Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT) Mission Analysis Purpos e Discuss techniques and procedures for conducting an operational level mission analysis for multinational operations -First step of Commander’s Estimate process -Operational level (includes strategic military and politico-military objectives) References Joint Publication 3-0, Doctrine for Joint Operations, 1 Feb 1995 JP 3-07.6, Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Foreign Humanitarian Assistance, 12 Dec 2000 JP 3-16, Joint Doctrine for Multinational Operations, 5 April 2000 JP 5-00.2, Joint Task Force Planning Guidance and Procedures, 13 Jan 1999 Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3500.05, JTF Headquarters Master Training Guide, 15 Apr 1997 US-Thailand HQ and Staff Planning Standing Operating Procedures (SOP), 17 February 1998 Crisis Action Planning Process C R I S I S I Situation Development II Crisis Assessment III Course of Action Development IV Course of Action Selection V Execution Planning OPORD & Deployment Data Base VI Execution And/or Warning Order I Mission Analysis II Course of Action Development Planning Order Alert Order Execute Order III Analysis of Opposing Courses of Action IV Comparison of Own Courses of Action Commander’s Estimate Process V Commander’s Decision Mission Analysis Objectives Common understanding of the problem Multinational force (MNF) or CTF restated mission Most probable & most challenging or dangerous potential change in the situation / Enemy COA (ECOA) Commander’s intent and guidance Mission Analysis Joint Planning Group Joint Intelligence Center Personnel Air/Sea Lift Time Phased Force Deployment Data Information Operations Legal Comms Core planning group Special Operations Forces Psychological Operations Fires Engineer Civil Affairs Component Liaison Officers Public Affairs Logistics Task Steps Determine the Facts Develop Assumptions Analyze Mission & Intent Determine Limitations Determine Centers of Gravity Identify Tasks to be Performed Initial Force Structure Analysis Initial Risk Assessment Determine the End State Develop Mission Statement Mission Analysis Mission Analysis Brief Determine Known Facts, Current Status, or Conditions Determine Determine the the Facts Facts Develop DevelopAssumptions Assumptions Analyze AnalyzeMission Mission &&Intent Intent – Determine DetermineLimitations Limitations – Determine DetermineCenters Centers ofofGravity Gravity – – Identify IdentifyTasks Taskstotobe be Performed Performed Initial InitialForce ForceStructure Structure Analysis Analysis Initial Risk Initial Risk Initial Risk Assessment Assessment Assessment Tasking from the national strategic command of the lead nation (HHQ) will normally include the following: Situation update Forces available for planning Time constraints Command relationships Can come in the form of a WARNING ORDER, ALERT ORDER, or PLANNING ORDER Determine Determinethe theEnd End Analysis State State Develop DevelopMission Mission Statement Statement Mission Mission Analysis Analysis Brief Brief Mission Analysis Determine Facts CTF Staff Using all sources, identify significant and militarily relevant aspects of the environment and the situation Staff sections determine: – Current status or condition – Other known facts Monitor joint planning group (CPG) outputs Example: Known Facts, Status, Conditions Status as of 12 Nov 00 –Dead –Injured –Missing –Affected –Homeless 326 464 206 3M 460K Mt Canlaon Volcanic Activity –Last event 3 Nov –3 plumes 15 km high; ash blowing west 300 km –97,000 people evacuated from Canloan & La Carlota –Safe haven camp vicinity San Carlos f/ 100,000 Super Typhoon Julie –Hit southern Philippines 10 Nov (Visayas, N. Mindanao) –Negros - San Carlos camp (100K) loss of shelter –454,499 homeless –38 evacuation centers Determine Facts CPG HHQ mission, intent, concepts Forces available, readiness status Review lift priority and allocation Other organizations available Host nation’s / coalition governments’ political situation Host nation ability to respond Time analysis C4-Logistics Logistical readiness of the force Availability of support and infrastructure in operations area Deployment estimates Host nation support (HNS) Aerial Ports of Debarkation (APODs) APOD Runway Capability Palawan C-141 a/c 2 a/c 30,000 gal. No Cebu C-5 a/c 6 a/c 200,000 gal. Yes City X City Y City Z Maximum on ground Fuel Storage On-Site Maintenance Determine Facts C5-Plans and Policy Political considerations: Over flight / basing rights Transient personnel staging Logistics support (facilities and HNS) Agreements in force (status of forces, treaties, etc.) C6-Communications Available communications resources Communications readiness of available forces Communications requirements Assumptio n Determine Determine the the Facts Facts Develop DevelopAssumptions Assumptions Analyze AnalyzeMission Mission &&Intent Intent Determine DetermineLimitations Limitations Determine DetermineCenters Centers ofofGravity Gravity Identify IdentifyTasks Taskstotobe be Performed Performed Initial InitialForce ForceStructure Structure Analysis Analysis A supposition on the current situation, or a presupposition on the future course of events, either or both assumed to be true in the absence of positive proof, necessary to enable the commander, in the process of planning, to complete an estimate of the situation and make a decision on the course of action. Initial Risk Initial Risk Initial Risk Assessment Assessment Assessment Determine Determinethe theEnd End Analysis State State Develop DevelopMission Mission Statement Statement Mission Mission Analysis Analysis Brief Brief Mission Analysis Develop Assumptions Replace missing or unknown facts in planning May cover – Belligerent Situation – Friendly Situation – Success of supporting operations – Environment Must be logical, realistic, and essential for planning to continue Never assume away belligerent capabilities Example: Planning Assumptions Host country will allow temporary basing of Troop Contributing Nations (TCNs) APODs and sea ports of debarkation (SPODs) are operational TCNs are self-sustaining for first 72 hours Weather will remain favorable for duration of mission No other contingencies for USPACOM for duration of mission Host nation will be the CTF lead nation Analyze HHQ Mission and Intent Determine Determinethe theFacts Facts Political end state Develop DevelopAssumptions Assumptions HHQ mission, intent, and strategic military end state Define and analyze the operations area Identify tasks from outside the military Analyze AnalyzeMission Mission &&Intent Intent Determine DetermineLimitations Limitations Determine DetermineCenters Centers ofofGravity Gravity Identify IdentifyTasks Taskstotobe be Performed Performed Initial InitialForce ForceStructure Structure Analysis Analysis InitialRisk Risk Initial Initial Risk Assessment Assessment Assessment Determine Determinethe theEnd End Analysis State State – National public statements – National political influence: are there any limitations? – International organizations (IO), nongovernmental organizations (NGO), & regional organizations involved – Contracts with private businesses Develop DevelopMission Mission Statement Statement Mission Mission Analysis Analysis Brief Brief Mission Analysis Determine Limitations Determine Determine the the Facts Facts Develop DevelopAssumptions Assumptions Analyze AnalyzeMission Mission &&Intent Intent Limitations placed on the CTF – Constraints: Things the CTF must do – Restraints: Things the CTF cannot do Determine DetermineLimitations Limitations Determine DetermineCenters Centers ofofGravity Gravity Identify IdentifyTasks Taskstotobe be Performed Performed Initial InitialForce ForceStructure Structure Analysis Analysis Initial InitialRisk Risk Assessment Assessment Imposed by higher headquarters Implied by conditions, circumstances Determine Determinethe theEnd End Analysis State State Develop DevelopMission Mission Statement Statement Mission Mission Analysis Analysis Brief Brief Mission Analysis Determine Centers of Gravity Determine the Facts Determine the Facts Develop DevelopAssumptions Assumptions Definition: Those characteristics, capabilities, or localities from which a military force derives its freedom of action, physical strength or will to fight. Analyze both threat and friendly centers of gravity – Used as a tool to help determine strengths and weaknesses Some examples of friendly centers of gravity for HA / DR include: – Airlift, speed of response, coalition cohesion Analyze AnalyzeMission Mission &&Intent Intent Determine DetermineLimitations Limitations Determine Centers Of Gravity Identify IdentifyTasks Taskstotobe be Performed Performed Initial InitialForce ForceStructure Structure Analysis Analysis Conduct Initial Risk Initial Risk Initial Risk Assessment Assessment Determine Determinethe theEnd End Analysis State State Develop DevelopMission Mission Statement Statement Mission Analysis Mission Analysis Brief Brief Mission Analysis Identify Tasks Determine the Facts Determine the Facts Develop DevelopAssumptions Assumptions Specified -- Stated in the HHQ directive Implied -- Not stated, but necessary to do the mission Essential -- Of the above, those which must be done to achieve success Analyze Analyze Mission Mission &&Intent Intent Determine DetermineLimitations Limitations Determine DetermineCenters Centers Determine Centers of Gravity of Gravity Gravity of Identify IdentifyTasks Tasksto tobe be Performed Performed Initial InitialForce ForceStructure Structure Analysis Analysis Conduct Initial Risk Initial InitialRisk Risk Assessment Assessment Determine Determinethe theEnd End Analysis State State Develop DevelopMission Mission Statement Statement Mission Analysis Mission Analysis Brief Brief Mission Analysis Mission Analysis Worksheet Tasks Specified Implied Essential (1) Conduct needs assessment (2) Deploy forces (3) Provide HA/DR support to host nation (1) Coordinate with NGOs & IOs (2) Provide force protection (1) Deploy forces (2) Provide HA/DR support to host nation (3) Provide force protection Specified & Implied Tasks TASK Army Navy AF USMC x 1. Initial Assessment 2. Coordinate w/ NGOs x x 3. Port security x x 4. Provide security for camps 5. Provide temporary shelter 6. Provide ground transport x x x 7. Distribute food & water 8. Provide air traffic control SOF x x All specified and implied tasks should be assigned to a CTF component Initial Force Structure Analysis Determine the Facts Determine the Facts Develop DevelopAssumptions Assumptions Capabilities required to accomplish tasks? What non-traditional / nonmilitary tasks can be performed by military forces? What coalition forces do we already have? What are the shortfalls? Analyze Analyze Mission Mission &&Intent Intent Determine DetermineLimitations Limitations Determine DetermineCenters Centers Determine Centers of Gravity of Gravity Gravity of IdentifyTasks Tasksto tobe be Identify Performed Performed Initial InitialForce ForceStructure Structure Analysis Analysis Initial Conduct Initial Risk InitialRisk Risk Assessment Assessment Determine Determinethe theEnd End Analysis State State Develop DevelopMission Mission Statement Statement Mission Analysis Mission Analysis Brief Brief Mission Analysis Initial Risk Assessment Determine the Facts Determine the Facts Develop DevelopAssumptions Assumptions What are the risks associated with the mission assigned by HHQ (looting, mission creep)? Do limitations, assigned tasks or assumptions create risk? What degree of risk is HHQ willing to accept? What can we do to minimize risk? Analyze Analyze Mission Mission &&Intent Intent Determine DetermineLimitations Limitations Determine DetermineCenters Centers Determine Centers of Gravity of Gravity Gravity of Identify IdentifyTasks Tasksto tobe be Performed Performed Initial InitialForce ForceStructure Structure Analysis Analysis Conduct Initial Risk Initial InitialRisk Risk Assessment Assessment Determine Determinethe theEnd End Analysis State State Develop DevelopMission Mission Statement Statement Mission Analysis Mission Analysis Brief Brief Mission Analysis Determine End State Determine the Facts Determine the Facts Develop DevelopAssumptions Assumptions Analyze Analyze Mission Mission &&Intent Intent Determine DetermineLimitations Limitations Determine DetermineCenters Centers Determine Centers of Gravity of Gravity Gravity of IdentifyTasks Tasksto tobe be Identify Performed Performed Initial InitialForce ForceStructure Structure Analysis Conduct Initial Risk Initial InitialRisk Risk Assessment Assessment Determine the End Determining the End Analysis State Develop DevelopMission Mission Statement Statement Mission Analysis Mission Analysis Brief Brief Review HHQ guidance Consider conditions for transition of the mission to nonmilitary organizations Consider conditions necessary to support the population once military operations terminate Specifically describe and record end state conditions – Example HA / DR end state conditions: food distribution reestablished, refugee camps established, basic infrastructure restored Operational End State Achieving the desired end state seldom, if ever, ends international efforts to protect interests in a situation. The term end state simply represents the set of conditions necessary to resolve a crisis and transition from predominant use of the military instrument of national power to other instruments. Mission Analysis Restated Mission Who: CTF BAYANIHAN What: Essential tasks When: When directed by HHQ Where: Combined operations area Why: Operational end state Determine the Facts Determine the Facts Develop DevelopAssumptions Assumptions Analyze Analyze Mission Mission &&Intent Intent Determine DetermineLimitations Limitations Determine DetermineCenters Centers Determine Centers of Gravity of Gravity Gravity of IdentifyTasks Tasksto tobe be Identify Performed Performed Initial InitialForce ForceStructure Structure Analysis Conduct Initial Risk Initial InitialRisk Risk Assessment Assessment Determine the End Determining the End Analysis State Develop DevelopMission Mission Statement Statement Mission Analysis Mission Analysis Brief Brief Example CTF Mission Statement When directed, CTF BAYANIHAN conducts humanitarian assistance operations in support of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in the affected areas of the central Philippines in order to alleviate human suffering and restore critical infrastructure. Mission Analysis Mission Analysis Brief Determine the Facts Determine the Facts Develop DevelopAssumptions Assumptions Analyze Analyze Mission Mission &&Intent Intent Chief of Staff or C3 / C5 Determine DetermineLimitations Limitations Determine DetermineCenters Centers Determine Centers of Gravity of Gravity Gravity of Purpose and agenda Area of operations (Combined Operations Area) C2 IdentifyTasks Tasksto tobe be Identify Performed Performed Initial intelligence estimate Initial InitialForce ForceStructure Structure Analysis Most probable future situation Most challenging / dangerous future situation Center of Gravity Analysis Conduct Initial Risk Initial InitialRisk Risk Assessment Assessment Determine the End Determining the End Analysis State Develop DevelopMission Mission Statement Statement Mission Analysis Brief Mission Analysis Mission Analysis Brief COS / C3 / C5 HHQ mission, intent & concept of operations Forces currently available (from all troop contributing nations) Assumptions Limitations - must do & cannot do Centers of gravity / decisive points - belligerent and friendly Tasks to be performed: –Specified –Implied –Essential Initial CTF force structure analysis Risk assessment End state Proposed mission statement Time analysis - including projected planning milestones Mission Analysis Brief C1 Facts, assumptions, conclusions – Personnel actions – Personnel services – Other personnel related support C4 Facts, assumptions, conclusions – Supply – Services – Health services – Transportation – Other Others Others as appropriate to the mission Crisis Action Planning Process C R I S I S I Situation Development II Crisis Assessment III Course of Action Development IV Course of Action Selection V Execution Planning OPORD & Deployment Data Base VI Execution And/or Warning Order I Mission Analysis II Course of Action Development Planning Order Alert Order Execute Order III Analysis of Opposing Courses of Action IV Comparison of Own Courses of Action Commander’s Estimate Process V Commander’s Decision Task Steps Determine the Facts Develop Assumptions Analyze Mission & Intent Determine Limitations Determine Centers of Gravity Identify Tasks to be Performed Initial Force Structure Analysis Initial Risk Assessment Determine the End State Develop Mission Statement Mission Analysis Mission Analysis Brief