a Case from Sendai City working with Kokusai Kogyo

ともに、前へ 仙台
Moving Forward As One
Sendai City –
Developing a Disaster-Resistant City through
Collaboration between Public and Private Sectors
Tago-Nishi Eco Town Project
(1) Building a secure community even in disasters
(2) Realizing the best mix of various types of energy
such as sunlight, natural gas and storage
(3) Developing a community with cooperation
between industry, academia and government as
well as local residents
Perspective of public restoration housing
Engaging the Private Sector
 Local level DRR will
benefit from
technology and
services of the Private
 Most benefit will come
from Private Sector
contributions that draw
on core business
Tagonishi Eco Town Project
Reconstruction Public Housing
apartments by Sendai City
Green Community Tagonishi
Commercial zone
Area: 16.32 ha Expected population:1,800
society partnership
Private: Kokusai Kogyo
Public: Miyagi Pref., Sendai City
Academic: Tohoku University
Civil society: landowners
Three original project concepts
Energy efficiency
Resident comfort, safety, security
Oneness with nature
+ Disaster resilient energy supply
Smart Village
(model town development)
Computer g
Tagonishi Eco Town Project
Green Community Tagonishi
Area: 16.32 ha Expected population:1,800
society partnership
Project concepts
1. Energy efficiency
2. Resident comfort, safety, security
3. Oneness with nature
4. Disaster resilient energy supply