
No Malignancy known in the donor
…surprise at recovery
Stop recovery due to suspected malignancy
Small renal cell cancer possible, standard risk donor, no need to worry
Discard kidney for pathological examination, inform other teams
Perform R0 resection, sent to pathology, inform teams, use kidney if ok
No Malignancy known in the donor
…surprise at recovery
In any suspect lesion malignancy must be ruled out (histology), inform every team !
R0 resection of renal mass < 1.0 cm (kidney may be used if no renal cell cancer is confirmed ) !
Remove always fat tissue around kidney without capsule lesion and damage to no touch area !
-> infarct, not older than 24 hours. Kidney was transplanted & all other organs too.
24 yr., female, brain death after cardiac arrest
head ache, psychosis since 2 weeks after oral drug abuse (recreational
drugs), trip to India 3 months ago, treated for psychosis
….brain death (cardiac resuscitation, severe brain edema, EF 20%)
a) Cardiac reason for brain death -> all other organs may be used
b) Recreational drug abuse caused complication -> organs may be used
c) Unclear situation, stop recovery
24 yr., female, brain death after cardiac arrest
head ache, psychosis since 2 weeks after oral drug abuse (recreational
drugs), trip to India 3 months ago, treated for psychosis
….brain death (cardiac resuscitation, severe brain edema, EF 20%)
• ECD, coordinator insisted on autopsy
~ 4 weeks: brain-stem encephalitis possible, no myocarditis
~ 6 weeks: neurological alteration in two recipients
~ 2nd look donor brain -> -> RT-PCR: Rabies
 third source information:
“a dog scratched her…”
 Try to obtain information
as much as possibel !!!
donor brain IF-Antibody
recipient brain IF-Antibody
Remember: any uncertain encephalitis is a contraindication until you know the pathogen !
8 months, boy, head injury, brain death
• head trauma, neurosurgery,
10 transfusions (72-48 hrs. ago),
brain death, consent…
Leucos., CRP, platelets
• pregnancy in Africa
• suspected drug abuse, Africa
a) Sepsis -> stop
b) Risk of untreatable tropical infections -> stop
c) Problems should be further investigated
d) Standard risk donor, no problem
8 months, boy, head injury, brain death
• head trauma, neurosurgery,
10 transfusions (72-48 hrs. ago),
brain death, consent…
Leucos., CRP, platelets
• pregnancy in Africa
• suspected drug abuse, Africa
Mother: 1st-7th mo. of pregnancy in South Africa
anti-HIV neg, anti-HCV neg, HBsAg neg, anti-HBc neg
sanitary living conditions, no animal contacts
Father: alcohol problem, therefore divorced
8 months, boy, head injury, brain death
• head trauma, neurosurgery,
10 transfusions (72-48 hrs. ago),
brain death, consent…
Leucos., CRP, platelets
• pregnancy in South Africa (1st-7th
month), Virology o.k.
• Alc., South-Africa (well urbanized)
Which organs (80cm, 11kg) ?
a) Heart, liver, kidney
b) Heart, lung, liver, kidney
c) Heart, lung, liver, intestine, kidney
d) Heart, lung, liver, intestine, pancreas, kidney
8 months, boy, head injury, brain death
• head trauma, neurosurgery,
10 transfusions (72-48 hrs. ago),
brain death, consent…
Leucos., CRP, platelets
• pregnancy in South Africa (1st-7th
month), Virology o.k.
• Alc., South-Africa (well urbanized)
Which organs (80cm, 11kg)?
a) Heart, liver, kidney, small bowel+colon transplanted
b) Lung, pancreas: no centre accepted
c) Consider multivisceral-package for small childs
67 yr., 4 days ago cardiac resuscitation (45 min)
• absolute Arrhythmia, norepinehrine, anuria, haemoflitration (4 days)
• Diabetes Typ II, COPD (paCO2>60mmHg), hypertension, smoker,
coronary artery disease, , 90 kg, 170cm,
• Lab: Bili 0,8, ASAT 428, ALAT 188, y-GT 140, Quick 60, Crea 3,3
• ultrasound abdomen: Liver steatotic, arteriosclerosis
a) Brain death impossible to certify (paCO2> 60 mmHg = no apnoe test = DCD)
b) No organ suitable for donation -> tissue only donor
c) Liver and kidney: intra-operative assessment -> then further decisions
67 yr., 4 days ago cardiac resuscitation (45 min)
• absolute Arrhythmia, norepinehrine, anuria, haemoflitration (4 days)
• Diabetes Typ II, COPD (paCO2>60mmHg), hypertension, smoker,
coronary artery disease, , 90 kg, 170cm,
• Lab: Bili 0,8, ASAT 428, ALAT 188, y-GT 140, Quick 60, Crea 3,3
• ultrasound abdomen: Liver steatotic, arteriosclerosis
• Wife: he carried a donor card
• Brain death: cerebral circulatory arrest in all 4 vessels (TCD)
-> intraoperatively: Liver yes, Kidney no (severe Arteriosclerosis)
- arteriosclerosis might be risk factor for biliary tree arteries
- still: acute kidney injury is reversible
-> Liver recipient: 40 yr. (child B cirrhosis: HBV + HCC), functioning > 2 yr.
55 yr., male, head trauma
• Car-crash (side), multiple head fractures & traumatic SAH
• Listed for liver transplantation (Hepatitis C, Child A cirrhosis)
• anti-HAV-IgG + (IgM -), anti-HEV-IgG + (IgM -)
• Hepatitis C genotype 4, non-responder to antiviral therapy
Phone call 21:30 – donor?:
• proceed with request to donation and brain death determination?
• neurosurgeon: stopped therapy for patient (no brainstem reflexes)!
a) Proceed with donation, Hepatitis C is no contraindication for donation
b) Proceed with donation, but only the few Hepatitis C-viraemic recipients are eligible as recipient
c) Stop, multiple Hepatitis infection are a contraindication.
d) Wait: Child A cirrhosis is not an indication for liver transplantation, information is missing
55 yr., male, head trauma
• Car-crash (side), multiple head fractures, traumatic SAH etc.
• Listed for liver transplantation (Hepatitis C, Child A cirrhosis)
• anti-HAV-IgG + (IgM -), anti-HEV-IgG + (IgM -)
• Hepatitis C genotype 4, non-responder to antiviral therapy
• heaptocellular carcinoma (HCC) segment 8, MRT-TACE scheduled,
chemoembolisation done, CT Abdomen and CT Thorax before LTX!!!!!!
At the phone 21:32 – donor?:
• indication for liver transplantation is HCC
a) Proceed with donation, only Hepatitis C-viraemic and extended recipients are eligible.
b) HCC transmission risk limits use of organs to special cases (plus Hepatitis C problem)
c) Stop, HCC under therapy is a contra indication
d) If no metatases are detected in the Thorax-Abdomen CT you may consider EDC-donation
55 yr., male, head trauma
• Car-crash (side), multiple head fractures, traumatic SAH etc.
• Listed for liver transplantation (Hepatitis C, Child A cirrhosis)
• anti-HAV-IgG + (IgM -), anti-HEV-IgG + (IgM -)
• Hepatitis C genotype 4, non-responder to antiviral therapy
• heaptocellular carcinoma (HCC) segment 8, MRT-TACE,
chemoembolisation, CT Abdomen and CT Thorax before LTX!!!!!!
Decision: no donor
• the current situation does not exclude metastases even after normal CT.
• guidelines: current cancer-therapy = contra indication
• LTX is done on the assumption that no metastases exist and therefore
immuno-suppression is of no harm (CT before LTX). Then theoretically
organs should be free of tumor cells, but true evidence is lacking………
Bloodgroup control: helpful?
Donor 75 yr., Intracranial beeding (phenprocumon, minor trauma)
• ten months ago hip operation: 0 Dpos, two transfusion of 0 Dpos
• 0 cc??ee, Anti-D at control
a) Impossible, something got mixed up !
b) Rhesus anti-D and bloodgroup determination trouble excludes donation !
c) Rhesus is not considered in transplantation -> unimportant !
d) Gene defect without harm to organs, but consider immunological pitfalls !
Bloodgroup control: helpful?
Donor 75 yr., Intracranial beeding (phenprocumon, minor trauma)
• ten months ago hip operation: 0 Dpos, two transfusion of 0 Dpos
• 0 cc??ee, Anti-D
- transfusions 0 ccddee
- pitfall in blood grouping
- check everything for correctness, bedside test helpful too
• RHD-gene  Dpartial  0 cc Dpa ee (DHAR RH33)
- expressed on erythrocyte*
- counseling for offspring
*passenger lymphocyte -> haemolysis in recipient