rfr_fundraising_guide - American Liver Foundation

In this packet you will find FUNDRAISING TOOLS which will help lead you through the
fundraising process. You’ll need to come up with a plan for fundraising that you are
comfortable with and one that will help you get optimal results. Choose a strategy that
works for you. Be creative—the possibilities are endless!
Donation possibilities are everywhere- talk to everyone about what you are doing—you
never know when someone who wants to help is listening and you never know if someone
wants to help unless you ask. Training for a road race is a good way to open the
conversation; even non-runners appreciate the dedication and hard work involved in this
goal. In addition, you are raising funds for an excellent cause and using your good health and
energy to help others. This is an impressive endeavor, and you should remember this
perception when you approach potential donors. If you get their attention by talking about
the race, you can easily transition into a conversation about fundraising.
Branded- the skills used in fundraising are very similar to those used in sales. When you see
an ad on TV or in a magazine, how did they get your attention? Your product is yourself, Run
for Research and the American Liver Foundation. The more you know about the product, the
easier it will be to “sell”. Learn all you can and be able to share the information with
potential donors. Your success will be determined by your ability to convince potential
donors that the American Liver Foundation mission is worthy of an investment.
The mission of this organization is to help promote, educate and raise funds for liver disease,
it is important to get EDUCATED and to EDUCATE your donors along the way. It will help both
you and them realize what a great difference you are in fact making.
The American Liver Foundation is the nation’s leading non-profit organization for promoting liver health
and disease prevention. We provide research, education, and advocacy regarding liver health and
wellness. Although liver diseases are among the top ten causes of in the United States, there was no
national voluntary health agency devoted exclusively to educating about the liver wellness until 1976,
when the American Liver Foundation was formed. Many serious liver diseases are preventable; education
about them can give individuals an opportunity to participate in their own preventive health care. An
increase in research can make it possible to develop improved treatments and cures but a major effort is
necessary to control the increase in liver diseases. The funds you raise help the American Liver
Foundation educate people about liver health, create awareness about how to maintain a healthy liver
and support research for better treatment and prevention methods of liver disease.
 There are more than 100 types of liver disease.
 More than 30 million Americans—one in every 10—are or have been affected by liver disease.
 More than 5,000 liver transplants are performed every year.
 More than 100,000 patients are waiting for a life saving transplant. There are over 15,000 patients
waiting for a liver transplant—and more than 1,300 died last year while waiting for a liver.
 More than 5 million people are chronically infected with hepatitis B and C infections which can go
unnoticed for years while inflicting serious damage to the liver.
 Currently, hepatitis C causes 8,000 to 10,000 deaths each year and is a leading cause for liver
 There are four times as many people in the US living with hepatitis C than there are HIV.
Develop a plan – Determine the best way to fundraise as much money as you can and what method would be
most comfortable for you. Make a list of all the friends, family and business contacts you can think of who would
donate to you, and how much you think they can give. This will help you keep track of who you have already
approached and who else you still have to contact.
Differentiate – What makes the Run for Research program unique? What is special about the race you are
running? In what way does the American Liver Foundation differ from other national non-profit organizations you
might know of or be involved in? The answers to these questions are important to each donor for different
reasons. For the most part, donors want to know how and where their money is being invested. If you can
provide them with a reason to invest that sets you apart from the many other requests they receive, you have an
important advantage.
Educate yourself – Understand the functions of the liver, what can make it fail and how advances in research are
helping the diverse groups of people affected by it. Learn about the American Liver Foundation’s research grants,
its programs and services to patients. For more in-depth information, visit the American Liver Foundation
website, www.liverfoundation.org.
Believe – Demonstrate to your potential donor that you believe in the mission of the American Liver Foundation.
Agreeing with the mission is important, but believing in it is essential for success. Make your own donation to the
American Liver Foundation first. It's difficult to ask others to donate to a cause if you haven't done so as well.
Your enthusiasm for the goals and mission of the organization will be contagious.
Look for motivators – Try to key in on what motivates each donor to contribute. Everyone is different. Some
people are motivated by personal stories and others by broad social causes or national health issues. Try to
relate a donor’s motivation to the goals you are accomplishing by running and raising funds for the American
Liver Foundation. Think about how they will benefit by contributing. For example, social donors like having their
names published on your online donation page while some donors prefer to remain anonymous but like to see
exactly what their donation funds. Still others may donate simply to help you with your fundraising goals.
Share – Share examples of the ways in which the American Liver Foundation makes a difference in people’s lives.
Seek out stories that have meaning for you and share them with potential donors. Use a personal tie-in. Do you
or a family member have liver disease? If so, talk about it with potential donors. Ask people you know if they
have experience with liver disease. Use examples when talking to others.
Listen – Listening is perhaps one of the most important traits in a successful fundraiser. Don’t just hear the words
your potential donors are saying—listen to their message. They may have a story to tell you about their own
running or fitness challenges, or a connection to liver disease or some other illness. Converse with empathy. If
you demonstrate an interest in their situations, they are more likely to do the same for you.
Treat every situation as an opportunity – Approach prospects with the idea that contacting them may be the
most important thing you do that day. Think of it as the opportunity to enlighten one more individual. The
knowledge you impart about liver disease may prompt someone to have a liver function test, vaccinate his or her
children for hepatitis B or sign an organ donor card. Their investment may help prevent and cure liver disease for
a friend or relative. You are saving lives by successfully soliciting this donor.
Ask for the ‘sale’ – There’s an old saying: “Ask and you shall receive.” It’s true! This is where applying your own
personal style really counts. Reciting “canned" request lines or sending a prepared form letter written by an
outside source is a sure turn-off. The best solicitation is the one that comes from the heart and you feel most
comfortable with. Find a style that works for you and then tailor it appropriately to each potential donation
Follow up, follow up, follow up – This is just as important as asking for the donation, if not more. If a donor asks
you to call in a week, call in a week. If your letter says that you will contact your prospects by phone, contact
them by phone. If they request more information, make certain they receive it. This kind of attention to detail
demonstrates to the donor that you are committed to your fundraising campaign and to the American Liver
Foundation. Without your commitment, the donor has less motivation to give.
Thank you – Thank every supporter. Depending on your relationship with the donor and the size and
circumstance of the donation, how you show your gratitude may vary. In any case, a thank you is a must.
Remember, the chain doesn’t end with that donor. Each person has friends, family and business contacts.
Acknowledging a gift is not only good manners, its excellent public relations as well. It may encourage your donor
to offer repeat donations or to tell a friend or colleague about the American Liver Foundation and your
fundraising efforts. Donations of $250 or more require an official letter from our office. For such donations, we
will send one out automatically thanking your donors for their contribution and providing them with our tax
identification number.
 Although many runners have found that a personal letter results in a greater response,
email is also a good way of contacting donors or following up with anyone who has
agreed to support you. Create your message with the same advice offered for the letter
writing campaign and include a link to your donation page. Be sure to personalize your
message and follow up with every potential donor.
 Our online donation system, allows you to create a personalized webpage for your
donors. You will have the ability to personalize your page by adding an image, setting a
goal, and including a message to donors. You can update this as often as you like, so
blogging on here about your training is always an interesting way to get friends to return.
 When personalizing your page, include why you are running the Boston Marathon and
why you chose to raise money for the American Liver Foundation. Your page will
automatically show progress towards your goal as your friends and family make
donations and you will be able to update your page throughout the training season with
your progress in getting ready for the race.
 Login to your page at any time to view donor information, send thank you emails, track
offline donations and to invite people to sponsor you. Encouraging donors to visit your
webpage frequently will surely result in repeat donations – you will have your own
URL/webpage to direct them to.
Sending a letter to friends, business associates and other acquaintances is the one
of easiest ways to raise funds.
You may want to include the following information in your letter:
 What are you doing? Running the Boston Marathon and raising funds for the
American Liver Foundation.
 What is the American Liver Foundation and what services does it provide?
 Why is the cause important to you? Include any personal reasons. Does
someone you know have liver disease? Are you running in honor or memory
of someone?
 What is your fundraising goal? $5,000, $7,000, $10,000—aim higher than your
goal, you’ll surprised by the results!
 How does the American Liver Foundation use the funds it receives?
 How is your training going?
 How can a person sponsor you?
 Has the person sponsored you in the past? Thank them first and update them
on your progress since.
 How much you appreciate the donor’s support!
Make it personal.
You may want to have a few versions of your letter—one for those who know you well, another for acquaintances and a third
for business contacts. It is helpful if you can actually address the letter to the recipient. If you are writing to business
contacts, let them know if your company is sponsoring you.
Appeal to the heart—and the head.
Use quotes, anecdotes and descriptions that appeal to the emotions, then reinforce those emotions with facts and statistics
about liver disease. Include a photo of yourself training.
Personalize your envelope.
Address your envelopes by hand or run them through your laser printer instead of using labels. This will tell donors before
they open the envelope that it is a personal correspondence. It may also help to use an interesting colored or oversized
envelope or some other attention-getter to differentiate your letter among the recipient's mail.
Make it easy for donors to send money.
Clearly state in your letter how to get the donation to you. Tell them that checks should be made payable to the American
Liver Foundation. It is especially convenient for your donors if you include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for them to
send your check.
Follow up.
If you haven’t heard from people you thought would donate, call them and see if they received your letter, or mention your
request when you see them. They may have misplaced your letter or simply not gotten around to sending your check. Email
is a great way to follow up with people who haven’t donated and to keep people informed of your training and fundraising
Show your gratitude.
Everyone likes to know that his or her efforts are appreciated. Whether you acknowledge people as the gift is received or
after the race, a formal thank you is a must.
$1/week -- Provides education materials on liver wellness and interactive activity materials
for 2 classroom-based Love Your Liver education programs for elementary through high
school students.
$2/week -- Provides 2 support group sessions that provide emotional support and
information to people with liver disease and their caregivers to be conducted.
$3/week -- Provides liver disease and liver wellness brochures and other resource materials
for participants at one health fair or conference.
$4/week -- Supports the implementation of one Treatment Choices Initiative education
program for individuals affected by hepatitis C.
$5/week -- Supports a half day of research by an ALF Liver Scholar Award recipient who is
working to find cures for liver disease.
$6/week -- Funds one Helpline professional who provides information, support and
education material to callers through ALF’s HelpLine.
$10/week -- Supports one in-language THINK B education program and distribution of inlanguage education materials for Asian and Pacific Islander Americans who are affected by
hepatitis B.
$20/week -- Supports ALF’s advocacy efforts, including testifying on Capitol Hill, and
educating and advising elected officials on policies that improve the lives of people with liver
$25/week -- Provides one month of support to a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Award
recipient working to find liver disease cures.
Ask to speak at a meeting of a professional association,
church or temple.
At school, your’s or your children’s, post a notice on a
bulletin board or in the newsletter.
You support local merchants, ask if they will support you.
Talk to your dry cleaner, supermarket, tailor or bank
about sponsorship.
Place a message on your answering machine reminding
callers that you are in need of their support. Change it
weekly and update callers on your fundraising and
training progress.
Send a press release to your local newspaper and include
how residents can send donations.
Host a party and ask your guests for donations. Let them
know ahead of time that it is a party to help you raise
funds. Have a theme for the party—make everyone wear
running gear or dress up as their favorite sports celebrity.
Give prizes for the best costumes.
Ask for donations from colleagues at work on payday.
Post a sponsor form in your office or a highly visible
place at work so people know what you’re doing.
With your employer’s approval organize a dress down
day at work. Ask people who dress down to sponsor
you for $10 or more!
Seek corporate sponsorship from business contacts.
Let them know their contribution is tax deductible.
Do you or someone you know own a business? Ask if
you can place a poster or information about the race
and liver disease in a visible place with a container for
donations. Better yet, see if you could designate a day
to have a percentage of that day’s business go to the
American Liver Foundation.
Hold a party at a local club or restaurant for your
friends. Ask if the establishment will donate some
light refreshments. Charge a $10 cover at the door for
admission and hold a raffle to solicit more funds.
Ask donors to sponsor one of your 26.2 miles for say $50
or $100. Name that mile after them and send a letter
after the race telling them about your experience at each
At work, send out an email or write an article in the
company newsletter. Give people information and
facts on liver disease. Be sure to get your employer’s
Have a bake sale, silent auction or car wash.
Ask for people to make a donation in lieu of holiday,
wedding or birthday gifts.
Make a Donation Can for home or work. Decorate
it with running designs and facts on liver disease.
The Where, When and How
Send or drop off all checks to our office:
Run for Research
American Liver Foundation
88 Winchester St
Newton, MA 02461
At least every two weeks, send the checks you have received to the ALF office.
Be sure to include your name on the checks in the note field so we know to
credit them to your total.
Please follow these instructions carefully, so that all of your donor checks are
correctly credited toward your fundraising commitment:
Your name should be entered on the memo line of checks.
Donors should make checks payable to the American Liver Foundation
Have all checks sent to you and keep a list of all checks received—both for accounting
purposes and so that you can send thank you notes to all donors.
Many employers offer to match the charitable gifts of their employees. Be
sure to ask everyone who donates if his or her company does so. It’s a
great way to double or even triple the money that you raise!
The American Liver Foundation is happy to cooperate with you to receive
a matching gift. Most companies ask for proof that a gift was in fact
received by the organization, and provide a form that must be filled out
by the employee and the non-profit organization. We assure you that we
will promptly fill out and return any matching gift form we receive.
Please send all Matching Gift forms to:
Run for Research
American Liver Foundation
88 Winchester St
Newton, MA 02461
Now that you have the details on how to be a successful
fundraiser, begin building your plan using the Participant
Fundraising Plan worksheet that is enclosed with this packet.
Take the first steps to helping the ALF improve lives!
Have questions?
Contact: Caity Annibell
Tel: 617-527-5600
Email: cannibell@liverfoundation.org