Nursing Research Fall 2013 Amy Schleigh Hayes Technology & Electronic Resources Librarian (973) 290-4258 Topic Outline Starting Point: Nursing Subject Guide Finding Books via CoolCat, WorldCat InterLibrary Loan Searching library databases, finding scholarly journal articles, dissertations Searching the web, finding academic content Starting Point for Nursing Research ey-library/instruction/subjectguides/ Finding Books Searching CoolCat: CoolCat is the online catalog that CSE and FDU share. You can limit your search to CSE only, or search across both (and borrow books from FDU as well). Use the Call Number to Locate the Book: Books on nursing, medicine and health are found in the 610619 range. These are located upstairs in the left wing. (Exception are reference books, which are in the Reference Room on main level of the library.) What if you don’t find it? WorldCat WorldCat searches across many of the academic, public, other libraries throughout the United States, and beyond. It is useful for identifying books relevant to your research, even if we don’t have them at CSE. Nearby Libraries: Reciprocal Borrowing at other NJ college libraries: How Do I…Request/Borrow from Other Libraries? Forms available for book request and article request Articles via Library Subscription Databases Online & Print Journals List: Use this if you have the article citation or know the name of the journal. Databases A-Z List: Use this to go straight to a database, if you know the name. Databases by Subject: Use this to identify databases appropriate for a given subject. Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory: com/?libCode=CSE Use this to determine if a journal is peer-reviewed or not. Key Multidisciplinary Databases Reference Content see Encyclopedias & Reference page Health Reference Center from Facts on File Reference USA (directory of healthcare organizations and professionals) Gale Virtual Reference Library: see especially Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine & Health Periodical Articles see Databases by Subject page Academic Search Premier (70% scholarly, many FT) ProQuest databases Omnifile Full Text Mega SAGE Premier Journals (scholarly) Lexis Nexis Academic (for news, not scholarly) Streaming Video see Databases A-Z page Films on Demand- contains nursing/medical videos Key Subject Databases Health Sciences, Medicine & Nursing CINAHL with Full Text MEDLINE/PubMed (Ebsco or NLM) Nursing @ Ovid Health Reference Center Science Direct Nursing Resource Center ProQuest Health & Medicine Education Education Research Complete ERIC Education Full Text Database Searching Techniques Take a look around, see what your options are Keep your searches simple Zero in on the key words and phrases for your topic Don’t use small, unimportant words like the, in, this, that, on, etc. Use limiters as appropriate Scholarly (peer-reviewed), Full Text, Date, Number of Pages… Be aware of what you’re searching If you’re searching the entire document text (keyword), your results may be too broad If you’re searching article title only, your results may be too narrow Try to search the subject headings (also called descriptors in some databases) or abstracts (article summary) Medline, PubMed, which one is it? Medline Basics What’s the difference between Medline and PubMed? PubMed Tutorials What is MeSH? Journal Title Abbreviations Online Guides and Tutorials Ebsco databases (CINAHL, Medline, etc.) CINAHL with Full Text Search Guide CINAHL with Full Text Help Sheet PubMed Training Materials from the National Library of Medicine: Key Nursing Journals American Journal of Nursing Applied Nursing Research Archives of Psychiatric Journal of Nursing Care Nursing Critical Care Nurse Critical Care Nursing Quarterly Journal of Advanced Nursing Journal of American Psychiatric Nurses Association Journal of Christian Nursing (in print) Journal of Nursing Administration Quality Journal of Professional Nursing MCN, American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing Nursing Administration Quarterly Nursing Clinics of North America Nursing Management Nursing Outlook Nursing Research Journals on Nursing Education All of these journals are available online International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship Journal for Nurses in Staff Development Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing Journal of Nursing Education Nurse Education in Practice Nurse Educator Nursing Education Perspectives Also of possible interest: New Jersey Nurse, Nurse Leader, Nurse Researcher Online & Print Journals List Look up the name of a journal or magazine, to find out if we have access to that journal. The results screen will give you links to any databases where we have full text, as well as list the dates available. Putting databases to work for you Journal Alerts When you find a particularly useful journal, sign up to have future tables of contents emailed to you Search Alerts Same here – Get new results of your search e-mailed to you as they are added to the database Databases that offer Alerts Database Ebsco ProQuest Science Direct PubMed Google Scholar Journal Alert Search Alert Email RSS Dissertations & Theses ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Over 1 million available as full text download (pdf) Research on the (free) Web… …How do you get to the good stuff? Think about website domains .edu, .gov, .org, .info, .net, .com, .biz, .uk, .de, .jp, .mx Familiarize yourself with key organizations and government agencies in your field or area of interest …,…and search within those domains Think about file formats: .pdf, .ppt Research reports online are usually in pdf format. Web Search Tools: More Tips for Finding Academic Content Online Think about currency – Google and Bing allow you to limit your search by date Try scholarly/academic search tools Google Scholar Scirus Government agencies, think tanks, nonprofits, educational institutions, and other organizations release research reports regularly. Use these sites to filter through them by topic. See ‘Health and Health Care’. FullTextReports: DocuTicker DocuBase: Web Search Tools: Analyzing Results The best resources will not always or often appear in the top 5 results. Results depend on terms and limits used, quality of indexing or metadata, general functionality of search tool There is less overlap across search engines than most people think…i.e., Google ≠ the web Use multiple strategies –different sets of search terms, different limiters (i.e. format or domain), and multiple search tools. Web Search Tools: A few sites to start with… Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Nursing Research National Institutes of Health Directory of Organizations Medline Plus Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Healthy NJ See Nursing subject guide for more helpful sites Review and Practice 1. Background information on Alzheimer’s disease 2. Dissertation from College of Saint Elizabeth on nutrition. 3. Full text of these two articles: a) b) 4. 5. 6. 7. Buchan, J. (2013). Nurses’ turnover: reviewing the evidence, heeding the results? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(9):19171918. Nielsen, B., McMillan, S., & Diaz, E. (1992). Instruments that measure beliefs about cancer from a cultural perspective. Cancer Nursing, 15(2):109-115. Set up a journal alert for Journal of Nursing Education A report on Medicare… Statistics on infant deaths in NJ and Morris County List of area medical centers and doctors Keep in Touch Mahoney Library Reference Desk: (973) 290-4248 (staffed whenever the library is open) Mon-Thurs: 8:30am-9pm | Fri: 8:30am-5pm Sat: 10:30am-5:30pm | Sun: 2pm-6pm Make an Appointment: Search our Online Q&A Knowledge Base: (CSE Library Answers) to get answers even when we’re not open Send us your questions via system (email), chat, or text