(Noun) Software for blocking malicious (bad) programs, such as viruses or malware, from harming your computer.
Contributed by: Missael C
An avatar is a graphic (picture, image) that you use to represent yourself on the Internet.
contributed by: mariela g.
http://www.guistyles.com/wpcontent/uploads/2006/11/Avatars_by_RusVi xen.jpg
Nowadays people use avatars a lot while texting using face book, twitter.instagram ect.
/ http://www.thehealthybac
Boundaries are physical, emotional and mental limits we set to protect ourselves from being manipulated, used, or harmed by others.
I respect others boundaries by
NOT copying their work.
By:Rosalinda C.
Boundaries are physical,emotional and mental limits we set to protect ourselves from being manipulated,used,or harmed by others.
SOURCE http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=active&biw=1366&bih=679&tbm=isch&tbnid=Aii59CZFsWwt9
Jocelyn H
Bystander: Bystanders are people who witness the actions of a bully and the reactions of the victim(s), without taking action.
Andrew was very disappointed when Alex videotaped the fight and was a bystander. He also didn't try to stop it or do anything.
Created by: Alejandra bullybystander.jpg
Citizenship means being a member of and supporting your community and country. Citizens have both rights and responsibilities.
By: Carlos
bully: (noun) A person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.
bully: (NOUN) a bully is someone who acts in an aggressive, hostile, or hurtful manner toward others.
A bully doesn't care if she/he hurts someone else's feelings; that bully is just trying to feel powerful.
By:Cristal http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&biw=1366&bih=667&gbv=2&tbm=isch
=222&hovw=227&tx=117&ty=131&sig=114063245340034845849&page=1& tbnh=141&tbnw=144&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:15,s:0,i:184
Contributed by Alyssa http://barrackbooks.wikispaces.com/file/view/CITE_YOUR_SOURCES.jpeg/192512256/CITE_YOUR_SOURCES.jpeg
Definition :
Copyright is the owner’s legal right to reproduce, display, transmit, perform, and modify a work as well as the right to publicly perform a sound recording by digital transmission. A work is automatically copyrighted at the moment of creation, as long as it exists in a fixed, tangible form. You don’t have to use the © symbol for a work to by copyrighted. (Hobbs 2011)
I will respect everyone’s copyright and ask for their permission first.
A Creative Commons license lets you decide how others may use your work. The Creative Commons license allows you to keep your copyright but also allow others to copy and distribute your work provided they give you credit and only on the conditions you specify.
I got a picture from google and I gave credit to the owner of the picture because it said you could use the picture it you give credit to the creator.
Is the use of digital media tools such as the internet and cell phones deliberately and repeatedly hurt, harass, or embarrass someone else.
People can cyberbully others through through the internet. For example, on facebook and twitter. By:Melissa R.
Cyberbullying is the use of digital media tools such as the Internet and cell phones to deliberately and repeatedly hurt, harass, or embarrass someone else.
L izbeth puts in FB: Eww Maria is so ugly & dumb, like if you agree.
Elizabeth: Heyy you better stop that ,what you just post in FB & said about her is called cyberbullying.
Image credit
Contributed By
Karla R.
( Noun )
credits: http://www.olmospark.org/images/services/court/citation1.jpg
Copyright is the legal right to produce, display, transmit, perform, and modify a work as well as the right to publicly perform a sound recording by digital transmission. A work is automatically copyrighted at the moment of creation, as long as it exists in a fixed, tangible form.
My image for this glossary is copyrighted, all rights reserved. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeblogs/3020966268/lightbox/
Copyrighted by Angel.j
A digital footprint is Contributed By:Brian B.
all of the information online about a person either posted by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally.
Contributed by:StephanieT.
(Verb) Downloading is the process of transferring files from a website/Internet location down to your personal computer.
Downloading can be either authorized or unauthorized by the content creator- and may contain malware. Beware !
It is Illegal to download movies off the internet.
Contributed By:Esme R.
Empathy (a top 21st century skill) is being aware of, sensitive to, and understanding what someone else is feeling or experiencing.
is feeling or experiencing.
After my little sister fell down, all of the years of hating and fighting vanished; so I showed some empathy and helped her.
Contributed by Kevin N.
Creative Commons PIcture(Empathy): http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3157/2935595582_07263d1e7e_z.jpg
(noun) (a top 21st century) is being aware of, sensivite to, and understanding what someone else is feeling or experiencing.
Student 1 - How you feeling?
Student 2 – Sad.
Student 1 – Why?
Student 2 – My best friend’s granpa died, and I’m sad for her. I know how much that hurts.
Student 1 – I see that you have a lot of empathy for your friend.
Image Credit: http://www.callcentrehelper.com/images/stories/Q2-
Emoticon (noun) A simple face, sometimes animated, that expresses an emotion.
Emoticons let you show someone online how you are feeling.
Aram: You like my emotican?
Cristian: Why is it so sad?
6&bih=679&q=emoticon&gbv=2&oq=emoticon&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_ l=img.3..0l10.1534.5791.0.7302.
A simple face, sometimes animated, that expresses an emotion. Emoticons let you show someone online how you are feeling
Contributed by:
Brianna L.
People use emoticons to express their inner feeling while sending a text message.
( noun):Fair use is the idea that copyright material may be quoted without the need for permission from or payment to the original source, provided that a citation is clearly given and that the material quoted is reasonable brief.
http://theedublogger.com/files/2012/02/goog le-243lfpw.jpg
Fair use helps give credit to the original author.
Contributed by: Joseline.O
(noun);Fair use is the idea that copyright material may be quoted without the need for permission from or payment to the original source, provided that a citation is clearly given and that the material quoted is reasonably brief
My teacher said it was okay for her to show the video clip to the class because it was considered fair use.
A firewall is hardware or software that blocks or filters certain types of network traffic from reaching your computer
contributed by: julisa c.
Noun: A Firewall is hardware or software that blocks or filters certain types of network traffic from reaching your computer.
Contributed by Jose M.
a deliberately mean-spirited message sent to others on the internet
Don't ever send a flame, or you'll get into both friend and legal trouble; you've been warned.
C redit: http://www.freefoto.com/images/04/04/04_0
Contributed by:
Adela C.
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(Noun) To annoy someone repeatedly. For example, cursing at, following, or moking someone online.
Harassment can be verbal and physical
Image credit (creative commons) http://thewip.net/contributors/Leerthumb.jp
By: Ivan P.
Image Credits
To annoy someone repeatedly. For example, cursing at, following, or mocking someone online.
A term for the actual computer equipment and related machines or computer parts.
I'm having a computer problem, I don't know if it's the computer hardware or the software problem!
Contributed by: Fabiola H.
2/04/30/technology/basic-of-software-and-hardware/attachment/pc-hardware/&docid=B3tLPi0JF1h3FM&imgurl=http://seudolab.com/wpcontent/uploads/2012/04/pchardware.jpg&w=487&h=407&ei=y8q7T8X5J5PQiAKvtKGTDg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1080&vpy=183&dur=376&hovh=205&hovw=246&t x=187&ty=139&sig=105878634908238057951&page=1&tbnh=141&tbnw=192&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0,i:149
(Noun):A crime that happens when someone gets the personal information (credit card, social security number bank account number) of another person usually to steal money.
There are many people that has lost their identity for losing their social security number or their credit card.
Contributed by:Sonia A.
contributed by; Jasmine
Credit Image
Intellectual property includes art, books, inventions, magazines, movies, music, performances, reports, software, stories created by you or by others.
Intellectual property can be created by anyone.
For example they can make art, books, inventions ect.
Contributed by:Edgardo P
A word you use when looking for information on a search engine
It is better to use a specific keyword while searching so you could find exactly what you're looking for.
By : Maria E.
An online list that allows users to send e-mail to one address, where messages are then copied and sent to all of the people on the list.
http://www.examiner.com/sites/de fault/files/styles/large_lightbox/has h/1332363839_listserv.jpg
Listserv is useful when you are trying to send a message to multiple people.
contributed by: Mariela G.
An online list that allows users to send email to one address, where messages are then copied and then sent to all of the people on the list
Person 1:Are you a member of any listservs?
Person 2: Actually, I’m on 3 different listservs . It’s really useful!
http://findicons.com/files/icons/1676/primo/128/em ail_open.png
By: Jenny S.
Malware: (noun) Stands for malicious software or code, which includes any harmful code- trojans, worms, spyware, adware, ect.- that is designed to damage the computer or collect information.
If you CLICK on popups you might end up with MALWARE in your computer.
By:Cristal http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&saf e=active&biw=1366&bih=679&tbm=isch&tbnid=4
TVsvno9MePHVM:&imgrefurl=http://broadbandan dsocialjustice.org/wpcontent/uploads/2011/05/&docid=eGjY7EHTkxVz
QM&imgurl=http://broadbandandsocialjustice.org/ wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Malware-Google-
OomPigLc2P2XDg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=572&si g=112126823673307578797&page=1&tbnh=141
Courtesy,honesty, and polite behavior practice on the internet.
One example of netiquette is not TYPING ALL IN
CAPS because it look like you're shouting.
Contributed by
Alyssa http://wings.avkids.com/SPIT/Images/netiquette.gif
Understanding netiquette guidelines when communicating on the World
Wide Web with friends credits: http://www.bestsolver.com/wpcontent/uploads/2011/01/Netiquette.jpg
I have used many open sources, For example I have used Firefox and the
Android Market Connected to my phone.
By:Carlos A.
The secret word you use when signing into the Internet or an online service that helps to confirm your indentity.
I need to enter the password on the computer to enter my google docs.
Copyrighted by Angel.J
by: joaquin
Perpetrator is another word for bullying
There are perpetrators in our school beating up kids.
Contributed By Damian F.
Be careful with a bank account email it might
Phishing is a con game that scammers use to collect be phishing.
personal information from unsuspecting users. The false emails often look surprisingly legitimate, and even the Web pages where you are asked to enter your information may look real. However, the URL in the address field can tell you if the page you have been directed to is valid or not.
Image Credits
Contributed By
Karla R.
Image Credits
When someone uses another person's work and takes all the credit
Student: Let me copy your math HW.
Other Student: No . I won’t let you plagiarize my work!
Contributed by: Daniel.S
Precautions (noun) Precautio ns are actions taken in advance to protect against possible danger,failure, or injury, a safeguard
Aram: Dude, do you still have the answers for the test that you took?
‘Cause I gotta take it in an hour.
Cristian: Nah, foo.Take some precautions. I don't want you to get into trouble. You know that’s wrong.
https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1366& bih=679&q=emoticon&gbv=2&oq=emoticon&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_l=im g.3..0l10.1534.5791.0.7302.
Piracy is theft of intellectual property - in other words, stealing what does not belong to you.
Piracy is when a person steals other people’s work and pretend it's their own.
Contributed By:Brain B.
Plagiarism is using someone else's words or ideas and passing them off as your own.
Plagiarism is both illegal and wrong.
Contributed By:Esme R.
One who stalks or uses lies, secrecy, or stealth, to get close enough to another person in order to easily hurt or harm them. Usually an adult.
When someone random and unknown person messages you, there is a possibility it can be a predator.
Contributed by Kevin N.
(noun):Privacy is your right to determine what information you would like others to know about you. http://www.princeton.edu/~ddix/images/priv acy%20comp.jpg
A lot of websites have privacy settings.
Contributed by: Joseline. o
A public service anouncement.A short
30-90 second video
That seeks to inform or educate the public about an important health issue.
Contributed by Jose M.
A program that searches information on the web by looking for specific keywords.
contributed by: julisa c.
5DA4EnE7KkNh5eh KOig
Is respecting those who are different from you.
Contributed by: Fabiola H.
a program that searches information on the web by looking for specific keywords
Credit: http://images.cdn.fotopedia.com/flickr-
Contributed by: Adela C.
Software patch can be an upgrade (adding more features), a bug fix, a new hardware driver or update to address new issues such as security or stability problems.
Did you download the latest software patch for your program?
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2293/1961585910_e93fcb2 b8e.jpg
Spyware is software that goes on your computer without your knowledge and steals private information
Installing anti-virus software can protect your computer from spyware.
Image Credits
(Noun)Spyware is a software that goes on your computer without your knowledge and steals private information.
There might be spyware going through your computer right now that you might not even know about!
Contributed by:Sonia A.
(noun): a person who makes negative comments online (e.g. on
Omar: "Hey, Graciela, don't you hate it when people act like trolls and write mean comments online?"
Graciela: "Yeah, why they gotta hate?
Oughta appreciate..
Contributed by N.B.
Image credit (Creative Commons): https://encryptedtbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ7qyw245heWee6RrbxnEP43ngpT82grlkxx-tFbtjnH67z
A victim is someone who is harmed by another person or persons
No one should be a victim because that is just sad and wrong.
By: Maria E.
Virus: a program that duplicates itself and spreads throughout your computer destroying files, changing data, hogging all your memory or doing anything that is possible with a computer program.
Viruses only damage software not hardware.
When your computer has a virus it will right away start destroying your files and it will slow down your computer.
A virus is a program that duplicates itself and spreads throughout your computer destroying files, changing data hogging all your memory, or doing anything that is possible with a computer program. Viruses only damage software, not hardware.
In order to prevent a virus like a trojan horse, a person must purchase an anti-virus software.
Contributed by: Adela C.
Credit: https://encryptedtbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4orvwIgy_A7EzOp
Kzz83aCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=625&vpy=155&dur=1769&hovh=259&hovw=195&tx=114&ty=140&sig=116365599276645442430&page=1&tbnh=138&tbnw=99&start=0& ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i: 91
Definition(Noun): A computer worm is a virus that can replicate itself, but does not change any files on your machine.
My computer has a lot of WORMS and now I can’t save anything to it.
By: Ernesto M.