Llythrennedd a Rhifedd

Llythrennedd a Rhifedd
Literacy and Numeracy
South West and Mid Wales Consortium
Fframweithiau Llythrennedd a Rhifedd
National Literacy and Numeracy Framework
• Bydd y Fframweithiau
• The LNF will replace the
statudol hyn yn disodli
communication and number
elements of the skills
elfennau cyfathrebu a rhif y
framework and will be a
fframwaith sgiliau. Bydd yr
statutory common
elfennau meddwl a TGCh yn
requirement. The thinking
and ICT components remain
in place.
• The LNF is a curriculum
planning tool that provides a
continuum of development
with annual expected
outcomes, from Reception to
Year 9.
Mae’r Fframweithiau yn arf
cynllunio cwricwlaidd sy’n
darparu continiwm o gynnydd,
gyda disgwyliadau oed
benodol o’r Derbyn hyd at
Flwyddyn 9.
Fframweithiau Llythrennedd a Rhifedd
National Literacy and Numeracy Framework
• Developing literacy and
• Mae angen i ddatblygu
numeracy skills needs to be
sgiliau Llythrennedd a
truly cross curricular rather
Rhifedd wir ddigwydd yn
than focused on English,
draws gwricwlaidd, yn
Welsh and Mathematics
hytrach nac yn y gwersi
Cymraeg, Saesneg a
• The LNF focuses on the
• Mae’r Fframweithiau yn
learners’ acquisition of and
ffocysu ar y modd y mae
ability to apply the skills and
disgyblion yn caffael sgiliau
concepts they have learned
ac yna’n defnyddio’r sgiliau
to complete realistic tasks
hynny i gyflawni tasgau
Dysgwyr ag ADY / Learners with ALN
Mae’r fframweithiau ‘Ar drywydd ‘ yn cwmpasu’r modd y mae
sgiliau dysgwyr ADY yn datblygu tuag at y disgwyliadau oed
berthnasol blwyddyn Derbyn.
The Routes for Learning framework sets out how learners’ skills
are refined and augmented as they progress towards
the expected standards for Reception year.
Asesu / Assessment
• While the LNF is primarily
a planning tool, it is also
intended to be used for
• Arf cynllunio yw prif nod y
Fframweithiau, ond fe’i
fwriedir hefyd fel arf asesu.
• Assessment against the
LNF is intended to be
used formatively to
support learner progress
• Asesu ffurfiannol i adnabod
camau nesaf datblygiad
• Assessment will be
narrative – not a “best-fit”
• Asesu mewn dull naratif, dim “gweddu orau”
Asesu / Assessment
Formal assessment against
the LNF will become a
statutory requirement from
September 2014. This means
that schools will have a full
academic year to focus on
embedding the LNF into their
curriculum planning and their
teaching and learning before
being required to assess
learners progress against it.”
WG, Curriculum Planning Guidance
“ O fis Medi 2014 bydd yn
ofynnol i ysgolion gynnal
asesiad ffurfiol yn erbyn y
Fframwaith Llythrennedd a
Rhifedd. Mae hyn yn golygu y
bydd ganddynt flwyddyn
academaidd llawn i
ganolbwyntio ar ymgorffori’r
Fframwaith Llythrenndd a
Rhifedd i mewn i’w gwaith
cynllunio cwricwlwm a’i
haddysgu a’u dysgu cyn ei bod
yn ofynnol iddynt asesu
cynnydd dysgwyr yn ei erbyn. ”
Adrodd / Reporting
• Summer 2014
Reporting on pupil
standards in Literacy and
Numeracy as part of annual
report (not against
• Summer 2015
Reporting on standards in
Literacy and Numeracy
against the expectations of
the LNF
• Haf 2014
Adrodd ar safonau
llythrennedd a rhifedd
disgyblion yn rhan o’r
adroddiad blynyddol (ond
ddim yn erbyn y
• Haf 2015
Adrodd ar safonau
llythrennedd a rhifedd
disgyblion yn erbyn
disgwyliadau’r Fframweithiau.
Elfennau’r Fframweithiau
The components of the Frameworks
There are two parts to the
Mae dwy ran i’r Fframweithiau:
• Literacy:
– oracy across the curriculum
– reading across the curriculum
– writing across the curriculum.
Within the numeracy framework the
strands are:
developing numerical reasoning
using number skills
using measuring skills
using data skills.
– llafaredd ar draws y cwricwlwm
– darllen ar draws y cwricwlwm
– ysgrifennu ar draws y cwricwlwm
Rhannau’r fframwaith rhifedd
datblygu ymresymu rhifyddol
defnyddio sgiliau rhif
defnyddio sgiliau mesur
defnyddio sgliau data
Elfennau’r Fframweithiau
The components of the Frameworks
Both the literacy and
numeracy strands are
further divided into
Mae’r rhannau hyn wedi’u
trefnu i elfennau.
The literacy elements are
further sub-divided into
aspects for ease of use
Mae’r Llythrennedd mae’r
elfennau hynny wedi’u
trefnu’n ogystal i
Llwybr cynnydd
Llafar / Oracy
Darllen / Reading
Ysgrifennu /
Elfen / Element
Agwedd / Aspect
Datblygu a Chyflwyno
Gwybodaeth a Syniadau
Develop and Present Information
and Ideas
Siarad / Speaking
Lleoli Dewis a Defnyddio
Locating, selecting and using
Strategaethau darllen
Reading Strategies
Ymateb i’r hyn a ddarllenwyd
Darllen a deall
Gwrando / Listening
Cyd-weithio a thrafod
Collaboration and Discussion
Ymateb a dadansoddi
Response and analysis
Trefnu syniadau a gwybodaeth
Organising ideas and information
Ystyr, pwrpas a dealltwriaeth
Meaning and purpose
Strwythur a Threfn
Structure and Organisation
Ysgrifennu’n gywir
Writing accurately
Iaith / Language
Gramadeg / Grammar
Using number
Using measuring
Using data skills
Identify processes
and connections
Use number facts
and relationships
Collect and record
Represent and
percentages and
Present and
analyse data
Calculate using
mental and written
Estimate and
Area and volume
Manage money
Angle and position
Interpret results
Numerical Reasoning
Ymresymu Rhifyddol
• Developing numerical
reasoning underpins the
three procedural strands.
It is vital that numeracy is
not viewed as four
discrete strands, which
are developed in isolation
from each other.
Development in
numerical reasoning is
the key to learner
confidence and ability in
using numerical
• Mae datblygu ymresymu
rhifyddol wrth wraidd y tri
maes gweithdrefnol.
Mae’n hanfodol nad
ystyrir bod rhifedd yn
bedwar maes gwahanol,
a ddatblygir ar wahân i’w
gilydd. Mae datblygu
ymresymu rhifyddol yn
allweddol i annibyniaeth,
hyder a gallu dysgwyr i
ddefnyddio prosesau
Ystyried Egwyddorion y Fframweithiau
Considering the Principles of the Frameworks
• A continuum – not a series • Continiwm – nid cyfres o sgiliau
of discrete skills
sy’n annibynnol ar ei gilydd
• Cumulative – each
• Yn gronnus – mae’n rhaid i bob
element/aspect must be
elfen ac agwedd gael ei
achieved and consolidated
gyflawni a’i gadarnhau
in the previous section
• Cyson – mae’r sgil yn
• Inherent – the skill is
assimilated, used until
ddatblygiadol nes iddo
embedded, not just shown
wreiddio, nid yn cael ei
ddangos unwaith
Egwyddorion y Fframweithiau
Considering the Principles of the Frameworks
• The expectations are
essentially concerned with
developing and recognising a
learner’s ability to select and
apply literacy and numeracy
skills in ways that are
appropriate to each context.
• Mae’r disgwyliad bod
disgyblion yn medru dewis a
defnyddio sgiliau llythrennedd
a rhifedd addas i’r cyd-destun
• Learners are required to
develop and then select and
apply skills appropriately.
• Mae angen i ddysgwyr
ddatblygu ac yna dewis a
defnyddio sgiliau yn briodol.
Mapio’r Fframweithiau / Mapping the LNF
Cyflawni / Coverage
Skills in the LNF
Skills in the
National Curriculum
Skills diagnosed
by the class teacher
that require
Defnyddio / Application
Opportunities to
apply the skills
teaching and applying
Opportunities for
pupils to apply the
framework skills
Rich tasks that
allow reading,
oracy, writing and
numeracy to be
practised by the
How well do pupils use these skills independently?
defnyddiol ar
documents for
self evaluation
Literacy and Numeracy are always lines of inquiry
Bydd Llythrennedd a Rhifedd bob tro’n drywydd ymholi
• % on Catch Up who
maintain gains and the %
who go on to maintain
level 5 and Grade C
• Analysis of reading /
numeracy ability of
different groups
• Analysis of other tests eg
• % disgyblion sydd wedi
parhau i wneud cynnydd
wedi raglenni ymrraeth a’r
% sy’n mynd ymlaen i
ennill lefel 5 a Gradd C
• Dadansoddiad o allu
darllen/rhifedd grwpiau
• Dadansoddiad o brofion
eraill e.e CATs
• Systematic tracking progress
and the effectiveness of
Numeracy and Literacy
intervention programmes. Is
progress sustained at the end
of each key stage?
• Olrhain cynnydd yn systematig
ac effeithiolrwydd rhaglenni
ymyrraeth. Ydy’r cynnydd yn
parhau hyd at ddiwedd pob
cyfnod allweddol?
• The strategic approach to skills
provision and progression
across the curriculum
• Ymagwedd strategol tuag at
ddarpariaeth a chynnydd sgiliau
ar draws y cwricwlwm
• Schemes of work address all
learners needs
• Cynlluniau gwaith yn mynd i’r
afael gydag anghenion pob
• Developing dual literacy skills
and links with other languages
• Datblygu sgiliau llythrennedd
deuol a chysylltiadau
gyda ieithoedd eraill
Main messages / Prif negeseuon
• Is there over reliance
on support that prevents
learners from developing
their independent skills?
e.g. writing frameworks,
worksheets, calculators
• Oes gor-ddibyniaeth ar
gymorth sy’n atal dysgwyr
rhag datblygu sgiliau’n
annibynnol? E.e fframiau
ysgrifennu, taflenni
gwaith, cyfrifianellau
• Is the development of
skills a high priority in the
• Ydy’r CDY yn rhoi
blaenoriaeth uchel i
ddatblygu sgiliau?
• Are there robust Literacy
and Numeracy policies?
• Oes polisiau trylwyr ar
gyfer datblygu
Llythrennedd a Rhifedd?
Main messages / Prif negeseuon
• Do schemes of work
embed literacy and
numeracy skills?
• Ydy cynlluniau gwaith yn
sicrhau bod llythrennedd a
rhifedd wedi’u gwreiddio?
• Are Welsh, English and
Maths skills reinforced in
other subjects?
• Ydy sgiliau Cymraeg,
Saesneg a Mathemateg yn
cael eu cadarnhau mewn
pynciau eraill?
• Do plans cater for pupils’
thinking, planning,
creative and problem
solving skills?
• Ydy cynlluniau’n sicrhau
cyfleodd i ddatblygu sgiliau
meddwl, cynllunio, creadigol
a datrys problemau’r
Making judgements on the teaching of Numeracy
Dod i farn ar ansawdd addysgu Rhifedd
• “You should be alert to
approaches which inhibit the
development of pupils’
numeracy skills, such as only
teaching a limited range of
strategies to solve number and
problem solving activities, an
over reliance on pupils’
auditory memory, a rigid
adherence to published
schemes and the over use of
work sheets, which limits
pupils’ opportunities to make
mathematics as meaningful to
real life contexts.”
• “Dylech fod yn effro i ddulliau
sy’n atal datblygiad medrau
rhifau disgyblion, ee addysgu
ystod gyfyngedig o
strategaethau yn unig i ddatrys
gweithgareddau rhif a datrys
problemau, dibynnu gormodol
ar gof clywedol disgyblion,
cadw’n gaeth at gynlluniau
cyhoeddedig a gor ddefnydd o
daflenni gwaith sy’n cyfyngu ar
gyfleoedd disgyblion i weld
bod ystyr i fathemateg mewn
cyd-destunau bywyd go iawn.”
Estyn Medi / September 2013
“Estyn does not expect schools to have completed building
the Literacy and Numeracy Framework into all their
curriculum and lesson planning and delivery from
September 2013. However, Inspectors will expect schools
to have robust plans in place and to be making good
progress towards that end.”
“Estyn has no preferred model for the way schools
implement the LNF. Inspectors will judge the effectiveness
of provision and leadership on their contribution to
outcomes and not on the basis of any preferences for
particular methods.”
CfBT (Centre for British Teachers)
• National Training
• Rhaglen Hyfforddi
• National Support Partners
• Partneriaid i’r Rhaglen
• Cluster Meetings – Phase
• Cyfarfodydd clwstwr- Rhan
• Progress map and Action
Plan – school visit
• Map Cynnydd a Chynllun
Gweithredu – ymweliad
• Headteacher contact
• Cyswllt gyda’r Pennaeth yn
Progress Map / Map Cynnydd
Cynllun Gweithredu / Action Plan
Phase 1
National Support
ERW Regional Enhancement Programme
Raise awareness
and engage
Phase 2
Phase 3
Review – audit to
action plan
Implement and
Phase 4
Sustain and embed
Literacy and Numeracy reviews
Attendance for majority of cluster meetings
Central presentation to raise awareness and understanding
of frameworks for each staff member, to ensure that all
recognise the potential of the Frameworks
Universal support for 2013-2014
Regional Literacy and Numeracy strategy revised
Curricular planning tools for each phase
Audit of coverage
Audit of CPD needs
Central training packs provided to meet above
Secondary subject specific planning
Consistent tracking mechanism
Use of Lead Practitioners
Age related portfolios to assist assessment
Regional self evaluation tool after 1st year of implementation
In light of above differentiated support for 2014 onwards and
target LA and LP support appropriately
Dadansoddi Profion Cenedlaethol
National Test Analysis
• New data packs to
provide analysis of the
national Reading and
Numeracy tests for
performance for schools
to use for self evaluation
are under development
• Pecynnau data ar gyfer y
profion Darllen a Rhifedd
wrthi’n cael eu datblygu,
yn benodol er mwyn i
ysgolion eu defnyddio ar
gyfer perwyl
• Expected to be available
during the Autumn Term
• Disgwylir iddynt fod ar
gael yn ystod Tymor yr
National Reading and Numeracy Test Results
Canlyniadau Profion Darllen a Rhifedd
• Results are presented in
three bands of
standardised scores:
Less than 85
Between 85 and 115
More than 115
• Bydd canlyniadau yn cael
eu cyhoeddi mewn
bandiau o sgorau
Llai na 85
Rhwng 85 a 115
Mwy na 115
Profion Darllen Saesneg
National Reading Test English
Profion Darllen Cymraeg
National Reading Test Welsh
Profion Rhifedd
National Numeracy Test
analysis of tests
< 85
95 -114
< 85
95 -114
95 -114
< 85