One Chance in a Million: Altruism and Bone Marrow Donation Ted Bergstrom, Rod Garratt, Damien Sheehan-Connor Univ of California Santa Barbara Background • Bone marrow transplants dramatically improve survival prospects of people with leukemia and other blood diseases. • For transplants to work, donor must be a genetic match for recipient. • Only 30% of patients have matching sibling. Others must seek match in population at large. • Institutional solution: National bone marrow registries. Probability of a match • There are about 20 million distinct types • Probability that two random people match – – – – Both US Caucasian : 1/11,000 Both Afr-American: 1/98,000 Both Asian-American: 1/29,000 Afr Am and Caucasian : 1/113,000 • Contrast to kidney and blood donations. – Hardest type to match can accept from 7% of population Distribution of type size is very nonuniform • About half the Caucasian population are in types of frequency smaller than 1/100,000. • About 20 per cent are in types of frequency smaller than 1/1,000,000. • African Americans’ types are even more diffuse. Bone Marrow registry • Bone Marrow Registry contains 4 million people in US and roughly 10 million worldwide • Registrants promise to donate to any needy person if called upon to do so. (not a binding contract) • Registry collects saliva sample, does a DNA test for HLA type and records registrant’s contact information. Cost to donor • Traditional method, bone marrow transplant. – Harvested with large needle stuck into pelvis. – Anesthesia and overnight stay at hospital. • Alternative method, drugs administered, then blood filtered from bloodstream. • Either method involves some risk and a few days of not feeling good. • Beneficiary is almost always a total stranger. Research Questions • Is the bone marrow registry large enough? – A Benefit-Cost Analysis • What motivates donors? – A Peculiar Free Rider Problem – Non-consequentialist altruism? • How to achieve an optimal registry? – Are money payments needed? – International sharing Some Genetic Background • Individuals “type” is controlled by 6 alleles, located in three loci, called HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-DR. • You inherit a string of 3 from Mom and another string of 3 from Pop. • Diploid reproduction, each parent has two strings, randomly picks one to give to you. • String inherited from a single parent called a haplotype. Your most likely match • Probability that two full siblings match is about 1/4. They must receive same string from Mom and also same string from Pop. Chance of this is 1/2x1/2=1/4. • Note that chance of a match with a parent is very small. Same for uncles and aunts and cousins, etc. Estimating match probabilities • Biologists used data from a sample of bone marrow registrants to estimate the distribution of HLA types in population for each race. • They estimated distribution of haplotypes by maximum likelihood. • With estimated haplotype distribution and assumption of random mating w.r.t HLA type, one can estimate distribution of full distribution of types by race. Benefits from an additional donor: Behind the Veil of Ignorance • Every person in society faces some small probability of needing a life-saving transplant. • Adding a donor increases the probability of a match for anyone. • We calculate effect of an extra registrant on lives saved and value this increment at the “value of a statistical life” . • VSL estimated to be about $6.5 million (Viscusi-Aldy) Probability of having no match • Let pix be fraction of the population of race x that is of HLA type i. • Probability that a person of type i has no match in of any race in the registry is: (1 p x Rx i ) x • Probability that a randomly selected person of race z has no match in the registry is z x Rx p ( 1 p i i) i x Differences by Race Race Number in Fraction Registry Available Effective No. in Registry Prob. of no Match Caucasian 4,444,335 .65 2,888,818 .08 Afr-Am 485,791 .34 165,169 .38 Asian-Am 432,293 .44 190,209 .21 Hispanic 594,801 .47 279,556 .16 Nat. Am. 70,781 .48. 33,975 .11 Gain from extra registrant of race x • Calculate the derivative with respect to Rx of the probability of no match. • Multiply this by the number of people seeking matches to find the expected annual number of additional matches resulting from one more registrant. • Multiply number of additional matches by .21 to get expected number of lives saved. Annual flow • A registrant can remain in registry until age 61. • Median age of registrants is 35. • We assume that registrants remain in registry for 25 years, on average. • We discount benefits appearing in later years. Present Value of Lives Saved by Additional Registrant Race of Additional Registrant Present value to this group Caucasian Afr- Am Asian -Am Hispanic Nat Am Caucasian $1,012 $961 $664 $1,028 $928 Afr-Am $71 $3,155 $81 $285 $150 Asian-Am $27 $44 $1,063 $60 $59 Hispanic $91 $341 $132 $701 $190 Nat Am $5 $10 $8 $11 $37 Total Value $1,206 $4,512 $1,947 $2,085 $1,364 Costs • Cost of tests and maintaining records about $105 per registrant. – Usually paid for by registry. • Physician and hospital costs of transplants is around $166,000. Effective Registry • Need to register more than one person to make one effective registrant • Varies by race (Kollman et al.) – 1.6 Caucasians – 2.9 Afr. Am. • Inflates costs differently across races • Also number of transplants resulting from registrant differs across race Benefit Cost Comparison: Present values of new registrant Caucasian Afr- Am Asian- Am Hispanic Nat Am Benefit $1,206 $4,512 $1,947 $2,078 $1,364 Cost $297 $800 $446 $455 $359 B/C Ratio 4.1 5.6 4.4 4.6 3.8 Optimal Registry Sizes • Larger registry is called for on efficiency grounds • As registry gets larger new registrants add less • Calculating optimal registry is complicated by cross matches • In optimal registry the marginal benefit to persons of all races from adding an additional registrant of any race is equal to the marginal cost. Actual and Optimal Registry; Number in Millions Race Actual Number Optimal Number Ratio Caucasian 4.44 (2.7%) 12.11 (7.1%) 2.72 Afr-Am 0.49 (2.4%) 4.73 (23.8%) 9.75 Asian-Am 0.43 (6.5%) 1.76 (26.5%) 4.07 Hispanic 0.59 (2.9%) 2.93 (14.3%) 4.93 No Match Probabilities Race Prob of no match Actual Registry Prob of no match Optimal Registry Caucasian .08 .03 Afr-Am .38 .12 Asian-Am .21 .09 Hispanic .11 .06 Racial equity? • Not a Rawlsian minmax outcome. • “Social optimum” reflects difference is in number of people of each race seeking transplants and differences in diversity of HLA types within races. Incentives and Voluntary Donations • The standard equilibrium model of voluntary contributions to public goods does not apply: – In standard model, people add to public goods for their own benefit. Nobody gets gain from own registration here. – In standard model, individuals’ contributions are perfect substitutes. Not true here. A peculiar free rider problem • It may be that you are the only match in the registry for a needy patient, and hence would save a life. • It may be that there is another willing donor of your type in registry. • It may be that nobody of your type will need a transplant. What would Homo economicus Do? • Our selfish old friend h.e. would contribute nothing. – So we are in unfamiliar territory for economists. • Lets try making him nicer, but highly rational. • Consequentialist altruist. Cares about the patient’s outcome, not about social acclaim, or credit. • If someone else wants to save the patient, he would gladly defer. Meditations of a Consequentialist Altruist Calculates the conditional probability h that if asked to donate, he is pivotal (i.e., the only one of his type in the registry.) • Let C be the cost of donating. • B the value of making a pivotal donation. • Assume B>C and value of donating if not pivotal is 0. C.A’s calculations • Will join the registry if and only if he would donate if asked to. • Where h is the conditional probability of being pivotal, he will join registry if and only if hB>C or equivalently B/C>1/h Probabilities of being asked and of being pivotal if asked Current Registry Optimal Registry Race P(Asked|Reg) Lifetime P(Pivotal|Asked) P(Asked|Reg) h Lifetime P(Pivotal|Asked) h Caucasian .013 .08 .004 .03 Afr-Am .005 .78 .001 .19 Asian-Am .006 .30 .002 .11 Hispanic .008 .22 .003 .08 How generous are donors? • For Caucasians: – current registry requires most generous 2.7% of population to have B/C>12 – optimal registry requires most generous 7% to have B/C>33. • For African-Americans: – current registry requires most generous 2.4% of population to have B/C>5 – optimal registry requires most generous 24% to have B/C>5. Non-Consequentialist Motives • Desire for acclaim. – Problem with sign-up and refuse to donate. – Probability that a registrant is ever asked is about 1%. • Sense of obligation. – Maybe people don’t feel that their contribution is less if there was an alternative donor in wings. Refocused Efforts • The US bone marrow registry recruitment strategy in recent years is to focus on recruiting minority donors (numbers of new Caucasian recruits falling since 1996, others rising) • “Registry has developed to the stage where racial diversity (quality) is a higher priority than recruitment volume (quantity).” Do we need to pay donors? • You can join the registry by ordering a tissue-typing kit online . • But new registrants have to pay a fee of $52. – Fees are likely to be waived for minorities and members of armed services. • An obvious first step: Government support to pay fees. • A second step: Greater recruitment efforts. • Survey of 360 UCSB students: – 54% have heard of registry, – 20% have considered joining, – 6% have joined. Other national registries • • • • • • • • • Percentage of eligible population registered Israel 10% Germany 7% U.S. 2.7% U.K 2% Canada, Scandinavia, Italy1% France, Netherlands, Switzerland 0.5% Taiwan, Hong Kong 1.5%, Japan 0.5%, Africa, Russia, Mexico, China , India ~0. Observations • Optimum for whites could be achieved if U.S. and other European countries could approximate German enrollment rates, – German registrants are not paid. • Poor countries where bone marrow transplants are rare have negligible registries. • Expanded registries in Asia, would improve Asian-Americans’ chances. • It is hard to see how to get African American registries close to optimal without paying donors. Summary • Benefit-cost analysis. – Current registry has too few people of all races, but U.S. charges new registrants $52. – Especially short of African Americans • Unusual form of free-rider problem raises interesting questions about altruistic motives. • German experience suggests that with no charges and greater recruitment, optimal registry for whites might be possible. • For Asian -Americans, expansion of Asian registries would be helpful. • For African-Americans, payments to donors may be needed. Had enough? OK, I’m done.