MINISTERIAL MEETING UNDER THE THEME “DOMESTIC FINANCING FOR HEALTH: INVESTING TO SAVE”, ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA, 11- 12 NOVEMBER, 2013 Presentation outline 1. Who finances health in Kenya 2. Health financing challenges 3. Domestic health financing initiatives Health Financing: Who pays in Kenya? Shares (%) in Total Health Expenditures, by NHA round 100 90 Govt. health expenditure as % of total govt. expenditure 80 70 10.5 60 7.6 8.3 50 7.1 5.9 40 30 20 10 1999 0 2001-02 2005-06 GOK • Households 2009-10 Donors Source: National Health Accounts, GOK, 2001-02, 2005-06, 2009-10; WDI 2012 2002 2005 2008 2011 Expenditure by Key Priority areas, 2009/10 HIV/AIDS 25% Other health services 35% Reproductive health 14% Tubeculosis 1% Malaria 25% Health financing Challenges High out of pocket spending –denying poor Kenyans access to health care - 20% of sick can’t access health due to financial barrier Inadequate funding from the Government - GoK allocations below the Abuja targets Heavy reliance on donor funding – sustainability issues - Key priority programmes are over 70% financed by donors Low population coverage by insurance - Only 10% of Kenyan population have access to a medical cover Current Health Financing Initiatives Restructuring of NHIF Improve governance and increase coverage Free deliveries at public facilities Kshs. 3.1 billion allocate for deliveries Increase access by the poor and reduce MMR Abolition of user fees at lower level facilities Kshs. 700m allocated to compensate facilities for lost revenue Pro-poor initiative to reach communities in rural areas Finalization of the Healthcare Financing Strategy Define the Roadmap towards Universal Health Coverage Proposed Means of mobilizing Domestic financing Restructuring NHIF To free huge amount currently used for administration to go towards payment of benefits Bring more formal sector participation including employer contributions Include reimbursement of ART and outpatient care for opportunistic infections within the NHIF cover Efficient Improvement Redirecting resources to lower level facilities (provide primary care at cheaper costs) Introducing performance based financing (reduce wastage) HIV Trust Fund Earmark 1% of government revenue for the Trust Fund Finance 74% of HIV/AIDS financing gap by 2020 Fund to be expanded to cover other priority areas including NCDs Thank You