and Use of Data for
Program Improvement
Literacy Initiative
Math Initiative
School Readiness and Early
Achievement Gap
 Increase achievement for all
students in Kentucky so that the
achievement gap decreases for all
subgroups (African-American,
Hispanic, Native American, With
Disability, Free/Reduced Price
Meals, Limited English
Proficiency) from ___% in 2012
to ___% in 2017 as measured by
school report cards. (A baseline
will be established utilizing the
Kentucky state assessment results
in 2012.)
 Best Practices Network
 Consolidated Planning and
Use of Data
Alternative Individual
Learning Plans
Digital Learning
Professional Development
Progress Monitoring
Where to address on the IEP?
• Present Levels of Academic Achievement and
Functional Performance
HVHM- Health, Vision, Hearing, Motor
Special Factors
Goals and Objectives
Supplementary Aids and Services
Support for School Personnel
Special Education
Related Services
What do Goals/Objectives Look Like?
 Given information presented orally, AG will effectively participate in
collaborative discussions in the classroom on 8 out of 10 opportunities over
3 consecutive data collections.
 AG will interpret the important details of oral directions, including identifying the number of
steps in a directions and by paraphrasing directions
 AG will answer questions about a grade level passage consisting of two or more paragraphs
 AG will use a variety of repair strategies for verbal information she has missed
 AG will follow 2-4 step directions given with background noise present
 Given information presented orally in the classroom, AC will engage in
collaborative conversations and discussions with peers and adults with 70%
accuracy over 3 out of 5 consecutive sessions.
 AC will answer questions about a passage consisting of two or more paragraphs presented
 AC will identify descriptive words, characters, times , and places from a sentence or passage
presented orally.
 AC will use a variety of repair strategies for verbal information she has missed.
 AC will answer questions or provide appropriate comments within classroom discussions
Additional Examples
 Given classroom discussions, RE will answer “wh” questions about
information or a story that is presented auditorily with 85% accuracy over
3 consecutive sessions.
 RE will locate and follow the sound source in the classroom
 RE will indicate when she has missed information by asking for clarification or repetition
 RE will participate in classroom discussions by commenting, asking or answering questions
 In a one-one setting, using his newest Cochlear Implant only, JK will
engage effectively in a collaborative discussion by following directions and
answering/asking questions with 80% accuracy over 3 consecutive data
 JK will follow one step directions
 JK will ask appropriate questions or add appropriate comments to a discussion
 JK will discriminate between similar sounding words
 JK will correctly answer ‘wh’ questions about information presented auditorily
Additional Examples
 Given structured listening tasks, AW will follow directions containing 3 critical
elements with 80% accuracy as measured over 3 consecutive data probes.
 AW will follow directions containing 1 critical element (identify new vocabulary words, e.g. show
 AW will follow directions containing 2 critical elements (e.g. get the big house vs get the little house)
 AW will follow directions containing 3 critical elements (e.g. put the blue ball under the chair vs put
the red star under the bed)
 Given structured listening tasks using her newer (left side) cochlear implant,
AB will demonstrate targeted listening skills with 80% accuracy over 3
consecutive data probes.
 AB will demonstrate detection of environmental sounds.
 AB will demonstrate a conditioned listening response to sounds presented at conversational level
 AB will demonstrate discrimination of sounds and words differing in length by pointing to
pictures/manipulatives (e.g. short discrete vs long continuous, 1 syllable vs 3 syllable)
Questions? Comments?
Hopefully, D/HH sample IEP
with KDE approval
will be available soon!
Thank you
 Building Skills for Success in the Fast-Paced Classroom: Optimizing Achievement for Students
with Hearing Loss, Anderson, K & Arnoldi, K, 2011, Butte Publications, Hillsboro, OH.
 S.P.I.C.E KIT- Speech Perception Instructional Curriculum and Evaluation, Central Institute
for the Deaf
 DASLII-Developmental Approach to Successful Listening II, Gayle Stout & Jill Windle,
Houston School for the Deaf
 Allen, Susan & Linda I. Rosa-Lugo. “Assessing Listening Skills in Children with Cochlear
Implants: Guidance for Speech-Language Pathologists.” The ASHA Leader. 11 March 2011.
 KDE Guidance Document for Individual Education Program (IEP) Development, May 2012
 or (502)485-3275