Cell injury p.1 SYLLABUS: Robbins and Cotran, Pathologic Basis of Disease, Chapter: Cellular Responses to Stress and Toxic Insults: Adaptation, Injury, and Death excluding: hypertrophy hyperplasia metaplasia necrosis apoptosis cellular aging Cell injury p.1 15 Lipofuscin storage in myocardial cells 7929/09 Lipomatous (adipose) atrophy of the pancreas 17 Liver steatosis 22 Hyaline degeneration of the fibrous tissue 20 Calcification 3520/10 Gout (gouty tophus) Lipofuscin storage in myocardial cells - cardiomyocytes containing yellowish-brown intracytoplasmatic granules in a perinuclear location (candle flame shape) Lipofuscin storage in myocardial cells (hematoxylin only) Lipofuscin storage in myocardial cells Lipomatous atrophy of the pancreas - replacement of the pancreatic acini by adipose tissue - large areas of total adipose atrophy isolating islands of Langerhans - dilated pancreatic ducts and periductal fibrosis Lipomatous atrophy of the pancreas Lipomatous atrophy of the pancreas Lipomatous atrophy of the pancreas Liver steatosis (paraffin block, H&E): -clear vacuolar spaces within hepatocytes (accumulated triglycerides were dissolved and removed from cells during the tissue processing) (frozen tissue sample, Sudan III): -vacuoles with orange-stained substance (fat) (.ppt demonstration only, no slides during the microscopy lab) Liver steatosis Liver steatosis Liver steatosis (paraffin block, H&E): -clear vacuolar spaces within hepatocytes (accumulated triglycerides were dissolved and removed from cells during the tissue processing) (frozen tissue sample, Sudan III): -vacuoles with orange-stained substance (fat) Liver steatosis (Sudan III) Liver steatosis (Sudan III) Hyaline degeneration of the fibrous tissue - thick, eosinophilic collagen fibers - few fibroblasts Hyaline degeneration of the fibrous tissue Hyaline degeneration of the fibrous tissue Calcification basophilic calcium deposits within the artery wall Calcification Calcification (empty areas within the calcium deposits are artifacts) Gout (gouty tophus) - clusters of pale-staining monosodium urate crystals surrounded by macrophages, lymphocytes and large foreign body giant cells Gout (gouty tophus) Gout (gouty tophus) Gout (gouty tophus)