Developmental Milestones: Ages 0-5 Years

Developmental Milestones:
Ages 0-5 Years
 Brought to you by:
(806) 468-7611 Amarillo
(806) 274-9856 Borger
(806) 796-1774 Lubbock
0-1 Year: Gross Motor Skills
Turns head to both sides when lying on back (0-2 mo)
Lifts head up when lying on tummy (0-2 mo)
Holds head up 90 degrees when lying on tummy (3-5 mo)
Stretches out and kicks legs when lying on back or stomach (1-5
Holds chest up in prone while putting weight on forearms (2-3 mo)
Rolls from tummy to back (2-5 mo)
Sits independently using hands (5-8 mo)
Rolls from back to tummy (3-5 mo)
Gets into sitting position without help (6-10 mo)
Pulls to standing using furniture (6-10 mo)
Stands, holding onto objects (6-10 mo)
Sits without support of hands (8-9 mo)
Crawls forward (8-9 mo)
Stands alone (11-14 mo)
Walks holding on to furniture (9-13 mo)
Walks alone 2 or 3 steps (11-13 mo)
0-1 Year: Fine Motor Skills
Moves arms together (0-2 mo)
Brings hands to middle of body when lying on back (1-3 mo)
Grasps toys actively (2-4 mo)
Follows object with eyes without moving hands (4-6 mo)
Reaches for object with both arms (4-5 mo)
Reaches for and grasps objects (4-5 mo)
Drops objects (5-6 mo)
Reaches for object with one arm (5-7 mo)
Transfers object from one hand to another (5-7 mo)
Uses hand to rake small objects (7-8 mo)
Bangs 2 blocks together (8-12 mo)
Takes objects out of container (9-11 mo)
Lets go of objects voluntarily (9-10 mo)
Pokes with index finger (9-12 mo)
Uses index finger and thumb to pick up small objects (10-12 mo)
Uses hands freely (11-13 mo)
Puts objects into container (10-11 mo)
Tries to imitate scribbling (10-12 mo)
0-1 Year: Social Skills
Enjoys physical contact and touch (0-3 mo)
Establishes eye contact (0-2 mo)
Develops a social smile (1-4 mo)
Enjoys social play (3-6 mo)
Becomes anxious when separated from parent (6-9 mo)
Cooperates in games (6-10 mo)
Begins to show fear with previously accepted situations
(6-18 mo)
Shows toys to others (9-12 mo)
Engages in relational play (9-12 mo)
Explores environment (9-12 mo)
Tests parent’s response during feeding and bedtime (912 mo)
0-1 Year: Self Help Skills
Can open and close mouth in response to food (0-1 mo)
Coordinates sucking, swallowing, and breathing (1-5 mo)
Sleeps from 4-10 hour intervals at night (1-3 mo)
Brings hand to mouth (2-4 mo)
Can swallow pureed foods (3-6 mo)
Brings hand to mouth with objects in hand (3-5 mo)
Sleeps 10-12 hours at night with awakening (4-8 mo)
Mouths and munches solid foods (5-8 mo)
Holds own bottle (5-9 mo)
Finger feeds self (9-12 mo)
Holds spoon (9-12 mo)
Sleeps 12-14 hours at night (9-12 mo)
Helps with dressing by extending arms and legs (10-12
0-1 Year: Cognitive Skills
Responds to sounds (0-1 mo)
Inspects hands (2-3 mo)
Uses hands and mouth to explore objects (3-6 mo)
Can find a partially hidden object (4-6 mo)
Attempts to obtain desired object that is out of reach (5-9
Brings feet to mouth (5-6 mo)
Plays “peek-a-boo” (6-10 mo)
Plays 2-3 minutes with one object/toy (6-9 mo)
Looks for familiar people/pets when named (6-8 mo)
Responds to simple requests with gestures (7-12 mo)
Throws objects (9-12 mo)
Understands “no” and responds (9-12 mo)
Enjoys looking at picture books (10-14 mo)
0-1 Year: Language Skills
 Cries when hungry or uncomfortable (0-1 mo)
 Makes sucking sounds (0-3 mo)
 Cry begins to vary in pitch, volume, and length to express needs (15 mo)
 Laughs (1-4 mo)
 Coos (2-7 mo)
 Cries rhythmically with mouth opening and closing (2-4 mo)
 Responds to sounds by making sounds (3-6 mo)
 Responds to own name (5-7 mo)
 Babbles double consonants, “baba” (5-8 mo)
 Responds to bye-bye (6-9 mo)
 Nonspecifically says “dada” and “mama” (6-11 mo)
 Shouts for attention (6-8 mo)
 Shows understanding of words with gesture or behavior (9-14 mo)
 Specifically says “dada” or “mama” (11-14 mo)
1-2 Years: Gross Motor Skills
 Walks backwards (12-21 mo)
 Walks well without support (13-15 mo)
 Throws ball forward (15-18 mo)
 Walks upstairs with one hand held (17-19 mo)
 Kicks a ball (18-24 mo)
 Runs well (18-24 mo)
 Climbs onto furniture (18-21 mo)
 Walks downstairs with one hand held (19-21 mo)
 Walks upstairs holding rail (15-18 mo)
 Jumps with both feet in place (22-30 mo)
 Stands on tiptoes (23-25 mo)
1-2 Years: Fine Motor Skills
Builds tower using 2 blocks (12-16 mo)
Points with index finger (12-16 mo)
Scribbles on own (13-18 mo)
Uses hands in center of body, one holds an object while
the other manipulates it (16-18 mo)
Can imitate vertical strokes when scribbling (20-24 mo)
Builds 4 block tower (18-22 mo)
Can imitate circles when scribbling (20-24 mo)
Strings 1-inch beads (20-23 mo)
Builds 6 block tower (22-24 mo)
Holds crayon with thumb and fingers (23-25 mo)
Snips paper with scissors (23-25 mo)
1-2 Years: Social Skills
 Displays independent behavior (12-15 mo)
 Shows a sense of humor (12-18 mo)
 Tends to be messy (12-18 mo)
 Imitates adult behaviors, like housework
 (15-18 mo)
 Expresses affection (18-24 mo)
 Shows more emotions (fear, anger, sympathy),
(18-24 mo)
 Plays parallel to peers (18-24 mo)
 Likes rough and tumble play (18-24 mo)
 Attempts to comfort others in distress
 (22-24 mo)
1-2 Years: Self Help Skills
Brings spoon to mouth (12-15 mo)
Indicates discomfort after soiling pants (12-18 mo)
Scoops food and feeds self with spoon (15-24 mo)
Removes socks (15-18 mo)
Gives up bottle (18-24 mo)
Can remove shoes when shoestrings are undone (18-24
Zips and unzips a large zipper (18-21 mo)
Holds cup in hand (20-30 mo)
Turns knobs to open doors (21-23 mo)
Puts shoes on with help (21-30 mo)
1-2 Years: Cognitive Skills
Shows understanding of colors (12-18 mo)
Places circle in shape puzzle (12-15 mo)
Recognizes several people (12-18 mo)
Places square in shape puzzle (12-18 mo)
Matches objects (15-19 mo)
Identifies one body part (15-19 mo)
Can recognize and point to 4 pictures of animals (16-21 mo)
Solves simple problems using tools (17-24 mo)
Matches sounds to animals (18-22 mo)
Matches objects to pictures (19-27 mo)
Sorts objects (19-24 mo)
Assembles nesting blocks (19-24 mo)
Identifies 3 body parts (19-22 mo)
Places triangle in shape puzzle (21-24 mo)
Turns pages of a book one at a time (21-24 mo)
Identifies 6 body parts (22-24 mo)
1-2 Years: Language Skills
Attempts to communicate (12-17 mo)
Uses 1-word sentences (12-14 mo)
Uses expressions like “oh no” (12-14 mo)
Says “no” (13-15 mo)
Can name 1-2 familiar objects (13-18 mo)
Uses 10-15 words spontaneously (15-17 mo)
Uses expressive vocabulary of 15-20 words (17-20 mo)
Refers to self by using own name (18-24 mo)
Uses 2 word phrases (20-24 mo)
Uses nouns, verbs, and modifiers (20-24 mo)
Uses intelligible words 65% of the time (21-24 mo)
2-3 Years: Gross Motor Skills
Catches a large ball (24-16 mo)
Rides a tricycle (24-30 mo)
Walks upstairs alone (24-25 mo)
Jumps 8-14 inches (24-30 mo)
Walks on a line (24-26 mo)
Walks down stairs alone (25-17 mo)
Hops on one foot (30-36 mo)
Jumps 2-8 inches high (30-36 mo)
Stands on one foot for 1-5 seconds (30-36 mo)
Catches 8 inch ball (35 mo)
Jumps 24-34 inches (35-36 mo)
Runs on toes (34-36 mo)
2-3 Years: Fine Motor Skills
 Can imitate horizontal strokes when scribbling
(24-30 mo)
 Can roughly copy a cross (24-26 mo)
 Folds paper in half (24-30 mo)
 Can copy a circle (25-36 mo)
 Builds 8 block tower (28-31 mo)
 Roughly cuts line using scissors (28-35 mo)
 Uses adult like grasp when coloring (36-48 mo)
 Strings ½ inch beads (33 mo)
2-3 Years: Social Skills
Able to distinguish self as a separate person (24-36 mo)
Can be clingy and dependent (24-30 mo)
Can be physically aggressive (24-30 mo)
Dramatizes using a doll (24-30)
Initiates play independently (24-30 mo)
Uses “mine” and values property (24-30 mo)
Can separate in familiar surroundings (30-36 mo)
Will obey and respect simple rules (30 mo)
Resists change and has difficulty with transitioning (3036 mo)
 Participates in interactive games (30 mo)
2-3 Years: Self Help Skills
Unbuttons large buttons (24-25 mo)
Brushes teeth with help (24 mo)
Undresses with help (24 mo)
Dresses with help (28-32 mo)
Uses a fork (30-36 mo)
Buttons large buttons (30-36 mo)
Assists with bathing self (30 mo)
Takes responsibility for toileting but needs help with
wiping (31 mo)
 Dresses with supervision and help with fastenings
(32 mo)
2-3 Years: Cognitive Skills
Understands concept of one (24-30 mo)
Can demonstrate use of objects (24-28 mo)
Obeys a related 2-part command (18-24 mo)
Obeys a separate 2-part command (24-29 mo)
Matches circles, squares, and triangles (26-30 mo)
Matches identical simple pictures of objects (27-30 mo)
Matches primary colors (29-33 mo)
Sorts circles, squares, and triangles (30-36 mo)
Completes 3-4 piece puzzles (30-36 mo)
Understands the concept of 2 (30-36 mo)
Plays house (30-36 mo)
Sorts colors and points to colors when named (33 mo)
2-3 Years: Language Skills
 Produces more sounds (p, b, m, k, g, w, h, n, t,
 Uses 3 word sentences (24-30 mo)
 Uses past tense (24-30 mo)
 Answers questions (24-26 mo)
 Vocalizes all needs (30-31 mo)
 Will give full name when asked (30-33 mo)
 Uses expressive vocabulary of 7200 words
 Asks “what,” “where,” and “when” questions (34
 Uses intelligible words 80% of the time (35 mo)
3-4 Years: Gross Motor Skills
Stands on 1 foot for 5 seconds (41-46 mo)
Stands on tiptoes for 3 seconds (43-44 mo)
Runs 45 feet in 6 seconds (37-38 mo)
Jumps forward 26 inches (37-38 mo)
Walks on a line for 8 feet without stepping off (41-42 mo)
Walks up and down stairs, alternating steps (43-44 mo)
Jumps on 1 foot 6 inches forward (43-44 mo)
Can run and stop on command within 2 steps without
falling (45-46 mo)
 Throws a ball forward with arm overhead (39-40 mo)
 Catches a ball with arms bent most of the time
(41-42 mo)
3-4 Years: Fine Motor Skills
 Cuts a 5 inch line within ½ inch of the line (41-42
 Copies a cross with intersecting lines (41-42 mo)
 Can drop 10 small pellets in a bottle within 30
seconds (41-42 mo)
 Traces 5 x ¼ inch line without deviating more
than 2 times (41-42 mo)
 Copies a square (49-50 mo)
 Begins to copy some capital letters
 Draws a person with 2-4 body parts
3-4 Years: Social Skills
Interested in new experiences
Cooperates with other children
Plays “mom” or “dad”
Increasingly inventive in fantasy play
Negotiates solutions to conflicts
More independent
3-4 Years: Self Help Skills
Finds front of clothing (42 mo)
Snaps or hooks front fastener (42 mo)
Unzips zipper (42 mo)
Buttons series of 3 or 4 buttons (42 mo)
Unbuckles shoe or belt (42 mo)
Buckles shoe or belt (46 mo)
Zips zipper (46 mo)
Puts on shoes with help tying laces
(46 mo)
3-4 Years: Cognitive Skills
 Correctly names some colors
 Understands counting and may know a few
 Tries to solve problems from a single point of
 Begins to have some sense of time
 Follows 3 step commands
 Recalls parts of a story
 Understands “same” and “different”
 Engages in fantasy play
3-4 Years: Language Skills
Has mastered some basic rules of
Speaks in sentences of 5 to 6 words
Speaks clearly enough for strangers to
Tells stories
4-5 Years: Gross Motor Skills
 Stands on one foot for 10 seconds or longer (5960 mo)
 Can complete 3 sit-ups in 30 seconds (59-60
 Hops forward on one foot (47-48 mo)
 Can walk backward on a line for 5 steps (51-52
 Can roll forward (51-52 mo)
 Gallops (51-52 mo)
 Skips (57-58 mo)
4-5 Years: Fine Motor Skills
 Grasps marker/pencil between thumb and pad
of index finger with marker resting on middle
finger (49-50 mo)
 Cuts a circle (49-50 mo)
 Can connect dots with a straight line (53-54 mo)
 Cuts a square (53-54 mo)
 Colors within lines (59-60 mo)
 Draws a person with a body
 Prints some letters
4-5 Years: Social Skills
Wants to please friends
Wants to be like friends
More likely to agree to rules
Likes to sing, dance, and act
Shows more independence
4-5 Years: Self-Help Skills
Puts belt in loops
Ties and unties knots
Dresses unsupervised
Is independent in toileting
Uses fork, spoon, and sometimes a knife
4-5 Years: Cognitive Skills
Can count 10 or more objects
Correctly names at least 4 colors
Better understands the concept of time
Knows about things used everyday in the
4-5 Years: Language Skills
Recalls part of a story
Speaks sentences of more than 5 words
Uses future tense
Tells longer, more detailed stories
Says name and address
Developmental Milestones are ages at which a majority of children will
demonstrate and master sets of skills. Each child’s development is
unique; however, most children follow this typical developmental
pattern. If you are concerned about a child’s development,
Progressive Step invites you to call us for a free developmental
Call 468-7611 * Amarillo
274-9856 * Borger
796-1774 * Lubbock