PA-5 Roadmap/Performance Avenues

Performance Avenues
Directions Workshop
• Assessments
Of People, Teams and Companies
• Conversations
By People, Teams and Companies
• Alignment
For People, Teams and Companies
> Emotional Avenues
> Financial Avenues
September 2014
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop
Performance Avenues
Leading with Vision
Learning with Knowledge
Innovating with Originality
Managing with Execution
Promoting with Persuasion
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - People
>>> Leading with Vision
The Leader is the one who is out in front creating, defining and
communicating a vision of where an organization needs to go in
order to grow and be most effective. He or she builds a
consensus, shapes the agenda, and inspires others to follow and
support the direction, the destination, and the strategy of how
to get there.
Learner-Leader – Where do we need to go?
Innovator-Leader – How do we stay on the cutting edge?
Manager- Leader – Who is going to get us there?
Promoter-Leader – What’s holding us back?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - People
>>> Learning with Knowledge
The Learner digs deep for all the details that can reasonably be
obtained. His or her key to success is knowledge-based
decision making. They observe, research, examine and
investigate and seek the best alternatives. They learn from
their mistakes. They know what they are doing and encourage
others to do be well informed too.
Leader-Learner – Why are we doing this?
Innovator-Learner – What are they doing?
Manager- Learner – What more do we need to know?
Promoter-Learner – What do our customers want?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - People
>>> Innovating with Originality
The Innovator expresses his or her originality by restlessly
imagining, creating, experimenting, and brainstorming. They
spar and challenge and are sometimes abrasive and
irreverent. Innovators do things differently, discover
problems, and question assumptions. They like a free-flowing
environment even if it means instability and chaos.
Leader-Innovator – What’s next?
Learner-Innovator – What if?
Manager-Innovator – Why are we doing it this way?
Promoter-Innovator – Why not?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - People
>>> Managing with Execution
The Manager sets goals, makes plans, and operates everything
with a system and a process. He or she emphasizes simplicity,
priorities, efficiency, measurement and scheduling. The Manager
delegates well, works well with others, and solves problems to
get the job done. He or she decisively interprets and executes
the organization’s strategy.
Leader-Manager – What’s the goal?
Leaner-Manager – What’s the plan?
Innovator-Manager – What’s the process?
Promoter-Manager – How well can we do this?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - People
>>> Promoting with Persuasion
The Promoter is the persevering persuader who filters the
message and presents it in the most effective and believable
way. He or she knows what is most important, understands what
people need and want, and insists on a having a great product.
Promoters focus on language, impressions and perceptions –
that is, the message and the response to it. They make things
happen, build interest, and close the deal.
Leader-Promoter – What’s most important?
Learner-Promoter – What do we tell them?
Innovator-Promoter – What will they think?
Manager-Promoter – How do we tell them?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - Teams
Performance Avenues
Leading with Direction
Learning with Awareness
Innovating with Testing
Managing with Patterns
Promoting with Openness
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - Teams
>>> Leading with Direction
A team needs to know where it’s headed, monitor that
direction, and not be afraid to change it if and when a better
one comes into view. Teams often get distracted and drift off
course from the destination. The team needs to build a
consensus on their purpose and strategy that sets a clear
direction with everybody onboard. A team is a motley crew
that excels if it becomes cohesive, collaborative, and motivated
by rallying around its Leader and the team’s direction.
Is our team fixed on a clear and agreed to direction?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - Teams
>>> Learning with Awareness
A team needs to have a collective curiosity and be aware of
the facts, figures and information that bear on its mission. It
needs to create an early learning environment that puts
everything on the table and a process that looks at many
alternative approaches and solutions. The next step is for the
team to focus on thinking logically and deliberately and
feeling intuitively and daringly (we make decisions with our
emotions) to get to the most rational and wise resolutions.
Does our team know enough and process knowledge well
enough to get the job done?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - Teams
>>> Innovating with Testing
A team is a lab. It’s an incubator for idea energy that bursts
forth from an excited team. This team lab does its testing by
trial and error, playing devil’s advocate, adding value to an
existing idea, and following a thread to a good sometimes
unintended consequence. Everybody on a team needs to feel
comfortable floating balloons in the air – some are tapped
down gently, some hang there for a while. This vibrant process
repeats itself with ever increasing drive and enthusiasm.
Is our team a lab that tests new ideas in an encouraging
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - Teams
>>> Managing with Patterns
A team’s direction, awareness and testing need to be molded
into workable patterns – that is, operational systems that are
both consistent and flexible. There needs to be a beehive-like
element to interpreting strategies, setting goals, executing
plans, making decisions, problem solving, and innovating that
are all focused on the desired outcomes. A lockstep patterned
process insures the synergy and success of the team – a team
that is better than any of its members.
Does our team work with consistent patterns?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - Teams
>>> Promoting with Openness
A team is a short stack of open books. It needs to let it all
hang out in an interactive process that is earnest, patient,
accepting, embracing, eager and amusing. There is no fear or
intimidation for team members to speak up or ask “dumb”
questions. Honesty, humility and trust are part of the mix too.
This type of natural free-flowing exchange is the only way to
fully engage the whole brain of a team whose members are
then happy to kick back and read each other’s books.
Is our team interactive with total openness?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop
Performance Avenues
Leading with Opportunity
Learning with Understanding
Innovating with Imagination
Managing with Discipline
Promoting with Communication
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - Company
>>> Leading with Opportunity
A company’s people need to continually and contagiously
think and feel that there is something else, more, and better
that what there is now – both for themselves and for their
company. Opportunity looks for an opening, another chance
to succeed, and the next big break. A culture of opportunity is
critical to morale and the advancement of the mission. It
echoes “I can,” keeps the company ahead of the competition,
and makes for an exciting and rewarding place to work.
Is our company culture one of opportunity?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions workshop - Company
>>> Learning with Understanding
A company’s people need to understand themselves and their
coworkers, job, industry, customers, competition, and
company. A culture of understanding seeks to discover the
truth of the matter through many venues. It takes a
comprehensive approach, relentlessly gets to the bottom of
things, and verifies rather than assumes. The understanding
process sorts through and interprets data and information and
prepares it for the next level of effective application.
Is our company culture one of understanding?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - Company
>>> Innovating with Imagination
A company’s people need to periodically space out with some
“wonder time” and contemplate new possibilities for
themselves and their company. This kind of programed
dreaming takes focus and practice and stirs our innermost
imagination. We bring our imagination down to earth and
start to turn it into creative ideas. We then go to innovation,
which is applied creativity. A culture of imagination allows this
“wonder time” to eventually end up as innovations.
Is our company culture one of imagination?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - Company
>>> Managing with Discipline
A company’s people need to decide what level of discipline is
required for their job and then stick with it. We all work best
with flexible systems that channel our energies into things like
goal-setting, prioritization and problem-solving. This approach
allows for productively getting from point A to Point B through
all the confusion, obstacles and failures. A culture of discipline
provides for clarity and expectation of how a company best
operates smoothly and efficiently.
Is our company culture one of discipline?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - Company
>>> Promoting with Communication
A company’s people need to keep seeking the most effective
ways to communicate with everyone they come in contact
with, especially their coworkers. Things can really get messed
up by the lack of or dysfunction of communication, including
listening, whether verbal, written, illustrated, videoed, or
signaled with body language. A culture of communication
involves focusing on what to say, how to say it, who to say it
to, and what outcome is sought by it.
Is our company culture one of communication?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Company Performance Network™
Meaning and Direction
Awareness and Understanding
Advancements and Change
Interpreted by
Channeled by
Planning and Process
Screened by
Communicated by
Message and Response
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC 2002-2011 – All Rights Reserved
Performance Avenues - Directions Workshop
Emotional Avenues
Leading with Courage
Learning with Curiosity
Innovating with Daring
Managing with Authenticity
Promoting with Enthusiasm
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop – Emotional Avenues
>>> Leading with Courage
People, teams and companies need to lead with courage,
which Aristotle called the first virtue, because it makes all of
the other virtues possible. Courage is derived from cor, the
Latin word for heart. It’s the strength of the heart that
underlies the confidence, resolve, boldness and bravery to
lead effectively. It’s the courage of our convictions that
overcomes fear and danger and motivates us to take the road
less traveled by while inspiring others to take it too.
Do I, our teams, and our company lead with courage?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop – Emotional Avenues
>>> Learning with Curiosity
People, teams and companies need to a high level of curiosity,
which is simply an unrelenting quest for continuous learning,
especially about themselves, their jobs, projects, research,
workplace, and industry. Developing an interest and desire to
discover – to leave no stone unturned – drives the search for
details that make a difference in the success of subsequent
results. The curious are persistent in facing the challenges of
getting to the bottom of things.
Do I, our teams, and our company learn with curiosity?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop – Emotional Avenues
>>> Innovating with Daring
People, teams and companies need to daringly dwell on the
most hopeful next new things and expect the best possible
outcomes. It’s critical to have the confidence and optimism that
there can be breakthroughs with creativity and innovation. But
that can only happen when the fear and potential shame of a
bad idea or failure is recognized and addressed. The risks of
engaging uncertainty and of full exposure must be minimized
for the best thinking to rise to the top.
Do I, our teams and our company innovate by being daring?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop – Emotional Avenues
>>> Managing with Authenticity
People, teams and companies need to consider taking off
their masks, stopping the denial, and getting real. Down-toearth authenticity is critical to cutting through the chatter,
exposing exaggeration and misrepresentation, and separating
fact from fiction. Authenticity provides for better
relationships, higher job satisfaction, more accurate reporting,
and fewer avoidable failures. We manage by genuineness,
trust and integrity or we don’t truly manage at all.
Do I, our teams and our company manage with authenticity?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop – Emotional Avenues
>>> Promoting with Enthusiasm
People, teams and companies need to turn on the enthusiasm
switch for maximum interest, fun and energy to flow in the
workplace. Rational exuberance is the key to attractive people,
excited teams, and productive companies. All stakeholders,
especially clients, feel its vibes. A company that is positive
about its purpose and what it does has a much greater chance
of success. Enthusiasm is a powerful, contagious, life-changing
force that bowls over obstacles in its path.
Do I, our teams and our company promote with enthusiasm?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop – Emotional Avenues
Independence Hope
Perception Earnestness
Directions Workshop – Emotional Avenues
From Daniel Goleman – Harvard Business Review OnPoint
(September 2014 - Page 31,
Hallmarks of the Five Components of Emotional Intelligence at Work:
• Self-Awareness – self-confidence, realistic self-assessment,
self-deprecating sense of humor
• Self-Regulation – trustworthiness and integrity, comfort with ambiguity,
openness to change
• Motivation – strong drive to achieve, optimism even in the face of failure,
organizational commitment
• Empathy – expertize in building and retaining talent,
cross-cultural sensitivity, service to clients and customers
• Social Skill – effectiveness in leading change, persuasiveness,
expertize in building and leading teams
Performance Avenues - Directions Workshop
Financial Avenues
Leading with Capital
Learning with Return on Investment
Innovating with Leverage
Managing with Profit Margin
Promoting with Revenue
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - Financial Avenues
>>> Leading with Capital
Companies lead by strategically and effectively directing their hard
and soft assets including people, capabilities, intellectual property,
brands, real estate, equipment, and relationships. How do we
invest our financial resources – equity, debt and working capital -to take advantage of the best opportunities to fulfill our
company’s mission and generate the highest income in a fast
changing world? What are the right businesses and models for our
How well do we lead with our capital?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - Financial Avenues
>>> Learning with Return on Investment
Companies learn how well they are doing from the various ways they
determine and compare their Return(s) on Investment of assets,
equity and sales. These are measurements of capital investment
strategies and operational plans and must include accurate and
complete income, costs, assets and liabilities. ROI’s are critical results
that show trends and speak to the current success and long-term
sustainability of the company. Dig deep into and learn insightfully from
the right numbers.
How well is our company learning from its Return(s) on Investment?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - Financial Avenues
>>> Innovating with Leverage
Companies innovate and grow not by speculation, but by assuming
well-measured risk – in addition to the inherent risk their business is
already managing. The leverage of applying company resources
including newly earned capital and debt, while maintaining a low debt
to equity ratio (especially for a company that has a low volatility of
variable costs), spurs profitable new ventures and an ongoing
competitive edge. Thoughtful leveraging fosters an environment where
innovation is much more likely to flourish.
How well is our company innovating with risk-measured leverage?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop – Financial Avenues
>>> Managing with Profit Margins
Companies manage by planning for profit – that is, by devising and
monitoring systems that control and lower costs while optimally
pricing their goods and services. A company’s profit margin is simply
the amount of net income per the amount of revenue in any given
time period. When all company operations are constantly focused on
what affect initiatives and decisions have on profits, quality earnings
and operating margins expand at a commensurate rate.
How well is our company managing for higher profit margins?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop – Financial Avenues
>>> Promoting with Revenue
Companies that promote effectively will generate more revenue that
can, if costs are contained, contribute significantly and sustainably to
profit margins. Marketing budgets, incentives for sales people, sales
programs, and discounting all need to be looked at to see how revenue
can be increased with greater penetration and market share. It’s
profitable to invest in collecting and measuring data on current and
new markets and on a range of customer responses.
How well is our company promoting with increased revenue in mind?
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC, 2002-2011- All Rights Reserved
Directions Workshop - Innovation
Innovator Intersection
Performance Avenues places an
extra emphasis on innovation and
its role in long-term company
growth and sustainability. A
company needs to lead by
innovating, learn to innovate,
manage with innovation, and
promote innovatively. In that
sense, all five Performance
Avenues intersect at Innovator
Avenue. It’s not automatic -companies need to say, “We will
innovate. We will be original and
daring. We will imagine, test, and
use risk-measured leverage.”
Opportunity Capital
Discipline Profit Margin
Communication Revenue
Directions Workshop
That’s all folks!!!
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Thank you!
Performance Avenues 2.0™ © Copyright by Despard Associates, LLC 2002-2011 – All Rights Reserved