2013 Georgia Homeless Count Objective Count of homeless and precariously housed families and individuals Understand the scope of the problem locally and statewide Federal requirement for programs serving the homeless 2013 Georgia Homeless Count Definitions Sheltered Homeless Persons Unsheltered Homeless Persons People who reside in an emergency shelter or in transitional/supportive housing for homeless persons People who reside in a place not meant for human habitation, such as cars, parks, sidewalks, abandoned buildings, encampments Imminently Homeless Persons People who expect to leave their current residence within 2 weeks, have not identified where they are staying next, and do not have the means to obtain permanent housing 2013 Georgia Homeless Count Count Methodology Housing screening surveys administered at service locations and other places where homeless people congregate or live Point In Time: January 28, 2013 Surveys collected January 29 – February 4 Surveys returned to local coordinator 2013 Georgia Homeless Count Housing Stability Survey Designed to be administered by staff or by volunteers No more than 10 minutes 2013 Georgia Homeless Count Who Is Surveyed? Screening Question: Have you had any difficulty with housing in the past month? 2013 Georgia Homeless Count Collecting Surveys How can surveys be collected? Interviews with people with housing difficulties (administered by staff or volunteers) On the telephone with people seeking assistance 2013 Georgia Homeless Count Where are surveys collected? Service Locations Community Locations (Library, etc.) At the location they are living (dilapidated housing, abandoned trailers, farm buildings, or encampments) Other places – street, parks Survey Protocol Survey one adult per household (over 17) May interview unaccompanied teens Conduct interviews rather than allowing someone to self administer whenever possible Confidentiality Private location Do not share information 2013 Georgia Homeless Count General Interview Techniques Voice and body language neutral Affirm responses Personalize questions Remind participants that their participation and/or responses will not affect their receipt of services Remind participants that they can refuse to answer any of the questions Thank them for participating 2013 Georgia Homeless Count Incentives Your county coordinator will let you know if there are small gift bags or fast food coupons for survey participants Way of thanking survey participants for their help 2013 Georgia Homeless Count Beginning the Interview Introduce yourself Ask screening question Ask if they have already completed the survey this week Explain purpose Answer their questions/concerns If you can’t answer their questions, refer to county coordinator or DCA Refusals Have you had any difficulty with housing in the past month? Respond to concerns Respect their right to refuse Remind them that this will not affect their ability to receive services Some of the questions are sensitive. Respondents can skip questions that they would rather not answer. 2013 Georgia Homeless Count Beginning the Interview Hello, my name is (NAME). All this week, agency staff and volunteers around Georgia are asking people about their housing situations and various factors that affect people’s ability to get housing. Your answers will be kept in the strictest confidence and will be grouped with all of the surveys collected in the state this week. Your name will not be recorded on the survey. It will only take about 10 minutes to complete. Your participation . . . yes or no . . . will not affect your services in any way. Are you willing to participate? 2013 Georgia Homeless Count Survey Form Instructions [Page 6 of Instruction Guide] Be sure to use Black or Blue Ink Fill in bubbles completely and fit all letters and numbers completely within the boxes Questions 1 and 2; Initials and Birth date to be used only to check for duplicate surveys continue interview even if you do not get information Question 3 Where did you stay Monday, January 28th? Don’t need to read all options – just categorize their response for them Question 4A Ask if they stayed in a house or apartment (their own or with friends/family) or hotel or motel on the 28th. If yes, do they expect to be able to stay there for at least the next two weeks? If no, ask the two follow-up questions. 2013 Georgia Homeless Count Question 4B Is the house or apartment in safe and livable condition? You may need to help them make determination if they are unsure Must be unfit for a person to live in (no running water or electricity, lack of plumbing, not structurally sound)? 2013 Georgia Homeless Count Survey Instructions (cont.) Question 5 - In what city and county did you first become homeless? Refers to current episode of homelessness. Question 6 – Do you consider yourself homeless at this time? Record their answer (even if you don’t agree – record their perception of their situation). Their answer will not affect how their survey will be categorized. If they answer no, skip A, B, C How long have you been homeless? refers to current episode How often in the past three years? Includes this episode may need to help them think about 2010, 2011, and 2012 Survey Instructions (cont.) Question 7 Household members If the respondent is staying with family or friends, do not include the people whose home they are currently staying in Question 8 Veteran status 2013 Georgia Homeless Count Survey Instructions (cont.) Question 9: Have you experienced the following? Read choices and check all that apply. Do not probe for details. If they are unsure, provide examples (see handbook). Severe mental illness HIV/AIDS Chronic drug abuse Chronic alcohol abuse Chronic medical condition Physical disability Kicked out of the home BEFORE the age of 18 Kicked out of the home AFTER the age of 18 2013 Georgia Homeless Count Aged out of Foster Care Felony Conviction Family Violence Involvement in Foster Care (as a parent) Involvement in Foster Care (as a youth) Left home voluntarily before the age of 18 Recently discharged from an institution (such as a hospital or prison) Survey Instructions (cont.) Question 10 & 11–Emergency Room Visits Question 12 – Family Violence Is family violence responsible for the CURRENT housing instability Question 13 – Work for pay Full time = 32+ hours a week Part time = regular hours, less than 32+ Day Labor = day to day work or occasional work 2013 Georgia Homeless Count Survey Instructions (cont.) Question 14 – Benefits and Services • Read choices and check all that apply • See handbook for more description Food Stamps (SNAP) SSI TANF Unemployment PeachCare Social Security SSI Disability Workman’s Comp Medicaid Veterans Benefits 2013 Georgia Homeless Count DHS Independent Living Services (ILP) Mental Health or Addiction Services DBHDD Georgia Housing Voucher Homeless Prevention Rapid ReHousing (HPRP) Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Veterans Supportive Housing Voucher (VASH) GeorgiaCares (for Seniors) Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re-Housing Completing the Interview Demographics Gender, orientation, ethnicity, race It is better if the respondent completes this section himself/herself. Check survey for completeness Thank them for their help Ask if they have any questions 2013 Georgia Homeless Count Completed Surveys Return completed surveys to local coordinator by February 6th NOTE to County Coordinators – put information here about what to do with the completed surveys 2013 Georgia Homeless Count Thank you for your help! Insert your contact information here 2013 Georgia Homeless Count